See the, IRP researchers must not breed animals where the introduction of hESCs or human induced pluripotent stem cells may have contributed to the germ line. See the, IRP researchers must not introduce human pluripotent stem cells into non-human vertebrate animal pre-gastrulation stage embryos. See the NIH Guidelines for Human Stem Cell Research. NIH Guidelines for Human Stem Cell Research. Scope of Guidelines These Guidelines apply to the expenditure of National Institutes of Health (NIH) funds for research using human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and certain uses of induced pluripotent stem cells (See Section IV). The NIH Guidelines on Human Stem Cell Research focus on the requirements for donation of the embryo that was used for derivation. Guidance: Background. You may use only hESC lines from the current NIH Registry. ... Have Provider or... Information for hESC Research. As a result, the requirements for carrying out stem cell research (SCR) were first outlined under the International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research on Human Participants, published by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in 2000 and later revised in 2006. If you are using or planning to acquire hESCs, please submit the following information:A completed and signed copy of the checklist for the cell line(s) you will be using: If hESC lines are purchased from or made by a commercial source or obtained from an outside collaborator, contact the, All hESCs that have been reviewed and deemed eligible by NIH in accordance with the NIH Guideline for Human Stem Cell Research are posted on the, IRP researchers must not introduce hESCs (even if derived from embryos donated in accordance with these Guidelines) or human induced pluripotent stem cells into non-human primate blastocysts. NOT-OD-15-158 NIH Research Involving Introduction of Human Pluripotent Cells into Non-Human Vertebrate Animal Pre-Gastrulation Embryos. Derivation of hESCs from human embryos is prohibited by the annual appropriations restriction on funding of human embryo research, also known as the Dickey-Wicker Amendment. Once that determination has been made for a particular line, it applies to all subclones or modifications. The Guidelines govern the conduct of NIH-funded stem cell research. H However, their recommendations are nonbinding and controversial. IRP researchers must not breed animals where the introduction of hESCs or human induced pluripotent stem cells may have contributed to the germ line. The page was last updated on Friday, October 25, 2019 - 10:18am, A premier environment where creative scientists conduct fundamental research for the betterment of human health – we are the IRP, The NIH Research Festival is the showcase for intramural research; join us September 11–13, 2019, A publication for and about the NIH intramural research community, The NIH Intramural Database collects and disseminates information about research being performed in the Intramural Programs, Intramural Targeted Anti-COVID-19 (ITAC) Awards, Intramural COVID-19 Guidance and Resources, Rapid Review of Human Subjects Research Related to the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic, Donating Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and COVID-19 Testing Supplies, Exceptional Use of IC Funds for Per Diem Quarantine for Non-FTE Trainees (VF/IRTA/CRTA), Student IRTA/CRTA and Student Special Volunteers, Extension Exceptions for Non-FTE Trainees for COVID-19, Board of Scientific Directors Sub-Committees, Committee on Scientific Conduct and Ethics (CSCE), Chairs of Boards of Scientific Counselors, Office of Intramural Training and Education (OITE) Steering Committee, Senior Biomedical Research Service (SBRS) Policy Board, Human Subjects Research Advisory Committee (HSRAC), Animal Research Advisory Committee (ARAC), Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC) Committee, NIH Intramural Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight (ESCRO) Committee, Processes for Reviewing NIH Intramural Science, Blue Ribbon Panel Reviews of IC Intramural Research Programs, Guidelines for the Review of Scientific Directors, Guide to FDAAA Reporting Research Results, Assistance Available to Help with Results Reporting to, Intramural Administrative Management Council, Official List of Approved Intramural Professional Designations (IPDs), Senior Research Assistant / Research Assistant, Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) Fellow, Exceptional Extensions of IRTA and Visiting Fellowships to a 6th Year, Guide for NIH Intramural Principal Investigators to Navigate International Interactions and Avoid Inappropriate Foreign Influences on Their Research, Guidelines for Parental/Family Excused Absence for IRTAs, CRTAs, and Visiting Fellows, Mandated Training for Scientific Staff Working in NIH Facilities, Policy for Reassignment or Early Termination of Awards to Postbaccalaureate Fellows, Policy for Reassignment or Early Termination of Awards to Postdoctoral Fellows, Policy for Reassignment or Early Termination of Awards to Predoctoral Fellows, Policy for Use of Contract Workers to Support Scientific Functions in the IRP, Policy on Use of English for Official Scientific Communication in NIH Laboratories and Branches, Roles of Lab and Branch Chiefs (or Equivalent), Working with Displaced Title 42 Staff Scientists/Clinicians, Intramural Research Program Personnel Demographics (End FY20), Foreign Nationals in the Intramural Research Program (End FY20), Intramural Research Program Personnel Demographics (End FY19), Foreign Nationals in the Intramural Research Program (End FY19), Intramural Research Program Personnel Demographics (End FY18), Foreign Nationals in the Intramural Research Program (End FY18), Intramural Research Program Personnel Demographics (End FY17), Foreign Nationals in the Intramural Research Program (End FY17), Intramural Research Program Personnel Demographics (End FY16), Foreign Nationals in the Intramural Research Program (End FY16), NINDS Intramural Scientist Development Program, Opportunities for Short Assignments / Details at the NIH, Tenure in the NIH Intramural Research Program, Search Process for Senior Investigators, Tenure-Track Investigators, Senior Clinicians and Senior Scientists, Awards, Fellowships, & Grant Opportunities, The Director’s Challenge Innovation Award Program, Early Career (Bridge) Awards Open to IRP Scientists, Eligibility of Intramural Investigators for NIH Roadmap Funds, Application Approval Process and Additional Information, K99/R00 Environment and Institutional Commitment Statement, NIAID Support of Intramural Biodefense Research from ICs Other Than NIAID, Anonymous Reporting of Research Misconduct Concerns, NIH Staff Involvement on Extramural Awards - Cooperative Agreements, Opportunities for Collaborative Research at the Clinical Center (U01), Investigation of Allegations of Research Misconduct, Guide for Human Biospecimen Storage and Tracking, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) Use, Human Embryo Research and Cloning Prohibitions, Policies & Procedures for Human Fetal Tissue Research, Policies Restricting the Acquisition and Use of HFT, Instruction in Responsible Conduct of Research - Postdoc IRTA, CRTA, VF, Research Associates, Instruction in Responsible Conduct of Research - Postbacs and GPP Students, Research Cases for Use by the NIH Community, Processes for Authorship Dispute Resolution, Guidelines for Non-FTEs (Trainees) for NIH-Related Activities, Outside Activities, and Awards, Guidelines for Annual Progress Review of Trainees, Scientific Director Policy Updates for Mentors and Trainees, The DDIR Implementation Plan in Response to the FelCom Subcommittee Report on Mentoring, PubMed Central (PMC) Deposition Requirements, Intramural Directions for Submitting to PubMed Central via NIHMS, Procedures for Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications, Intramural Research Communications & Resources, Intramural Program on Research on Women's Health, NIH Guidelines for Human Stem Cell Research.
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