Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. if they refuse to go to war for moral or religious views, they could be imprisoned, they are called concientous objectors. (transitive) to oppose; refuse to accept or comply with, to resist the introduction of new technology, I would call them "stubborn".,, “Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street.”, Responding to the Lavender Letter and commitments moving forward. If he refuses to go because he's afraid of getting hurt, we call him a "coward". "When you get out, you have a day at home, and then you have to go back and do the process again and again," says Gur, who duly served a second prison sentence. He published an account, called Slovenia 1945 in 2005. A: The answer is: it depends. In other words they decide not to fight in a conscious way. Heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Clay, 1942-2016) was outspoken about many political issues, including his opposition to the Vietnam War.. Ali was drafted by the United States military in 1966 and called up for induction in 1967. The recruiting office kept calling me for weeks prior to my arrest and asking me to enlist for service," he says. A couple of folks here mention "refusenik", I've heard that word but I think it's pretty rarely used, and is most definitely a definition number 2, only marginally related to the primary definition. When did organ music become associated with baseball? He was sentenced to two years hard labour in Wormwood Scrubs; when taken ill, he was refused a chamber pot, defecated on the floor – whereupon a guard buried his face in his own excrement. The people that interview us do not have a clue what pacifism and non-violence is about – some of them are even army officers! Due to the sheer scale of this comment community, we are not able to give each post the same level of attention, but we have preserved this area in the interests of open debate. This he will have to do. If a Conscientious Objector decides to join the military, good for them, but be sure to identify your stance during recruitment or at the time of indoctrination so that a suitable occupation and position can be arranged for you. He was still working, three months after Armistice, and died in March 1919. The work had an enduring influence on his life after the war: he ran an organisation called the Educational Exchange Council, encouraging visits of teachers and students across the Iron Curtain, and later became a language teacher. The difference between the two is that Conscientious Objection happens long before a war starts because it is based on the idea that general combat or war is wrong. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. in short . I do agree that "refusenik" sounds too specific a term - but that's really a comment on someone else's answer. In the face of this gradually strengthening conviction, he planned to just keep his head down; he wasn't due to go back to Afghanistan again anyway. Luckily he didn't have to; and, on having a medical examination to check he was eligible for alternative service (typically working in a hospital), Tollefson failed anyway. The earliest recorded incidence of conscientious objection was in 296AD, when a Roman refused to serve as a soldier because of his religious beliefs; he was killed, but subsequently canonised as Saint Maximilian. Operation MongooseCedar FallsStarliteRolling Thunder was carried out by U.S. forces in the Iron Triangle. You're only a Contentious Objector if you refuse to fight for religeous reasons, Like other people said, depending on the circumstances it could be consciencous objector or AWOL/deserter. The House of Representatives membership is based on population of each state. I decided that I didn't want to go to a medical officer because I didn't want to lie". And they'd already had a daughter who'd fully embraced her role in the army. It depends on the circumstances. Answer : TRUE. draft dodger He believed in patriotism: when your country called you to fight in the war, you went. Which trait is determined by both genetics and the environment? While in Austria, 10,000 Slovene members of an anti-Communist resistance group surrendered to the British, and, he says, "appallingly, the British Army three weeks later put them on trucks, lied to them – told them that they were being sent down to Italy to a better camp, and in fact they were just handed over to the Communists who brutally murdered them. Is a wand of lightning bolts made of metal? Achilles: The Illiad . The problem is that even during humanitarian or diplomatic operations, the unit could still fall under attack and require the Conscientious Objector to do something in defense of their fellow soldiers or to save lives. That was me; I hoofed it," he acknowledges. "A huge amount of AWOLs are because guys come back from tour damaged and there's no provision for them. Charalabos Akrivopoulos is currently awaiting trial in October. exploding as many bombs as possible. He attended the induction but refused to answer to his name or take the oath. What do you call a person who requests a service?
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