Find out more here. © Copyright Cambridge Core 2016. The Black Lives Matter movement is linked to more than 9 in 10 riots across the country, according to a recent study. A new study by Princeton University’s US Crisis Monitor shows that the U.S. experienced 637 riots between May 26 and Sept. 12, and 91% of those riots were linked to the Black Lives Matter movement. All of these riots are unjust, because the reasons that motivated them are unjust. Over the weekend protests across the country became violent as outside agitators and federal officers escalated violence against otherwise peaceful Black Lives Matter protests.. Violent Black Lives Matter riots are coming to your neighborhood. The redress criterion asks us to consider if the government has systematically ignored or blocked a group from receiving redress for their grievance through existing parliamentary procedures? The other group is trying to destroy democracy. With respect to the Black Live Matter riots and the pro-Trump riots, two criteria in particular are relevant. Black Lives Matter led to record number of mass shootings The BLM riots are doing a lot more than terrorizing diners or burning down stores. The Black Lives Matter movement is linked to more than nine-in-ten riots across the country, according to a recent study. From the story: The marches in Portland are increasingly moving to residential and largely white neighborhoods, where demonstrators with bullhorns shout for people to come “out of your house and into the street” and demonstrate their support. Your email address will not be published. People are worried because they're literally seeing their formerly peaceful lives upended by rioters screaming in their faces, and threatening to overrun their neighborhoods. Conversely the pro-Trump rioters timed the storming of the Capitol to stop the counting of the electoral college vote to coincide with the precise moment that their objection was being heard. But some riots are motivated by political grievances. While politicians are quick to dismiss violence by protestors, they often authorize the use of violence in other spheres. But what happens if the government systematically ignores the grievances of an oppressed minority? The riots in response to the police murder of George Floyd last summer is another. The significant outrage invoked by this tragedy has manifested across the globe in the form of mass protests under the banner of Black Lives Matter. When comparing riots, it is too simplistic to simply condemn them because they are violent. The story went on to quote Jessie Burke of Portland saying, "Everyone was looking for solutions at first, but now it’s just a nightly fight that has gotten progressively more violent — and every neighborhood worries that the fight will come to their neighborhood.". Black Lives Matter protesters in Los Angeles, chanting and holding signs, have been calling for the ouster of L.A. County District Attorney Jackie Lacey for two and a half years. The second criterion that is relevant here is the Parliamentary redress criterion. At least 26 Americans have died in the riots, most of them black. Black Lives Matter leader justifies rioting in interview with Tomi Lahren: 'Riot is the language of the unheard'. While a significant number of protests have been peaceful presentations of solidarity and collective calls for change, a number of cities throughout the United States and across the world have been devastated by violent riots, vandalism and looting. – An audio recording of the article is also available. The paper, to its credit, actually covered the escalating hostility of BLM mobs across the country. But the Trump rioters, despite their claims, are not interested in counting the votes. These more aggressive protests target ordinary people going about their lives, especially those who decline to demonstrate allegiance to the cause. Yet Biden championed the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and supported the U.S. strike that led to Osama bin Laden’s extra-judicial killing. Political theorists such as myself, recognize that the distinction between violence and non-violence becomes blurry when it confronts the messy world of politics. The whole motive for the movement is to stop the systemic killing of Black Americans by the police. Required fields are marked *. I have identified eleven different criteria for a just riot. Show full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours. One group is trying to make a democracy live up to its ideals. In Rochester, N.Y., protesters have confronted people at outdoor restaurants, shaking dinner tables. They timed their riot to stop the certification of the Presidential election. Don't take it from me. Microsoft and partners may be compensated if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. Martin Luther King famously called the riot “the language of the unheard”. The other group is … The Black Lives Matter movement deserves great credit for mainly peaceful demonstrations, and for working hard to limit looting and violence. Why is it permissible to support acts of violence that lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands, while condemning violence that at worst leads to the death of a handful of people? Most riots are fundamentally unjust. New study finds significant differences between organic and non-organic food, Kindle Part 4: 5 things you didn’t know you could do on your Kindle, Publishing Your First Journal Article: an Academic Publisher’s view – 1, Free access to all 2012 content on Cambridge Journals Online, Researchers urge more people to report cases of facial paralysis in air travel, How we make research available in developing countries. Black Lives Matter protestors riot because the U.S. government fails to live up to the ideal of equal protection under the law. Connect with friends faster than ever with the new Facebook app. The Black Lives Matter movement was founded in 2013 after the verdict in the murder trial for the killing of Trayvon Martin, a Black teenager who was killed while walking home in Florida. “The Black Lives Matter movement is fueled in large part by left-wing donors such as billionaire George Soros, whose Open Society Foundation donated $33 million to groups that engaged in Ferguson-related protests,” conservative author and activist Star Parker asserted in a … But this approach is misguided because it neglects a crucial difference between the two sets of riots—the Black Lives Matter riots were democracy preserving, whereas the pro-Trump riots were a direct attack on democracy. New York Times, "Black Lives Matter May Be the Largest Movement in U.S. History," July 3, 2020 New York Post, "More than 700 officers injured in George Floyd protests across US," June 8, 2020 So, he is certainly no pacifist. While none of the Black Lives Matters riots are justified, last night’s events are particularly revealing. At first glance it seems like the height of hypocrisy to defend rioting by protestors for a cause you support, while condemning rioting by your political opponents. Violent Black Lives Matter riots are coming to your neighborhood. That includes a diner in Washington who refused to raise her fist to show support for Black Lives Matter, or, in several cities, confused drivers who happened upon the protests. Your email address will not be published. In other words, BLM was responsible for 9 out of 10 riots across the country. Black Lives Matter isn’t about black lives. Black Lives Matter protestors riot because the U.S. government fails to live up to the ideal of equal protection under the law. The riots and movement are killing people. In the case of the Black Live Matter riots, the U.S. government had ignored decades of non-violent political protests. In these cases, there might be justifiable reasons for rioting, but we need to examine the specifics of the riot more closely. Riots are no different. Pro-Trump rioters are trying to stop a legitimate election. They stopped the counting of the votes precisely because they are anti-democratic. Political Science and International Relations, Moving Beyond the Rhetoric of Diversity and Inclusion, Conversations with Authors: The #BlackLivesMatter Movement and Identity Frames, Reparations as Reconstruction, Not as Alibi, Partisan Learning or Racial Learning? The pro-Trump rioters clearly were not. The Black Lives Matter protestors clearly are. At every turn of the election process Trump and his supporters have been able to pursue legal means to contest the outcome of the election. – Professor Jonathan Havercroft, University of Southampton. The Black Lives Matter movement is linked to more than 9 in 10 riots across the country, according to a recent study. Public support for the increasingly militant Black Lives Matter movement has steadily dropped since the summer, but for all the hold-outs who still think the movement isn't coming to terrorize you at your home, look no further than a new report last week in the New York Times. Judge frees men imprisoned for 24 years, saying prosecutors withheld evidence. Following the release of video of Floyd’s death, the nation and many foreign countries became embroiled in violent Black Lives Matter riots that cost millions in property damage and dozens or hundreds of lives. One group is trying to make a democracy live up to its ideals. Prior to the uprising this summer the Black Lives Matter movement had been mobilizing for over seven years using a large array of non-violent and violent tactics, yet the state has done little to stop the police killing of Black people. Ask the McCloskeys, the married couple in St. Louis who watched one of the mobs bust through the gate of their private community, just as it was made clear that "defund the police" had become a serious slogan within the movement. Black Lives Matter Riots (Crazy Footage) About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features © 2021 Google LLC How much blood does Black Lives Matter have on its hands? The Black Lives Matter Global Network, one of the most well-known organizations fighting for the well-being of Black people, described Wednesday's riots as a "coup." We can think of these as a series of questions we should ask about a riot in order to judge its legitimacy. He has been swift to condemn all the political riots in the U.S. over the last year. That is why we have developed conceptual tools such as just war theory that identify criteria by which we can assess the permissibility of violence in scenarios ranging from warfare, to terrorism, to political resistance. Pro-Trump rioters are trying to stop a legitimate election. Rioters’ intentions matter. The recent Black Lives Matter protests peaked on June 6, when half a million people turned out in nearly 550 places across the United States. Take it from the New York Times. During the middle of the Stop the Steal riot on Wednesday, some commentators on social media argued that this showed how those who defended Black Lives Matter riots in the summer were wrong. This is a breaking news story and may be updated as more information becomes available. A peaceful march ends peacefully. The media has repeatedly mischaracterized Black Lives Matter riots as “mostly peaceful” as long as there is a prologue during which the racists at the rally chant slogans before the violence begins. It ignores the 8,000 to 9,000 black lives taken by other blacks every year in minority communities across the nation. It's hard to nail down those numbers. The first is what I call the freedom preserving criteria. Rioters’ intentions matter. Tags: Opinion, Beltway Confidential, Black Lives Matter, 2020 Elections, Original Location: Violent Black Lives Matter riots are coming to your neighborhood, Like us on Facebook to see similar stories, Outrage grows over pepper-spraying of Black and Latino Army officer, Virginia governor requests investigation of 'disturbing' police incident. This is a fundamental distortion of the truth. Now, many take issue with the violence and more radical rhetoric associated with BLM, but that doesn’t mean they think black lives don’t matter. Especially since BLM's race riots also overlapped with a pandemic crime spree caused by the mass release of criminals and refusal to lock up new criminals by pro-crime states and cities. And the pro-Trump riots in DC on Wednesday is a third example. One reason people are quick to condemn rioters in liberal democracies is because our system of government is supposed to provide numerous avenues through which citizens can have their voice heard. The Boston Tea Party that triggered the American revolution is one such example. This post first appeared on Jonathan Havercroft’s blog in January 2021. Marchers in Washington also accosted people eating outside, urging everyone to raise their fists to show their allegiance to the movement. Impeach Obama for Inciting Black Lives Matter Riots By Daniel Greenfield , January 26, 2021 (thanks to Inexion); On May 31st, a violent Black Lives Matter mob burned American flags, threw bottles at police officers, and started a fire in the historic ‘Church of Presidents’ which had … All Rights Reserved. Black Lives Matter activist and Denver School Board director Tay Anderson, who organised protests in the city of Denver, told 7.30 people were "fed up" with police brutality. The riot was an attempted coup intending to deprive Americans of their right to vote. A violent rally ends violently. The riots destroyed black lives, black livelihoods, and black monuments. People take part in a Black Lives Matter protest rally in Parliament Square, London, in memory of George Floyd who was killed on May 25 while in police custody in the US city of Minneapolis PA It is far more prudential to simply do what President-elect Joe Biden has done, and condemn all forms of political violence. These include cases of sports fans engaging in hooliganism, crowds using a breakdown in social order to loot and vandalize, and pogroms where a mob inflicts racially motivated violence on a marginalized community. My research asks how can we differentiate between just and unjust riots? Consider President-elect Joe Biden. – Havercroft’s British Journal of Political Science article ‘Why Is There No Just Riot Theory?‘ is the 2020 winner of the British Academy Brian Barry Prize so the article is free of charge until further notice. Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a decentralized political and social movement protesting against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people. Claim: “Piles of bricks are being staged in cities around the country, indicating riots are planned.” From the Ancient to the Modern: How have the Olympic games changed? An Analysis of Public Opinion on Sanctuary Policies in CA and TX, The deeper meaning of the Ukrainian scandal, Country Responses to the Covid19 Pandemic. The countersuit against Black Lives Matter protesters is a novel move in the post-George Floyd moment, and it has lit a fire under already boiling local tensions. There really is something to be afraid of here, because it's spreading everywhere. This criterion simply asks—are the rioters trying to preserve their freedom from an attack by the state or other institution? BLACK Lives Matter protests and "riots" after the death of George Floyd did as much as $2billion worth of damage.
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