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There is no official process to be invited to join an obreedience team but should you wish to take part we would recommend contacting breed club members or asking at your local training club in order to find other breed enthusiasts who would be interested in starting a team. No, in order to show the capabilities of as many breeds as possible only one team from each breed can take part in the final at Crufts. Organised and hosted by the Kennel Club, it is the largest show of its kind in the world.. Crufts is centred on a championship conformation show for dogs, and includes a large trade show of mainly dog-related goods and services, as well as competitions in dog agility, obedience, flyball and heelwork to music. To become the Crufts Obedience Champion is the ultimate accolade in Obedience. Julie Rowlands with Sarkam Douthinkhe Saurus (Yoshi) Border Collie, Beginner Handlers must keep the same spacing throughout the exercise. Crufts obedience championships. Asst Mgrs - Ellen Herries & Anne Marie Parker, Northern Ireland - Team Manager - Michael McCartney, Assistants - Kate McCartney & Tracy McKinlay. with a whole host of border collies in her Volvo estate, long before cages were invented! This competition has run for many years and the teams work hard to do their best. Novice earth!!). Sam Rice with Tollerice Chase (Redden) NSDTR, Janet Saker with Corneroak Golden Girl Velda (Velda) Golden Retriever, Class B So I went The YKC (Young Kennel Club) 11 Bronagh Walsh with Fearnach God Of Thunder (Zeus) Shetland Sheepdog [18-24 Years] Amanda Wark with Smokin Joe Razor (Razor) Crossbreed (non collie/ collie type) (NI), Assistant Managers: Karen Kendall & Helen Chetwynd, Glenis Charles with Corneroak Golden Gambler (Gamble) Golden Retriever, Reserve: Briar Dunn with Rubus Parvifolius (Bramble) Golden Retriever, Gloria Bonnell with Sandwick Centre Stage at Cinlock (Dylan) Shetland Sheepdog, Level 3 The inter-regional day is a showcase to demonstrate that almost any dog can compete and be successful in obedience. Qualifying heats are available for registered societies to host each year, the final of which will be held at Crufts the following year. Crufts Dog Show 2020 Online Broadcasting is very easily available in Australia. Janette Mitchell with Fenstyle Kerro Blue Diamond (Kerroo) Shetland Sheepdog, Carol Lewin with Choxxstart Colby (Colby) Bearded Collie, Class A I was delighted to receive the invitation to judge the Obedience Inter Regional Event for 2020 – I was originally invited to judge the Obedience World Cup 2018 but sadly this event was dropped from the Crufts programme. One day is for bitches, the other for dogs. var sc_project=1076622; I have been involved in this event for over 25 years as Northern Ireland Team Manager – a duty I have relinquished to Tracy McKinlay for this year – thanks Tracy for taking on this role. He competed in plus sides to our sport! 4th Georrgina Krall with Ambertollers Devotion - Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Meriel Bentley with Hareloch Cobbler (Ruben) Golden Retriever, Class C so judging at Crufts is a massive honour for me. 16 Dominic Vila with Est The Best (Estella) Working Cocker Spaniel X Poodle [06-11 The team with the highest number of points within each breed will represent that breed in the final. Winner - Jodi Lunn with OB CH LONGWAVES LUMINESCENT. If once all the heats have been held there are teams on equal points, the team which has achieved the highest place will take preference in the final allocation of places, e.g. Felicicity Veazey with Janallan Bakari (Jet) BSD Groendal, Level 6 No, as long as the exercises are performed then these can be organised by the judge. Crufts 2020 Results: Best In Show Judge: Mrs Anne Macdonald: Crufts 2020: CH SILVAE TRADEMARK. Rachel Garisch with Cherryvalley's Mellififluos (Mimi) German Shepherd Dog, Reserve: Tracey Dawn Watt with Vinny Vidi Vici (Vinny) Working Cocker, Novice the privilege of competing at the biggest show in the World. Ticket Latest - 22th June, 2020 Obedience). 3rd Shannon Wright with BORDALICIOUS PINK LACE. It is always a closely fought event. DOG SPORTS UK is pleased to support a number of trophies for these events namely: ​DOG TRAINING WEEKLY (DTW) TOP DOG & Best Opposite Sex (BOS). Sue Brown with Stillmoor Tartan Banner Of Delphinia (Delta) BC, Rhian Lloyd with Chocolate Mystery Maiden (Blod) Cocker Spaniel, Reserve: Heather Parker with Man of Magic (Merlin) XBreed, Nerys Thomas with Tudful Ddraig Goch at Calanhaf (Finn) Welsh Springer, Level 3 Marks will be deducted for movement and/or anticipation, A large marked area will be set up on the floor and this will be where the judge will require each dog to be stopped, Handlers will then be directed by the steward to leave their dog and walk to a designated spot, then call their dog and stop the dog in the area, A sit, down or stand position will be accepted as a stop position, Extra commands will be permitted throughout the exercise, Once the dog has been stopped, on the steward’s command, the handler to return to the dog and replace the lead and then release and play with the dog under control (with or without a toy).

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