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Au cours de l été 336, Philippe II est assassiné par Pausanias lors du… …   Wikipédia en Français, Pausanias — (Greek:Παυσανίας (Audio IPA|Ell Pausanias.ogg| [ Pausanias ] note: Modern Greek pronunciation) is the name of several people: *Pausanias (Athenian), lover of the poet Agathon and a character in Plato s Symposium *Pausanias (general), Spartan… …   Wikipedia, Pausanias — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Pausanias puede referirse a: Pausanias, general espartano del siglo V a. C. Pausanias de Macedonia, rey de Macedonia entre el 399 a. C. y el 393 a. C. Pausanias de Esparta, Rey de… …   Wikipedia Español, Orestis (region) — For the modern municipality, see Orestida Orestis (Ancient Greek: Ὀρεστίς from the term orestias meaning mountainous ) was a region of Upper Macedonia, corresponding roughly to the modern Kastoria Prefecture, West Macedonia, Greece. The assassination is more in line with the original sources, featuring Pausanias as a somatophylax, his getaway attempt, and his accomplices. 20th-century dramatizations of Alexander's life sometimes include Pausanias' rape, Philip's assassination at his hands, or both; these dramatizations usually agree with the story presented by Aristotle, if not also Diodorus Siculus. Death of Philip: Murder or Assassination? ca:Pausànies d'Orèstia Pausanias of Orestis was promoted to the rank of somatophylax, probably as a consolation.[1]. While all of his empire-building went on, Philip also had a private life, taking up Pausanias of Orestis, a member of his bodyguard, as a lover. Rossen's 1956 Alexander the Great makes textual references to the rape, but does not show it. Rossen's 1956 Alexander the Great makes textual references to the rape, but does not show it. This version gives insight into Pausanias' psyche following the rape and leading up to the assassination. In spring of 336 BC, Philip II appointed Attalus… …   Wikipedia, We are using cookies for the best presentation of our site. For any number of reasons, Philip did not punish Attalus. As time progressed, Philip's attention went to a different, younger Pausanias, ousting the elder. nl:Pausanias (Macedoniër) However Diodorus was writing over two centuries after Philip's reign, and without mentioning sources, thus his depiction must be taken with a grain of salt. [2] Alexander had Pausanias' corpse crucified, but as soon as he had left Macedon, Olympias built a memorial to the slain man. ru:Павсаний (тёзки) Pausanias of Orestis (died 336 BC) was a Macedonian bodyguard who served on Philip II of Macedon's somatophylakes during the 4th century BC. At the murder trial, two other men, Heromenes and Arrhabaeus, were found guilty of conspiracy with Pausanias, and executed. He was captured and killed. Pausanias killed Philip at the wedding ceremony of Philip's daughter Cleopatra to Alexander I of Epirus, and as he tried to flee to the city gate, tripped on a vine-root and was speared by Attalus (not Parmenios son-in-Law), Leonnatus, and Perdiccas, who were also bodyguards and friends of Alexander. Er wurde in Orestis im oberen Makedonien als Sohn des Kerastos geboren[1] und gehörte der Leibwache (Somatophylakes) Philipps an. Its… …   Wikipedia, Pausanias — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Pausanias asesinando a Filipo …   Wikipedia Español, Pausanias d'Orestis — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Pausanias. * [http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Plutarch/Lives/Alexander*/3.html Plutarch: Life of Alexander] ** [http://www.1stmuse.com/frames/assasination.html Philip's Assassination, Plutarch] * [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?lookup=Diod.+16.94.1 Diodorus Siculus, 16.94], * [http://pothos.org/alexander.asp?paraID=53&keyword_id=9&title=Death%20of%20Philip:%20Murder%20or%20Assassination? [2] Alexander had Pausanias' corpse crucified, but as soon as he had left Macedon, Olympias built a memorial to the slain man. [3] At the murder trial, two other men, Heromenes and Arrhabaeus, were found guilty of conspiracy with Pausanias, and executed. He assassin ated Philip in 336 BC, possibly at the instigation of Philip's wife Olympias, or even his son Alexander the Great.

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