Although the sessions are pre-written, we make them as interactive as possible and have the capacity to be quite responsive to students' interest/needs. Neglect is when the person responsible for taking care of you isn’t giving you ... Not all unkind or hurtful behaviour is bullying. Waiting Times. I've always had difficulties in school." Relationships come in many forms. Instead of offering a clinical counselling service, volunteers will take texters through a five-stage structured … Worrying if you’re pregnant can be a really stressful time. Call Kids Helpline any time of day on 1800 55 1800, or use our online webchat. It’s entirely up to you! Qualified counsellors at Kids Helpline are available via WebChat, phone or email anytime and for any reason. Got something you want to talk about? Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline Covering: national 1-800-422-4453, 1-800-4-A-CHILD Membership level: Full Member Please go to: Remember, you’re never alone — we’re here for you! Now I'm proud to be bisexual. You love to spend hours talking about your favorite anime, manga or your favorite food. Learn more about gender ... We explain online grooming so you can stay safe and in control. Any Reason. Things like: Can you tell us more about what you need help with? The brain is very complex! Contact Us When things feel out of control it’s important to have coping strategies ready, Understanding people with intersex variations. WebChat counselling is only available in Australia.To find a service in your country, check out Child Helpline International. But what exactly does it mean? Holidays can be fun, but they can also be too busy, boring or stressful! This helps us understand how best to help you. Email Conversation You can have a copy of the conversation emailed to your email address below Email. Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 national service offering professional counselling, information, referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support for young people in English and French. Email us at:[email protected]. For more information about local fundraising and event opportunities across Canada, please visit our in the community page. Our texting service is free and available across Canada 24/7. The service is available 24 hours a day from anywhere in Australia. Feedback. Despite the large number of sites for kids, Our free kids chat remain the best out of all that giving you the chance to make new younger friends, girls and boys from all over the world. Feedback. You’ll then be connected to one of our counsellors who’ll look over your questionnaire responses and begin the counselling session. You’ll need a resume! You can chat to the same counsellor when you start another WebChat. We're here to talk 24/7.Every day and night. We're here to talk 24/7.Every day and night. Eating disorders can come in many forms. We're here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, if you notice that your class is not engaging well in the session, please feel free to signal this to the counsellor and intervene to settle the class, mediate or "translate" some of the ideas into language or examples that you know your class will respond to. Kids Helpline offers free, private and secure WebChat counselling. When you login you’ll be asked to fill out a short questionnaire. You're not alone if you struggle a bit with asking for help! If you or a friend are hurt, call 000 NOW! Looking for work? There are lots of theories about what causes depression. Learn more. Conflict can happen in any situation. Sometimes friendships can have problems and it can be hard to know what to do. Your rights apply across all aspects of your life – you have social, cultural, political and ... Social media gets a pretty bad rap. We've got tips ... You might be curious about pornography or have even watched it yourself. If you are happy to wait, that's totally cool. Get help homepage. Sexual abuse is never ok. But saying ... Homelessness is having nowhere stable to live. It can be so confusing.". Content warning: contains mental health content that may be distressing, My parents divorced and it changed my life, "I was at school every day for six hours yet I barely smiled. Send Email. Shopping. Das alles seit mehr als 100 Jahren. Call 1800 500 1800, chat on WebChat or e-mail us. Thinking about dating? However it is not always possible to spent time with your pals physically, so we bring kids chat rooms for your loved buddies and for you to make new buddies from everywhere, from every corners of the world. Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. The email address you entered is not valid. Skip to main content. End Chat. Call 13 11 14 ; Text us ; Chat with us ; Menu. You don’t need a data plan, Internet connection or an app to use it. Worried about why you’re hearing voices and what it ... "I have feelings for boys and girls. You can also get support using our other services whenever you need it: If you'd prefer to chat with someone online, you can reach one of our qualified counsellors 7 days a week, from 8am-12am. No problem is too big or too small. Share. It can be helpful to have a discussion with your class prior to the session to get them thinking about the topic (not essential). Share your thoughts, get helpful info and support others going through similar challenges. There is room for students to ask questions or raise issues that are off the chosen topic (the counsellor will make sure all the necessary information is covered during the session). Check out these tips to make ... Getting an interview is great news when you’re looking for a job. If you show enthusiasm and interest in the session, from our experience, your class will too. The pressure to return to ‘normal’ after a collective trauma, like a pandemic or natural ... Online learning from home is a big change. The Kids Helpline counsellors can also refer you to other services or professionals that might be able to help you with your situation. Learn what self-harm is, why people self-harm, ... Depression is more than just feeling sad. Manchmal ärgern sich die Vereinsoberen, dass ihr Engagement für die Kids-Hotline nicht mit Fördergeld belohnt … Your go-to peer support group for improving your overall wellbeing and mental health.It's free, safe, anonymous and facilitated by Kids Helpline Counsellors. Feeling great one minute and down the next? Starting high school or moving to a new school can leave you feeling stressed out! I'm not alone in this stress and depression rollercoaster, “I was stressed and depressed because of problems at home and the fact I don't appreciate myself.”. Encourage your class to make comments and ask questions - the session is not about right and wrong, it's a discussion where everyone's thoughts are valid. Expressing how you feel can help you cope when life throws you challenges. Learn ways to be respectful and ... No problem is too big or too small.We're here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Stress can make it difficult to concentrate, learn and feel motivated. Most people have experienced feeling depressed, but not everybody has a depressive disorder. However, if you notice that your class is not engaging well in the session, please feel free to signal this to the counsellor and intervene to settle the class, mediate or "translate" some of the ideas into language or examples that you know your class will respond to. Looking after yourself is an important coping strategy. COVID on your mind? End Conversation This will close the current conversation. Here are some tips ... It’s normal to be worried about the environment and the things you see on ... Let’s look at what ADHD is, and explore how to cope and thrive. In the evenings, this can be up to 40 - 50 minutes. Because a lot of young people use WebChat counselling, there is often a wait before a counsellor is available. Request Agent Callback Current agent will call you back at the number below Telephone. If you own a smartphone you’ve probably heard of sexting. Many LGBTIQA+ people struggle with discrimination that can affect their lives. Chat online with a Lifeline crisis supporter from 7pm-midnight AEST. Our website launched in 1996, and in 1999 the Kids Helpline WebChat began, allowing children and young people to communicate with counsellors online. If life is in danger call 000. Respect is the glue that holds your relationships together. Otherwise you can give us a call on 1800 55 1800 or try again at another time of the day when it might not be so busy. Facing discrimination can take a toll on you. No problem is too big or too small. It's private and confidential. Complaints. Funding. Kids Chat Rooms no Registration. Kids Helpline is a free Australian telephone and online counselling service for young people aged between 5 and 25. We’ve got some tips to help ... We all take risks in life. Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free (even from a mobile), confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. Prefer to write? Read Brooke's Story. Losing someone we love is a painful time. Deciding to have sex for the first time is a big deal. When somebody wants to end their life it can be scary to talk about and ... READ ME. Kids Helpline provides a free, private and confidential phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. No problem is too big or too small.We’re here for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When family rules cause fights at home it can make everyone feel miserable. Let’s look ... COVID-19: Quarantine, Isolation and Lockdown. Crisis Text Line assists anyone who's reached a point of crisis, and is available 24 … We are always available, 24/7/365. No. Privacy #kidshelplineAU *Counselling is not available through Instagram. Check out these ... There’s more to gender identity than being male or female. Encourage your class to make comments and ask questions - the session is not about right and wrong, it's a discussion where everyone's thoughts are valid. Kids Helpline (Australia) We’re here for you. [citation needed. Reading your story can help other young people deal with the tough times. You’ll be treated with respect – there is no judgement here. No problem is too big or too small.We’re here for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can learn more in our FAQs about it! Auch die Beratungsstelle für männliche Opfer sexueller Gewalt. Consent is important for any sexual activity. Send. My friend is thinking about suicide. We'll get you to fill out a questionnaire to help us understand your situation. Disagreements in families are normal and healthy. Here’s how to tell the difference. I've always had difficulties in school.". We've got you covered here. WebChat is always open. Butterfly’s Helpline is not a crisis service, so we encourage you to seek the help you deserve now. Info. Your call to Kids Helpline is private and you do not have to give your name to the counsellor. We’ll let you know when Live Chat reopens. Immediate support and connection to care where you are and when you need it. Kids Helpline | Phone Counselling Service | 1800 55 1800. We’re here to help you with anything! You can contact our counsellors on 1800551800, email or webchat. Junior Journo Jasper chats to Jess from Kids Helpline - YouTube. You can talk to Kids Helpline, anytime, anywhere. This service is for: Children and Young People Let’s ... Depression can really bring you down, but there are some simple steps you can follow ... It’s normal to be concerned for your own health and the health of people ... COVID-19: What if things don't go back to normal? If you can't get to a phone or prefer to chat online, you can connect one-on-one with a Kids Helpline counsellor through WebChat (typing with a counsellor)! Connect with us one-on-one overthe web in real time, 24/7. You don’t ... Are you a spender or do you prefer to save money? Putting a stop to cyberbullying is everyone’s responsibility. We know kids love go along with people of their age group. Anytime. Select any filter and click on Apply to see results. Kids Helpline Official. Please fill out this field. Starting your first job can be exciting and overwhelming. You can also check out our privacy policy and FAQ section for more info. Abusive family relationships are complicated. Since then we’ve expanded into virtual classroom counselling with Kids Helpline @ School, and launched peer support platform My Circle, for young people to chat to others they relate to. Losing someone you cared about can be heartbreaking and turn your world upside down. Log in and you can spend the time looking through the rest of our website and we'll let you know when a counsellor is ready. Break ups can be tough no matter which end of the break up you’re ... Eating disorders are serious and have a big impact on someone’s health. We’re ... What’s happening to me? Just a heads up, we use cookies to give you the best experience on our website and to help improve our service. It can be helpful to have a discussion with your class prior to the session to get them thinking about the topic (not essential). Everyone feels worried sometimes. Email us at:[email protected]. When your mates pressure you to do or go along with something you don’t ... Have exams coming up? Being harassed online is a serious form of cyberbullying that is against the law. With Crisis Text Line powered by Kids Help Phone, you can chat with a trained, volunteer crisis responder for support any time, about anything, via text message. There is room for students to ask questions or raise issues that are off the chosen topic (the counsellor will make sure all the necessary information is covered during the session). 13 11 14 (24 hours/7 days), or chat to us online at (7pm – midnight, 7 nights) Kids Helpline Chat to one of our Kids Helpline Counsellors via: Phone: 1800 55 1800 It's a mixture of thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Let’s look at some self-care techniques ... You have a right to be safe. Kids Help Phone’s Live Chat service is temporarily closed so we can provide more timely access to support through our other services. Content Warning: Contains abuse related content that may be distressing, I get really upset that I'll end up with no friends, "I didn't have many friends in primary school", "I couldn't focus and I couldn't sleep from the worry. Students are usually quite excited to participate in these sessions and engage very well. Did you know Kids Helpline is here for you Anytime and for Any Reason? Crisis Text Line. Living with Oppositional Defiance Disorder. The texting service differs from our phone and live chat service in that it is a volunteer-based service (and you don’t have to be a professional counsellor to volunteer). If you’re experiencing cyberbullying, you’re not alone. 1800 55 1800 Email Us WebChat with Us. Call, Text, Chat and Online Services. Kids Helpline – 1800 551 800. Sometimes people self-harm as a way to cope. You can still call us to talk, even if you've started a WebChat before. ABN 11 102 379 386, About Worried that your online gaming is becoming a problem? Kids Helpline is a service of yourtown. Talk to us Close. Watch later. It can be rough on the whole family when parents split up. 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If the coronavirus pandemic has got you anxious about when, how or even if life ... COVID-19: I'm not ready to go back to normal. In an unsafe environment like an abusive home, ... You have a right to be safe. If you are a young person and are struggling with a problem big or small, please call 1-800-668-6868. Some risks are more dangerous than others. When you start you’ll get some information about confidentiality, privacy and our Duty of Care. Der Verein Kinderschutz in München, der heutige Träger der Kids-Hotline, ist in vielen sozialen Bereichen aktiv: Erziehungshilfe in Münchner Stadtteilen, Kindertagesstätten und Schulsozialarbeit. Your go-to peer support group for improving your overall wellbeing and mental health.It's free, safe, anonymous and facilitated by Kids Helpline Counsellors. Just a heads up, we use cookies to give you the best experience on our website and to help improve our service. Here is a guide to resolving family conflict. Kids Help Phone offers professional counselling services to young people over the phone and through our online live chat. Copy link. Get help. Reading your story can help other young people deal with the tough times. Kids Helpline is a service of yourtown. ABN 11 102 379 386, About If life is in danger call 000. Check out these behind-the-scenes videos to learn more. If you show enthusiasm and interest in the session, from our experience, your class will too. Check out our ... A few simple choices can keep you in control so you don’t get in ... A list of important words you’ll hear used in LGBTIQ+ communities, Sexual, gender and bodily diversity discrimination. Sometimes we need help but we're not able to ask for it. Whatever the reason for leaving home – having a ... Having a hard time talking with your parents about an important issue? When somebody wants to end their life it can be scary to talk about and ... "I thought I was weird. "I thought I was weird. Feeling sad is not the same as being depressed. Learn more. Introducing niggle, the app that allows you to capture your niggles and do something about them! Introducing niggle, the app that allows you to capture your niggles and do something about them! Real life teens test out Kids Helpline WebChat counselling for the very first time and share their honest thoughts – completely unscripted and unrehearsed! Whether depressed, thinking of suicide, feeling anxious after a disaster, or in need of emotional support for any other reason, help is available anytime, anywhere thanks to Vibrant. 'Intersex' is a word that describes people born with variations that don’t fit doctors' ... Making new friends is exciting but sometimes it’s hard to do! Sound pretty good to you? ", When I was 11 years old, I lost my little sister, "Never struggle alone; always reach out and remain hopeful.". Talk to us online or over the phone - 24/7, 365 days a Most people have experienced anxiety, but not everybody has an anxiety disorder. During the COVID-19 pandemic, you’re probably having to stay home and practice social distancing. Feeling lonely sometimes is ok. Connect with us one-on-one overthe web in real time, 24/7. Back. Tap to unmute. Kids Helpline is here for you anytime and for any reason. Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for 5 to 25 year olds. You can choose the gender of the counsellor you chat to. © Kids Helpline 2021. description Skip to navigation Skip to main content Skip to footer Chat with Kip. Contact Us Bullying is never ok. It’s hurtful and can impact someone for a long time. By continuing to use, you are accepting the use of cookies. Get support Get involved Get Insights Français. Being emotionally abused at home was really tough. Helpful information for common issues. COVID on your mind? ", © Kids Helpline 2021. Our counsellors won’t be available after 3.30am, but you can send an email using your Childline account any time and you’ll usually get a reply within 24 hours. You can call us for free on 0800 1111 from 7.30am–3:30am on weekdays and 9am - 3.30am on weekends. Call a counsellor: 1-800-668-6868; Donate; Français. Students are usually quite excited to participate in these sessions and engage very well. It's equally okay not to speak up during the session, as long as students are listening (we emphasise this point because some sensitive issues can come up and students may need to process these silently). Counsellors respond to more than 6,000 calls each week about issues ranging from relationship breakdown and bullying to sexual abuse, homelessness, suicidal thoughts, depression and drug and alcohol usage. Prefer to write? Privacy ... Violence is never okay. You don't have to go through it alone. Junior Journo Jasper chats to Jess from Kids Helpline. Want some advice or just need to chat with someone? With My Circle, you can chat to others just like you. At certain times of the day (such as evenings) Butterfly can have a lot of people seeking support. Request . It's FREE to talk to a counsellor, all you need is Internet access! Chatogo kids chat room is a free chatroom made for kids to chat online with other older children or younger teens. You’ll then go into our queue where you may have to wait, depending on how busy it is. You can have a 1-2-1 chat Monday to Friday from 7.30am -10:30pm and Saturday to Sunday 9am -10.30pm. Although the sessions are pre-written, we make them as interactive as possible and have the capacity to be quite responsive to students' interest/needs. Sometimes it’s hard to get along with family. It's equally okay not to speak up during the session, as long as students are listening (we emphasise this point because some sensitive issues can come up and students may need to process these silently). By continuing to use, you are accepting the use of cookies. Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. You can contact our counsellors on 1800551800, email or webchat.
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