The original series, that is, the first three books in the following list, are considered the best in the series. This is the second book in The Selection Series by Kiera Cass. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. In fact, the CW Television Network ordered two pilots for the series. See the complete The Selection series book list in order, box sets or omnibus editions, and companion titles. The Selection is a young adult novel by Kiera Cass first published on April 14, 2012 by HarperCollins.It is the first in a five-book series, followed by The Elite (2013), The One (2014), The Heir (2015) and The Crown (May 2016). The last two take place twenty years after the events in the first three. Discover the first book in the captivating, #1 New York Times . This prequel story takes place before the events of The Selection and is told from the point of view of Prince Maxon’s mother, Amberly and how she became a beloved queen. The One (May 6, 2014) Eadlyn's story 1. The Selection is a series of YA dystopian fiction/romance novels and novellas by American author Kiera Cass. The Selection follows a girl named America Singer, who is entered into a competition in order to become the next queen of the country of Illea, which includes becoming the wife of Prince Maxon. It was produced after The Selection and … To live in a … Fall in love—from the very beginning. The Selection Books in Chronological Order: The Queen – Novella. Illéa and Their System bestselling Selection series.. However instead of states the nation consists of provinces. The three books of the #1 New York Times bestselling Selection series are available together for the first time, along with the first two novellas in the series. Perfect for gift givers and for fans new to the series, this is the only way to get all five stories in one bundle. The girls' home provinces and their caste number is also included. Publication Order of Selection Collections. There will also be a companion to the Selection Series entitled Happily Ever After which will be out October 2015. This is the complete list of the women selected for Prince Maxon 's Selection.. See the Selected women of King Clarkson's Selection.. See the Selected men of Princess Eadlyn's Selection.. Names in bold are the Elites.. Names that have strikes are those who have been eliminated before the Six Elites were chosen. The Selection (2012) The Elite (2013) The One (2014) The Heir (2015) The Untitled Fifth Book (2016) The first three are from America’s perspective, and the final two are from her daughter, Eadlyn’s. The Selection series, which is what Cass is best known for, is a series of five young adult novels set in the fictional country of Illéa, formerly the United States. The Selection (March 26, 2012 and April 24, 2012) 2. The Heir (May 5, 2015) 2. The Selection book. Below is a list of Kiera Cass’ books in order of when they were originally released: Publication Order of Selection Books Read 48 684 reviews from the world's largest community for r… Prepare to be swept into a world of breathless fairy-tale romance, swoonworthy characters, glittering gowns, and fierce intrigue perfect for readers who loved Divergent, Delirium, or The Wrath & the Dawn. The books are about a competition known as The Selection, where citizens of Illéa compete for the current king's heir in marriage. Related Series: The Betrothed by Kiera Cass includes books The Selection, The Elite, The One, and several more. Discover the first book in the captivating, #1 New York Times bestselling Selection series.. The Selection is the first of that series and introduces a new nation called Illéa which was once formerly North America, and still holds a few similarities. The Selection Series is a three book trilogy that was written by a young author named Kiera Cass. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. But in order to do this, she would have to leave her family and her boyfriend. The Selection. There were plans to turn the Trilogy into a television series. The first three novels in Kiera Cass’s #1 New York Times bestselling Selection series—now available in one beautiful box set. America's story 1. Her next novel was The Selection, which obviously began the Selection Trilogy series, and was published in 2012. The Elite (April 23, 2013) 3. Read Online List Chapter. However, nothing ever came of the project. Series: The Selection #1. In 2016, the film rights to The Selection were purchased by Warner Bros. Names like Denise DiNovi, Pouya Shahbazian, and Katie Lovejoy have been connected to the project. If you want to start reading these books I suggest you read The Selection series in order of publication order instead of chronological series. In addition, four spin-off novellas were released. Included in Happily Ever After. The Crown (May 3, 2016) The Selection series in order: What is the best order to read Kiera Cass books? The Selection… The series was optioned for a … For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. Fall in love—from the very beginning. For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime.
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