Iran’s Minister of Information and Communications Technology Mohammad-Javad Azari Jahromi announced that the ban imposed on Twitter since the “Green Movement” protests in 2009 should be lifted. Trump further added that he was there himself in the situation room watching the operation live and that it felt as if he was watching a movie. READ| Donald Trump Lifts Sanctions Against Turkey And Orders Ceasefire, Not a big deal! More: Trump tries to brag about ‘advanced’ US nuclear technology and gets immediately called out, Alex Wong/Getty Images/Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi/Twitter, Show{{#moreThan3}} {{value_total}}{{/moreThan3}} comments. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! More On: iran. Amid rumors that Iran’s Telecommunications Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi is eyeing a future presidential bid, investigations by the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) reveal that organized efforts are being made to bury allegations that he was once a state-employed interrogator. This was in response to Donald Trump tweeting that, "Something very … This story has been shared 134,940 times. Sitemap "The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology has ordered manufacturing five space capsules for carrying humans to space to the Aerospace Research Center of the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology," he was quoted as saying on February 4 by the semiofficial Mehr news agency. The admin of a Telegram channel who said he had been contacted by the pro-Jahromi group told CHRI, “So far, Mr. Jahromi has not done anything big. Riding the Wave of Uncensored Internet and Twitter to the Presidency? In addition to being condemned for his alleged security-intelligence background, Azari Jahromi has attracted criticism for his moves as telecommunications minister, including supporting policies that violate net neutrality principles, and promoting Telegram Talaeii, a messaging app used by an estimated 35 million Iranians that appears to be under the control of the Intelligence Ministry. Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, who is Iran minister for information and communications technology simply tweeted a selfie picture on Saturday morning. "He bought a Halloween space costume [for] $20, removed [the] NASA logo while sewing an Iranian flag on it. 218,817, This story has been shared 134,940 times. However, no timing or location of the launch was ever announced, leaving many to doubt it had taken place. Writing by Parisa Hafezi; Editing by Alison Williams. “Our blood does not have a different color than the rest of the people,” she added. Azari Jahromi has denied the existence of a PR team working on his behalf. It's unlikely that Trump will see the subtle piece of trolling but it has received more than 300 retweets and 4,000 likes and has attracted some criticism from irate Trump supporters, so job done, right? Without any explanation at the time, it was unclear if he was trying to fool people into believing it was an actual Iranian-issue space suit or just a joke. He added that he found the many jokes posted online to be "interesting. Take a look at the comments under my Twitter posts. In fact, most of the space surrounding my Twitter account is filled with criticism by various groups.”, In the same interview, the minister was asked whether he worked in the Intelligence Ministry, “My pointed question is, Were you once an interrogator or not?”. In 2010, a Kavoshgar-3 rocket was launched by Iran with a rodent, two turtles, and several worms into suborbital space and they reportedly returned to Earth alive. © 2019 Center for Human Rights in Iran (formerly known as International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran), Brushing Off Security Concerns, Telecoms Minister Touts Iranian-Made Mobile Phone, Why Did Internet Access Speeds Slow to a Crawl in, Why is the Iranian Government Aiding the Development of a, Official Admits to “Defeated” Attempt to Move Iranians Over to, Iranian Official: State Bans on Social Media Apps Have Slowed, Millions of iPhone Users Unable to Use Iranian Apps Due, Prominent Iranian Writers Sent to Prison for Peaceful Dissent, UN Press Release: Citing COVID Risk, Bachelet Calls on Iran to Release Jailed Human Rights Defenders, "We Must Not be Silent" Watch the New "Nasrin" Documentary, Prisoner on Death Row Not Allowed to Attend Funeral of Grieving Father Who Committed Suicide, New Charges Thrown at Political Prisoners to Keep Them Behind Bars, Showdown at Haft Tappeh Sugar Factory: Minor Win for Workers, Larger Abuses Left Unchecked. Get the latest Iran updates. “Not a big deal. Chris Christie entering second week in hospital for COVID-19. What at … 0:00 Your California Privacy Rights On June 2, 2018, conservative journalist Mohammad Salehi Meftah published a photo of himself with Azari Jahromi on Twitter while bragging about having access to uncensored internet. ': Barefoot man climbs 474-foot skyscraper, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz's great-grandchild dead of breast cancer at 31. Iran does have a recent history of sending creatures into orbit, much to the consternation of animal-rights activists around the world. In early January, the United States assassinated Iran's top military commander, Qasem Soleimani, in a drone attack. The minister initially proposed providing uncensored internet access to state-approved journalists on October 29, 2017. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. According to the US president, Baghdadi immolated himself with 3 children after which his cave was bombed.
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