(October 2020), In Conversation – Post-Pandemic Politics (September 2020), Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property – considerations for businesses (September 2020), Ethics Series – the challenge of sustaining corporate culture and ethics during Covid-19 (September 2020), UK Restructuring and Insolvency update – key features of new Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act Q&A (July 2020), UK-EU trade negotiations at the halfway mark – possible outcomes and impacts (June 2020), The new AMLD5 regime’s impact on trusts (June 2020), Environmental, Social and Governance – the impact for the financial sector (May 2020, Real estate finance and structured debt – 2020 and beyond (May 2020), Solutions for transacting from home under English law (May 2020), Environmental, Social and Governance – investment funds in the spotlight (April 2020), Life under the Securitisation Regulation (April 2020), Data litigation – the costs of losing control (March 2020), The new cryptoassets regime in the UK – some practical challenges (March 2020), The UK and the EU after the Brexit transition – how will things look in 2021? These materials are for general guidance and do not constitute definitive advice. 0000001469 00000 n Original proposals: proposed Regulation amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 on insolvency proceedings | Press release | Speech | Q&A - "Towards a new European approach to business failure and insolvency" | European Parliament Procedure file, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/917 of 4 June 2019 establishing technical specifications, measures and other requirements required for the system of interconnection of insolvency registers in accordance with Article 25 of Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Statutory amendments arising from a no-deal Brexit scenario. The Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations 2006 113. This transition period is due to end at 11.00 p.m. on 31 December 2020.. 0000010801 00000 n The geographical scope of the Recast Regulation extends to debtors whose centre of main interests ("COMI") is located in the EU (except Denmark). The EUWA also grants powers to the UK government to correct deficiencies in this "retained EU law" arising from the UK's withdrawal from the EU, including in connection with the end of the transition period or other effects of the Withdrawal Agreement. (March 2020), All change in Europe – prospects for restructuring and insolvency practice (December 2019), Loan and securitisation transactions – getting smarter? Following the end of the transition period on 31st December 2020 and the United Kingdom’s complete and final departure from the European Union, significant changes to cross-border insolvency proceedings came into effect. (June 2017) Changes to European cross border restructuring and insolvencies - something for everyone? As of the end of May, no judgement applying the Regulation has been handed down in any of the three major2 This Regulation needs to be adopted in order to achieve that objective, which falls within the (i) the entity type which is subject to a foreign process, and 0000010265 00000 n 184 37 Typically, cross-border insolvency is more concerned with the insolvency of companies that operate in more than one country rather than bankruptcy of individuals. There are various frameworks in place to determine whether a particular court has jurisdiction to commence proceedings and which law is to govern those proceedings. (see 4 (1)). The Regulations revoke Article 25 of the EUIR in order remove an obligation to integrate UK insolvency registers with the EU. The Insolvency (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (2019/146) were made in exercise of powers under the EUWA on 30 January 2019. h�b``�a``�g`e`����ˀ �l�,+�[00D`���&�O8& m�:z���^�%�B�n�~�ǚ����ۛ����wtt�h��`+�iE v�X3��``0hl�~�(�P�!��L{�V�Ԥ�����w�(y�H��K��ن7� ֟n����`������B��.d ��CC3�S��!�R /�LW ;M��1�9�fg``� �f�y��4�� c Matters become more complicated where companies in the same group are located in different jurisdictions and as a result it is possible that each company in a group may be subject to a separate insolvency process or restructuring process or indeed more than one process in various jurisdictions. It was adopted in 2000, came into force in 2002 and has just undergone a major recast (to come into effect in June 2017). Schedule 1 is amended as follows. For the most part the changes offer clarity on how cross border proceedings in Europe already operate. 220 0 obj <>stream startxref (November 2014 - remains relevant), Middle East Leveraged Finance Guide (November 2014 - remains relevant), New Challenges: The impact of recent regulation affecting international structured debt transactions (May 2014 - remains relevant), Doing Business in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (January 2014), New Landscapes: Practical evaluations of new regulations impacting structured debt transactions (June 2011 - remains relevant), New horizons for structured debt transactions (June 2010 - remains relevant), New Beginnings for Structured Debt/Securitisation (November 2009 - remains relevant), Seminars, Webinars and Podcasts (recordings and registration), RM3787 – Finance & Complex Legal Services (September 2019), Our Sovereign Debt Restructuring and Advisory Capabilities (March 2019), Significant transactions under the Listing Rules, Delaying disclosure of inside information under the Market Abuse Regulation, Conducting a market sounding under the Market Abuse Regulation, Market Abuse Regulation: Insider dealing and unlawful disclosure, Latest trends in economic sanctions and trade controls (March 2021), ESG Initiatives - From Politics to the Lending Market (March 2021), Trade in 2021: Five Trends to Watch (February 2021), Fintech in 2021: Five Trends to Watch (January 2021), Payments trends 2021: what will the new year mean for regulation and enforcement? 0 (July 2018) A Guide to Asia Pacific Restructuring and Insolvency Procedures. Cross border deals and investments have been supported by the EC Regulation, allowing specific English insolvency procedures to be recognised across the whole of Europe. An explanatory memorandum has been published. 0000018182 00000 n You can read more about the recast here. The Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations 2006 implemented the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, providing a framework for recognition by the English courts of proceedings started in another country and assistance to foreign representatives. The EU Insolvency Regulation provides for a national court to exercise international jurisdiction to open insolvency proceedings. On 26 June changes aimed at boosting the efficiency of cross-border insolvency proceedings will come into effect in the form of a Recast European Insolvency Regulation. 0000017381 00000 n Territorial and secondary proceedings are limited to the assets of the debtor in the Member State where it has an establishment but they too can be any type listed in Annex A. xref The EIR is the cornerstone for recognition of insolvency proceedings across EU member states. Recast EU Rules on Cross-Border Insolvency Posted on July 4, 2017 at 9:51 am. In article 1 in paragraph 3(b) omit “, other than... 115. Types of application The most common applications under the Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/1030) (CBIR) include: 0000011407 00000 n The Regulation entered into force on 25 June 2015 and applies directly in Member States from 26 June 2017. EU Cross-Border Insolvency and Rescue - EU Insolvency Regulation 06 Jun 2017 From 26 June 2017 an enhanced EU regime governing the commencement, recognition and enforcement of insolvency and restructuring proceedings throughout the EU will come into effect. h�bb2a`b``Ń3Υ� ZJ (March 2018), Greening the Financial System: Green Bonds (March 2018), Companies Ordinance: the Significant Controllers Register (and licensing requirements for Trust or Company Service Providers) (February 2018), The Future for Legal Services (February 2018), China's Belt and Road Initiative – the Road Map (January 2018), Outbound Investment in Continental Europe (November 2017), China's Recent Restrictions on Capital Outflows (October 2017), When good deals go bad - identifying, avoiding and dealing with fraudulent investments (September 2017), The new Hong Kong resolution regime for financial institutions (August 2017), Recent Hong Kong tax developments (July 2017), Insights into Corporate Hybrid and Perpetual Securities (May 2017), Criminalisation of Tax with guest speaker David Goldberg QC (17 February 2017), Impact of Dodd-Frank on Asia Pacific (24 January 2017), US economic sanctions – navigating the challenges and best practices to ensure compliance (September 2016), Recent developments in the English courts relevant to financial institutions (September 2016), Access to the Chinese interbank bond market (June 2016), Fintech – The future of financial institutions (May 2016), Breaking the chains of slavery (May 2016), Capital, calls: Funds financing in Asia Pacific (April 2016), Brexit: update and implications for the Hong Kong market (April 2016), Enhancing the protection of your cross-border investments: Investment treaties (April 2016), Automatic exchange of information developments (March 2016), Recovery and resolution in Asia: A focus on Hong Kong (March 2016), Distressed debt and restructuring of high yield products (February 2016), Demystifying sovereign and crown immunity (January 2016), Article 55 BRRD and its impact on financial institutions in Asia Pacific (January 2016), Liability management in the context of debt capital markets transactions (Q1 2015), Enterprise risk - spotting trouble before it happens (Q1 2015), OTC Derivatives Reforms Update (May 2015), Foreign investment law consultation draft: Looking forward to its potential impact (Q1 2015), Terms and trends in co-investments (Q1 2015), 2015 roadmap on derivatives regulatory reform (Q1 2015), RQFII - latest developments and the next step (Q1 2015), Global and Asia Pacific Themes in ESG Financing (June 2020), Luxembourg: 2021 Tax World – What can we expect? The effect of the Withdrawal Agreement, as regards cross-border insolvencies as between the UK and the EU, means that there is a period during which EU legislation which is directly applicable in the UK remains in place as between the EU and the UK … 1. 0000022261 00000 n © Clifford Chance 0000001647 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 0000005189 00000 n Companies and individuals in the EU are increasingly extending their business activities to new EU countries. It is also possible for there to be more than one insolvency or restructuring process in respect of the same entity, taking place in different jurisdictions. For further information, please see the Brexit Topic Guide. (January 2020), Private international law aspects of smart derivatives contracts utilizing DLT (January 2020), Syndicated Lending: Practice and Documentation: 7th edition (December 2019), Greater China Region: The Development of The Green Bond Market (November 2019), Sustainable Finance: The Impact for Banks and Investment Firms (November 2019), The EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan - Status Table: Progress and Next Steps (October 2019), Sustainability Snapshot: UK FCA signals next steps in its strategy on climate change and green finance (October 2019), Guide to Financial Regulation in Africa (October 2019), Growing the Green Economy: Addressing the Sustainability Challenges and Opportunities (July 2019), A Guide to European Restructuring and Insolvency Procedures (July 2019), Testing the New Foundations: Recent Developments in Securitisation Regulation (June 2019), Guide to United States and United Kingdom Derivative and Commodity Market Enforcement Regimes (January 2018), The EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan (April 2019), A Guide to Anti-Corruption Legislation in Asia Pacific (April 2019), Restructuring Solutions in Europe - Promoting and Embracing Change (April 2019), An international guide to anti-corruption legislation (March 2019), Liability Management: Key Considerations for Debt Issuers in Asia Pacific (January 2019), Renewable Incentives Guide (November 2018), Infrastructure: 21st Century Challenges - A legal perspective (October 2018), A Guide to the UK Listing Regime (September 2018), A guide to Asia Pacific Restructuring and Insolvency procedures (July 2018), Loan Trading across the Globe (July 2018), Financing Bricks and Mortar: Opportunities for private real estate debt in the UAE and KSA (May 2018), The New Spring for Securitisation (May 2018), Year in Review – Survey of Health Care IPOs in the United States during 2017 (January 2018), A Guide to Takeovers in Germany (January 2018), The fintech market in Asia Pacific (June 2017), Surveying the Scene: Issues for the Global Securitisation Markets (June 2017), Trade finance and financial crime in the regulatory spotlight (November 2016), Luxembourg Regime for Reserved Alternative Investment Funds (RAIFs) (July 2016), Navigating the Tangled Forest - securitisation regulation in Europe and the United States (June 2016), International Mediation Guide - Second Edition (June 2016 - remains relevant), Bank Resolution and Crisis Management, Law and Practice (May 2016), Composition and Pre-insolvency Procedures in Europe – All Change? Cross-border recognition of UK insolvency proceedings The recast European Insolvency Regulation ((EU) 1215/2012) now only applies to insolvency proceedings opened before IP completion day. (ii) the jurisdiction where the insolvency process has been commenced. The responses to these questions will indicate which piece of legislation is applicable. <]/Prev 67516/XRefStm 1469>> The Regulations determine which EU Member State cross-border insolvency proceedings may be opened in, by assessing where the Company in … Territorial or secondary proceedings can be commenced in a place where a debtor has an establishment (a place of operation where there is non-transitory economic activity carried on with human means and assets). Recast EU Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings (Regulation (EU) 2015/848), which applies from 26 June 2017 and replaces Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000; CBIR – Cross Border Insolvency Regulations 2006; Recast EU Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings (, Regulation replacing Annexes A and B to EUIR (. The Regulations repeal the majority of the retained EUIR and make consequential changes to other legislation. (4) The activities of under takings have more and more cross-border effects and are therefore increasingly being regulated by Union law. The Recast Regulation replaces the EU Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings (Regulation 1346/2000) from 26 June 2017 is intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of cross-border insolvency, benefit creditors and debtors, facilitate the survival of businesses and present a second chance for entrepreneurs. 0000023473 00000 n 0000002186 00000 n While the EIR fundamentally reformed the way cross border insolvencies are conducted it is, as things go, a fairly recent development to cross border insolvency law. 0000003046 00000 n example, the EU regulation on the cross-border insolvency12 will adopt. As conditions for recognition, the new As conditions for recognition, the new Japanese law mentions international jurisdiction of a foreign court, public order, etc. An explanatory memorandum has been published. The UK government has published various statutory instruments (SIs) in exercise of these powers, which were originally granted in the context of the UK's contingency planning for a 'no deal' Brexit. (June 2020), Handling companies' business remotely: lessons learned (July 2020), Digitization on financial markets – from blockchain technology to artificial intelligence. 0000004199 00000 n The EIR applies to all member states except Denmark. 0000019176 00000 n 0000003200 00000 n Establishing a common framework for the endstream endobj 219 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[59 125]/Length 27/Size 184/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream This Topic Guide allows easy access to briefing notes and other materials prepared by Clifford Chance's team of insolvency experts. (September 2016), The EU Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (May 2016), Reflections on Davos 2016 – China, Cyber Security and the year ahead (Februay 2016), Reflections on Davos 2016 – Key themes: Market Volatility and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (February 2016), Hong Kong Bond Connect Webinar (July 2017), Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) - Asking the right regulatory questions (September 2017), Enforcement trends and individual accountability (January 2018), The Australian Banking Royal Commission Final Report: Impact on the Australian financial services regulatory landscape and ripple effects in Asia (May 2019), Australia webinar series: Impact of COVID-19: A cross-practice, cross-border perspective, Australia webinar series: Impact of COVID-19: A cross-practice, cross-border perspective Webinar 1 (April 2020), Australia webinar series: Impact of COVID-19: A cross-practice, cross-border perspective Webinar 2 (April 2020), Australia webinar series: Impact of COVID-19: A cross-practice, cross-border perspective – Webinar 3 (April 2020), IBOR Transition: an Introduction for Nigerian Banks (October 2020), アセットマネジャーの業務に関係する近時の日本法の改正 (Recent Amendments to Japanese Law Related to Asset Manager Operations) (September 2020), European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020, European Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings (EUIR), proposed Regulation amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 on insolvency proceedings, Q&A - "Towards a new European approach to business failure and insolvency", Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/917, Insolvency Amendment (EU 2015/848) Regulations 2017 (SI 702/2017), Insolvency (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019, Insolvency (Amendment) (EU Exit) (No. (July 2019), UK Climate Advisor recommends 2050 net zero carbon emissions target (May 2019), Climate change and the pressure on coal (April 2019), Big data and artificial intelligence - evolving market misconduct risks (March 2019), AI and Risk for financial institutions (March 2019), Taming the 'Wild West': Fintech developments across EMEA (March 2019), Rate Expectations: Transitioning away from LIBOR – practical guidance for corporate treasurers (February 2019), Fintech in the Middle East - Developments across MENA (January 2019), China's Belt and Road: Initial Phase: Infrastructure (June 2018), China's Belt and Road: Dispute Resolution from a Chinese Perspective (June 2018), China's Belt and Road: Investing in the Caspian Region (June 2018), China's Belt and Road: Private Investment Funds (June 2018), Coronavirus Recovery Playbook: Accessing Capital through TALF (June 2020), Coronavirus Recovery Playbook: Restructuring Credit Facilities (June 2020), Coronavirus Recovery Playbook: Rescue capital raises from third parties (June 2020), Coronavirus Recovery Playbook: Issuing equity through rights offerings (June 2020), Coronavirus Recovery Playbook: CMBS - Special Servicing Considerations (June 2020), Coronavirus Recovery Playbook: CRE - A/B Notes (June 2020), Coronavirus Recovery Playbook: NSA Dual Class Roll Up Structure (June 2020), Coronavirus Recovery Playbook: Bridging valuation gap with contingent consideration (June 2020), Coronavirus Recovery Playbook: Duties of directors during times of distress (June 2020), Coronavirus Recovery Playbook: Distressed M&A (June 2020), Coronavirus Recovery Playbook: Distressed Situations - Insurance Products (June 2020), Coronavirus Recovery Playbook: Strengthening balance sheets through debt reductions (June 2020), Litigation, Dispute Resolution and Risk Management, Data claims – scaling the risk (December 2020), 2021 and beyond – what does the future hold for international bank regulation? endstream endobj 185 0 obj <. The Recast Regulation has direct effect and pre-insolvency and insolvency proceedings which are listed by country in Annex A to the Recast Regulation are given automatic effect by virtue of the Recast Regulation throughout the EU. In article 16— (a 118. In the case of a company and in the absence of proof to the contrary, this is where the registered office is located (the presumption cannot be relied upon if the registered office has been moved within 3 months of the commencement of the proceedings); proceedings commenced in this respect are known as main proceedings and encompass all of the debtors' assets in the EU. Those SIs relating to cross border insolvency are included below. 0000002891 00000 n 0000014625 00000 n (December 2020), Human Rights risk management for financial institutions (December 2020), Brexit – the transition ends (November 2020), Accelerating digital transformation – turning compliance, regulation and automation to your advantage (November 2020), Security token offerings – a global perspective (November 2020), Securitisation Regulation – ready for round two? %PDF-1.4 %���� 2) Regulations 2019 (2019/1459) were made on 1 November 2019. 0000021224 00000 n The Insolvency (Amendment) (EU Exit) (No. From the English law perspective, the relevant legislation and court practice are derived from the following: There are also special regimes that apply to certain types of entities in the context of cross border insolvency. In order to regulate cross border insolvencies, there are various frameworks which facilitate recognition and co-operation amongst courts in relation to insolvency proceedings. Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on insolvency proceedings (recast) (the “Recast Regulation”) comes into force today, 26th June 2017. The EU has put in place a number of measures designed to help citizens with cross-border litigation. The changes made are intended to reflect a change in exit day to 31 October 2019 and arise from the introduction of the new Scottish Insolvency Rules and the entry into force of Article 25 of the EUIR. EU Cross-Border Insolvency and Rescue – A new and improved EU Insolvency Regulation From 26 June 2017 an enhanced EU regime governing the commencement, recognition and enforcement of insolvency and will come into The European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (EUWA), as amended by the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020 (WAA), provides for domestication of most EU law at the end of the transition period. The proper functioning of the internal market requires that cross-border insolvency proceedings should operate efficiently and effectively. The nature of the Recast Regulation not only means that the English courts will recognise insolvency proceedings commenced in fellow EU Member States, but also that other EU Member States will recognise English insolvency proceedings and give effect to them without further formality. a new framework of procedural rules for insolvency proceedings concerning different entities within a group of companies. z o.o. 117. The transition period introduced by the Withdrawal Agreement offered some short-term comfort for insolvency practitioners. Please note that the Topic Guide is currently being updated in light of the conclusion of the Brexit transition period. There are some exceptions which are insurance undertakings, credit institutions, investment undertakings which hold funds/securities for third parties and collective undertakings. Unusually for a European regulation, the EC Insolvency Regulation does not seek to harmonise insolvency laws between the different member states. 0000002520 00000 n EC REGULATION ON INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS 05 5. (November 2020), Professional Payment Guarantees (November 2020), Funds: The Twilight Years and Troubled Waters - Part two (October 2020), Funds: The Twilight Years and Troubled Waters - Part one (October 2020), The Securitisation Regulation and AIFs – blurred borders? Regulatory challenges (17 June 2020), The impact of the pandemic on derivative transactions (27 May 2020), The RES support system and project financing, and financing for RES projects outside the support system (13 May 2020), Financial market regulation – where are we and what lies ahead? The Withdrawal Agreement provides that the UK's departure from the EU is followed by a transition period during which the UK will remain subject to EU law (including new laws coming into force during the transition period) and participate in the EU's single market and customs union. 0000001055 00000 n Cross-border insolvency law in the EU Insolvency law concerns the balancing of several potentially conflicting interests: those of the creditors of an insolvent company, its … 0000023237 00000 n The EIR is not the only cross-border insolvency measure available under English law. 184 0 obj <> endobj The Recast Regulation (like its predecessor) applies to companies, partnerships and individuals. THE UNCITRAL MODEL LAW ON CROSS BORDER INSOLVENCY 04 4. (January 2020), In Conversation with Professor Nouriel Roubini (July 2019), Ethics Series – The impact of AI on corporate leadership and culture (June 2019), In Conversation with Sir Dermot Turing (May 2019), In Conversation with the Rt Hon Sir John Key (May 2019), In Conversation with the money experts (May 2019), Ethics Series with Alex Edmans (January 2019), In Conversation with Dr Pippa Malmgren (November 2018), Ethics Series – Artificial Intelligence and Ethics (October 2018), In Conversation with Baroness Amos (July 2018), Ethics Series – a discussion on leadership and values (May 2018), The English Law of Secured Transactions: The way Forward (July 2017), Global Funds Week '21:Opening Keynote Address from Joseph Stiglitz (February 2021), Global Funds Week '21: Diversity & Inclusion in the Fund Management Industry – Taking Stock, Harnessing Change, Looking to the Future (February 2021), Global Funds Week '21: Conflicts: Secondaries, multi-strategy platforms, regulatory oversight and the role of the LPAC in the 2020s (February 2021), Global Funds Week '21: ESG: Trends and predictions (February 2021), Global Funds Week '21: Minority investments in managers (February 2021), Global Funds Week '21: Foreign Investment Restrictions (February 2021), Global Funds Week '21: Forward thinking: the outlook for the European asset management industry (February 2021), Global Funds Week '21: The secondaries market – Spanish perspectives (February 2021), Global Funds Week '21: Fireside chat: Regulatory outlook 2021 (February 2021), Global Funds Week '21: Sustainability Regulation (February 2021), Global Funds Week '21: ERISA – US Pension Money Knocks at Your Door – New Opportunities and Dangers! Free Practical Law trial The UK government is expected to publish further statutory instruments during the course of 2020. 0000020229 00000 n 0000023827 00000 n UK and EU agree post-Brexit deal (December 2020), Implications of President-Elect Biden's plan to combat climate change (November 2020), Security Token Offerings - The shape of regulation across Asia-Pacific (November 2020), The Post-Brexit Patchwork: EU market access rules for UK firms (November 2020), Brexit, Law and Jurisdiction: Where will we be after transition? 0000023591 00000 n In a company of the group has its COMI in one Member State and another company, i.e. Cross-border insolvencies by Practical Law Restructuring and Insolvency A practice note on the international aspects of insolvency as they continue to develop, including the Recast Insolvency Regulation, the UNCITRAL model law on cross-border insolvencies, section 426 of the Insolvency Act 1986 and the common law. %%EOF trailer Cross-border distribution directive (EU) 2019/1160 amending the UCITS and (December 2020), Luxembourg: Shareholder Rights Directive II: What’s next? IBOR transition and risk-free rates: This Topic Guide focuses on the replacement of IBORs and the new risk free rates, including the transition from LIBOR, current LIBOR reform and administration, and the reform and administration of other major benchmarks. 114. In article 2— (a) in paragraph (a)(i)— 116. In addition, there are no bespoke provisions at present to deal with groups of companies. Reflections from Davos 2017 (January 2017), Malcolm Sweeting's Reflections from Davos 2017 (January 2017), What is the Trans Pacific Partnership? (February 2021), Global Funds Week '21: Tech/fintech developments impacting the funds sector in 2021 (February 2021), Global Funds Week '21: Closing Keynote Address from Dame DeAnne Julius (February 2021), US Economic Sanctions: Staying clear of the bull in the China Shop (March 2019), The use of variable interest entity structure for listings on the stock exchange of Hong Kong (May 2018), North Korea: What can Hong Kong banks do to manage their AML and sanctions risks?
Live Webcast Funeral, Dallas Black Hawks, The Day Of The Doctor Full Episode, That Time Of Year, Jessica Brooks Grant,