"Wyandotte Nation takes care of their school system, and Quapaw Nation takes care of our school system. Information has been mailed out regarding a new supplemental healthcare benefit! In 1701, Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, invited the Wandat (known at the time by the French as Tionontati-Huron) to settle near his new Fort Detroit. Throughout our history the Wyandotte have always been fierce warriors. “Of all the savage allies of Great Britain in the West, the Wyandots were the most powerful. They settled Upper Sandusky, Ohio, where they and those that remained around Detroit held a position of honor among other tribes of the Ohio Valley. In the early 1900s, many did not teach their children our native language, and soon those capable of continuing the traditional ceremonies were gone. In Ohio, after sustained contact with the British, our traditional name Wandat became corrupted and spelled as Wyandot somewhere in the 1730s-1750s. »Historical overview: Prior to European contact more than a dozen tribes along the St. Lawrence River and Upper Great Lakes Region were collectively part of the Iroquoian linguist group. We were fortunate … Continue reading →, By Lloyd Divine Wyandotte Nation Culture Committee Chairman This year we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Wyandotte Nation Pow-Wow. Under pressure from Iroquois and other tribes, then from European settlers and the United States government, the tribe gradually moved south and west to Ohio, Michigan, Kansas and finally Oklahoma in the United States. During the same week our Pow Wow, Annual Meeting, and other activities are held. The Wyandotte Nation consists of remnants of the Tionontati, Attignawantan and Wenrohronon (Wenro), all unique independent tribes, who united in 1649-50 after being defeated by the Iroquois Confederacy. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co, 1873. print. Their long association with the French at Detroit, and, after that post fell into the possession of Great Britain, with its later occupants, had advanced them in many respects over the surrounding nations.” on The Gathering of Little Turtles: Lacrosse and Language, on 24th Annual Wyandotte Nation Pow-Wow flyer, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Bearskin – from “Big Chief” to Head Chief, 2017 Gathering of Little Turtles Schedule Revised, 2018 Gathering of Little Turtle Registration Notice, The Gathering of Little Turtles: Lacrosse and Language, Economic Development (Wyandotte Tribe of Oklahoma), Leonard Nicholas Cotter: A Distinguished Chief and Loyal American, Craigleith and the Birth of the Wyandot Tribe, Vacancy Announcement – Food Service Team Member/Delivery Driver (Full-Time) – Title VI, Vacancy Announcement – Cultural Researcher, Vacancy Announcement – Tribal Heritage Specialist, Vacancy Announcement – Community Health Representative, Vacancy Announcement – Clinic Compliance Officer, Contract open positions. The Wyandotte Nation was instrumental in the founding of Detroit, Mich., and Kansas City, Kansas. Survivors from the Tionontati, Wenrohronon, and Attignawantan united as one people, set aside their unique tribal names, and collectively called themselves Wandat. The Tribe has nearly 6,000 tribal members nationwide. Other large concentrations of Wyandotte are found in Kansas and Quebec, Canada. Butterfield, C. W. An Historical Account of the Expedition Against Sandusky Under Col. William Crawford In 1782. Counties named ‘Wyandotte’ exist in Michigan, Ohio, and Kansas. I invite you to come and learn the traditions and history of pow-wow, and how it fits into our … Continue reading → The Wyandotte Nation is a federally recognized Native American tribe headquartered in Wyandotte, Okla. It has taken several years and a lot of work by many people, now through the final efforts of Chief Friend we are seeing Chief Bearskin’s dream become a reality for ALL Tribal Citizens nationwide! If you are receiving the tribal newsletter your records are up to date. Call your family members and have them update their mailing addresses too. Wyandotte Technologies has received 8(a) certification through the Small Business Administration (SBA) 8(a) Business Development Program.
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