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Adjoining the compound, in the Society’s Social Welfare Center, opportunities are available for free nursery education for some 150 children in the neighborhood. Generations of Theosophists have given of their best to maintain at Adyar an atmosphere of peace, tranquillity and upliftment. The gallery is also the anteroom to the main auditorium, used for public lectures as well as classes and other activities. Shrines of the different religions add lustre to the compound. Although the articles are copyrighted, the articles may be quoted freely provided that the, The Campbell Theosophical Research Library, Theosophy - Country websites from around the world, An Introduction to Esoteric Principles - Doss McDavid, Communications Manual for Branches - John Sell, Study Course on The Secret Doctrine - Pablo Sender and Juliana Cesano, The Myths of Our Lives: A way to personal transformation, The Technique of the Spiritual Life by Clara Codd, Theosophy - An Introductory Study Course by John Algeo. Previously, other organizations had used the same name during the … They are given a nutritious breakfast in the morning and a midday meal. Its aims are: Being listed as a religious body the Society had paid few taxes, now every one of the sixty-six buildings, except the shrines of religions and the rooms of Dr. Besant, was to be taxed, also land not yet built upon. Composed of large stepping stones on a field of pebbles, the labyrinth symbolizes the seven aspects of the cosmos and the human being. H. P. B. Hostel. By the end of 1911 she had enlarged in to 253 acres by purchasing the properties now known as Alsace Grove, Blavatsky Gardens, Olcott Gardens, Besant Gardens and Damodar Gardens. It is a busy center and a beautiful place, providing a focal point for the energies and efforts of members throughout the American Section. Started in 1894 by Olcott, the School provides free education for almost 800 boys and girls from the under-privileged sections of society. The School of the Wisdom. It was along that stretch of beach that Charles Webster Leadbeater first encountered Jiddu Krishnamurti. [12], Our Thirtieth Anniversary... occurred on the seventeenth of last month [November], and on that day a perpetual memorial of the fortuitous event was erected in these grounds in the form of the majestic carved granite portal which stands at the mouth of the Avenue of Palms which leads from the now completed library building to the Indian village..."[18]. The statues of Blavatsky and Olcott are centrally located in an alcove under the Society’s motto, “There is no Religion Higher than Truth.”. It is estimated to be about 500 years old. A Laundry and a Dairy were established, as also an electrical Power House to generate electricity for the estate.[3]. . Members visit this center to offer service, to study, to attend classes and meetings, and to conduct personal retreats. This plot he has presented to me, labelling it Besant Grove. It was upgraded to the level of a High School in the year 1975, and in 2013 it was upgraded to further to the level of a Higher Secondary School (up to Class XII). A friend, who withholds his name, purchased the plot of land of about twenty acres which occupies the corner where the Adyar river runs into the sea, being bounded thus on two sides by water, and which has as its southern boundary Olcott Gardens and as its western Blavatsky Gardens. Again, I would say that it should be the flame of the deep, cool spaces, that each one metaphorically holds within himself, the flame that creates beauty, not ostentatiously but in a natural course, that creates music of the heart, a music which is one with its silence. Members visit this center to offer service, to study, to attend classes and meetings, and to conduct personal retreats. "[19] the name "Besant" was as "Vasanta" in Tamil. Leaving London on January 19, they reached Bombay on February 16, 1879, and established their Headquarters in that city. B. Ranga Reddy gave Bhojansala; A Schwarz, Damodar Gardens; J. R. Aria, Besant Grove; and Charles Harvey, both Leadbeater Chambers and the new building of the Theosophical Publishing House. Here is a quiet place to think of all those who have gone before us and to review our own lives. That is one thing which Brother Leadbeater taught those around him, that one can live a truly beautiful, spiritual life, even attending to the simple duties of one’s daily routine. Residents at Adyar often swam in the river and in the bay until recent decades, when huge population growth in Chennai led to pollution. He noted that in that latter year, there were circa 35,000 members of the Adyar-based Theosophical Society (9000 of whom were in India), c.5,500 members of the Theosophical Society in America, c.1500 members of the Theosophical Society International (Pasadena), and about 1200 members of the United Lodge of Theosophy. “I have visited many wonderful lands and seen many a famous sight, but there is none equal to the extraordinary intangible something of our Adyar. It is also a sanctuary for a wide variety of birds and animals. There was little to gain by being part of the Corporation, as Headquarters had its own water supply and obtained electric current in bulk from a company in Madras.[5]. Off the library balcony above the book stacks and library offices are the National Archives, the Kern Room, and a rare-book room. During Olcott’s time, Adyar was not yet a place for students, having accommodation only for the few workers necessary for the administration of the Society. In addition, new articles that are not in the printed version are continually being added. On December 17, 1878, Helena Petrovna BLAVATSKY and Henry Steel OLCOTT, two of the founders of the TS, left New York, arriving in London on January 3, 1879. PresidentBarbara HebertWheaton, ILadmin@theosophical.org, Vice President Douglas Keene Sullivan, NH dkeene@theosophical.org, National Secretary David BruceGeneva, ILnatsec@theosophical.org, Treasurer Floyd KetteringWest Chicago, ILtrust@theosophical.org.

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