Love’s in Need of Love Today

Love’s in Need of Love Today

Change ), The Jennifer Connelly Memorial Crush-a-Thon. The credits roll over clips from the film we just watched. There are masks used here that look like they may have come from the Halloween aisle at Walgreens. There’s even a moment where Christopher Lee sends Jenny and Ben off to their hotel to wait while he goes back to the church…to wait!! It seems that tons of werewolves are starting to emerge due to the upcoming resurrection of a werewolf queen called Stirba (Sybil Danning), so the trio decides to head off to Transylvania to put a stop to things. However, the werewolves are ultimately pretty effective. We get THE HOWLING II: YOUR SISTER IS A WEREWOLF in a high-definition restoration deluxe edition blu-ray. We’re off to Transylvania for Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf. Factory’s excellent 2015 Blu-ray of the film not only cleans up the sight and sound beautifully, but it also packs the disk with bonus features such as two commentaries, a theatrical trailer, documentaries, interviews, and even a still gallery. The film seems to confuse werewolf and vampire folklore and mythologies. Later they all head out to finalize things, so to speak, and encounter several other werewolves trying to stop them. Eventually the forces of evil kidnap Jenny, so Ben, Stefan, and his team of werewolf hunters have to storm the castle and save the day. The Howling is one of the best horror films of the 1980s and, alongside An American Werewolf in London, set an extremely high bar for the werewolf genre, one that's rarely been met since.It was directed by an energetic and creative filmmaker with an encyclopedic knowledge of horror and genre films, Joe Dante, and its script was rewritten and improved by a young John Sayles. Technically speaking, we do get some good werewolf makeup effects. John Lennon would have been 80 years old today. Touché Amoré's Lament doesn't push the band's sound in new directions. A stylized threesome where the actors can’t actually touch each other (for fear of ruining their glued on werewolf hair); Christopher Lee in funky New Wave sunglasses; Sybil Danning shooting weird optical effects from her fingertips; long expository dialogue that Lee can barely speak without laughing; Reb Brown at his most Reb Brown; and quite possibly the weirdest closing credits sequence you’ll ever see: where else are you going to find anything like this? Howling II is only innovative in that it repeats the film’s big nude scene seventeen times in the end credits. If you recall, she transformed into a werewolf … This film picks up right where the last one left off. Mora was not. They sing a song called, oddly enough, “The Howling,” and then they sing it again…and again. Hunt. In other words, it's exactly the kind of wreck that you simply cannot look away from. Reb Brown is all clichéd swagger. In some cases, these add some depth to a flawed, low-budget movie. The third album by the impossible-to-categorize no-wave duo Budokan Boys is a meditation on death filled with songs that are both strange and strangely moving. Heck, the third film, which gives us a marsupial werewolf woman as the lead character, is more original and entertaining than this one. A man discovers that his sister was a werewolf, and helps an investigator track down a gang of the monsters through the United States and eastern Europe. Be prepared for this earworm to torment you for a few weeks after viewing. John Lennon helped transform the art and image of the pop star. Lee had since been open about his criticism of the film. Thank you for your life, Eddie Van Halen. Guess that didn’t happen with copies of Howling II. I'm the former. We spend an awful lot of time just waiting for the werewolves to stop their little love-ins so the werewolf hunters can spring into action. In other cases, the extras act as something of a collective apologist for the film, explaining and attempting to excuse the film. © 1999-2020 This is retconned in Howling II as a secret video tape. This level of 80’s cheese is not without its charms. As the final credits roll, you are most likely going to wonder what the hell you’ve just watched. All rights reserved.PopMatters is wholly independent, women-owned and operated. Mora’s contribution comes in a feature-length commentary. Still, other instances of the extras make Howling II even funnier, and much more of a cult classic. Can Queer Studies Rescue American Universities? Howling 2:Your Sister Is A Werewolf (1985) The first thing you need to know about the Howling movie series is that it all started with a big-budget, all-star 1981 movie directed by Joe Dante of Gremlins fame. “Sybil Danning and her two minions wriggling around”, So, is that what you’re calling her two main “assets”? There they encounter a village full of weirdos, all of whom seem to be in on the fact that werewolves are at a castle in the woods having werewolf orgies. Keep track of your favorite shows and movies, across all your devices. 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