Can you think of people with the missing skills who could be asked to help? And like your life, would have required an abundance of stewardship to manage, instead of bury. The chapter first describes the bridesmaids, both foolish and wise. Yet I feel I am now between 2 lives. He doesn’t even do as little as put the talent in the bank to earn interest. You’re not the only one who went through this ordeal. Advancements in your career can offer you more opportunities to make an impact on more people and build the kingdom of God. Everything we’ve been given on this Earth comes from God. Thank God i found this site. My life isn’t perfect either, but I can trust God faithfulness even in the smallest things. The question I have is it is acceptable to borrow money for a home (mortgage) where as the U.S. has shown us homes can go down in value over a short period of time, why isn’t it acceptable to borrow money to invest in strong time tested companies that may in the short term be down? If you have not read this short parable yet, you can do so by clicking here. Some believe Jesus was talking about our spiritual talents bestowed upon us at birth. Money in Jesus day was metals, and given that, it weighed a lot. (For suggested ways to teach the scripture account, see “Teaching from the Scriptures,” p. The passage mentions about making “trading” decisions based on our understanding, to double the amount of what the Lord has entrusted us with. While others interpret this story as a smart money management system. (see “this little light of mine” reference above). Remember each servant was given a different amount according to their talents. “In the same manner the one who had received the two talents gained two more. I suppose that’s why it’s considered a risk. One talent was no small sum, A talent is equivalent to around $60,000 in our time The unfaithful steward in this parable didn’t so much waste the master’s money – he wasted an opportunity. You might want to read off each category and then have students raise their hands to identify the skill statements they checked off. So, the extreme amount of laziness this steward had to not at least put the talent in the bank, coupled with the fact that he let fear paralyze him from doing what he was expected to do infuriated the master. I don’t know what I am supposed to do? “Throw out the worthless slave into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Find out more or join us here. I’m Bob Lotich. We miss out if we think this passage is merely about how to invest more wisely. Is burying your life in the dirt and not embodying perseverance with humility and reliable discipline. Speaking to the Greater Boston Chamber of…, A few weeks ago I had to miss our family’s Friday movie night for an event at work. ‘And I was afraid, and went away and hid your talent in the ground. The man who hid his share of the money was punished because he played it safe, burying the money and not even earning interest. (D&C 82:3. There was no use of any of the money for personal gain. That title can be somewhat misleading. We are born into this world to make it better and to toil the land to make it more lovely in his image. Subsequently I joined a better club, and eventually played in the nine that won the championship of the territory” (Gospel Standards, pp. I was an RN for 20+ yrs and due to my own evil desires (drug addiction) despite many opps to recover and keep all, I kept on and lost all. While we’ve talked a lot about this parable on the blog, but using it as a guide for these questions is unique. It is an old thread but great. This site contains the lessons I learned on my journey from being a stingy, debt-ridden fool, to being able to give more than I ever dreamed, having a paid off house by age 31, and joy with money in the process. “…From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more.”. 5. He gives each servant a different sum, according to their abilities. If you read the whole chapter, it is about the Kingdom. In Jesus’ day, a “talent” was a very large sum of money. These people clearly see that giving is only a part and by no means the largest part of stewardship before our Lord. God will be the best judge of Barack Obama, the leader of the Democratic party who denied God three times (at the convention) and have killed over 5 million unborn children through abortions. “Immediately the one who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and gained five more talents. Hope it helps. You sinned and Jesus paid the price for all sins past, present and future. It would not have been a simple responsibility to be handed $300,000 in metal coins, 5 talents, and turn it into $600k, enough money to purchase 370,658 acres. 1. vii.) In the book of Genesis we see that God placed Adam in the garden to work it and take care of it. Be blessed. It is interesting to me how upset the master got with the steward who took no risks. I don’t want anyone strolling off, down some path that goes nowhere.
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