The Private Life of Henry VIII

The Private Life of Henry VIII

Tactics - England's tactics mostly involved firing guns from far away, which meant sailors were less likely to be killed, and their ships less likely to be sunk. His plan was to invade England with 30,000 troops. 8 August 1588 - The English defeat the Spanish in the Battle of Gravelines. Although England was much stronger in her fleet, Spain’s firepower was 50% stronger than the British one (Mackenzie 2018). The Spanish Armada was a fleet organised by Philip II of Spain in 1588 against England. Do not be deceived by anyone who may wish to persuade you otherwise. 21 July 1588 -  English ships attack the Spanish fleet from far away using long-range guns. The Spanish Commander Medina Sidonia had never been in charge of a naval fleet whereas the English were led by experienced sailors including Vice Admiral Sir Frances Drake. 1.Why not have your child make their very own illustrated Spanish Armada timeline? The Armada sailed in May 1588 with 130 ships and 27,000 men. Those who did betray Elizabeth I by joining the Armada were captured and executed at the Tower of London with the accusation of being ‘rebels and traitors to their country’ (Hutchinson 2013). We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. and get FREE worksheets, activities & offers from, code-cracker revision activity on the Spanish Armada, BBC Bitesize introduction to the Spanish Armada. The only ships that the English fleet lost were the eight fire ships which they had deliberately set against the Spanish at Calais., [5.] Adams, J. First, however, Spain would have to defeat the English Navy. It was made up of 130 ships fitted with 2,500 guns. The mission eventually failed. Meanwhile, no English ships had been sunk and less than 100 English sailors died. It shows Elizabeth and Philip fighting it out in the boxing ring with their various aids on either side. England managed to defeat the Spanish Armada thanks to its commanders: Sir Francis Drake, John Hawkins, and John Frobisher (British Library). Notwithstanding the numerous warnings Philip received, he nonetheless felt it was necessary to continue his mission against England, and wrote a letter to the admirals claiming that they should not despair since he had put all his faith into God: ‘God grant that no embarrassment may come from this. They had 2,000 cannons, while the English only had 200. Conditions. (KS3 History). Charles Howard, who led England’s fleet against the Armada, was Queen Elizabeth I’s cousin. The Armada thought that they would explode at any second so they cut their anchor cables and quickly scattered to avoid the fireships. I am really very impressed with the quality of these worksheets.’, 'I have been so impressed with TheSchoolRun and have really enjoyed completing your weekly worksheets with my two older children. To share with more than one person, separate addresses with a comma. Yet, Queen Elizabeth knew perfectly that assisting them also meant provoking the English Catholics, the Spanish Catholics and the Irish rebels (Adams 2017). The Spanish Armada was attacked by the English when they stopped in the port of Calais. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion They'd need to through the main facts about the Spanish Armada then draw and write the key information in order. 9.The Spanish fleet had many more weapons than the English ships. Elizabeth I victoriously defeated the Armada, and the Spanish fleet was obliged to make their way home by taking the route that went around Scotland and Ireland. 2.Political Problems - In the 16th century Spain ruled the Netherlands, which is a country in Europe. The Spanish Armada. Author: Created by CourtneyOakes9. The Spanish Armada was a Spanish force that invaded England in 1588.

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