Constantine Gonatas, Areas of Congruence, Yes, But 'Pseudo-Agreement' on LMP. The RTO concept provides for separation of generation and transmission and elimination of pancaked rates, and it encourages a diverse membership including public power. In April 2017, Jon opened Grid Policy Consulting where as the CEO, he works to enable the intersection of policy and distributed energy technologies. Interregional coordination – an RTO must coordinate its activities with other regions. Consumer protection was another hallmark of Wellinghoff's career prior to joining FERC. Wellinghoff has labeled demand response the "killer app" for the smart grid. 888 is substantial in scope. Jon B. Wellinghoff (born May 30, 1949) is an American attorney who served as the chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) from 2009 to 2013. 888[4] addressed "Promoting Wholesale Competition Through Open Access Non-discriminatory Transmission Services by Public Utilities; Recovery of Stranded Costs by Public Utilities and Transmitting Utilities." Wellinghoff has vowed to pursue his priorities through the implementation of regulatory practices that ensure a fair and competitive energy market, pointing out that it is through competitive energy markets that consumers will reap the full benefits of new technology. The majority agreed with the FERC's assertion for the need to harness the benefits of competitive electricity markets. As commissioner, Wellinghoff was influential in moving FERC towards prioritizing the removal of barriers to integration of renewable energy into the electric grid. The office is tasked with providing leadership in the development and formulation of policies and regulations to address emerging issues affecting wholesale and interstate energy markets. Congestion management – an RTO must ensure the development and operation of market mechanisms to manage transmission congestion. FERC ensures economically efficient, safe, reliable & secure energy for consumers. ERCOT does fall under the authority of NERC and operates a reliability function, separate from its market function, in order to comply with NERC requirements. Grid operators could, in turn, respond with more efficient management of available resources and avoid the high expenses associated with putting another power plant on-line to generate the electricity necessary to meet demand. About a dozen states decided to deregulate but some pulled back following the California electricity crisis of 2000 and 2001. The FERC continues to receive rehearing petitions regarding stranded cost recovery as it has clearly placed the importance on remedying what it terms as “undue discrimination” at the forefront. If you have not previously eRegistered with FERC Online, please use the New Registration link on the left menu to do so. Operational authority – an RTO must have the authority to control its transmission facilities (e.g. [15] Grid Policy assists energy tech companies from start-ups to fully commercialized enterprises to get to market and expand markets by addressing critical policy barriers to business success. In the 1990s, as states and regions in the United States established wholesale competition for electricity, groups of utilities and their federal and state regulators began forming independent transmission operators that would ensure equal access to the power grid for non-utility firms, enhance the reliability of the transmission system and operate wholesale electricity markets. The order's compensation scheme was supported by the late Alfred Kahn, then Robert Julius Thorne Professor of Political Economy, Emeritus, at Cornell University, and Special Consultant to National Economic Research Associates, Inc. Dr. Kahn asserted that because demand response is in all essential respects economically equivalent to supply response, it should be treated and rewarded the same as generation in competitive power markets.
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