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Audrey Quinn: Whiteness is what the common man says it is, like what is that saying? . Chenjerai Kumanyika, media scholar, now at the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University, activist, artist, podcaster. John Biewen: And another theme that we have talked about at several points in the project, too, is this shifting nature of whiteness, and its arbitrariness. Ozawa They change over time. We think these decisions are right and so hold. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. He talks about being an English speaker, an American English speaker. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1997. But in the Ozawa ruling, that white equals Caucasian, Thind sees an opportunity. The determination that the words "white person" are synonymous with the words "a person of the Caucasian race" simplifies the problem, although it does not entirely dispose of it. Hughey’s a sociologist at the University of Connecticut. Justice George Sutherland who presided over the case upheld the lower court ruling and declared Ozawa racially "ineligible for citizenship." If you want to enjoy full rights in the U.S., a federal judge needs to say you’re white. The focus on the end of growth and Richard’s clear expression thereof and his clarion calls for alternatives. John Biewen: Right. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Corollary: Deduction that needs no proof. 18 Citizenship, Ozawa Case and Caucasian Race In the Ozawa case of 1922, the Supreme Court had ruled that Japanese were ineligible to citizenship as it was only available for "white person." This provision was specifically aimed at Japanese immigrants and was at least partly based on the Ozawa decision of the Supreme Court. So, you saw more and more people arguing their whiteness before state courts, and more judges making those haphazard rulings on who to let into the club. These decisions are sustained by numerous scientific authorities, which we do not deem it necessary to review. After July 1, 1927, the limits on each nationality were determined by a more complicated formula calculated by determining what percentage of the total population was represented by each national group, then multiplying that percentage by 150,000. David Thind: That doesn’t sound like a very strong argument. Or what he saw as within his means to do to argue his case. Stay tuned. As early as 1790, the Congress had passed a law limiting citizenship to immigrants who were "free white persons." On the subject of what constitutes a "white" person, the opinion in essence says the court did not have time to study the issue from a scientific basis. He never talked about, I had no idea he was even in the army. Yale Law Journal (January 2000): p. 817. Or like 1866, you know what I mean? Like, this is recent. In every sense of the word, he was a model citizen, if being fully assimilated were the test. Audrey Quinn: Bhagat Singh Thind died in 1967. note: You can find Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8 and 9 on Asian Americans: Opposing Viewpoints. But around 1900 we start to see a lot more immigrants to the U.S., many of them not obviously white or black. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Forty two of the students who got in with lower scores than her, who took her quote-unquote “spot,” were white. She produced this episode for us. He had filed his petition of intent on August 1, 1902, in Alameda County, California, and filed for naturalization on October 16, 1914. In this case, you had the highest court in the land choosing to define whiteness in a way that brought the result that the justices were looking for, right? Affirmative form: The structure of a phrase denoting assent or agreement. David Thind: My mother and father went back to India 1963 for the first time, and you know travelled all through India, giving lectures on what America means to him. I think you’re succeeding, I would say. He was married to a Japanese woman who was educated in the U.S., not Japan, with whom he had two children. Bhagat Singh Thind was gone most of the time. It is true that in the first edition of the Revised Statutes of 1873 the words in brackets, "being free white persons, and to aliens" were omitted, but this was clearly an error of the compilers and was corrected by the subsequent legislation of 1875…. We moved here from India in 1998 on an H1-B visa, eventually became permanent residents, and then finally became citizens in 2012. By the way, one of my grandmothers was Irish. Because here you have a guy, the Supreme Court could have said to him, “Don’t bring those ugly arguments in here.” If this were the Jeffersonian all men are created equal country. Audrey Quinn: Hughey says the only way the Court’s decision to even hear the Fisher case makes sense is if you think of enrollment at UT Austin as something white students are entitled to. Case #261 U.S. 204 (1923), was a argument in which the United States Supreme Court unanimously decided that Bhagat Singh Thind, an Indian Sikh man who identified himself as a "high caste Hindu, of full Indian blood," was racially ineligible for naturalized citizenship in the United States.

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