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This is a relatively simple task which simply requires working muscles in the eccentric phase of contraction and counter-balancing the movement with opposing muscle activation. Generally, people think to ice their ailments to relieve the pain. Since there are no examples of appropriate eccentric muscle action in the act of playing video games, picture a simple biceps curl exercise (see below). The muscles that create the opposing action are called antagonist muscles. However, if left untreated, RSIs could lead to long term, debilitating injuries. The second part of the imbalance is the lack of use in the opposing motion of a joint causing a discrepancy in strength and tension. Lowering the weight downward in a controlled manner is the eccentric phase; the target muscle is getting lengthened under tension. Recovery from an already diagnosed RSI is most often a simple technique. While practicing, streaming, and/or competing, gamers are prone to injuries that can limit their ability to perform, and in some cases, these injuries can stop them from gaming completely. Repetitive strain injury treatment protocols are well-researched in clinical trials, and evidence supports a protocol involving aggressive cross-friction massage to the affected tendon, heavy eccentric loading of the tendon, and heat therapy. Below is an example treatment for mouse elbow. As already mentioned, repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) are among the most common ailments in gaming. • A. K. Burton, N. A. S. Kendall, B. G. Pearce, L. N. Birrell, L. C. Bainbridge: Management of Upper Limb Disorders and the Biopsychosocial Model. Therefore, ice would not help this condition. The common symptoms of this condition are pain at the outer portion of the elbow worsened with extension or opening movements of the wrist and fingers. Chronic RSI is multifactorial with some RSI sufferers, eventually developing a chronic pain syndrome that affects many aspects of their life. This resistance should be moderately heavy in order to properly pull the tendon fibers taut. Pulling the weight upward is the concentric phase; the muscle gets shorter under tension. Esports Healthcare does not offer this information for diagnostic purposes. To prevent an RSI or overuse tendinosis, you must prevent the tendon from forming adhesions. However, as previously explained, it is the imbalance of use in the shortening phase of a movement compared to a lack of use in the lengthening phase, and NOT simply using the muscle frequently. Think of tearing apart a VELCRO® strip; when you contract a muscle/tendon that has adhesions, the adhesions pull apart, potentially causing severe, debilitating pain. When the strength and tension of the muscles on each side of a joint are not balanced, the muscles may become overworked and injury will become more common. In a slow, controlled manner, allow the elbow to open and wrist to drop—pulling the tendon. Below is an example treatment for mouse elbow. The information contained on this website does not establish, nor does it imply, doctor-patient relationship. The common flexor tendon is the site of medial epicondylosis. Whereas acute RSI is relatively simple to assess and treat successfully, it is difficult to cure chronic RSI. Esports Healthcare disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information. Generally, a heat pack should be used for 10-15 minutes. The injury occurs from a combination of the wrist position resting on the mouse—a position which shortens the extensor muscles—and the lifting of the fingers off the mouse buttons—an action that shortens the extensor muscles even further. Feb. 21, 2000 (Washington) -- While companies can adjust workstations and reassign tasks to reduce employee injuries, treating an injury once it occurs is not nearly as easy. Small changes to your lifestyle and working environment can often help. In console gaming, the imbalance is most often caused by poor hand position combined with the pressing downward on the buttons. PC overuse injuries are not due to the action of clicking the mouse buttons downward. For PC gamers, the agonist action is lifting the fingers off the mouse. Using heat packs on the affected area should conclude this protocol.

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