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If you have information to share please complete the form below. Other portraits of Richard, both those from the early 1500s such as the one in the Royal Collection and another belonging to the Society of Antiquaries, and those dating from the later 1500s and early 1600s show the king with one shoulder significantly higher than the other, often with a large ‘hunched back’ and often with a twisted or deformed hand. Select the portrait of interest to you, then look out for a Buy a Print button. The team estimated the end result was as accurate as possible. The presence of such heads in a portrait of this kind is highly unusual, and we must presume that it was Richard himself who had asked for them to be included in his portrait image. Collection search: images of Edward V including several of the Princes in the Tower; all images can be downloaded or printed. Modern copy of Society of Antiquaries portrait Many people's image of Richard III is influenced by Shakespeare's portrait of the 'poisonous bunch-backed toad', a limping hunch-back with a withered arm. The portrait therefore gives out a mixed message, and this surely cannot be right. The evidence clearly shows the king did not have kyphosis, which can result in a hunchback, contrary to the historical myths about his physical appearance. Hence the skull provided some unexpected confirmation of the accuracy of the painted portrait image in terms of the contours of the face and the placing of the features. Switchboard: +44 (0) 20 7306 0055, You must have Javascript enabled to view zooming images, We are currently closed until spring 2023, while essential building works take place, Making History: Printed Portraiture in Tudor and Stuart Britain, Picturing History: A portrait set of early English kings and queens, Return to Life: A New Look at the Portrait Bust, Restoration Lives: Samuel Pepys and His Circle, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Art Conservation Project. Above his head, meanwhile, in the upper corners of the portrait, are gilt spandrels each containing a small profile head enclosed within a quatrefoil-shaped frame. Layers of muscle and skin were added by computer to a scan of the skull and the result was made into a three-dimensional plastic model. "He's very handsome. © 2020 BBC. http://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/yourpaintings/paintings/richard-iii-14521485-148344, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdbXETSOjKk, http://www.le.ac.uk/richardiii/index.html, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJtXJ0cCzWw, http://www.royalcollection.org.uk/collection/403436/richard-iii-1452-85, http://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/portrait/mw05304/King-Richard-III, http://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/yourpaintings/paintings/richard-iii-14521485-27778, http://www.thinkinghistory.co.uk/ActivityBase/DiscoveringRichard3.html, http://www.thinkinghistory.co.uk/ActivityBase/PrincesintheTower.html, http://kingrichardinleicester.com/richards-three-greatest-achievements/, http://kingrichardinleicester.com/richard-iii-the-facts/, http://richardiiiexperience.com/discover-medieval-york/about-richard-iii/timeline-of-richard-iii/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACuL9xdo9KM, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drinD2oc6Gk, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9wzWYtYGBI, http://www.tomboyfilms.co.uk/directors/commercials/richard-loncraine/richard-iii, http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/search.aspx?searchText=Tower+&images=true&people=88014, http://www.le.ac.uk/richardiii/science/facevoice.html, KS2: Britain: the Stone Age to the Iron Age, KS3: Britain, Europe and the world: curriculum 1901, KS3: Significant societies in world history. Examination of the wood panel the portrait was painted on suggests the work was probably created between 1510 and 1540. Do you have specialist knowledge or a particular interest about any aspect of the portrait or sitter or artist that you can share with us? The Tudor characterisation culminated in the famous fictional portrayal of him in Shakespeare's play Richard III as a physically deformed, Machiavellian villain, ruthlessly committing numerous murders in order to claw his way to power; Shakespeare's … If one compares Richard’s facial expression with that of his elder brother and predecessor, Edward IV, as it appears in a portrait which also belongs to the Society of Antiquaries, one cannot fail to observe a strong contrast between the two. By the path of dethe to the hevenly place. Prices start at £6 for unframed prints, £25 for framed prints. The changes to the expression of the portrait that were revealed by cleaning in 2007 confirm that at some stage after its making, someone else may have wanted Richard to be seen differently. Contributions are moderated. Infrared reflectography of the Royal Collection portraitPhoto: TSR (Tager Stonor Richardson) ImagingThe eyes are narrowed into what looks like a malevolent glare, the mouth thin-lipped and the jaw grimly clenched. This was probably done in the eighteenth century when Richard’s reputation underwent a revival. Close examination of the paint surface revealed that the artist had not only drawn the features but also at least begun to paint them in their initial positions before making the changes. There are no contemporary portraits of Richard III (ref. The legend of Richard's hunchback began in the early days of the new Tudor dynasty when it was expedient to denigrate the reputation of the dead king. Infrared reflectography of the Royal Collection portrait — left-hand shoulderPhoto: TSR (Tager Stonor Richardson) ImagingPresumably his painting would have needed to meet the approval of officials at court, and we might imagine that it was some person in authority within the royal household who asked for the image of Richard to be modified. The two kings are very similarly dressed, Edward being shown in a cloth-of-gold gown that closely resembles his brother’s. Machiavelli's The Prince was a much-discussed text in Renaissance England. Cannadine, Sir David (Introduction); Cooper, Tarnya; Stewart, Louise; MacGibbon, Rab; Cox, Paul; Peltz, Lucy; Moorhouse, Paul; Broadley, Rosie; Jascot-Gill, Sabina. They were by no means universally assumed to be a sign of wickedness or incompetence. The king's skeleton was found under a car park in Leicester during an archaeological dig. These heads have been shown to be based on Ancient Roman medallions representing the Emperor Constantine and his mother St Helena.

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