Yin Yoga is a slow style of yoga in which you hold poses for three to five minutes. In honor of the Fall Equinox, yin yoga teacher Danielle March offers a sequence to help you gain some perspective and insight on your own summer growth. See alsoLet It Fall Away: A Seasonal Sequence For Letting Go. In honor of the Fall Equinox, yin yoga teacher Danielle March offers a sequence to help you gain some perspective and insight on your own summer growth. Begin by grounding yourself in a comfortable seat with a tall spine. The Fall Equinox, when the light and the dark make up equal parts of the day, marks the beginning of the harvesting and composting phases of the year. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this fire phase symbolizes ignition, discernment and resolve. Similarly, as food nutrients enter the large intestines, they are later released as waste. Starting in a comfortable easy seat, take 9 clearing rounds of vital breath. Once you are have arrived fully and feel settled, let’s begin. Yin Yoga This practice is designed to help you sit longer, and more comfortably, in meditation by stretching connective tissue around the joints (mainly the knees, pelvis, sacrum, and spine). In a yang pose, we engage the muscles and stretch them. If you're new to Yin, you'll finally have the expert guidance you need to use this transformational yoga style to explore new dimensions of your body, energy, and mind. This 45–60-minute Fall Equinox practice offers an opportunity to gain perspective, insight, and clarity after the year's growth phase before moving into its dormant period. © 2020 Cruz Bay Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved, 10 Yin Yoga Poses to Embrace Spring’s Spirit of Renewal. Originally drawn to her own mat by the strong and graceful movements of Vinyasa Yoga, she later fell in love with the stillness and meditative aspects of Yin Yoga. This soothing and contemplative Yin Yoga practice invites us to balance the outward focus of summer's fiery energy with an inward glance during the solstice. Remain close to your breath and start to settle your mind before moving to the first pose. These Yin Yoga postures are great for beginners. Close your eyes and take a moment to reflect on the happenings of the summer season, cultivating a sense of gratitude for this body on this day. We will stimulate the lung and large intestine meridian pair through the interplay of extension and contraction along the upper torso and by exploring different arm and shoulder variations. Consider this an invitation to slow down and surrender to the joy of the present moment with an exploration of heart openers, upper back and shoulder stretches. Remember to move slowly, always respecting your physical and mental edges. I like to think of the summer solstice as the gateway to the rest of the year. The soothing and contemplative practice of Yin Yoga invites us to balance this outward focus with an inward glance. The same parallel can be drawn in nature, when the multi-colored leaves, perform an encore on their way down toward the earth before taking their final bow. She is the visionary behind LivOn Purpose™, a modern yoga teacher training that combines the yin and yang aspects of yoga with the underlying current of transformational work. It's an ideal time to honor the sun in all of its glory and acknowledge the infinite source of light within ourselves. In this gentle practice, we focus on the heart and large intestine meridians that run along the chest cavity as well as along the inner and outer arms. Author: Danielle March Updated: Dec 18, 2018 Original: Sep 20, 2016. For the Fall Equinox, Yin Yoga teacher Danielle March offers a practice to help you gain some perspective and insight on your … These systems are powerfully symbolic for the natural giving and receiving cycle of life. These seven Yin Yoga positions target the ten myofascial groups in the legs and torso as well as the fourteen skeletal segments of the body. As a devoted and lifelong student of yoga and meditation, Danielle dishes out inspiration, soulful strategies, tangible tactics, resources and a fresh perspective. As a beginner, you will want to hold the poses for three minutes, once you become more advanced in your practice, you can increase the time to five minutes. The lungs accept oxygen and later release it as carbon dioxide. © 2020 Cruz Bay Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved, Let It Fall Away: A Seasonal Sequence For Letting Go. A passive practice, Yin Yoga involves variations of seated and supine poses typically held for 3 to 5 minutes, accessing deeper layers of fascia. The seven archetypal poses are: Saddle, Caterpillar, Shoelace, Dragonfly, Dragon, Twist, Dog. Close your eyes and allow yourself to become more present within each cycle. In this gentle practice, we focus on the heart and large intestine meridians that run along the chest cavity as well as along the inner and outer arms. With the warm weather comes increased physical and social activity, as the fire element is at its peak. The yin pose of Swan looks identical to the yang pose of Pigeon, but in Pigeon, as in most yang poses, the muscles are the targets. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Fall is associated with the lungs and large intestine organ systems, which govern the respiratory and elimination function of the body. 10 Yin Yoga Poses for Clarity this Fall. As the weather gets cooler, we begin to draw energy inward, lending us time to pause, reflect, take stock of and process what came of the summer growing season.
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