In addition to the 21 Savage/LeBron situation, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban’s comments about international players being more skilled than American-born players struck a nerve. He’s also teaming up with his wife Vanessa on an Instagram Live show titled ‘Date Night’, Facebook, Instagram and record companies should let the music play, From Black Voices to MySpace to Instagram, black creativity has defined social media from the start. © 2020 ESPN Internet Ventures. Nor do I seek it.”, Imma just say .. Jerry Seinfeld is a real one. A joy in being a Black man is knowing that we walk side by side with Black women. We never spoke again. Nevertheless, they got into an argument one night. The only way we as Black men can be true supporters and allies to Black women is by holding each other accountable. And, while LeBron’s Instagram story caught steam, ... Justin Tinsley is a culture and sports writer for The Undefeated. As in almost any given week, there were a series of racial events last week that became fodder for social media conversation. And, while LeBron’s Instagram story caught steam, a report surfaced saying an unnamed Western Conference general manager referred to LeBron and agent Rich Paul in what could be seen as a remixed version of Phil Jackson’s infamous “posse” comments. “Stop lying. Maverick Carter, James’ business manager, was recently named to Live Nation’s board of directors. LeBron may never surpass Michael Jordan in terms of the godlike aura he holds in many basketball circles. She told me she’d been shot in her shoulder. Megan Thee Stallion, like my friend nearly 15 years before her, became the latest Black woman in 2020 whose moments of peril occupy residency in my thoughts. Powered by VIP. Or we get rid of y’all.”, LeBron airing out NFL owners on #TheShopHBO , "In the NFL, they got a bunch of old white men owning teams and they got that slave mentality,", — The Man Who Sold The World (@LordBalvin) December 22, 2018. And silence is a weapon we can no longer afford to carry. That we are each other’s protectors because we understand what it means to be Black in a country that has always been hellbent on making us stay behind the eight ball. She signed to Roc Nation. LeBron James of the Los Angeles Lakers stands for the national anthem before a game against the New Orleans Pelicans at Staples Center in Los Angeles on Dec. 21. There’s no doubt James has learned a great deal from his very own Instagram story. She sounded like a friend of mine who worked with me in the hospitality industry in the summer of 2006. Flawed, yet understanding that the only concept which mattered was personal evolution. Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and Safety Information/Your California Privacy Rights/Do Not Sell My Info/Children's Online Privacy Policy are applicable to you. Seinfeld won wide praise, most likely for this comment: “I don’t find humor [in the word ‘n—–’]. “It’s that James and Paul are mafioso mob bosses of the NBA that’s the problem.”, And therein lies the crux of the matter. Things got physical, she pushed him and next thing she knew a bullet was in her shoulder. My apologies. There is also the rise in violence against American Jews that saw a 57 percent increase in 2017 alone — an inflation experts associate with the divisiveness of the current presidential administration. Outside the Lines and E:60 anchor Ryan Smith will host the program, … Everyone knew her man. Darren Rovell, a sports business analyst for The Action Network who previously worked for ESPN, posted a screen grab to his Twitter calling out the offensive nature of James’ post. As Black men, we are losing that identity that D’Angelo sings about. When he quoted lyrics on his Instagram centering on “Jewish money,” it was arguably the first true cultural miscalculation of his career. “And it’s like, This is my team. Interest-Based Ads. Shiand Miller and her 3-year-old daughter, Shaniya Gilmore, were murdered by her partner while carrying their unborn son. There is the anti-Semitic financial stereotype that has been long attached to the Jewish community. Or is there context to be considered? The summer went by quickly, and before I knew it, I was back at Hampton. Above all, aware that his life’s purpose meant nothing if the Black woman’s purpose was left to fend for herself. And if they feel threatened, she’d always follow up, we’re always at the mercy of their fear. “Anti-Semitism has become normalized and harassment is a daily occurrence,” say authors Samuel Woolley and Katie Joseff. Power does elicit fear, and great power is only respected and embraced alongside the great responsibility that accompanies it. Or also because LeBron, who also has 41.8 million followers at his @KingJames Twitter handle, is the most influential athlete in all of sports — one whose messages resonate in far bigger arenas than the ones he dominates for his day job? She’d always ask me to make her a mix CD. James was bound to slip up. I got to leave that where it is.”. And then Dec. 21, on James’ first-person interview series The Shop, his unfiltered thoughts on the NFL became the focal point of the episode. And how much of the backlash was about James’ unprecedented power as an African-American influencer and global game-changer?
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