share. I knew he was an ass sort of man. Or am I reading to much into it and she is just talking about the plan? She’s trying to get back to her old self but the Grimm augment is clearly not good for her, fitting since the Grimm are creatures of destruction, and the psychological damage is not something she knows how to deal with. Could Tyrian cut it off and basically disable him. If you liked volume 6 you’ll like 7. And Neo’s there too. While her death has been undone, it doesn’t undo everything that has happened as a result since then, which is LITERALLY EVERYTHING THAT HAS HAPPENED SINCE THEN. She’s a hypocrite (condemns rioting after holding up a military compound) and an idiot (falls for the most obvious frame-up of all time and lets a serial killer talk her into fighting a lesser enemy) and basically expects us to root for her based solely on the fact that she’s not Jacques Schnee. 17. Though each may be powerful on their own, these four girls must overcome dark forces and work as a team if they truly hope to become the next generation of Remnant’s protectors. Whether Ruby was right to lie to Ironwood or not, I’m hoping we get to see them interact again and what she did will be addressed. That’s all there is to it. Posted by. share. It was also confirmed that … Yeah, I don't get the point of this. I'm curious about this too. Glitchee123z wrote: Oh where do I begin, First there was the fact that Team RWBY won yet another fight, and even against the best Huntsmen and Huntresses in Atlas, who had YEARS more experience than RWBY.. Yeah, the Ace-Ops weren’t in the best mental state, but come on. (I agree about the costume changes being weird though.). It’s the only volume I haven’t watched yet. They’re basically what Team Fanservice should’ve been (their blandest member, Vine, has more personality than Fox and Yatsuhashi combined). I’m also glad that Whitley and Willow got to make an appearance, and really hope they and Weiss get some more character development (especially Whitley). Writing Prompt Wednesday #208, 10/7 - We Have Brownies... 12. I also saw that one episode was given a 6 something rating. And his heel turn under the pressures he’s under makes sense, even though his new plan is flawed (trying to escape an immortal with altitude sickness). So yeah, I warmly recommend it. I never had a problem with her hanging back and letting others do her dirty work until the end (Father, Ozai, The Emperor, Ragyo Kiryuin, and Freeza all do it) but she definitely knows how to make an entrance and I look forward to seeing what she does. 09| FIRST Thread | Public Thread | Poll Ep. If he lost it would he lose confidence? More Steve Harvey reactions to our lovable characters come :). Is it an OCD thing for him? A few thoughts, as always - we always had some hints that Arthur wasn't afraid to take the stage as a combatant (not being daunted by the appearance of a silver-eyed warrior, taunting the Fall Maiden), but the man is just so sophisticated and suave. I also don’t care about the “queer baiting”. I love it. Unfollow. cursed-rwby . Qrow had attempted to fight Tyrian first but was constantly interrupted by Clover, so for Qrow, it was either Fight both Tyrian and Clover, or Focus on the guy trying to beat him (Clover) over the guy not trying to beat him (Tyrian). Juries out until Volume 8 on whether or not her being the Winter Maiden is a good thing, but I will say that nobody with an opinion worth hearing cares that her aura donor is a man. Follow. And like I said, I haven’t seen 7 yet so please NO SPOILER ANSWERS and be professional if you can. To my eye, they looked significantly smaller and a little less seasoned. I also saw that one episode was given a 6 something rating. It has been awesome, and the only people I've seen who have been hating it are the same people who have been whining non-stop since volume 4. They had no business acting that way towards Marrow. Good for him to be reminded that he's dealing with the team who sliced off his tail last time. It would be cloying to see Watts simply reverse what was actually a well-thought-out trap because Ironwood didn't think through the possibility that the tech could be used against him, particularly after what happened at Beacon. If you weren't bothered by that in vol.6, you will like this, if it did, well, it's not over yet, but it does seem they have a bit more of these issues this volume. But people are so used to time travel terminology that they're reading things into it that weren't intended. 23 hours ago. I know I am super late to the party here but oh boy what a chapter! 7, Out in the Open! It also makes me wonder even more if this was meant to be two Volumes instead of one. I’m not too concerned on all the theorizing on who the summer maiden could be ( i’m aware of the theory that summer rose is/was the summer maiden) but the lack of attention on the summer maiden is making me suspicious.
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