Rohit: Your choice makes sense. So have you been applying elsewhere? Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Can we study chemistry together, at least the organic part? I’m up for it. So. Rohit: Agree. Anything else on pollution masks? This post contains conversations between two persons, Rohit and Mahesh, on following four topics: Job change, Exam preparation, Air pollution in cities, and. Rohit: I know. Rohit and Mahesh come out of the examination hall after finishing English paper. Moreover, would you want to run them for so many hours every day and for so many months? What about you? For sure, we won’t see as many 95+ marks in English this year. Mahesh: That will be awesome. What do you say? Let’s get back to studies. Rohit: You’ve a point. But more importantly, the cheap ones aren’t as effective as the N99 I’m using in filtering the pollutants. Hasib :Good morning, Sujon. Thank you so much for your valuable conversation .it will help me a lot and also it is useful for improve my communication skil. Do you’ve a location in mind? Whereas, the one I’m using can be used for few hundred hours. Mahesh: So. Rohit: I’m not sure about it. In fact, the Air Quality Index (AQI) of smaller cities such as Gwalior, Agra, and Lucknow often gets worse than Delhi’s, and they don’t get the same coverage in the national media as big cities such as Delhi do. To be honest, I’m not too worried about firecrackers because their effect is only for few days. I wish I had timed myself better. We can carry the raw material, but we can get confirmation only when we reach there. Sujon : Good morning, Hasib. They could speak about any topic related to their daily lives. Mahesh: That’s right. Do you know persons in the industry who can help me land interviews? So the cost of cheap ones add up fast. You know that the telecom industry is going through a rough patch because of falling prices and shrinking margins. Mahesh: What about pollution from firecrackers on Diwali? What’s the point of using a mask if it’s not filtering the harmful pollutants? It is completely dependent upon different scenarios. Mahesh: Everything is going smooth. Mahesh: Not a bad idea. (Download) 6 Typical Conversations Between Two Friends in English. Mahesh: I agree with your points, but I think citizens too have some role in curbing pollution. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. What’s your plan for this weekend? Mahesh: Also, the commute time to the office is just too much at the moment, and I don’t foresee a shift to a closer location in this organization. Mahesh: I am, but the route of sending resumes and cover letters has so far not yielded much. Let’s ask few more friends. Mahesh: You’re right. So are you thinking of making the transition in near future? Rohit: It’s not like what you’ll get on a coastline, but it’s awesome considering the fact that it’s so close to us. All the best for your next exam. I’m also finding chemistry to be bit challenging because of its vast syllabus and too much memorization in organic chemistry. Mahesh: Prefer a mask with exhalation valves. Mahesh: We’ve been breathing the toxic air for the last few years. Mahesh: Nothing much. I was in fact ahead of time as long as I was on grammar and letter writing, but this year’s reading comprehension passages were just too tough for me, and it completely derailed my time management. OK, so what’s the plan? But, yes, I’m also struggling to get enough time for revision. Mahesh: As far as prepositions are concerned, I can help you in understanding the rules. A dialogue between two friends regarding a visit to a zoo, A Dialogue between Two Friends about Preparation for the Examination, Write a dialogue between two friends on the choice of career, Dialogue Between Two Friends on Spending Summer Vacation, Dialogue Between Two Friends Who Met After Long Time, A dialogue between two friends about reading newspaper, A dialouge between two friends About environment pollution, A Dialogue Between Two Friends About Tree Plantation. What would you recommend? Rohit: Sure. Rohit: I did somehow manage to complete, but in the last 20-odd minutes I had to hurry so much that I guess I made quite a few mistakes. This post contains conversations between two persons, Rohit and Mahesh, on following four topics: In the dialogues below, the two main characters – Rohit and Mahesh – have been color-coded for ease of browsing. Rohit: Agree. I’m also planning to buy a pollution mask. AQI in good category seems to be a distant dream. Mahesh: You’ve summed the state of affairs quite well. Rohit: I’ve been thinking about going out on a picnic since the last weekend. In 2015, a staggering 2.5 + million people died in India because of pollution. I think it’s a good idea. But for reading comprehension, you need to put in lots of practice to get better at it. Too much time on the road is taking a toll on me. I’ve been reading about some of these issues about your industry in the newspapers. Planning a picnic. Construction activity is probably the easiest of the three to control. Off hand, I don’t recall a contact in your industry, but lemme try through people I know.
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