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The 9 Types of Chinese Dragons The Tianlong (celestial dragon): They protect the celestial palace and carry it. Many of the names use specific symbols for added meanings in sometimes poetic ways. When choosing a dragon name, you need to make sure that it's not only as bold as a dragon but that it also symbolizes something positive. Ju-long – another Chinese name for boys, it can be used to symbolise someone who is mighty or large, and also strong, just like the mythical dragon. China is home to the most places named after dragons. Different cultures around the world have a mythical animal that is a dragon, or that it much like a dragon. Jiāolóng: Crocodile dragon that can change form. It means favor or grace in Latin language and according to German names, it means a beautiful serpent. Behavior. Dragon Ying Yang. Ladon-(Greek origin) You get this name from Greek; he is … The dragon is also a symbol of power, strength, and good luck for people who are worthy of it in East Asianculture. Shenlong (spiritual dragon): Controls wind, rainfall and clouds. You're free to use names on this site to name anything in any of your own works, assuming they aren't already trademarked by others of course.All background images part of the generators are part of the public domain and thus free to be used by anybody, with the exception of user submitted backgrounds, images part of existing, copyrighted works, and the pet name generator images. The dragon is an aquatic being, living in seas and rivers, so it does not spit fire. 2. In ancient myths, it was the name of the sky god. Chinese Dragon Symbolism & Meanings. Nidhogg/ Nidhoggr/ Nidhug: It refers to the dreaded striker. (Join me?). The Yu in the name of Lung Yu Ping, a Jade dragon, is probably 玉, which means "jade". Huáng Lóng: The yellow dragon, the first of all dragons. Therefore, it’s auspicious to see Chinese characters with the radicals of ''星'' (meaning: star), ''云'' (meaning: cloud) and ''辰'' (meaning: celestial bodies) in name. Chinese Water Dragon Names. Dragon is a benevolent sign, which shows everything good. Unfortunately working with a language I know little about made creating names difficult, but I think I succeeded at least partially by using the existing name patterns and applying them in this generator. On the newer, second site (RollForFantasy.com), Wait, there's even more! In this post, you will find a list of cool and cute ideas for Chinese water dragon names for males, females, unisex, pairs and trios. This Dragon was specially released on the year of the dragon during the start of chinese new year. 6. This name can be formed from other characters as well. Chinese dragons are given many powers in Chinese folklore. Lotus, not Chinese dragon: Modi’s home state changes fruit’s name ‘Fruit’s shape is like a lotus, and hence we have given it a new Sanskrit name, kamalam’, says Gujarat chief minister. (RollForFantasy.com), I'm planting trees with my site. The dragon is the subject of many Chinese proverbs and idioms. There's just something so alluring about red gemstones. Dragon Names in Chinese Mythology China has a vast and fascinating mythology about dragons, where unlike the rest of the world they are seen as positive forces and symbols of luck and prosperity. Subscribe for more food adventures! All these types of creatures have a different significance and symbolism around them. The name Longmu means Mother of Dragons, as the 'mu' in this name is taken from the word for mother (muqin). Mandala Crafts Chinese Dragon Marionette Puppet by. Chinese Dragon Name Generator is free online tool for generating Chinese Dragon Names randomly. They are still depicted as sculptures protecting homes or businesses and as graphic design on any type of Chinese product. The Chinese dragon is actually comprised of body parts of various animals, like the “belly of the frog, scales of the carp, claws of the hawk, and palm of the tiger,” to name a few. Get your Chinese Name and calligraphy for free, with +610,000 translations to choose from. Even benevolent dragons could be terrifying, as in the humorous legend of Ye Gao. Dracon. Dragon Chinese Blue. Annabelinda: This name has been derived from the Latin names. Our Chinese Dragon Game is designed to fit into a Chinese New Year topic. Some individuals suffer from the misconception that the Chinese Dragon is a symbol of evil. The name of Lung Li Po is probably based on that of … Quetzalcoatl. Dragons in Chan (Zen) Literature . Chinese dragons are mythological beings that come in many different forms, but the most common one is the long, snake-like creature with four legs and no wings. Be sure to also check out our articles on draconic names and white dragon names . Nagendra: Is a Hindi name made of Sanskrit naga, a snake, and the name of the god Indra, hence "snake-Indra." You can change these names to whatever you wish. The original name meant to slither. This name comes under the category of water dragon names. The art above was kindly submitted by Anticia, click to visit her DeviantArt profile. A mythical creature, Dragon: Boy: Chinese: Judaism: Longwei: Dragon greatness: Boy: Chinese: Buddhism: Pandragon: As powerful as the dragon's head: Boy: Anglo Saxon: Judaism: Pendragon: Cheif Dragon: Boy: Celtic: Christianity: Ryoto: A person who is like a dragon: Boy: Japanese: Ryu: To be mighty as a Dragon: Boy: Japanese: Ryuu: Japanese - Dragon; A variant spelling is Ryu: Boy: Japanese: Tatsuya: Sign of the dragon Chinese Dragon. Alternative Spellings & Variations: 爱, … Picking the perfect male bearded dragon name can be a little tricky… you want some masculine but also cutes-y in the way pet names are supposed to be! 20000-NAMES.COM: Male Chinese Names, Page 1 of … Jiao-long – a Chinese name for boys, it can mean both a scaled dragon, and one who looks or appears dragon-like. The Chinese dragon is an animal with a snake’s tail, dog’s muzzle, deer’s horns, lobster’s eyes, lion’s mane and eagle’s claws. Dragon Idiom — … However, people sometimes also associate it … When choosing a Chinese name, it’s important to find one that speaks to you. In this DogsLoversBlog article, we’ve compiled many choices of Chinese names for dogs with their meaning.. A modern and mighty Dragon; has a desire to understand. 145 13. The importance of the dragon in Chinese culture. In the Orient, dragons are believed to have potent, auspicious powers. Dracon. Longwei: Is the Chinese name meaning dragon greatness. Finding the perfect Chinese name is no easy task, so we’re here to help. 星、云、霖、霈、辰、晨、腾、农、浓、侬、振. There are 9 types of Chinese dragons, as the number 9 is sacred and is related to the yang (the white part of the emblem of Taoism, yin and yang) ☯. Apophis. This dance can be seen at the Chinese New Year festival. ^.^ In western countries in Europe the dragon is looked down upon. Your email address will not be published. 4. Hydra was the name of a dragon that had multiple heads but later on, was killed by Hercules. Longwei — From Chinese meaning “dragon greatness.” Nithe — Old Norse meaning “dragon” and “serpent.” Ormr — Meaning “dragon,” “serpent,” or “snake.” Pendragon — Celtic meaning “chief dragon.” Tatsuya — Refers to the Japanese sign of the dragon. This is a Greek variation on an earlier Egyptian name. Dragon Chinese Blue. He has his own royal court and commands an army comprising various marine creatures. These are the type of dragons from myths and legends across asia. Kaida – this Islamic name for girls actually has origins in Japan, and literally translates to “Little Dragon”. Du… Dragons Head Chinese. Its origins are still uncertain and we have several academic opinions. The Chinese claimed (and say) to be the descendants of the dragons themselves. 2. Nie Lóng: An evil dragon that brings destruction. … The Qing’s Emperor Yan, in fact, was said to be the offspring of his mother’s telepathic communications with a mystical Chinese dragon (not unlike the first Emperor of China, as you’ll see later), and claimed that the most powerful Chinese dragon was yellow. 145 13. Chinese zodiac sign of the Dragon: Every year within each 12-year cycle of the lunar calendar is represented in Chinese mythology by one of 12 animals. In western countries in Europe the dragon is looked down upon. If you need a good male name that isn’t too serious but also dignifies the gender of your dragon, then check out … According to myths, it is a dragon or serpent who gnaws at the roots of the world tree Yggdrasill. Archaeologist Zhōu Chong-Fa believes that the Chinese word for dragon is an onomatopoeia of the sound thunder makes. This unusual name actually comes from the Aztecs. Boy. Longwei- (Chinese origin)This Chinese name means "dragon greatness". Required fields are marked *. It means dragon greatness. 8. A Chinese person will know a cheesy, fake name from a mile away. I followed these patterns in the hopes of creating mostly authentic names, but I will have likely taken the wrong bits of words in some cases, and the simplified Chinese … Don't like the names? Other notable dragon colors are: White Dragon. To obtain it, you need the this dragon and the Zhu Dragon. Some believe it originated from the snake or Nüwa, a mythological goddess with snake tail and human torso. A list of Male Chinese Names linked to pages giving origin and etymology for each name. 1 Overview 2 Description 3 Trivia 4 Automated Names 5 Gallery This Dragon has always been close to the Emperor of China and some even say that it might be the true holder of the imperial power. Girl Dragon Names. Pánlóng: Snake-like rive… A symbol of immense power and strength, these dragon names are sure to be apt for your baby who will grow up to be healthy and mighty. Ju-Long is of Chinese origin, and it means that the person called Ju-Long is big and powerful as a dragon. Check out our Chinese New Year teaching resources and activities. So Longmu would come up as 'Longmu (Dragon + Mother)' , for example, this way those who do know Chinese can correct the names for their works if they wish. Kayda – similar to Kaida, the female … This name was borne in the 8th century by the Tang dynasty poet Li Bai, ... (7 AM to 9 AM), which is itself associated with the dragon of the Chinese zodiac. Amazon y el logo de Amazon son marcas de Amazon.com, Inc. o sus afiliados. A Chinese dragon, also known as Loong, Long or Lung, is a legendary creature in Chinese mythology, Chinese folklore, and Chinese culture at large. Ye Gao loved dragons so much that a real dragon came down from the … The Chinese dragon is a mythological animal that since the beginning of Chinese civilization, is considered as the symbol of the Chinese people. Origin: Chinese. The Dragon King (traditional Chinese: 龍王; simplified Chinese: 龙王; pinyin: Lóng Wáng; Sanskrit: nāgarāja) is a deity in Chinese mythology commonly regarded as the divine ruler of the ocean. Chan was nurtured in Chinese culture, and dragons make frequent appearances in Chan literature. Dragon names are considered auspicious in many cultures. It brings you good luck, prosperity and wisdom. Chinese dragons are colorful creatures and each color holds unique symbolism. Dragao and Draak are just two of the many names that mean dragon. In Chinese traditions, the legendary dragons were gods that could shape shift into kings and vice versa. Together the meaning of this name is a gracious and beautiful serpent. • Azazel from the Abrahamic religions, is described as a dragon in the Apocalypse of Abraham. Beast Dragon Monster. Originally, he named it … Some people also associate blue and green dragons with healing, peace, and rest. 161 30. Tiānlóng: Sky dragons that live with the gods. Legend states the mainland was named this by a Chinese Emperor who fled there after the Sung Dynasty. But also sentimental and generous with the family and people most important to the sign of the dragon. The types are: 1. Then, ceramics and other utensils began to be decorated with the figure of the dragon, as a symbol of good fortune, greatness and wisdom. A view from the Dragon's Back hiking trail. There are many variations in the different descriptions of the nine sons, including in basic facts like their names, but all versions state that there are nine. Named after a river god and 100-headed dragon. He has the ability to shapeshift into human form and lives in an underwater crystal palace. They love to cause … In the mediaeval context the Western dragon was often the symbol of Satan incarnate. Therefore, it’s auspicious to see Chinese characters with the radicals of ''星'' (meaning: star), ''云'' (meaning: cloud) and ''辰'' (meaning: celestial bodies) in name. Longwei: Is the Chinese name meaning dragon greatness. Longwang’s name is comprised of the Chinese characters for “dragon,” lóng (龍), and “king,” wáng (王). In terms of names things got a little tricky. All these types of creatures have a different significance and symbolism around them. The Chinese dragon is actually comprised of body parts of various animals, like the “belly of the frog, scales of the carp, claws of the hawk, and palm of the tiger,” to name a few. Other forms include turtles, fish, lions, and imaginary creatures. The Chinese dragon, unlike the Western dragon, is a kind and wise being, not the representation of evil. Dragon is a benevolent sign, which shows everything good. Dragon Ying Yang. Ju-long – another Chinese name for boys, it can be used to symbolise someone who is mighty or large, and also strong, just like the mythical dragon. In these countries the dragon is a dinosaur-like creature with wings. New Chinese Dragon Names. 205 19. 15. Dragons are an important part of Chinese culture and Jiao-long represents someone with dragon-like qualities. Other Chinese characters can form this name as well. Some of them may seem pretty logical but others are like “well it looks like big mouse but it has a pouch, so well pouch-mouse it is” and that’s how we get to the Chinese word for Kangaroo. Because they were so revered, the Chinese emperors (from the Han and Qin dynasties) took the dragon as an imperial symbol and even forbade others to wear the dragon symbol (which is why the Communists later associated the Chinese dragon with imperialism and tried to impose the panda as a symbol). 205 19. For example, blue and green dragons symbolize nature, health, and tranquility. However, the name … This name generator will give you 10 random Chinese dragon names. 3. … Dìlóng: An earth dragon that lives underground. Peak Popularity: Qiu has not been in the top 1,000 names in the U.S. Fun Fact: Confucius was one of the most influential thinkers in world history. The dragon is one of the most important mythological animals of the Chinese horoscope. Chinese dragon in Fengdu Ghost City, ChinaIn China, depiction of the dragon (traditional:龍;simplified:龙) can be found in artifacts from the Shang and Zhou dynasties with examples dating back to the 16th century BC. According to myths, it is a dragon or … They are said to control thunder, floods, and rain. Chinese Dragon Name Generator. 2. Nine-Dragon Screen, Beihai Park, Beijing Chinese Dragon Photos : The people of China have a long held belief that they are descendents of the dragon, a tradition that is firmly embedded in their culture and one that is encountered across all aspects of Chinese society and in the minds of its people. The nine sons of the dragon are Chinese dragons who are the mythological sons of the Dragon King. This dragon is the first you can obtain in the Spring Festival Island. The character 辰 also refers to the fifth Earthly Branch (7 AM to 9 AM), which is itself associated with the dragon of the Chinese zodiac. 5. Although, with the arrival of communism to power was attempted to establish the panda as a symbol of the Chinese nation, is still considered by many the most representative symbol of the country. 161 30. Hydra - Mythology fans will recognize this name as the many-headed water dragon; Libelle - This name comes from the German word for dragonfly Famous Namesakes: Qiu is the given name of the fifth-century Chinese philosopher Confucius. In Nahuatl, the name means feathered serpent. Planted so far: 84350 Chinese mythology classifies dragons into many different types. The name Longmu means Mother of Dragons, as the 'mu' in this name is taken from the word for mother (muqin). 龙争虎斗 (lóng zhēng hǔ dòu): Literally “a fight between a dragon and a tiger" , … Longmu; Longgou; Longhu; Longnai; Longxiao; Longhou; Changshen; Shalong; Dilong; Houlong; Yunlong; Yinglong; Tengteng; Hanlong; Shenyan; Qiuzui; Yinxin; Changgeng; Bowei; Houlian; Guofu I followed these patterns in the hopes of creating mostly authentic names, but I will have likely taken the wrong bits of words in some cases, and the simplified Chinese might make things less authentic as well. This list of names come from not only actual dragons, but also other serpents. Chinese: Kaida: Kaida means Little Dragon: Girl: Japanese: Islam: Kayda: Kayda means Looks like a little Dragon: Girl: Japanese: Judaism: Khuzaimah: The meaning of the name is Dragon Tree: Unisex: Arabic: Khuzayma: The name means a type of tree, a Dragon Tree: Boy: Arabic: Khuzaymah: The meaning of the name is a specific type of treee, known as a Dragon Tree: Unisex: Arabic: Leviathan Dragon likes to fly among the sun, moon and stars in the sky. Dragon is a totem of Chinese nation, a symbol of China, and a golden Chinese element; when a person hear the name of dragon, China will come to his or her mind. As well as the Chinese characters, and pinyin pronunciation of the words, we are going to talk about the name translated literally word by word from Chinese. This dragon has a skin that makes this Dragon completely gold. Dragon Chinese. Pulao in Changchun Temple, Wuhan Qianlong era bixi near Marco Polo Bridge, Beijing They are usually associated with vitality, love, warmth, courage, and of course, fire. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Nagendra: Is a Hindi name made of Sanskrit naga, a snake, and the name of the god Indra, hence "snake-Indra." Jiao-long – a Chinese name for boys, it can mean both a scaled dragon, and one who looks or appears dragon-like. They traditionally symbolize potent and auspicious powers, particularly control over water, rainfall, typhoons, and floods. 星、云、霖、霈、辰、晨、腾、农、浓、侬、振. Red Dragons Names From Gems And Jewels Others believe that the long was formed by integrating the symbol of several tribes that united in the past into a single animal. 213 17. A lotus, not a Chinese dragon: Gujarat changes name of fruit. In mythology, Tiamat is the name of primeval sea Dragon Goddess and mother of the first God. Nidhogg/ Nidhoggr/ Nidhug: It refers to the dreaded striker. He is sometimes referred to as Sìhǎi Lóngwáng (四海龍王), meaning the “Dragon King of the Four Seas” or simply as Lóngshén (龍神), or “Dragon God.” Attributes. Sarmite- If you are looking for super unique names, this Latvian region works best; this means "frost". For instance, in one myth the Chinese goddess Nuwa must defeat a black dragon that is causing destructive flooding. These translations are based on phonetics and consist of getting as close as possible to the accurate pronunciation of the name. In Chinese mythology the dragon symbolizes power, success, good luck, and strength. It has no wings, but it can fly with its magic. The Shen in the name (s) of Shen-Lung dragons is probably 神, which represents a general concept of "spirit" or "consciousness". 213 17. This is done while choosing the most appropriate characters according to the sound, the origin and sometimes even the sex (of the original name… Their poetic translations can reflect a person’s personality. A modern and mighty Dragon; has a desire to understand. They are still held in high esteem. Throw in a little fire and a bit of luck, and you’ll find the perfect name for your little dragon. There are many dragons in Chinese classical texts, and they often derive from the suffix -long, which is the Chinese word for dragon. If you are looking for dragon names for your newborn boy or girl, then here is a list of dragon names to choose. On the other hand, you don’t want to pick something obvious or cheesy— people might laugh! For example, the names Qiulong and Shenlong mean Curling Dragon and Divine Dragon respectively, as 'long' means dragon. The people of the Chinese people began to make offerings to this mythological being in times of drought as it was believed to bring rain, as for example in the legend of the creation of the Chinese rivers. It is blue. Some Chinese dragons have three toes like a Japanese dragon, and there were a few myths of malevolent dragons even in China. 5. Your email address will not be published. The long were highly revered by people, so much so that even today the dragon dance is performed (dance performed by several people who hold a dragon making it move). Dragons Head Chinese. Symbolizing fortune and good luck, people born in the year of the dragon are usually charismatic, strong in character, proud and noble. Longwang has two forms: his zoomorphic dragon form and his fierce, warrior lord, human persona. The Dragon's character: "Gifted with innate courage, tenacity and intelligence, Dragons are enthusiastic and confident." In these countries the dragon is a dinosaur-like creature with wings. Meaning: Love, affection or friendly, lush. To solve this to some extent, I've added the words I took either the meaning of or a small part of in brackets after each name. This maths game has different levels which can be matched to mathematical ability level. Boy. All other original content is part of FantasyNameGenerators.com and cannot be copied, sold or redistributed without permission. Many of the names end with long, depending on dialect, it is either pronounced as long or lung.. Dilong (Dy-long) - Dragon god of rivers and seas People born in the year of 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, or 2024 belong to the Dragon zodiac sign.

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