In nature the sea kraits feed almost exclusively on eels of different species, a diet hard to match in captivity. This can be seen in nature documentaries in which divers with cameras swim inches away from the snakes while the animals poke their heads into coral reefs in search of something more interesting. Scales of the head of L. colubrina The body of the snake is subcylindrical, and is taller than it is wide. Sea kraits are essentially cobras that have become adapted to living in the ocean, returning to land to bask and reproduce. Distribution. In one bite. It has an upper surface that is typically a shade of blueish gray, while the belly is yellowish, with wide ventral scales that It is 10 times more toxic than that of a rattlesnake. Yellow lipped sea krait is also called Colubrine Sea Krait or Banded Sea Krait.Yellow lipped sea krait gets its name from its yellow upper lip.It is also referred to as the banded sea krait due to the numerous black bands covering the body. It returns to the land to hide during the day and may come ashore by the hundreds in mating groups. They also feed on small fish. Yellow-lipped sea kraits are widespread throughout the eastern Indian Ocean and Western Pacific. ( Sea kraits are a genus of venomous elapid sea snakes, Laticauda.They are semiaquatic, and retain the wide ventral scales typical of terrestrial snakes for moving on land, but also have paddle-shaped tails for swimming. Common Names: Banded sea krait, yellow-lipped sea krait, colubrine sea krait; Basic Animal Group: Reptile; Size: 34 inches (male); 56 inches (female) Weight: 1.3-4.0 pounds; Lifespan: Unknown. Attempts to switch sea kraits to rodents generally fail. Snake Fungal Disease Spreads To 19 States, Puerto Rico, Florida Python Hunters Break Record For Largest Python Captured, Former Aussie Pro Footballer Brent Staker Saves Carpet Python From Busy Highway. Information about life, description, habitat, behaviour of sea creature. Habitat: Sea kraits are essentially cobras that have become adapted to living in the ocean, returning to land to bask and reproduce. Water temperatures should be about 80 degrees Fahrenheit, with land temperatures between 80 and 90 degrees. Atom They can be found from the eastern coast of India, along the coast of the Bay of Bengal in Bangladesh, Myanmar and other parts of Southeast Asia, to the Malay Archipelago and to some parts of southern China, Taiwan, and the Ryukyu Islands of Japan. can give ten times the venom needed to kill an human. The upper lip and snout are characteristically colored yellow, and the yellow color extends backward on each side of the head above the eye to the temporal scales. Though potentially dangerously venomous, this species has a reputation for being docile, easily handled and producing very little venom. Some specimens adapt to taking other types of elongated fish, but feeding is almost always a major problem. The venom of the sea krait affects both muscles and nerves . These are some problems that cause limited lifespan for the banded sea krait in captivity and, because of this, the species is rarely kept in institutions in the United States. La... Life of Sea | Blue Tang ( Paracanthurus hepatus ) | The Blue Tang is also known as the Regal Tang, Blue tangs and the Indo-Pacific... feed on eels. The discovery, made by Dr Arne Redsted Rasmussen and Dr Johan Elmberg, showed that Yellow-lipped Sea Kraits (Laticauda colubrina) use skin markings and behaviour patterns to fool predators into thinking their tail is a second head, complete with lethal venom. Few zoos or individuals have had much success keeping sea kraits for long, as they need large pools of warm salt water as well as rocks and other dry areas on which to bask. (Chinnadurai, et al., 2008) Behavior. Mostly, they avoid us. The results, published in the Journal of Threatened Taxa, record both species of sea kraits on the islands: the yellow-lipped and the blue-lipped sea krait. In fact, over 60 known species of sea snakes in the Pacific and Indian Oceans are venomous. They are fairly adaptable, however, and some zoos have had moderate success using fresh water with just occasional baths in salt water. Life of Sea | Blue Button Jellyfish (Porpita porpita) | This sea creature is similar with Bluebottle Jellyfish / Portuguese Man of War ... Life of Sea | Megalodon Shark | The megalodon shark (Carcharodon megalodon) was a massive being that would put modern day sea predators... Life of Sea | Blue glaucus ( Glaucus atlanticus ) | Blue glaucus is commonly known as the sea swallow, blue sea and the blue sea slu... Life of Sea | Axolotl ( Ambystoma mexicanum ) | The Axolotl is a neotenic salamander, closely related to the Tiger Salamander. This species lives along ocean shores and is capable of dives lasting over an hour, feeding on reefs and shallow sandy bottoms. The head of a yellow-lipped sea krait is black, with lateral nostrils and an undivided rostral scale. It returns to the land to hide during the day and may come ashore by the hundreds in mating groups. L. laticaudata has also been observed to display an interesting way of staying warm, according to the study "Kleptothermy: an additional category of thermoregulation, and a possible example in sea kraits" Etymology: Laticauda = from the Latin latus = broad, and cauda, tail, in reference to the wide, flat tail; Post Comments Basking lights will be used by some individuals. They do not recognize human as their prey or predator. ), Life of By The Wind Sailor/Velella Velella. Most snakes can reach 20 years of age under ideal conditions. This species has an exceptionally wide range, being found from the Bay of Bengal over the Indonesian and Southeast Asian area to the Solomons and other islands of the South Pacific, with a few records from northern Australia, southern Japan, and even Central America.
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