that time of year

that time of year

Eine Wertung erfolgt anhand … Spielsystem: Bundessystem. Die Saison 2019/20 ist per sofort beendet. Of the 36 professional football clubs in the Bundesliga and 2. Liga 2019/2020 » 38. Per the competition regulations, clubs in the Bundesliga and 2. Bundesliga Women; Regionalliga Women; DFB Pokal Women; Women's Play-offs 2/3; Women's Bundesliga Cup; Club Friendlies Die Mehrheit der Vereine hatte sich … Liga was the twelfth season of the 3. Europa League; Europa League Quali. Find 3. SAT 04 May 2019 German Bundesliga. On 27 April, the league was suspended further but with intention to return. All 83 matches played after 8 March 2020 were played behind closed doors without any spectators. Complete table of Bundesliga standings for the 2019/2020 Season, plus access to tables from past seasons and other Football leagues. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany, the matchdays 28 and 29 were postponed and will be rescheduled. [20][21] In his report for the 31 March DFL meeting, virologist Alexander Kekulé recommended to write off the current season. Spieltag (Tabelle und Ergebnisse) Trainerwechsel beim Fußball-Drittligisten FC Bayern II. Alle 3. Published by David Lange , Mar 31, 2021. PESWorld Bundesliga Squads Patch V1 For PES 2019. [10] The following day, the DFL announced that the Bundesliga season would be completed to ensure planning for the following season, and that any postponements would be to matchdays en bloc. Bundesliga Relegation: SV Wehen Wiesbaden: 2: 1: 0: 1: 0: 0: 0: 0: Show matches: 2017/2018: 3rd League: SV Wehen Wiesbaden: 36: 21: 4: 11: 3: 2: 0: 1: Show matches: 2017/2018: DFB Cup: SV Wehen Wiesbaden: 2: 1: 0: 1: 0: 0: 0: 0: Show matches: 2016/2017: 3rd League: SV Wehen Wiesbaden: 17: 8: 6: 3… Include playlist. FC Köln on 11 March would be played behind closed doors, th… [19] However, several virologists raised doubts, stating that any professional football matches in Germany, including those behind closed doors, were unrealistic for at least the next 12 months. Bundesliga", "Politik ermöglicht Saisonfortsetzung ab der zweiten Maihälfte", "Welche Entscheidungen jetzt schon fallen können", "DFL-Präsidium befasst sich mit Corona-Virus: Ansetzungstermine für den kommenden Spieltag bleiben unverändert", "Erstes Bundesliga-Geisterspiel: Gladbach gegen Köln ohne Zuschauer", "Geisterspieltag, Revierderby und Herrlich-Debüt", "DFL-Mitgliederversammlung beschließt weitere Verlegung für die Bundesliga und 2. [5], The number of substitutes allowed on the bench was increased from seven to nine for the 2019–20 season. [14] The DFL General Assembly, at their meeting on 31 March, chose to extend the suspension until at least 30 April per the recommendation of the Executive Committee. Twelve of those clubs had already used the outstanding license fees (which are dependent on the season to be continued) to pay their March debts to creditors. Mainz 05 3 - 0 Hannover Scorers: Muto 15, 29, Malli 47. – Rivalries. Eintracht Frankfurt vs. Bayern Munich | 2019 Bundesliga Highlights - YouTube. Liga. Spieltag) Platz Mannschaft Spiele S-U-N Tore Pkt. Share. [32] The final matchday of the season (round 34), originally scheduled for 16 May, took place on 27 June,[3] making it the second latest date any Bundesliga season has concluded. It is based on their performance in the Bundesliga, the top division of German football.. Ausgaben für Spielergehälter je Verein 3. Tabelle und Spielplan. Frauen-Bundesliga Die Absegnung des Plans, die Spielzeit 2019/20 ab dem kommenden Freitag fortzuführen, gilt als Formsache. Abschlusstabelle der 2. The All-time Bundesliga table is a ranking of all German football clubs. [1] Bayern Munich II won the league title on the final day of the season to become the first reserve team to win the 3. Bundesliga Saison 2019/20 ist das Sport-Angebot der ARD im Internet und gehört zu ARD-Online. [17], On 13 March 2020, Luca Kilian of SC Paderborn was the first Bundesliga player to test positive for COVID-19. Union steigt auf, der VfB ab", "Die Wirsol Rhein-Neckar-Arena in Zahlen", "Allgemeine Informationen zur Allianz Arena", "Bestätigt: Nagelsmann ab 2019 Trainer bei RB Leipzig", "Nagelsmann-Nachfolger: Schreuder übernimmt Hoffenheim", "Rangnick wieder Chef – auch "wegen des Themas Sprache, "Labbadia verlässt Wolfsburg im Sommer – Nachfolger Rose? Bundesliga Herren Süd Tabelle Gruppenspielplan Kontakte Bilanzen Meldungen Ranglisten Zuschauer-Matrix Vorrunde Rückrunde Gesamt . All dates, venues and results for matchday 27 of the season Bundesliga 2020-2021 Kick-off Times; Kick-off times are converted to your local PC time. He scored it for RB Leipzig.[104]. It began on 16 August 2019 and concluded on 27 June 2020. Results 2–2 on aggregate. Fußball-Bundesliga 2018/2019 Veröffentlicht von B. Zeppenfeld, 02.11.2020 Die Statistik zeigt die durchschnittlichen Ausgaben für Spielergehälter pro Verein in der 3. [5] On 15 May, after the DFB said earlier that 26 May would be the start date to resume, the date was moved back as not all teams can train again regularly. Union Berlin 3-1 Borussia Dortmund: Union stun Dortmund for first Bundesliga win Last updated on 31 August 2019 31 August 2019 . Saison 2020/21 → ↑ 2. Die Saison 2019/20 ist per sofort beendet. Bundesliga German Super Cup Bundesliga II DFB Pokal Bundesliga III Liga Pokal Regionalliga Promotion/Relegation Playoff Telekom Cup Bundesliga II Qualification Oberliga. [7] That was confirmed on 25 May. [2] On 16 March, the DFB announced that the league would be suspended until 30 April. Bundesliga and 3. Aktuelle News, Infos und Statistiken zu den Teams der Saison 2020-2021 findest du hier. Liga arbeitet weiter an möglicher Fortsetzung der Saison", "Re-Start DFB-Pokal, 3. The pack includes every single German club in the top 3 divisions for the 2019-2020 season. Die Saison 2019/20 ist per sofort beendet. Breel Embolo – Neue Zukunft bei Mönchengladbach. Bundesliga hier die aktuellsten Bundesliga Ergebnisse. The Football Manager 2019 beta isn’t quite the complete package. [15][16] At the meeting, the DFL established a sports medicine and special match operations task force responsible for examining a safe method to resume league play. 3. [29] After consultation with the German government, chancellor Angela Merkel and the leaders of the states of Germany approved the resumption of the leagues for the second half of May, with matches behind closed doors. Bundesliga take place as planned. Liga im Handball der Frauen war die zehnte in ihrer Geschichte. The 2019–20 3. On 10 March, it was announced that the catch-up match between Borussia Mönchengladbach and 1. Der Hamburger Bundesliga-Dino HSV gehörte bis zu der Saison 2017/18, als man in die 2. "DFB-Präsidium verabschiedet Rahmenterminkalender", "3. Die offizielle Seite der Bundesliga. Bundesliga, took place at an extraordinary meeting of the DFB-Bundestag on 25 May 2020. Bundesliga – Erneutes Club-Treffen in der letzten März-Woche vereinbart", "DFL-Präsidium empfiehlt Aussetzung von Bundesliga und 2. Liga. The 2019–20 3. ", "RB Leipzig's Matheus Cunha wins Bundesliga Goal of the Year 2019! Mai starten", "Bundestag bestätigt Fortsetzung der Saison in der 3. League, teams and player statistics. Diese Webseite befasst sich mit Vorhersage von Ergebnissen anhand geschichtlicher Daten. Die 3. Bundesliga 2019/20: Die Saison 2019/20 der 3. Bundesliga Damen Nord Tabelle Gruppenspielplan Kontakte Bilanzen Meldungen Ranglisten Zuschauer-Matrix Vorrunde Rückrunde Gesamt . Bundesliga; Relegation 2. Frauen Fußball Bundesliga 2018-2019, Relegation 2018, DFB-Pokal 2018-2019 [33] On 14 May, after a meeting of all clubs, five substitutions were permitted, which has been temporarily allowed by IFAB following a proposal by FIFA to lessen the impact of fixture congestion. Prognose zur Bundesliga-Saison 2019/20 Foto: Verein SID-PROGNOSE: Die Breisgauer werden erneut den Klassenerhalt schaffen - und müssen dabei auch nicht bis zum letzten Spieltag zittern. Hannover 96 besitzt die Favoritenrolle Mit einem Rückstand von fünf Punkten auf den Meister Füchse Berlin musste sich Hannover 96 in der Saison 2018/19 mit der inoffiziellen Vizemeisterschaft zufrieden geben. [8] On 29 May, after a meeting of all clubs, five substitutions will be permitted, which has been temporarily allowed by IFAB following a proposal by FIFA to lessen the impact of fixture congestion.[9][10][11]. For every Robert Lewandowski in the Bundesliga, there is a Thomas Muller providing the goalscoring chances, and the veteran German has made history in the 2019/20 season. [26], By 23 April 2020, the DFL had targeted 9 May as a possible resumption date for the Bundesliga. Wie der deutsche Rekordmeister am Karfreitag … Bundesliga 2019/2020 - Ergebnisse & Tabelle: alle Paarungen und Termine der Runde. Remember to check the 3d kits Forum for any updates 1. 11, Castaignos 42, 87, Seferovic 69. Bundesliga simulcast ("conference") would be shown on free-to-air television in Germany, in order to prevent gatherings of people without pay TV subscriptions.[37]. Bundesliga bis mindestens 30. This list is current as of 27 June 2020, at the end of 2019–20 season.. Table. In the 2019/2020 season, Bayern Munich was the highest paying club in the German Bundesliga . ", "0:0 in Berlin! ist das Sport-Angebot der ARD im Internet und gehört zu ARD-Online. [18] By 21 March 2020, several clubs, including Eintracht Frankfurt and Hertha BSC, were under quarantine after multiple players and staff had tested positive, and training was made impossible for most others by curfews or the closure of facilities. [24][25] At their 31 March meeting, the DFL had decided that clubs that enter insolvency proceedings this season would not suffer the usual deduction of points, and clubs that enter proceedings next season only lose three instead of the usual nine points. Check tipp3-Bundesliga 2018/2019 page and find many useful statistics with chart. … Bundesliga dürfen an dieser Stelle nicht fehlen. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany, the matchdays 28 and 29 were postponed and will be rescheduled. 3. FC Kaiserslautern, 1. For one thing, the German Third Division , otherwise known as the 3. Eine Wertung erfolgt anhand der zum Zeitpunkt der Aussetzung des Spielbetriebs am 13.03.2020 gültigen Tabelle. April – Medienrechte-Ausschreibung wird verschoben", "Mitgliederversammlung der DFL beschließt weitreichende Anpassungen im Lizenzierungsverfahren zur Entlastung von Clubs", "Konzept der „Task Force Sportmedizin / Sonderspielbetrieb, "Virologe: Kein Profifußball mehr in diesem Jahr", "Virologen schlagen Alarm: Schlechte Aussichten für Fußballfans", "Bundesliga beschäftigt sich mit radikaleren Alternativen", "Arzt Kekulé zu Bundesliga-Geisterspielen: "Rein virologisch wäre es lösbar, "13 der 36 Profiklubs droht Insolvenz – noch in dieser Saison", "Punktabzüge und Liquidität: DFL passt Lizenzierung an", "Bundesliga 'ready to return on 9 May', says German Football League", "Rund 1.700 Corona-Tests bei allen 36 Clubs der Bundesliga und 2. [27] However, this goal suffered a setback when 1. Bundesliga; 3. See who scored the most goals, cards, shots and more here. Liga for the 2019/20 season. 3. Juli", "Robert Lewandowski voted Player of the Season for 2019/20! Latest 1. FC Heidenheim 1846 FC Erzgebirge Aue 29.05.-01.06.2020 29 Holstein Kiel 256 … In vier Staffeln mit insgesamt 48 Mannschaften wurde seit dem 14. Click here to see a full table (2019/2020) of all Player Statistics from everyone playing in the Bundesliga covering Topscorers, Most Assists, Tackles, Clean Sheets and many more.. NEWS Latest News FCM stellt Cheftrainer Stefan Krämer frei", "Hildmann neuer Trainer bei Preußen Münster", "Die SG setzt auch auf der Trainerposition auf die Dorfklub-Stärke: Mike Sadlo und Heiner Backhaus als Trainerteam verpflichtet", "FCC entbindet Rico Schmitt von seinen Aufgaben", "Mit Interimscoach René Klingbeil am Montag gegen die Westsachsen", "HFC stellt Trainer Torsten Ziegner frei", "Atalan neuer Trainer beim Halleschen FC", "Großaspach verpflichtet Hans-Jürgen Boysen", "Ingolstadt entlässt Trainer Jeff Saibene", "Trainer Tomas Oral zurück in Ingolstadt", "Trainer Krämer kehrt nach Uerdingen zurück", "Cheftrainer Wollitz freigestellt – Thomas Hoßmang übernimmt",–20_3._Liga&oldid=1013354801, 2019–20 in European third tier association football leagues, Association football events postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 21 March 2021, at 04:40. Frauen Fußball Bundesliga 2018-2019, 2. Heute wurden die Spielpläne für die neue Spielzeit bekannt gegeben. FC Bayern München Championship Song 2019/20 - Powered by 442oons. DSC Arminia Bielefeld : 34 : 18-14-2 Bundesliga kommen teilweise ins Free-TV", "Bundesliga | Saison 2019/2020: Spieltage 22 bis 28", "Spielplan Bundesliga: Saison 2019/2020 | Mai/Juni 2020", "Bundesliga: Saison 2019/2020 | Spieltage 30 bis 34", "Termine für Relegationsspiele stehen fest", "Union vs. Hertha: why is the Berlin derby such a special fixture? Visit. – Full Squads for all Bundesliga Teams. Liga in die Saison 2019/20. Der Meister und Vizemeister steigen automatisch in die zweite Bundesliga auf. Bundesliga: Abschlusstabelle 2019/2020 Tabelle zum Saisonende (34. Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, "German Bundesliga Performance Stats – 2019–20", "DFB-Präsidium verabschiedet Rahmenterminkalender", "Saison-Fortsetzung am 16. Mai – Rückkehr von Bundesliga und 2. Dazu zählen die derzeitige Auswärts- und Heim bilanz der jeweiligen Mannschaften sowie die Daten der Vergangenheit beider Team nebeneinander. E-Mail. I=Bundesliga, II=2.Bundesliga, III=3.Liga.) The latest updates for Borussia Mönchengladbach - RB Leipzig on Matchday 3 in the 2019/2020 Bundesliga season - plus a complete list of all fixtures. – Players given correct boots, tape, playing styles and faces where possible. Deshalb findest Du für die 3. [28] This was done as part of a wave of 1,724 tests carried out involving personnel of the 36 Bundesliga and 2. Bundesliga-Tabelle für die Saison 2020/2021. Die Saison 2019/20 ist per sofort beendet. [3] On 27 April, the league was suspended further but with intention to return. 2019-20 Topps Chrome Bundesliga Overview This is the second year that Bundesliga has been given the Chrome treatment. Bayern Munich Bayern Munich 3 Hannover Hannover 96 1. The 2019–20 Bundesliga was the 57th season of the Bundesliga, Germany's premier football competition. Liga 2020/2021 Table, Results, Fixtures - (Football/Germany) - 30. The base set is limited to 90 cards, covering the top players in the league. A total of 18 teams participated in the 2019–20 edition of the Bundesliga. ( If there is no graphics folder there, create "graphics" ) 2. Bundesliga vor dem Start des Mannschaftstrainings erfolgt", "Politik ermöglicht Saison-Fortsetzung ab der zweiten Mai-Hälfte – Statement von Christian Seifert", "Germany's Bundesliga Gets the Green Light to Return This Month", "Re-Start ohne Freitagsspiel: Bundesliga geht erst am 16. [4] A decision on the resumption of the competition, similar to the Bundesliga and 2. [7] On 16 March, the DFL General Assembly suspended the league until at least 2 April, and scheduled another meeting for the last week of March to discuss how the competition should proceed. [34][35][36] The broadcaster Sky Sport announced that for the first two weeks after the restart, the Bundesliga and 2. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany, on 8 March 2020 the Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn recommended cancelling events with more than 1,000 people. [12] All fixtures on matchday 26 (13–16 March) were planned to be played without spectators due to local restrictions on public gatherings,[13] but the round was subsequently postponed on 13 March due to safety issues. ", "Bestätigt: Glasner wird Labbadia-Nachfolger", "Schalke 04 stellt Chef-Trainer Domenico Tedesco frei", "Bis 2022: David Wagner neuer Trainer beim FC Schalke", "Gladbach trennt sich zum Saisonende von Trainer Hecking", "Offiziell: Rose wird im Sommer Trainer in Gladbach", "Covic wird neuer Cheftrainer bei Hertha BSC", "Achim Beierlorzer to be new FC head coach", "FC Bayern and head coach Niko Kovac part company", "Flick to remain FC Bayern head coach until end of season", "Mainz will always be my home and will be in my heart forever", "Achim Beierlorzer is the new head coach of the Zerofivers", "Ante Covic leaves Hertha by mutual consent", "Jürgen Klinsmann wird Trainer bei Hertha BSC", "Vorstand von Fortuna Düsseldorf stellt Friedhelm Funkel frei", "Uwe Rösler neuer Cheftrainer von Fortuna Düsseldorf", "FCA relieve Martin Schmidt of his duties", "Heiko Herrlich appointed as new head coach", "Bruno Labbadia appointed as new head coach", "Hoffenheims Interimstrainer im kicker-Porträt - Teil 1: Kaltenbach: Die Konstante im Hintergund", "Rahmenterminkalender: Relegation zur 2. [9], Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany, on 8 March 2020 the Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn recommended cancelling events with more than 1,000 people. 3–0 (A) 24 August 2019: Timo Werner: RB Leipzig: Borussia Mönchengladbach: 3–1 (A) 30 August 2019: Timo Werner RB Leipzig Mainz 05: 8–0 (H) 2 November 2019: Rouwen Hennings: Fortuna Düsseldorf: Schalke 04 3–3 (A) 9 November 2019: Philippe Coutinho: Bayern Munich Werder Bremen: 6–1 (H) 14 December 2019: Robin Quaison: Mainz 05 Werder Bremen 5–0 (A) 17 December 2019 Statistics, results and standings from the Germany Bundesliga 2019/20 Bundesliga were required to compete in all matches following the restart, even if some players test positive, provided the team has enough healthy players available. Germany ». The average league attendance was 40,865 after 223 matches prior to fixtures being played behind closed doors. Bundesliga is … [19] The DFL looked into possible scenarios to finish the season regularly. Alle Ergebnisse auf einen Blick. Liga 2020/2021 table. It started on 19 July 2019 and concluded on 4 July 2020. Spielsystem: Bundessystem. Bitte melde Dich mit deinen bestehenden Nutzerdaten an. Get the latest 3 Bundesliga 2020-2021 football results, fixtures and exclusive video … [2][3] Bayern Munich were the defending champions, and won their record-extending 8th consecutive title and 30th title overall (29th in the Bundesliga era) on 16 June with two games to spare. Spieltag", "Bayern Munich win eighth successive Bundesliga title after beating Werder Bremen", "Die Rekorde der Bundesliga – historische Bestmarken im Überblick", "Neue Regel: Mehr Auswechselspieler – auch Mehr-Kosten? ». Fußball Bundesliga 2018-2019, 1. Eine Wertung erfolgt anhand … Liga 2020/2021 table, home/away standings and 3. Bundesliga statistics, standings, fixtures, results and other statistical analysis. Cologne 3 1 14:30 Arminia Bielefeld FT. Wolfsburg 3 0 17:00 SC Freiburg FT Diese Übersicht zeigt einen Kurzüberblick aller Partien des 3.Spieltags in der Saison 19/20 der Bundesliga mit entsprechend relevanten Informationen. Mai weiter", "Fifa proposes use of five substitutions to help with fixture congestion", "Five substitutes option temporarily allowed for competition organisers", "DFL: Saison notfalls im Juli zu Ende spielen", "Die 1. und 2. Fußball Bundesliga 2019-2020: 1. 2. Handball-Liga der Frauen 2019/20: Mannschaften: 48 Spiele: 528 (davon 361 gespielt) Tore: 18752 (ø 51,94 pro Spiel) Torschützenkönigin: Ellis Bruhn (136 Tore) ← Saison 2018/19. Alle weiteren Informationen zur Saison 2019/2020 unter - 3 - SPIELPLAN 2. Also includes some alternative kits for clubs that have them. Bundesliga Süd Herren 22.05.2019. Eigentlich sollte hier eine längere Zukunft auf ihn warten,… August 11, 2019. Liga und Frauen-Bundesliga: DFB stellt Hygienekonzept vor", "3. Bundesliga, took place at an extraordinary meeting of the DFB-Bundestagon 25 May 2020. The pack includes every single German club in the top 3 divisions for the 2019-2020 season. Auch die aktuellen Bundesliga-Ergebnisse, die Bundesliga-Tabelle und Bundesliga-Spiele sowie den Bundesligaspielplan der 3. The 2019–20 Bundesliga was the 57th season of the Bundesliga, Germany's premier football competition. 2018/2019: 3rd League: SV Wehen Wiesbaden: 36: 21: 3: 12: 1: 4: 0: 0: Show matches: 2018/2019: DFB Cup: SV Wehen Wiesbaden: 2: 1: 0: 1: 0: 0: 0: 0: Show matches: 2018/2019: 2. The 2019 3rd Bundesliga was held from November 2 through November 3 in Buchholz, Germany. [6] On 21 May, the DFB announced that the season will be continued on 30 May. In der Saison 2018/19 lagen die durchschnittliche Summe der Spielergehälter bei 3,75 Millionen Euro. Bundesliga Women; Regionalliga Women; DFB Pokal Women; Women's Play-offs 2/3; Women's Bundesliga Cup; Club Friendlies Liga würde bei möglicher Saisonfortsetzung nach 26. Bundesliga am 7./11. Der Drittplatzierte am Ende der Saison bestreitet gegen den Drittletzten aus der 2. Fußball-Bundesliga Saison 2018-2019, 2. Werder Bremen won on away goals, and therefore both clubs remained in their respective leagues. The latest table, results, stats and fixtures from the 2019/2020 Bundesliga season. January 2021 Sunday 31st January. Following a victory against VfB Stuttgart on away goals in the relegation/promotion play-offs, Union Berlin were promoted to the Bundesliga for the first time in their history, becoming the 56th club to feature in the Bundesliga, and the first from the former East Berlin.[43][44]. Reserve teams are ineligible for promotion. Premium BildPlus Inhalt; Sie löste den Imbiss-Brand aus Die irre Pyro-Konstruktion der Union-Fans Also includes some alternative kits for clubs that have them. Passwort Liga", "Fifa proposes use of five substitutions to help with fixture congestion", "Five substitutes option temporarily allowed for competition organisers", "Uerdingen spielt in der nächsten Saison in Düsseldorf", "Trainer Marco Antwerpen verlässt Preußen Münster im Sommer", "Trainerteam: Sven Hübscher und Tobias Hellwig übernehmen im Sommer", "Großaspach: Trainer Schnorrenberg entlassen", "Magdeburg und Oenning gehen getrennte Wege", "1. Austria tipp3-Bundesliga 2018/2019 table, full stats, livescores. Bundesliga ein Relegationsspiel. Play-offs 2/3; Play-offs 4/5; Westphalia DFB Pokal Play-off; U19 Bundesliga; DFB Junioren Pokal; U17 Bundesliga; Frauen Bundesliga; 2. Have your say on the game in the comments. Hätte man vor der Saison 2019 / 2020 in der Bundesliga die Chancen für Borussia Mönchengladbach hochgerechnet, wäre dabei wohl… September 9, 2019. The intention still was to finish the season, with games maybe even after 30 June. – Badges. Liga 2020/2021 last five matches (form) table. 3D kits for Bundesliga, 2. Bundesliga Nord Damen 14.09.2019. Daher haben bisher erst elf Vereine die Meisterschaft in der 3. ", "Goal of the Season: Emre Can's stunner against Leverkusen wins vote! Tippe jetzt auf Deinen Bundesliga-Favoriten in der 3. FC 253 Nürnberg VfL Bochum 1848 29.05.-01.06.2020 29 254 Hamburger SV SV Wehen Wiesbaden 29.05.-01.06.2020 29 255 1. Fußball-Bundesliga: Saison 2018/2019 Liga; DFB-Pokal; Supercup; Nations League A; Champions League; Champions League Quali. Die 3. Bundesliga clubs, in coordination with the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, which resulted in seven further positive results in addition to those of Köln. Also listed in the chart are three more things…2018-19 home league average attendances, Seasons played in the 1st division (counting 2019-20, there will have been 57 seasons of Bundesliga), and German titles (with last title noted).

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