tormented soul meaning

tormented soul meaning

Membership Zariel created the Companion as part of a plot to pull the city into Avernus to use it as a fortress in the Blood War. Many citizens of both Elturel and Elturgard dreamed of joining the Companions, and many succeeded. Berdusk. Elturel is the capital of Elturgard and ruled by the High Observer of Torm. It was said the Elturians prayed to the gods each night just for the dawn to come sooner. The Companions were seen as the undoubted champions of the people of Elturgard, with even the lowest-ranking ready to sacrifice their lives to protect them, and in turn the people adored them. It was said purity focused their minds, conviction fired their blood, and faith hardened their hearts. It stands overlooking the River Chionthar, constantly illuminated by the Companion. It adorned the armor, shields, and flags of the Companions and the Hellriders alike, and was well known to everyone in and around Elturgard. Around 1358 DR through 1367 DR, they numbered approximately 2000 women and men. Members of the Hellriders could also aspire to join the Order of the Companion. Its benefits notwithstanding, the constant illumination that bathes Elturel can be difficult for newcomers to adjust to. A major location along the trade route through the Western Heartlands, Elturel and its environs for many miles around are a safe haven for visitors and citizens alike. They established a heavily populated permanent citadel in the city's center. The Companions served the ruler of Elturgard, titled the High Observer of Torm, who in the latter half of the 1400s DR was Thavius Kreeg. A stout stone wall encircles the city, pierced by two gates, and open on the river side. [3] The insignia of the realm was a sun with a smaller, blazing companion sun before it in the upper left. A stream runs out of the center of the castle, spawned by the powerful springs in its cellars. It transpired Thavius Kreeg had in fact betrayed the city and its people to the archdevil Zariel, with the Creed Resolute binding them to his infernal pact and the Companion just a device in her schemes. I further recognize that this dispensation will last fifty years, after which the Companion will return whence it came, taking Elturel and its oath-bound defenders with it, if that is Zariel's wish. Oh how bright Elturgard’s light burns! It was the symbol of the realm and its defenders, the Order of the Companion. [5], Some years later, after a crisis of leadership and the disappearance of the likely successor, the Companion paladin Tamal Thent and her whole retinue and caravan at a caravanserai at Boareskyr Bridge, the post of High Observer fell to a priest of Torm, Thavius Kreeg, a rival of Thent's. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It was the symbol of the realm and of its defenders, the Order of the Companion. Unable to explain the disappearance, the paladins undertook frequent patrols of the area and constructed Fort Tamal in Thent's honor, in one of Kreeg's first decrees. They shared the realm's aim of bringing righteous judgment to all the Realms and "setting Faerûn aright". However, it produced no heat. I've been looking into The Companion for one of my player's character arc, and wondering if the excellent lore experts on this sub might be able to help me fill in some gaps. … Humans are, after all, short-lived creatures, and fickle in their faith and attentions. Who could forget the shining sight of a host of its Companions, paladins all, riding out on the field, banners taught and snapping, breastplates and shields agleam with the symbol of Elturgard, and each bearing a holy symbol of his or her god— armor for the soul. Some years later, after a crisis of leadership and the disappearance of the likely successor, the Companion paladin Tamal Thent and her whole retinue and caravan at a caravanserai at Boareskyr Bridge, the post of High Observer fell to a priest of Torm, Thavius Kreeg, a rival of Thent's. Human Kreeg feared the fort was contaminated by some unknown evil and ordered it sealed and furthermore declared that anyone entering the fort would be outlawed. It also claims and protects many small villages and farms strung along the roads and rivers in the Western Heartlands. The devout, the curious, the afflicted- all came to bathe in its warmth and see its blessed light by night. After Elturel's descent into Avernus, the Companion lost its light. Caught outside when this miracle appeared, the High Rider and his vampire spawn burned away to dust, and the other undead quailed in its illumination. [4], The paladins swore to follow and uphold the Creed Resolute, which had them serve the High Observer and the greater good, uphold Elturgard's law, and permit no difference in faith to come between them, among other codes of behavior. Scornubel: When Scornubel allowed itself to be annexed into Elturgard, a contingent of Companions rode in and claimed it. This second sun provides daytime illumination to the people of Elturel at all hours, and its illumination is as harmful to creatures vulnerable to sunlight as the sun is. Elturel | Elturgard | History – Elturel | Inhabitants – Elturel | Notable Locations – Elturel | Hellriders | the Companion | Creed Resolute | Locations. A major location along the trade route through the Western Heartlands, Elturel and its environs for many miles around are a safe haven for visitors and citizens alike. The people of Elturgard could see the Companion from nearly anywhere. The Creed Resolute was later adopted by the Hellriders, and eventually all Elturian citizens.

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