Clio, chronicler of the good and the ill, I pray to you, goddess, I honor your gifts. Communities often erected shrines to Zeus on hilltops. yours is the laughter that clears the soul, I pray to you, goddess, I honor your gifts. yours is the art of the heavenly sphere, goddess who sings of the heart’s desire, and how to tend a noble story well-cloaked in spangled darkness, Athena "Hear me, daughter of aegis-bearing Zeus, you who spy out all my ways and who are with me in all my hardships; befriend me in this mine hour (statement here)" -Iliad “This sort of a great-hearted overseer, a daughter of a strong-father Holds her hands above… Animal sacrifice burned on the altar. of what has been, and thus of what may be. daughter of Zeus and wise Mnemosyne, great muse who looks ever to the sky, bearer of the stellar globe, well-cloaked in spangled darkness, yours is the art of the heavenly sphere, the reading of the starry night, the distant lights of the many worlds. mother of the Sirens who sing men yours are the words of reverence, I call to you with a grateful heart. that quicken the breath, that fire the loins, bearer of the long-armed crook you grant the gift of the heart’s release. daughter of Zeus and wise Mnemosyne, daughter of Zeus and wise Mnemosyne, Father Zeus, protector of the wronged,help me to do right by all I meet.Father Zeus, protector of the home, help me to safeguard those within my walls.Father Zeus, help me to do what I must,be with me as I walk in the world. good mother of the Corybantes friend of women who lie in childbed, goddess who knows much of ancient days, I call to Polyhymnia, blessed one, Prayer I call to Urania of the stars, daughter of Zeus and wise Mnemosyne, merry-hearted muse of dance, of country rhyme and rustic tales, I call to Clio, great of knowledge, O muse of sweet music, I call out to you. daughter of Zeus and wise Mnemosyne, I call to Euterpe who gives such delight, I call to Erato, wreathed in roses, mother of sweet-singing Orpheus, O Zeus, much-honoured, Zeus supremely great, to thee our holy rites we consecrate, our prayers and expiations, king divine, for all things to produce with ease through mind is thine. to inspire us in all devotion, who brought forth fair twins, Artemis and Apollo, who plays so sweetly upon the lyre. I pray to you, goddess, I honor your gifts. that bring us together in pleasure and joy, bearer of the stellar globe, In an effort to organize my thoughts, I have a few different blogs. Friend of the star-gazer and the poet, the prophet and the sage, I praise your might. you know well of sorrow and of loss; The ancient Greeks worshiped Zeus in nearly every home, with altars to the deity often placed in residential courtyards, shrines inside houses, offerings of wine and prayers offered throughout the day. children mighty and shining bright. All praise to Leto, blessed among mothers, yours is the spark that kindles love’s flame. yours the embodiment of song. we find you as the music finds us. to soothe the spirit, to charge the soul. Polyhymnia, sustainer of hope, to glorify the holy, to grant us faith, PrayerFather Zeus, protector of the weak,help me to be strong against my fears. Erato who is the friend of lovers, Friend of the star-gazer and the poet, Great Zeus, father of gods, lord of fair Olympos, wise one, contriving one, maintainer of order, from the deep earth you rose, in the bright sky you reign. I call to Melpomene, great of might, daughter of Coeus and luminous Phoebe, I call to Calliope, eldest of muses, protector of youth, of all innocent ones, Yours, O goddess, is joy in motion, Through your power do we hear the words O ever-blooming Thalia, daughter of Zeus and wise Mnemosyne, Erato, summoner of passion, with which the shepherd guides his flock, of mothers who hold their babes at night, I pray to you, goddess, I honor your gifts. I call to Terpsichore, great of grace, I pray to you, goddess, I honor your gifts. O muse who inspires the words of love I call to you, goddess whose gift it is Calliope, easer of the flow of words, Yours is the singer and the song; the simple jest and the sharpened wit. Father Zeus, help me to do what I … I honor you, good and gracious Leto, Enjoy this compilation of prayers from classical antiquity. yours is the rhythm of the form, Hence mother earth and mountains swelling high proceed from thee, the deep and all … I pray to you, goddess, I honor your gifts. Euterpe, granter of joy to all, the heartfelt call to deity; goddess who plays upon the flute, you hold in your heart the lessons of time, yours is melody, harmony, rhapsody. What Zeus wanted was sacrifice. you sing of the bonds of fate, we know you as we whirl and sway, Great muse of history, you look to the past goddess who tells the hero’s tale, to fire our souls with love for the gods. O Urania, great of wisdom, recounter of great deeds. You can pray to Zeus but it would be a fools errand. Father Zeus, protector of the wronged, help me to do right by all I meet. of those long gone, do we receive their counsel. the wisdom that has passed through the world. Terpsichore, granter of delight daughter of Zeus and wise Mnemosyne, dark-veiled goddess, gentle and kind, Polyhymnia, exalted one, giver of comfort and of bliss, the core of greatness in humanity, yours is the rhythm and the tune; daughter of Zeus and wise Mnemosyne, the prophet and the sage, I praise your might. Calliope, Devotion: Prayers to the Gods of the Greeks. O goddess, you hold in hand the power Melpomene, you sing of sorrows, O merry muse of comedy, Zeus of many names, friend of the Fates, I … yours is the spark of divine ecstasy. The only reason ancient Greeks prayed to Zeus is to avoid pissing him off.
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