The sheer volume of files, messages, emails and deadlines related to university study can be overwhelming, so it’s worth developing a few simple information management techniques. There are various academic support services available offering support to remote students. Book into this online session, held on Thurs 3/9/20, 12-1pm, or Tues 8/9/20, 12-1pm. Try and allocate a specific time each day, even if it is only 10 minutes, to attend to your email inbox, prioritise messages that need immediate attention, and file those that can be attended to later. Diplôme Master 2 Opérations et Fiscalité Internationales des Sociétés. Our current level is "low" with no or low community transmissions in the ACT. The more you practice these skills –and figure out what works best for you- the more effective you’ll be in mastering them. Any movement within these stages will be determined by community transmission in the ACT or the risk of community transmission on campus. If you have any questions about this arrangement, please contact your school manager or associate dean education. Ce séminaire aborde la fiscalité des opérations sociétaires permettant des restructurations internationales, telles que les fusions, scissions, scissions partielles et apports partiels d'actifs. Semester 2 During Semester 2, learning is occurring both on-campus and remotely. Don’t study the same subject all day – mix it up and give yourself a break. These are just a few techniques for adapting to online study. via SMS or email), so you only get in the information you need. Courses 2018-2019. Australian Awards for University Teaching, ANU Undergraduate - Domestic applications, Framework for a Safe Return of Teaching and Learning to Campus (PDF, 136.48 KB), Strategic Communications & Public Affairs. Be mindful of when to have your webcam switched on (lecturers may make specific requests around this, depending on the context), when to mute, using the ‘raised hand’ function to indicate that you wish to speak, and how to use the chat function to ask questions or make comments. Take some time to evaluate your study space and make sure distractions are out of sight. All large group learning activities and all lectures will be conducted remotely. With more and more teaching and learning being done online, it is important to develop good online communication techniques. Share. Want to learn more? Try and start your morning with some physical exercise in the outdoors. Semestre 2. Poor stress management can lead to reduced concentration and learning capability, as well as having serious mental health consequences. L'Université de Lille offre un cadre stimulant la créativité de ses chercheurs pour soutenir l'excellence de la recherche fondamentale et appliquée, en lien avec le monde socio-économique et à l'international. You can also use the Chat function to meet new friends in class, which is always a great way to stay in the loop about upcoming assessments, important announcements you may have missed, and other course-related issues. Like most skills, effective study habits, stress management and personal organisation are all developed over time. Want to learn more? Aim for at least 10 mins of physical activity and gradually work your way up. After being selected by your home university, you will have to complete our online application form. CRICOS Provider : 00120C Tout déplier. Find out how you can develop these habits. It may seem counter-intuitive but now is a valuable opportunity to work on your career goals. General guidelines. You will be alerted immediately via the ANUOK app when there is a change in our level. Deadline for sending the application form, signed and stamped by your home coordinator: 1 May for the 1st semester and 1 October for the 2nd semester. Enfin, sont également énumérés les procédures de règlement et de résolution amiable des conflicts. The International Office of Rennes 2 will then send you its registration procedure by email. Depending on how silent you need your space to be, you can use noise cancelling headphones, or play some music that helps you concentrate.
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