Being an elementary school teacher is one of the most admirable roles an educator can hold—at the same time, it’s no doubt challenging. For example, elementary teachers researching a master’s program may consider a degree in: A state-issued teaching certificate or license is generally required to become an elementary teacher. A job with a low stress level, good work-life balance and solid prospects to improve, get promoted and earn a higher salary would make many employees happy. Students need to know what to expect from teachers and when they can expect it. At this stage of learning, it is easier to recognize which students will need more attention than others. Question: What degree do I need to teach elementary school? Some elementary schools also include grade six, while some private and rural public schools include seventh and eighth grades. Elementary school teachers train young students in a range of subjects using creative lessons and activities. In addition to teaching students and monitoring activities, elementary school teachers often supervise classroom assistants and parent/teacher helpers. Elementary teachers will still be needed to replace those who retire or leave the profession for other reasons. Many areas also have shortages of bilingual teachers, as well as shortages of teachers who are willing to work in urban or rural school districts. A successful teacher’s students will feel comfortable coming to them with … Elementary school teachers must be able to communicate, inspire trust, motivate students and understand their students’ needs. . Average Americans work well into their 60s, so workers might as well have a job that's enjoyable and a career that's fulfilling. Nearly all states require teachers to take professional development courses as a condition of certification. The lowest 10% earn less than $37,780, and the highest 10% earn more than $95,270. An elementary teacher helps young children develop social skills and positive learning habits in an enthusiastic, stimulating, and positive classroom environment. Here, we will... Find out how to get an initial license in Virginia. Education with Prelimary Education Specialist Instruction Credential, Preliminary Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, Preliminary Education Specialist Instruction Credential, To learn more about the information we collect, how we use it and your choices visit our, Teacher Education for Specific Levels and Methods, MS in Education (P-12 for current teachers), MS in Higher Education - College Teaching and Learning, M.A. Most bachelor's degree programs in elementary education require students to complete a student teaching program. © copyright 2003-2020 Apply for a license through your state board of education. Elementary school teachers may also coach sports teams and choir, supervise recess, and monitor lunchroom breaks. An error occurred trying to load this video. The median annual wage for elementary school teachers, except special education was $59,670 in May 2019. How Much Do Elementary School Teachers Make in Your City? Educational Administration and Supervision, Teacher Education for Specific Subject Areas. These tasks vary depending on the grade of the students they work with. Second grade teachers - The SHARE Team, Being an elementary school teacher is one of the most admirable roles an educator can hold—at the same time, it’s no doubt challenging. While NCLB had minimum requirements requiring public school teachers to be highly qualified, defined as having an appropriate bachelor’s or master’s degree and state certification, ESSA leaves it up to each state and district to decide teacher requirements. Take our free career test to find out if elementary school teacher is one of your top career matches. This post has been updated as of December 2017. A second grade teacher is responsible for further learning in the aforementioned core subjects, as well as continuing to shape each student's behaviour and emotional well-being. They may have dual degrees in teaching and a specific subject or discipline, such as science, Spanish, early childhood development, or special education. As elementary school teachers are expected to teach foundational skills in a wide variety of subjects, a liberal arts background supplemented by study in science and math is a helpful starting point for beginning educators. Prospective teachers must take courses that provide a broad education in all of the subjects taught in the primary grades, such as math, English, reading, science, and social studies., 14 Jun 2019 published. Would you make a good elementary school teacher? Learn how to become an elementary school teacher… And, of course, you want your students to, It’s a lot, but what you put into it, you get out of it. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, Elementary School Teachers:, Home | Teaching Degrees | Teaching Careers | Teaching Resources, © Copyright 2020 Teacher Certification Degrees - All rights reserved. Throughout the program students could also have multiple observation experiences in real classroom settings before completing their student teaching practicum. Elementary school encompasses a wide range of grade levels. Patience, communication skills, problem solving, and the ability to motivate these young children to learn are all very important skills needed. Fourth grade teachers - Elementary school teachers also participate in continuing professional education on a regular basis to keep skills current and discuss new ideas to utilize in classroom learning. Since most K-6 teachers provide instruction in all subjects, they typically lead a single class of children through the school day. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. You’re required to produce results for your district and are perhaps even evaluated based on those statistical results and data analysis. Elementary School Educator. At the same time, you want students to look forward to entering the classroom each day. The base skills taught by pre-kindergarten and kindergarten teachers are letter recognition, phonic learning, early mathematics, very basic reading skills, proper social skills and confidence.
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