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Hmm i like this theory, it does describe him as having silver hair and blue/purple eyes so who knows. [5], Myrcella is taken to Sunspear, where Maester Caleotte saves her life. It's just a pity that he never got around to killing him. [4] He escapes Areo's guards by riding into the sands of Dorne. Him having purple eyes isn't all that meaningful - every Dayne we've gotten a physical description of has had them, and according to GRRM the Daynes don't have them because of Valyrian ancestry. [9], If I led a quarter of a million men to death, would they call me Gerold the Great? The previous installment, A Dance with Dragons covers less story than Martin intended, omitting at least one planned large battle sequence and leaving several character threads ending in cliff-hangers. Foreshadowing for ASOIAF via the rise & fall of the Rhoynar; includes: greyscale, Darkstar, water wizards, the Water Gardens of Dorne, Volantis, dragons and much more. Cersei plotted to have Trystane Martell killed, and Balon Swann was complicit. Great theory, one of the reasons i have to believe it is Darkstar has the dark purple eyes of Rhagar and some of the Martell features (Strong Jaw, some Black hair, very dark black/purples eyes)where as YG has light purple purple eyes. So, there's some small theories floating around about the possibility of Blackfyres in the ASOIAF series, especially after Illyrio mentions that that nobody knows what happened with the female line, suggesting they're still around, and this led to some speculation of Aegon being a Blackfyre. Without Darkstar in the show, I figured it isn't going to come into play. He had two sisters (Rhae and Daella, part Dayne too) that we don't know who married. Arianne is going to meet and greet with Aegon i thought? Sandor's childhood appears to have been overshadowed by his older brother Gregor's brutality and martial prowess. [6][8] Cersei thinks that Darkstar is a catspaw of her brother, Tyrion Lannister, whom she already blames for the deaths of her first son, King Joffrey I Baratheon, and her father, Lord Tywin Lannister. One of the fandom favourite theories is that one of them had an affair with Dunk, became pregnated, and was quickly married to Lord Tarth, and that's how Brienne descends from Dunk. Gerold has collar-length thick silver hair, divided by a streak of midnight black. In truth he was bastard son of Queen Rhaella and Gerold Hightower. Published September 18, 2017. Darkstar's purpose is to kill Balon Swann. Darkstar is the most dangerous man in Dorne. This hasn't quite been shown, as the most he did was injure a princess that he managed to get close to, before running away. The main crux of the theory is that he is Oberyn's son. Special guest and ASOIAF fandom favorite PoorQuentyn visits the podcast to hatch a plot, meet Darkstar, visit the Whispers, and exact revenge. [4], Myrcella: Are you the Sword of the Morning now? So, I'm about to get a bit tin-foil-hat-y here, but I had this thought floating around in my head and from my cursory searching it didn't seem as if there was anybody else suggesting it, at least enough to be apparent. Now, an interesting theory I recently read here states that Darkstar could be the true Aegon Targaryan, not the fAegon in the Stormlands now. Do we really need more hidden Targs? Martin intends to resolve these cliffhangers "very early" in The Winds of Winter, saying, "I'm going to open with the two big battles that I was building up to, the battle in the ice and the battle at Meereen—the battle of Slaver's Bay. I was under the impression he was just a member of that house (maybe the eldest son of the current lord). Prince Oberyn could see that he was poison, he said so more than once. I think I have an idea, but you may think I'm crazy for it.Artwork by the Mico. If there was a handsomer man in Dorne, she did not know him. I too was pondering the other day of the significance of Darkstar and what exactly his role is in the game but one thing i really feel is that we have not seen the last of him. Analysis and theories, alongside short readings set to specially arranged music, pseudo adverts from Westeros, music from the fandom, guests, soundbytes, idents... this is Radio Westeros, the only rad… I wouldn't say there's "no murkiness" since nothing of his heritage is completely described. EDIT: Darkstar may not be a legitimised bastard, but still could be Oberyn's son through an affair with a woman married into house Dayne, or a Dayne woman (in Dorne, the family name can be carried on through the female line). We recap the five chapters set in Dorne and discuss what will happen with Doran, Areo Hotah, the Sand Snakes, Darkstar and more in TWoW, with special attention to a few enduring mysteries from AFfC and ADwD. He also is doing nothing that we know of connected to restoring the Blackfyres to the throne, and meanwhile Aegon very likely is (he's at least pursuing the throne, which is more than can be said for Darkstar), assuming the theory is true. [5], Ser Gerold is more a viper than your uncle ever was. He prefers to drink unsweetened lemonwater instead of summerwine. The Blackfyres were in exile in Essos, so it seems more likely to me that Aegon would be the continuation of that line, considering he and figures directly surrounding him and influencing his pursuit of the throne are entrenched in Essos, whereas there is no connection for Darkstar. At least it is mine own. I shall remain Darkstar, I think. Is Darkstar the lord of High Hermitage? It at least seems less crazy than other Darkstar theories I've heard. [7], While traveling to the stormlands, Arianne and Ser Daemon Sand discuss Gerold. Theories that were shot down immediately with evidence from the books do not appear here. After that, no idea, but that's my guess as to why he exists. Special thanks to Michal Schick of Vassals of Kingsgrave podcast and Hypable for the voices. There couple fan theories. [6][7] Arianne's father Doran, the Prince of Dorne, sends Obara Sand with Balon to hunt Gerold at High Hermitage. And there may not be a ton of other candidates available to fight with it; Ned Dayne is rather young, and Darkstar is "of the night" ... that is to say, not necessarily in good graces with the main branch. You and he have done us all great harm. The fifth installment of our TWoW Primer takes us to Dorne! All who dwell there wear masks or veils, and often w… Under Arianne's instruction, Myrcella has blamed Darkstar, not Areo, for the death of Arys. Arianne is regretful for ever trusting Gerold, thinking that he was so handsome she had not believed half the stories told about him. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. However, as can probably be guessed from my title, I'm thinking of another character with Targaryen characteristics, Gerold Dayne. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Press J to jump to the feed. It at least seems less crazy than other Darkstar theories I've heard. Eh, there's really nothing here other than how physical appearance, which GRRM has gone to great lengths to mention doesn't always mean a Targ. Darkstar wields a longsword. During a meeting of the small council, Kevan discusses the preparations to be made for Myrcella's return. Amidst the fighting, Gerold attempts to kill Myrcella. It seems unlikely, considering that Darkstar is well-established as the head of a cadet branch of House Dayne with a seat of their own and everything, so it's not like anyone would have the luxury of a switch-babies option to disguise his heritage like Varys had with Aegon according to the Blackfyre theory. News and discussions relating to George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels, his Westeros-based short stories, "Game of Thrones" and all things ASOIAF - but with particular emphasis on the written series. I think the least crazy theory is that Darkstar is just who he says he is. All other theories, no matter how farfetched, are included. R is Rhaella, L is Lewyn Martell and J stands for Jaehaerys - Darkstar birth name. There are no children in Asshai. Under Arianne's instruction, Myrcella has blamed Darkstar, not Areo, for the death of Arys. Some of the audience questions were inaudible so we cut ahead to the answers after a brief pause, in some places. It's not like it would be some baby switch, it would just be discreetly marrying in after a generation of exile, since lords marrying people from the free cities isn't entirely unheard of. Well, considering it's the female line of Blackfyres alive, nobody would carry the Blackfyre name. Father would question my good sense, but our children would be as beautiful as dragonlords. That would be a shame. ‎Yolkboy and Lady Gwynhyfvar host podcasts about George RR Martin's 'A Song of Ice and Fire' novels. It was in the Riverlands around the God's Eye (built from stone quarried from the Vale), which incidentally puts it in that gaping geographical vortex of Plot Importance that includes Harrenhal, the Isle of Faces and the God's Eye itself. Areo Hotah is the captain of the household guard at Sunspear for the Prince of Dorne, Doran Martell. His house is a cadet branch of the Daynes of Starfall. Martin confirmed in March 2012 that the final two novels will t… Gerold is skeptical of Arianne's plan to provoke Queen Regent Cersei Lannister. (As Brienne would say, "I should have used the magic sword!") I have a feeling she is basically taking another Kingsguard into a trap. Kevan tells her that Myrcella blames Darkstar for both the attack on her, as well as the death of Arys. Posted in Episodes, Radio Westeros. [4], He is highborn enough to make a worthy consort, she thought. A Blackfyre descendant Some readers have the theory that Aegon is in truth a Blackfyre, a descendant of a legitimized branch of House Targaryen which contested the succession to the Iron Throne. He's the most dangerous man in Dorne because he's the only person with the incentive to expose the Arianne plot and its subsequent coverup. Maybe he knows he's a little more important than the rest of the Daynes. So, there's some small theories floating around about the possibility of Blackfyres in the ASOIAF series, especially after Illyrio mentions that that nobody knows what happened with the female line, suggesting they're still around, and this led to some speculation of Aegon being a Blackfyre. But there is an even better theory I found: R+L=J/G, that is, Darkstar is Jon's twin brother. Asshai'i are described as having a dark and solemn appearance. [3] A handsome man, he has a clean-shaven face with an aquiline nose, high cheekbones, dark purple eyes, and a strong jaw. Arianne's father Doran, the Prince of Dorne, sends … Doran sends him to go kill Darkstar, knowing that he'll likely die in the process. [4] Her horse rears, however, and Darkstar succeeds only in slicing off her ear and scarring her face. ‎Yolkboy and Lady Gwynhyfvar host podcasts about George RR Martin's 'A Song of Ice and Fire' novels. Though, yeah, there's not quite that much evidence for this kind of a theory, but there isn't for most theories trying to explain Darkstar's motivations. "Ser Arthur was of the morning, Men call me Darkstar, and I am of the night." Ser Gerold of House Dayne. Analysis and theories, alongside short readings set to specially arranged music, pseudo adverts from Westeros, music from the fandom, guests, soundbytes, idents... this is Radio Westeros… Analysis and theories, alongside short readings set to specially arranged music, pseudo adverts from Westeros, music from the fandom, guests, soundbytes, idents... this is Radio Westeros… Egg's mother was a Dayne, so he was cousin to Lord or Lady of Starfall. According to one he may be one of the dead Aerys "sons" that was born between Rhaergar and Viserion. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. At Shandystone, Arianne admits to her other conspirators that she only included Darkstar for his fighting prowess and his keep, High Hermitage. Or, he goes from A to Z whilst skipping B-Y. Yet, somehow, he's possibly the most dangerous man in Dorne, according to Doran. And his ruthless nature such as what he did to Myrcella was out of jealousy of her family's claims to the throne, or perhaps just meant to scare those in power. [4], Despite his beauty and valor, Gerold is a cruel man with angry eyes. [5], Ser Balon Swann arrives at Sunspear with the Mountain's skull. Asshai and its few people have an ominous reputation in other lands. The Dothrakibelieve that Asshai'i are "spawn of shadows" and hold them in contempt and fear. To add to this, a lot of people in Sweden have blue eyes and blonde hair. Balon Swann is a badass and I've always wanted to see him go 1v1 with a serious combatant. He is for the night, so they call hime DARKSTAR. Listen Download [9], George R. R. Martin's A World of Ice and Fire, ‎Yolkboy and Lady Gwynhyfvar host podcasts about George RR Martin's 'A Song of Ice and Fire' novels. This guy has an established family history (with no murkiness that would allow for a Blackfyre to be slipped in that we know of as of right now) in Westeros. There also fun theory that the real R+L=J is Darkstar. He is jealous of his famous cousin, the late Ser Arthur Dayne, who was the Sword of the Morning. Arianne feels that Obara and Areo can kill Darkstar, although Daemon is skeptical. It is shame that Ser Arthur didn't get more play on the show, there were some great lines about him. I'm suggesting maybe Doran knows something more, that's a closely guarded secret. Any viper takes a bite of me will rue it. Arianne is taking Balon Swann to hunt for Gerold Dayne. Ser Gerold Dayne, known as Darkstar, is the Knight of High Hermitage. The main reasons this is floating in my head is that Darkstar is a bit of a mystery, and his parentage is rather vague. Arianne ponders whether her plan had been betrayed by Darkstar or by another of her conspirators. Sandor desired Gregor's gift, a jointed wooden knight, and took it to play with, though he was afraid of what Gregor might do. Any consequences of him being a legitimised bastard are secondary. [4], At some point, Gerold was one of the lovers of Arianne Martell. The Queenmaker, Brienne IV 358 / 02.06.17 [4], By tradition the Kingsguard were the finest knights in all the Seven Kingdoms ... but Darkstar was Darkstar. But not everyone with blonde hair and blue eyes are Swedes. Gerold: Men call me Darkstar, and I am of the night. When Sandor was seven years old, a woodcarver in the village by the family keep gifted toys to the Cleganes to buy favor. Darkstar by Sacha Angel Diener © Fantasy Flight Games Ser Balon Swann arrives at Sunspear with the Mountain's skull. [4], I was weaned on venom, Dalt. He is originally from the Free City of Norvos, where he was trained by the bearded priests.[2] In the television adaptation Game of Thrones he is portrayed by DeObia Oparei. I'll leave this with you: Darkstar is an anagram of 'Rad Stark'. They will find Darkstar at the tower of Joy and ambush Swann together. This audio comes from Con of Thrones 2017, where Aziz and Emmett Booth (PoorQuentyn) held a panel on how HP Lovecraft has influenced ASOIAF. What does he know? Perhaps Gerold Dayne is actually a descendant of the female Blackfyre line, who feels his family has some superior claim to the throne. There’s also all of his potentially cool cosmic Darkstar imagery wrapped up in the name of Starfall, legends of black stones that fell from the sky, swords forged from meteoric iron, possible occlusion or eclipse of the sun in the new Long Night, the morning/evening star dualism of Venus, even R’hllor as the god of both fire and shadow, etc, etc. [3], Gerold allies himself with Princess Arianne Martell when she attempts to crown Princess Myrcella Baratheon in place of her younger brother, King Tommen I Baratheon. ASOIAF Crackpot Theory Thread Catalogue NOTE: This catalogue does not include every single theory. When Gregor found him, he shoved the side of Sandor's face into … If I remember correctly, doesn't Darkstar say he wants Dawn or something? [4], Arianne's party is surprised at the Greenblood by Areo Hotah, who orders them to surrender. Thanks to JQ the Wolf King for this request. [1], Gerold is in his late twenties. And then take it from there." The silver hair is an interesting point since we've seen an ash blond Dayne and heard about a dark-haired Dayne but no other silver-haired or Valyrian-connected Daynes, but I don't think that alone would be enough to connect him to the Blackfyres. [4], You were a fool to make him part of this. Artwork by the Mico. This is no time to leave the deadliest sword in Westeros on the shelf. Officially, the male line of the Blackfyres was wiped out when Ser Barristan Selmy killed Maelys I Blackfyre, but Aegon could be related to this House. Gerold agrees since they are outnumbered, but Myrcella's bodygyard, Ser Arys Oakheart of the Kingsguard, rides to his death in an attack on Areo. The princess has begun her journey to King's Landing with Nymeria. Him having purple eyes isn't all that meaningful. Tagged Darkstar, Doran Martell, Dorne, Sand Snakes, ... Our series recapping all the arcs, threads, and theories of what will be happening in the beginning of TWoW continues with a look at some characters we expect to be making Journeys in TWoW. Why is Gerold Dayne so dangerous? The comments could possibly be all about his dangerous and untrustworthy behavior, but he's definitely not the only person like that in Dorne. I wouldn't call much of what he presents "facts" so much as "loosely strung together ideas held together by not a lot."

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