. . the rules Throughout this part, Silver and the others are referring to a set of rules or code of honor by which gentlemen of fortune have agreed to be bound; this was slightly different from ship to ship and from pirate captain to captain, but was essentially a democratic code specifying rights and responsibilities. cordage cords and ropes collectively, especially the ropes in a ship's rigging. Wench – an affectionate term for a young woman. Fo'c's'le council forecastle council; the man is citing rules that allow the crew to take council among themselves. the sort of man that made England terrible at sea England was the strongest sea power among European nations of the period, both in its royal navy and its privateers; the man uses "terrible" in the sense of "terrifying, justifiably feared.". - keep it raw /street india - that guy has respect in the gully … Nause – someone who makes a mess of something. my officer my first mate; next in rank to the captain. figurehead a carved figure on the bow of a ship. 100 British slang words list. split him to the chine cut him through to the backbone. The Character GUILE one of the toughtest fighters in the game's name, was commonly mispronounced. Slang is very informal language or specific words used by a particular group of people. malaria an infectious disease transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito; while malaria and yellow fever are two different diseases, their symptoms at the outset are similar, and the sailors would likely call either or both Yellow Jack. . my cock my fine young man; the cock is the male of the chicken (in modern American usage, the rooster) and certain other birds, and in another sense the word can mean leader or chief, especially one with some boldness or arrogance. . keelson a longitudinal beam or set of timbers fastened inside the hull of a ship along the keel to add structural strength. in die Straßendecke eingelassener Sinkkasten, durch den die Straßenabwässer in die Kanalisation abgeführt werden, englisch gully, eigentlich = Rinne, wohl zu: gullet = Schlund < altfranzösisch goulet, Verkleinerungsform von: goule < lateinisch gula = Kehle, der, auch: das Gully; Genitiv: des Gullys, Plural: die Gullys. you ain't dumb you are not silent; you can speak. I leave it to fancy where your mothers was . a pretty rum go . Got any words to add? “Columbus Day” vs. “Indigenous Peoples’ Day”: What Should This Holiday Be Called? a new boarder; throughout, in the speech of Silver and others, the vowel sound in such words as duty and new is often rendered as oo, apparently to denote a difference in dialect between that of these uneducated men and that of the "gentlemen," Trelawney and Livesey. – geschlechtsneutrale Stellenausschreibungen, Der etymologische Zusammenhang zwischen „Dom“ und „Zimmer“, Die Schreibung von Verbindungen mit „frei“, Verflixt und zugenäht! sealed orders orders that are to be accepted before the person being ordered knows their substance or contents (such as Smollett was given when he signed on as captain of the Hispaniola without knowing the destination of the voyage); here, Silver means that he has taken Livesey's warning without understanding what kind of trouble the doctor has in mind. . "looped for musketry" with small ports for firing weapons. Verb meaning a person that is hard, tough and not to be triffled with. pikes weapons, formerly used by soldiers, each consisting of a metal spearhead on a long wooden shaft. already ambushed already waiting in ambush. the downhaul a rope for hauling down a sail; the sail Jim wants to bring in is in the water, so that Jim is not strong enough to move it. What fool's cut a Bible? to the left. sailing master an officer in charge of navigation. One bomb – to knock someone out with one punch. fried junk a casual or slang term for fried salt pork. Brits will welcome friends and family members alike by grunting these two words to one another. . sea-walk a kind of rolling, swaggering gait; sailors, walking on the rolling decks of relatively small ships at sea for months on end, did not regain their land legs until they'd been back on shore for some time. – Personenbezeichnungen mit festem Genus, „Zum Hirschen“ – Starke und schwache Deklinationsformen. broom any of a group of flowering shrubs of the pea family. Removing #book# Name given to a person who consistently posts articles and warnings on social media that are clearly hoaxes or bullshit, when it would only take them 2 minutes to check the veracity on google. made sure was sure; Jim uses the phrase in this sense, rather than in the more modern sense of "took action to ensure.". Herkunft und Funktion des Ausrufezeichens. separate peace a treaty or agreement that affects only one individual or group within a larger group. . carpet bowls a game played by rolling a weighted ball at a target ball or jack, as in lawn bowling but played indoors on a carpet. plum-duff plum pudding, a rich dessert made of raisins, currants, flour, spices, suet, and then boiled or steamed. aboveboard in nautical terms, above deck; here used figuratively to mean still alive. Gully, in slang, refers to people or things that come “from the gutter” (i.e., the streets). trim the boat to balance the boat by ballasting, shifting cargo, and so on. and any corresponding bookmarks? . Island – a roundabout. (The sort of factory Jim may have had in mind, in the eighteenth century, would have been something like a fabric mill, whose heavy looms operated with much noise and shaking.). . . The colonel was in a gulley just below me when a shell burst over us. 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