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You do not have access to this Defamiliarization, in short, is another word for "originality". Log in to your personal account or through your institution. About The Art of Fiction. The influence of Joyce can be seen in many of Lodge’s novels, from the way thatThe Picturegoersis structured to the energetic linguistic play ofSmall World, but he suggests that Joyce’s achievement is so far beyond what any successor can hope to attain that there should be no question of anxiety of influence: “Most of us have not dreamed of... Lodge has described Kingsley Amis’sLucky Jim(1954) in the same way that he describesUlysses, as a “magic book for me” (Write On, 64). The Art of Fiction: Illustrated from Classic and Modern Texts, David Lodge The Art of Fiction is a book of literary criticism by the British novelist David Lodge. In this entertaining and enlightening collection David Lodge considers the art of fiction under a wide range of headings, drawing on writers as diverse as Henry James, Martin Amis, Jane Austen and James Joyce. In 2004, David Lodge gave a lecture at the annual Graham Greene Festival in Berkhamsted on the topic of “Graham Greene and the Anxiety of Influence.”¹ He analyzed the way that Greene’s literary imagination was formed by his childhood reading, notably by the portrayal of evil and treachery in Marjorie Bowen’s historical romanceThe Viper of Milan(1906). Any mention of “Deconstruction” is enough. The Art of Fiction is a book of literary criticism by the British academic and novelist David Lodge.The chapters of the book first appeared in 1991-1992 as weekly columns in The Independent on Sunday and were eventually gathered into book form and published in 1992. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. And when it comes to literary theory, I must shamefacedly say that I have still not understood the difference between “Classicism”, “Modernism” and “Post-Modernism”. David Lodge is a much-loved novelist and influential literary critic. I have ploughed through a lot of serious critical tomes in my life (most of them in Malayalam) to enhance my reading experience, but I must confess that I have been only partly successful: many of those erudite essays were way over my head. All Rights Reserved. Try logging in through your institution for access. I shall have recourse to it again in these glances at the art of fiction.”, “J. Wells are the key influences on Lodge's fiction. The major technical problem confronting the author of the social problem novel “is how to accommodate within an imaginative structure an abundance of material of a kind which... JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways. book D. Salinger's Holden Caulfield is a literary descendant of Huck Finn: more educated and sophisticated, the son of affluent New Yorkers, but like Huck a youthful runaway from a world of adult hypocrisy, venality and, to use one of his own favourite words, phoniness. Through an approach that draws on diverse theories of literary influence and history, David Lodge and the Tradition of the Modern Novel provides the most thorough treatment of the novelist's career to date. Professor David Lodge is a graduate and Honorary Fellow of University College London. The articles with which David Lodge entertained and enlightened readers of the Independent on Sunday and The Washington Post are now revised, expanded and collected together in book form.. J. Russell Perkin argues that liberalism is the defining feature of Lodge's identity as a novelist, critic, and Roman Catholic intellectual, and demonstrates that Graham Greene, James Joyce, Kingsley Amis, Henry James, and H.G. When I first picked it up some months ago and browsed some pages inside, I didn't want to read it due to its seemingly formidable technical terms in 50 headings but I later changed my mind due to its affirmation as follows, "Bringing to criticism the verve and humour of his own words, David Lodge has provided essential reading for students of literature, aspirant writers, and anyone who wishes to understand how literature works." I had hoped that in reading this basic introduction to literary criticism that I might have a surge of wonder and excitement, see all that I was missing, and rush out and bury myself in a novel. David Lodge’s book has made me think differently about my reading: indeed to read differently. T H E A R T O F wi F I C T I O N D A V I D L O D G E 2. Each column/essay is only a few pages long and is centered around an abstract from a piece of literary fiction, mostly novels. on JSTOR. Not, usually, that the writer has invented something without precedent, but that she has made us "perceive" what we already, in a conceptual sense, "know", by deviating from the conventional, habitual ways of representing reality.

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