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These get to know you questions will surely keep the ball rolling and help you learn a lot about your new friend. Although it may have been unpleasant when it happened, talking about it should be less stressful and why not, perhaps even amusing. I’ve also put a PDF and an image of all 350 good questions to ask at the bottom of the page. For that attention-grabbing friend you’ve always had around, it’s best to ask him/her about these juicy questions about her life. When a situation escalates, how do I diffuse it in a productive and conscientious way? What has pushed me into committing too quickly in the past? Don’t worry, we got a list that will help you start a chat with them! report. Expect killing looks and sharp comments. 20. 38. Like, if you didn't want to do something, I'd say that it was me that didn't want to do it. Keep vising to get new questions to ask your … If you’re reading this, you may be contemplating the idea of commitment with a long-time lover or you may be newly engaged and want to validate what you already know to be true about your spouse-to-be. 111. Whether you call it your soul mate, your best bud, or your friend for life, it really feels nice to have a friend that will stick with you no matter what. Do you think we’ll ever be good friends without the backstabbings? How long can you hold your breath? What things do I want to prioritize in my life as I continue to grow? If you could live in one country aside from your own, where would you want to stay? How much PDA are you comfortable with? Ask family. play in your life? You might have been subscribed to this channel for ages, or you probably joined just yesterday. Have you ever been caught having sex? 2. What’s the nastiest experience you had with me? The actual decision is up to them. Submit your writing to be published on Thought Catalog. If you’re curious to know how it feels, but feels so shy to ask your friend about it, here are some questions that will surely help you build a conversation with them: Next: 100 of the Best Yes or No Questions to Ask Your Friends ASAP. If you’re already an adult, then, chances are, you spend most of your time around your workplace. While your friends may rebel about you asking follow-up questions, the point is to ask personal questions or random questions to lead you to the next question you are looking to have answered. Here is our list of 100 brutally-honest questions to ask to every type of friend you have for that much need heart-to-heart conversations: We all have that friend who excels in just about everything. If you could change something you did in your past, what would you have done differently? Questions to Ask Your Best Friend about Yourself. If you want to have fun with them while building a good relationship, then you better try these best what if questions. Is it the right time? If you could do anything for the rest of your life, what would that be? Enjoy. Do you fear staying alone in your home? Would it make me uncomfortable to be bringing in more or less money than a significant other I was living with, or a spouse? 33. Whether it is travelling out of town, or out of the country, they just always have something going in their life. How good or bad do you handle disappointments? Although it may have been unpleasant when it happened, talking about it should be less stressful and why not, perhaps even amusing. Are you tempted to take relationship steps because people around you are taking them? How would you react if someone was more or less dependent on a substance — any substance — than you are? 42. Have you ever made a prank call to someone? 122. What’s one thing that you’ve always wanted to say to me but you couldn’t. But do you, really? Are you truly at a stage where you can devote yourself to another human being wholeheartedly? 4 brutally honest questions you need to ask yourself if you want to get ahead in life by Lachlan Brown April 12, 2018, 3:08 am If there’s one life-changing principle you need to stick to, it’s this: be honest with yourself. You can only make sure that they have all the relevant information when making their decision. Have you ever been turned down by someone you approached? 42. What is the strangest punishment your parents gave you in childhood? They say, “tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are” and they are not exactly lying. Romantic Letters For Him – Contains the best romantic letters you can write to your special one. Will I push myself to take “just for me” time even when I’m living with a significant other in the long-term? What’s the most annoying stereotype about being a grown-up? However you decide to do it, be honest with yourself. By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement. 0 comments. The Only 21 Questions You Need To Ask a Girl 10 Questions to Ask a Girl You Are in Love With 10 Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend 25 Deep Questions To Ask A Girl 10 Questions A Guy Should Never Ask A Girl . 26. Everyone will surely never get bored and have a great time. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Maybe thinking too much can bother you a little, take a little longer each … What is your secret to feeling good about yourself all the time? However, there may be a time when your partner does something that hurts you so deeply that you question whether or not you can ever trust them again. Do you need someone to have certain religious beliefs to see a future with them? Do you like the taste of blood? You may unsubscribe at any time. Being able to share your lives with each other for years, it will seem like you have nothing more to learn about each other. 2. Who do you look up to the most, and what qualities do you love about that person? Dedicated to your stories and ideas. What am I willing to compromise on for a relationship, and where am I unwilling to compromise? When you make a new friend, you want to get to know them more. 36. What typically turns you on most during sex, and are you okay about providing someone with direction? Hey, guys! Living in the same household for quite a while now, it seems like your roommate would be the friend you know the best. Have you ever eaten paper? And what are you doing to challenge that? What do you think is the most stupid thing that you have done when you were young? Try to be creative as you can and have fun with the questions. Marriage is a huge step in your life, whether or not you’d like to have a wedding. While these questions are strange, they are effective for getting to know someone. 127. How would I want a significant other to define “commitment” in order to align with my definition of commitment? What do you think are the advantages/disadvantages of being witty? What do you hate most about living together? 48. 100% Upvoted. If the situation is different, would you rather me as a friend or as an enemy? What is the most childish habit of yours? Good questions to ask. 10. 3. 25. Weird questions to ask your friends. Best Friend Tag Questions This or That Questions Most Likely to Questions Truth or Dare Questions . Have you ever got beaten by your friends for no reason? No matter how close you are with your friends, there are going to be times in your relationship when you want to dig a little deeper. So when you offer brutally honest advice, understand that your friend might not follow it. 17. 23. A few weeks ago Rob Fee and I decided to sit down and ask each other everything you’ve wanted to ask your best friend of the opposite sex… but haven’t. If something is preventing you from putting yourself out there, or opening up to new love, what is it? To ask other readers questions about Brutally Honest, please sign up. Throw in these set of questions into your daily conversations and watch yourself get surprised in more ways than one with what you will discover afterwards. Ask friends. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Conversation Starters to Break the Awkward Silence, Topics to Talk About to Keep the Conversation Flowing, 100 of the Best Yes or No Questions to Ask Your Friends ASAP, 100+ Hilarious Dares for a Wild Time with Friends, Campfire Conversation Starters That Guarantee Fun For Everyone, 10 Great Topics to Talk About to Keep the Conversation Flowing, 100+ How Well Do You Know Me Questions (Couples & Friends). WRONG! Who among our mutual friends do you think is your opposite – the most. Does the level of comfort change when you’re around friends, versus around strangers? 48. Sometimes, it’s a minor slip-up that the two of you can easily work out. How do you describe me to your other friends. What the hell do I want? Here are 70 of the best questions to ask your friends. Is money something that matters to me in a partnership? 41. No matter how long your friendship might’ve been, there are still a lot of things to learn about your partner. share. 8. This question will bring out the pettiness in your friends, or their brutally honest side. They’ll be brutally honest about you, and you know it. Are you all for inviting porn, sex toys, or other things of a similar nature into a relationship? Ever had a friend who acts like an enemy when you’re not around? We all have things that we carry over from our childhood and … Do you have other f*ck buddies aside from me? What’s your least favourite country to visit? Three years later, we were on a plane to a new continent to start a new life. If you were to die tomorrow, why not today? If I’m someone who refuses to confront my issues, what prompts me to discuss things openly with someone else? Looking for some funny, creative "never have I ever" questions? Money aside, this question is … 21. Am I the type of person who pushes friends away when I get into a relationship? Can I ask you a question? Do you ever wish that you are not as smart as you are right now? Which bad habit do I have? So if you want to have sex with all those, you probably need to talk to someone professional. Why would anyone use your website? Do you like scars? If you would be given 10 Million to punch me in the face, would you do it? Most conversations you have with these people are strictly about your work, you might even realize while reading this that you don’t know the story of that workmate that you talk to every day. What’s one thing that I’ll do that will make you give up on me? If you are friends with someone who seems to achieve all these things you never could in this lifetime, these questions are the surefire ways to know more about her and the passion that drives her. Honestly speaking, do you think everyone around you is drawn to you? What is that one strong thing that keeps you going? What do you think is the best part of us being roomies? Unfortunately, your partner might do things to break that trust. 5. I'm sure I made something my fault that was your fault. Do you want to overachieve because that’s what you. While you, on the other hand, have been living the last ten or more years in your life in the same place, and do the same things. What was your first impression of me when you first saw me at work? Once you’ve dispensed your brutally honest advice and your friend has acknowledged it, move on. There’s no need for you to look any further. So text your person, make plans to meet up, and ask your best friend these questions to find out if you know each other as well as you think you do. What’s my most annoying habit while working? How often can I afford to go out with my significant other without overspending on my end or theirs? Are you willing to date someone (especially seriously) who has opposing political values? What do other people value most about me? Plan it out from waking up to bedtime. 27. Do you consider me more as your friend or as your enemy? Be the first to ask a question about Brutally Honest Lists with This Book. So, go ahead and break the barriers and seal your friendship for a lifetime. Or, take it even further and perform user tests – the process of hiring a targeted audience to use your website for its intended purpose and interviewing them about their experience. This question will bring out the pettiness in your friends, or their brutally honest side. 3. What are your political preferences and how strong are they? save. 14. And don’t forget to ask follow up questions! Here are some ‘best friend questions’ to ask your best friend when you want to lighten up the mood and have a good time in each other’s company: Can you hear the voices too or is it just me? Are you emotionally unavailable? Worst case? 113. What is something I do that turns you off? Well a brutally honest answer seems to be called for. 1, Be honest with me as much as you can and I will do the same for you 2, Be smart, think through what you want to be honest about 3, You don't have to be 100% honest with everything, just about … If you could choose any of your friends to be your parents, who would they be? hide. Have you sacrificed a lot of good things for the sake of achievements? Do you ever wish that we could go on a trip together? By then we were sharing a flat, a social group, and were deeply embedded in each other’s family lives. 121. 37. 50. If you have classic questions about a guy personal in nature, like “how many women have they slept with?” or “have you ever broken someone’s heart on purpose?” using a game can be an ice breaker. What is your third favorite planet? Where do I actually want to be in five years? 44. Do you bite your tongue or your cheeks more often? There are 22 good questions, 30 personal questions, and 48 deep questions to ask your friends for great conversation even when you are bored. Congratulations! 5. What scares me the most about being in a committed relationship? 9. That person is the life of the party and the darling of the crowd, sometimes a little way to overboard. What is one major issue that got in the way of my last relationship? 45. What has kept me from commitment in the past? You can take this question a number of different ways. Is there a pattern in the men or women you tend to date? Here are 8 get to know you questions to ask a new friend: 184. Reader Q&A. How many false stories have you spread about me behind my back? Being honest with yourself: the 15 questions to think about. Did you think we’d be friends this long? 34. Despite our fights, why do we stay friends? What’s the best and worst part of travelling? What role does alcohol, caffeine, weed, drugs, etc. Did you ever break or use some of my stuff without telling me? 3. I failed to support you properly during a family crisis … What is your experience being brutally honest about your past, with family or ... Posted by just now. 4. 40. Here's a massive list of all the questions to ask during your next game, with any type of crowd. How do I show my friends and family how much I value them on a regular basis? Are you a morning person or a night owl? What are the essentials of your daily routine? What’s the first thing you’d do if you woke up one day and you were the opposite sex? Do I prefer recharging on my own or with someone else? Have you ever been caught having sex? Next: 200 Fun Things to Do With Your Friends. Do you have any plans to take this to the next level? 4. But, it sometimes feels awkward to talk to them because we might feel a little intimidated. 24. When did you find your love of travelling? Words alone will not prove that your partner is sorry; only their actions can do that. What’s one thing that you learned or realized because of me? When you shower, what’s the first thing you wash? Will I push myself to take “just for me” time even when I’m living with a significant other in the long … If you’re someone who often defers to someone else’s preferences, what specific methods do you use to assert yourself and make sure your needs are met? 126. If you’ve always been looking for the perfect timing to confront them, these following questions are the most spicy ones to ask as a much needed slap-in-the-face. 18. As Regina George asked, why are you so obsessed with me? Questions to Ask Your Friends About Yourself. 43. How would your best friends describe you? Do you ever feel judged because of your wit? Interesting Questions to Ask Friends. Have you ever had intercourse with one of our workmates? What did you first think when we met? 96). And it will only end up strengthening the bond of your friendship like never before. Aside from studying, what else do you like doing? When I’m angry, hurt, or upset, am I more apt to become withdrawn, or face the problem head on? Do you think you have everything figured out? 35. 2. 39. One is telling the complete truth to someone else, even at the risk of upsetting that person. Will you give me my money back now? 71 Good Questions To Ask Your Best Friends 1. What do you feel when people call you bright? If I could do it again, what would I change about my behavior in my last relationship? To know more about them, here is a list of questions that will surely help you discover new things about your best friend: Press Enter / Return to start your search, Know Them Deeper: 100 Brutally-Honest Questions to Ask to Every Type of Friend You Have. Expect killing looks and sharp comments. Are they always tall, short, funny, family-oriented, bad for you, etc.? As a scene-stealer yourself, what would catch your attention? What’s the best part of this kind of “friendship”? Do I feel secure and validated in my own skin, or do I still crave a significant other’s approval? Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. For that attention-grabbing friend you’ve always had around, it’s best to ask him/her about these juicy questions about her life. 95). What is it about me that you are most envious about? If we’re not working together, do you think we would still be friends? How do you hang your toilet paper at home, over or under? 28. Questions to Ask a Girl – Discover the best of the best questions to ask a girl. There are different ways to get to know your friends and coworkers. Adding the word “brutal” simply means that one is not withholding the truth or being sensitive or cautious when making a statement. Why do you think, ultimately, that we broke up? Have fun! 11. What childish thing do you still enjoy? Have you ever secretly caught me doing something dirty? Ask peers. 125. Have you ever thought of me as someone more than a “no strings attached”? 32. Trust is a vital ingredient in a successful relationship. How much do I care about what other people (specifically my close friends and family) think of my relationship? What is your genuine first impression of me? 5 Brutally Honest Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Marry Him. These words are for us all. Is there anything you dislike about me already? When are you planning to put an end to this “friendship?”. If I told you one day that I had a superpower that made it unnecessary for me to pay rent (or pay for much of anything), what would you … When you admit to yourself your position on the map of life, you know your next steps. Take a pen and paper (or open an MS document in your computer) and write down everything that comes to your mind without judgment. 1. Am I able to admit when what’s best for someone else isn’t what’s best for me? With your unusual, highly-adventurous friendship, you and your FUBU spend most time on the action rather than the talk. What’s the next daring look you would like to try? Well, this list might not help you be a genius in a snap of a finger, but it will surely help you talk with one. What’s your … What are three characteristics you have that no one would expect about you after only meeting you once? That person is the life of the party and the darling of the crowd, sometimes a little way to overboard. How many guys/girls have you sneaked in without me knowing? Have you ever been intimidated by someone? Were you ever treated differently just because you are a tourist? This right here is a collection of cute questions you can try asking your dear friends. Spotlight, sass, and style — just thinking about these three things makes a certain friend pop in your head. What is the closest you've ever come to dying? Because friends are the only one who would keep up with all your tantrums even for a lifetime. Learn more about working with Thought Catalog. just thinking about these three things makes a certain friend pop in your head. Would I be willing to lose friends over my relationship, and if so, why? Are you saving yourself, or do want to be having sex seven times a week? Your friends are a barometer for truth. A good follow up to this question is to ask whether they would quit their job and change their profession if they had the chance. Log in or sign up ... r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. 1. 16. Conflicted about where to begin? Did you ever think that you are better off living alone? What embarrasses you the most and/or what’s been your most embarrassing moment? What’s a dirty secret of mine you have discovered that you never had the courage to ask me about? It can be hard to come up with good get to know you questions to ask a new friend. What do you physically need from a new relationship? Ever felt curious about what it feels like to be smarter than everyone else? How do my ex(es) still affect my emotional life, if at all? I asked guys the questions you always wanted to ask your one night stands and they were brutally honest ‘If a girl had a bush I’d probably still sleep with them but … You see the same faces over and over again and talk to the same people EVERY SINGLE WORKING DAY OF YOUR LIFE! What are the things that you still want to achieve? If you could pick another roommate better than me, who would it be? 46. If I were ever in a worrisome situation, would I work to extract myself, or would my love for another person cloud my judgment? We’re all human and you don’t want to end your relationship because of a small mistake or misunderstanding. So, if I were you, I would be extra cautious in choosing who I hang around with. You get you have a relationship with your parents, your family, your kids, your friends. Remember that you answer as you feel and think about it now. 6. 30. What was the moment that made you realize that I am your best friend? But how can we truly know our friends on a deeper level? You’ll be lying if you tell us you never wanted to know what goes on his/her mind. These words are for the one looking for hope; for the one questioning whether they’ll ever truly be okay. What’s the wildest thing you’ve ever done while you’re out of the country? What is your experience being brutally honest about your past, with family or new friends? Start by asking yourself these questions: Is (s)he really sorry? How many countries have you visited? 48. Do you really think you are the life of the party? Questions to ask a Girl. Check out the list of questions below, for you to know what a smart person feel like: More than friends but less than lovers. How often do you clean up your room? If you’re curious to know how it feels, but feels so shy to ask your friend about it, here are some questions that will surely help you build a conversation with them: When did you find your love of travelling? 124. Have you ever done something nasty without me in the house/condominium/apartment? Add this book to your favorite list » Community Reviews. Do you have commitment issues? Good Questions to Ask Your Friends. Next: 100+ Hilarious Dares for a Wild Time with Friends. What do you do in that situation? What three things do I currently prioritize in my life? What qualities do I value most about myself? Here’s the list of funny & good questions to ask your friends, best friends or even new friends. 7. This is where it all begins: the act of learning about the world and learning … 94). My friend group and myself work like this on this particular topic. Are you set in your ways, or are you malleable and willing to be pushed around? 99). 19. Smart, well-put-together, and seems to know what’s their purpose in life, we could all agree that there are SO MANY things that we wanna know about a mature friend. 7 Ways Heartbreak Helped Me Grow Into A Stronger Person, 21 ENFJs Explain What They Do To Heal After A Heartbreak, Songwriter Jackson Gillies Shares An Average Day Living With Hidradenitis Suppurativa, 60 Deep Questions You Should Ask Yourself When Approaching Your 30s, How To Know If It’s The Right Time To Break Up With Someone, I’m Slowly Learning What It Means To Be Really Single, 5 Things I Learned After Fulfilling My Promise To Remain Single For A Year, 45 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself In Order To Live Your Best Life. 112. Are you willing to betray me in exchange for an academic/work recognition? Is there a part of you that feels more superior to others because of your brain? Were you ever taken when we had this friendship? Dab in some of these questions below who knows – maybe you can have some pillow talk with these conversation makers. With 350 questions to choose from, I’m confident that everyone can find plenty of good questions to ask! What would be your perfect day? That’s okay. Be it guy friends or girl friends. 98). What’s your favourite country to visit? 49. 31. Are you neat, messy, or somewhere inbetween? 22. There’s only one way to find out: you have to ask them. What are three non-negotiables that I need from a relationship? 15. Of course, you don't have to ask all these questions at once (unless you want to do it at a sleepover, like in the good ole days). His Secret Obsession – A guide that teaches women how to get and keep any man for life. 29. Numerous people asked us to do a followup since it’s not like we’re going to run out of questions about men and women anytime soon. 13. Learn about us. We all have one, and that’s exactly what gives life a little dash of drama. This book offers the hope and reassurance you’re looking for. Share a delightful moment and show the world that friendship is an essential ingredient of world peace. 12. Friends and colleagues will be politely reluctant to tell you your product has problems, unless you ask in a way that makes it safe to be honest. 123. For an ice breaker, here are some questions that you can ask to know more about them: If you browse your social media, there is always one friend who seems to be out on an adventure. When do I rely on others to motivate me, and when am I able to push forward and motivate myself? Nevertheless, ask yourself these questions before you officially tie the knot.

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