More and more users have applied, making the thread one of the most popular in the Scratch Forums, though only a small fraction have ever been chosen (~1/50000 of registered users, see below for the exact number of curators). ", I would love to be a curator if possible, I think that this is a brilliant idea. ", How to Nominate Yourself to be a Scratch Front Page Curator,, Do a relevant undergraduate degree – either in the subject in which you hope to specialise, like the history of technology, or ceramics, or natural history, or choose something broad like a general history degree which will allow you to go off in different directions later. But I guess they can change him/her if he's caught doing so. I hope I become one! [8][9] This has been changed back in Scratch 2.0, though it still does not link to the curator's user page. I might pick some very good projects that not many people know about because the person isn't famous. But if I were curator, I would like some say in which three of my favorites appear on the home page. If your goal was to lose weight, I’m guessing that you step on … But if I were curator, I would like some say in which three of my favorites appear on the home … If you're planning to work in a history museum or science museum, then a degree in a field related to one of those would … Hi Zelda123 - we'll probably change curators every few weeks. Link your Facebook account to your Spotify’s one. You must meet ALL of the requirements listed to apply. If you'd like to learn how to create a Steam group refer to the guide below. Describing yourself a little bit in your application can go a long way. This, however, was changed within the first few days after it was discovered that many Scratchers confused the word "curator" with "creator" and were ignoring the projects favorited by the curator. (01/12/2020). I love all of the games that make you say "Whoa." [15] It is also common for these types of projects to contain rules on what the curator will curate so as to help filter ideas before they get posted as a suggestion. Would that be possible? How do I become … Work & careers. The user then posts a link to their curator application in the Front Page Curator Applications studio, and a studio curator of th… All you have to do is post that you would like to be a curator and the kind of projects that you would choose if you became one. However, if there aren't enough projects to fill the row, the row will not display at all (I believe). (09/08/2015). I'd become a curator, but I'm pretty busy as well. To get on a relevant degree you will need five GCSEs A-C, including maths, English and science and at least two A levels. With ScratchJr, young children (ages 5-7) can program their own interactive stories and games. Saying how often you will choose projects. For the curator on the front page, see Curator (front page).. A studio curator is a feature in studios that was implemented in Scratch 2.0.You can invite curators to your studios for different reasons, such as having more people help you maintain your studio, adding them to a studio with a collection of certain Scratchers, or for any reason that you … [16] Others use studios[17] or just their applications[18] for project suggestions. Check out kayybee's post: "Can I become the curator? and other curator questions. Like ones that take forever to make and are GREAT quality. Try adding images, audio, music, and interactivity with the user. The user is required to explain the types of projects they enjoy and what projects they would curate. A Scratch Team member (usually ceebee) will then view the applications and select users to become curators. Front page curators were introduced on May 5, 2009. How do I become … a museum curator. This is the minimum requirement you'll need for entry into the curating field. I wouldn't mind being a curator...Sounds cool! Will the position be permanent or will there be a few every month or so? If you’re trying to become a scratch golfer, you are probably more or less good to go when it comes to technical skills. Last edited by hmnwilson (2009-05-30 17:09:55). To get started, go to a Steam Community group that you are an officer of and click the 'Curator' tab. I'd love to be a curator! From your Steam group select the "Curator" tab. Making a good curator project application is not difficult.
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