And if you haven’t seen the movie yet, needless to say, SPOILERS FOLLOW! For instance, fans don't get bored. Except, presumably, create an entire new alternate universe timeline in which events diverged from our version of the MCU... but we'll apparently worry about that in Phase 4. So even with his suit of armor, the power surge was too much for Tony to take. So when the Avengers returned, they had a secret, evil alternative universe mole among them, who promptly used the Avengers' time machine to summon Thanos from 2014 along with all of his armies and minions and stuff. So the "ending" of this movie really begins during the final battle on the grounds of … When Gamora died in Infinity War, it left her Guardians status in doubt, but in 2018, Saldana signed a letter along with the rest of the Guardians cast and crew to reinstate Gunn as the director of Vol. The specifics are unclear, but it seems as though Rogers went back, lived a seemingly normal life with Peggy Carter, aged into an old man (super soldier serum be damned), and seemingly met Sam, Bucky, and the Hulk at the place they were sending him back in time. Hmm! Tech billionaires are staying “very, very quiet” on proposals to tax their wealth. Marvel Studios is making a … Here are 5 of their best hypotheses. The only way the plot of Far From Home works is if everybody Peter Parker knows was Thanosed. Luckily, Tony was clued in to his big chance because Doctor Strange was there to give him the finger. That likely means another bad wildfire season. The more likely scenario is that finding 2014 Gamora will be part of the third Guardians of the Galaxy movie, which is in development after the rehiring of director James Gunn. On their trip back to 2014 to get the stone shown at the beginning of the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie, Nebula was intercepted by her father, Thanos, who then replaced her with the 2014 version of Nebula — who was still a villain. Marvel has announced a few movies in the works, including a Black Widow solo movie (which is going to be tricky, what with her death and all, but rumor has it the movie is a prequel), a Black Panther sequel, a third Guardians of the Galaxy movie, a movie about the beings known as Eternals, a Doctor Strange follow-up, and a movie about Shang-Chi, Marvel’s first movie about an Asian superhero. Look: The Marvel movies are not without continuity errors. Daunte Wright’s killing is a reminder of how quickly traffic stops can become deadly, The pandemic’s impact on our world is only just beginning, The ending takes place in 2023. (Or Far From Home will just ignore the whole “it’s technically 2023” thing and do whatever it wants, which is what I would do.). Still, Thanos eventually called in the cavalry — by which we mean an intergalactic horde of murderous monsters hellbent on razing Earth. We will probably see release dates for 2020 soon after Endgame hits theaters, or at Disney’s D23 expo in August. More is on the line if they are asked to do something about it. And since he lived a full life, he’s now a very, very old Steve Rogers. Watch later. This allowed Captain America to finally deliver the team's signature catchphrase from the comics, "Avengers Assemble!," something fans have been waiting to hear for years. Then, when he’s caught up with the current moment in linear time, he shows up on that park bench, where Sam and Bucky notice him. The ending of Endgame isn’t just a farewell to these beloved characters; it’s a way to give them the sendoff they deserve. Avengers: Endgame's ending … After wallowing in fat jokes throughout the film, Thor finally sort of got his act together at the very end and decided to head into space with the Guardians of the Galaxy, leaving Valkyrie behind as the new leader of the Asgardians. In fact, he even dropped a potential title, calling the team the Asgardians of the Galaxy, which not so coincidentally is the name of a comic book series Marvel launched in 2018, well after these scenes were filmed. If you're new, Subscribe! The wheeling and dealing of star billing has long fascinated Vulture, especially when it comes to the Marvel … The Russo Brothers have delivered well. All told, the Avengers saved a lot of lives and won the day. Avengers: Endgame is a fantastic ending to the epic Marvel Cinematic Universe story-line that was built around the Infinity Stones. 3, signaling that she will still appear in some capacity. But you can sort of make sense of it. Making sense of this story point requires that Peggy doesn’t reveal to Steve that she’s actually been married to his other self all this time when Steve goes to visit her in the hospital in Winter Soldier, and it requires a whole bunch of other mental convolutions to sort out its weird complexities. Help us celebrate Vox, and support our unique mission, by making a $7 contribution today.. As the Biden administration ramps up, sign up for our essential weekly policy newsletter, What Netflix’s Seaspiracy gets wrong about fishing, explained by a marine biologist. Is Tony Stark’s death going to stick? Endgame ’s three-act end credits. If you haven’t seen the movie and don’t want to be spoiled, this is your chance to leave. Avengers: Endgame Themes Explained – Why It’s About Time ‘Avengers: Endgame’ is a meditation on time – and it leaves us with a fittingly age-old message: that we should cherish the moments we have on this earth with our loved ones. An obvious rebuttal is that he returned to that point in time using the quantum realm time-travel device as an old man to show everybody his life had been a happy one, but then he would have popped back into the middle of the time machine. He's not the only one, though. 0. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Did the time-traveling Rogers just decide to live in secret, hiding from the parallel Captain America? Falcon, and Bucky Barnes — has trouble calling him back. Picking up the pieces is likely to be the hard part. But with a title like Endgame, well, it was inevitable that the film — and the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe as a whole — would come to some sort of an ending. For instance, fans don't get bored. We break it all down here. Will you help us celebrate seven years of Vox? Scientists haven’t figured out long Covid. This post discusses Avengers: Endgame in depth, and spoilers abound. A movie like the Infinity Wars was a tough act to follow. And Stark didn't disappoint. Did he then sit idly by and watch all the things he’d already witnessed play out a second time, like Hydra taking over S.H.I.E.L.D. There is a huge fight scene that encompasses much of the movie’s final 45 minutes, which includes every Avenger introduced so far, a bunch of side characters, and even Pepper Potts in full Iron Man regalia. Copy link. Spoiler alert! Cookies help us deliver our Services. Loki got a second chance at life that seems likely to be explored in the upcoming Loki series on Disney's new streaming service, Disney+. And fans don't ever want it to end. It seems unlikely the Marvel movies will deal with this, but boy, now don’t you kind of want them to? But what was going on in the last scene? It’s really cool and fan service-y; we get to see, That fight scene includes a massive game of keep-away involving the glove containing the Infinity Stones, which is held (but not worn). It’s not as though Iron Man has any clue who she is — he only knows her as the woman that Star-Lord freaked out about in Infinity War before Star-Lord bungled their entire plan by being a selfish brat. Why Johnson & Johnson shots were paused — and why that’s so confusing. The Final Battle. Hey, like we said, this alternate universe time travel stuff is going to take a long time to sort through. So what does all of this mean for the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? With a running time clocking in at over three hours, it might be easier to explain what doesn't happen in Avengers: Endgame instead of what does. The logic and challenge behind the FDA and CDC’s decision to temporarily halt the one-shot vaccine. newsletter. But it’s also necessary that the Avengers eventually get their hands on all six Infinity Stones and don’t mess with reality so much that they erase Tony and Pepper’s daughter, Morgan — who was born after the events of Infinity War — from existence. During the press tour for Infinity War in 2018, Chris … This is ... complicated. Luckily, there's that reverse snap we mentioned earlier. (Thank you to Vox’s Alvin Chang for this calculation.) Or was it the ending we really didn't need right now? Avengers: Endgame: reviews, spoilers, news, and analysis of Marvel’s biggest movie ever, Avengers: Endgame’s 6 deleted scenes include a Tony Stark tribute and Rocket trolling. Share. Help us celebrate Vox, and support our unique mission, by making a $7 contribution today. Is Loki Alive? We’ve established that the second you change the past in this movie, a new parallel universe splits off. Share this article 856 shares share tweet text email link Hemal Jhaveri. But how Avengers: Endgame stands apart from all other time travel movies (which the characters joke about, in a prime example of lampshading) is how it doesn’t care for all the typical rules. In conclusion: Time travel is silly, and you should never think about it. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. And then there's Wakanda, which suddenly has a king back. Well, that means that all those awesome heroes who died were suddenly returned to the land of the living. Avengers: Endgame is the climax to over a decade of superhero movies, providing closure for the original six members of the Avengers team and tying-up a number of loose ends in the Marvel … Iron Man would have needed to wish for something like “all Thanos’s forces except for Gamora” in order for her to live. We examine 9 unresolved questions from Marvel’s biggest movie yet. But killing a major character offscreen isn’t really Marvel’s way (though it did do that with Shuri). And that nearly doomed the universe to complete extinction. Yes, there were more than one. Yeah, probably. If Marvel and Downey were game (or Downey was at least willing to let Marvel use his likeness for Stark), Marvel Studios could copy the comics and keep an AI version of Stark as a recurring character. He had a leg up in the fight, but that leg up was actually a hand, as the new Infinity Gauntlet was made from one of his Iron Man suits of armor. It looks at where they’ve been and where they should go. Avengers: Endgame's Ending & Marvel Movie Future Explained In Detail. The Ancient One, who bestows the Hulk with the Time Stone in 2012, explains that putting back the Stones is necessary to keep the 2012 timeline from branching off into an alternate future, a world that would be vulnerable without the protection of the Infinity Stones. like April 26, 2019 7:38 am. The answer to that would seem to be yes, but that leads one to wonder just how he made it to the park bench where he has his conversation with his good pal Sam. AVENGERS ENDGAME concluded with a thrilling set of scenes involving Captain America battling Thanos with Mjolnir, but an eagle-eared viewer has now spotted a … And so did his buddy Sam Wilson, a.k.a. Gamora could have been considered an ally and soldier because she hadn’t officially left Thanos for the Guardians at that point. Avengers Endgame Time Travel Rules and Logic Explained There's some seriously complicated business going on in Avengers: Endgame. Share Share Tweet Email. Here's everything that happens & what it means for the future. The evil one eventually got ahold of the new Infinity Gauntlet (in a callback to the original comic book story), only for the current Nebula to shoot her stone dead. So settle in and hug your loved ones a little bit closer tonight, because we're about to take a deep dive into the ending of Avengers: Endgame to explain just what it all means for fans, for your favorite characters, and for the future of the MCU. But when everything was said and done, it came down, of course, to Tony Stark vs. Thanos with the fate of the universe at stake — something that has been foreshadowed since way back in Avengers: Age of Ultron. 76 percent of the Western US is in a drought. Where other news organizations focus on what just happened, we focus on the context. There’s no way he could have snuck past everybody to the park bench. It’s one of the reasons Marvel movies are pretty good across the board and, thus, add up to a cinematic universe that feels like it’s more coherent than it actually is. … Most likely. But Marvel hasn’t revealed when these movies are going to be released, probably in an effort to keep the attention on Endgame and not spoil it (e.g., if Marvel released the specifics of a Black Widow movie, fans might be able to ascertain what happened to Black Widow in Endgame before even seeing the movie). Tony Stark tricks Thanos by taking not the new Infinity Gauntlet, but the Infinity Stones themselves, which slide into slots on his armor. But not so fast! That's probably one king too many, though, because whoever has been running the show for the last five years in T'Challa's absence — M'Baku maybe? The first is Thanos’s Infinity War dusting, which Endgame mostly suggests has amounted to piled-up garbage and the dissolution of the New York Mets. But no, this is just Ty Simpkins, the actor who played Harley in Iron Man 3, a.k.a. The three-hour epic is crammed with character development, emotional reunions and … As Tony Stark puts it, quoting his father to his father, “No amount of money ever bought a second of time.” And suddenly ... there will be somebody back in their lives, someone they literally thought had ceased to exist. This is the baseline time for the Avengers, where the final battle occurs and when the snap victims return to. That was a little weird, considering the entire point of Thor: Ragnarok was Thor finally coming to terms with his responsibilities as the ruler of Asgard. Info. Avengers: Endgame doesn’t have a post-credits scene. This is a very weird callback — Harley hasn’t been in any movies since Iron Man 3 — but it’s also a sweet acknowledgment that Tony’s impact extends beyond the immediate Avengers family. He snaps his fingers and erases Thanos and his army — but Tony dies in the process. But the point here is that Rogers got his happy ending, a chance to go back to the world he missed so much, even if it meant ignoring some of the time-travel logistics. We’ll allow it. Will she maybe return in an alternate timeline? Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. And then he stays there, apparently marrying her and living a long and full life. The quantum mechanics of “Avengers: Endgame,” fact-checked by scientists Marvel Studios Many of the concepts in “Endgame” are connected, at least in name, to recent scientific theory. We don’t know who he used his snap against other than Thanos, his allies, and his soldiers. At the end of the Marvel comic book event known as Civil War II, Stark is badly hurt, but then we find out he created an AI of himself — with his consciousness and his vast knowledge and intelligence — in case his body stopped working: The AI, which mentored and helped out the Avengers, appeared to be a sort of holographic figure — not unlike the hologram message that Tony left for his daughter at the end of Endgame. He snapped his fingers, thus restoring everybody Thanos. But in a big twist, Cap decides not to come back from his time travel jaunt. Fans don't get up to use the bathroom. Shopping. Following Tony's funeral, Captain America is tasked with bringing all the Infinity Stones back to their proper points in time in order to prevent any bad alternate timelines from springing up. “Myself, Downey, Hemsworth, we all kind of started roughly at the same time, and I think we all, through [Endgame], kind of wrap it up,” Evans told Good Morning America. Avengers: Endgame closes out the MCU's 22 film Infinity Saga storyline in epic fashion. So chances are tracking her down and helping her learn why they are her family may be part of the third Guardians film (sort of like Star Trek III: The Search for Spock). (Just think about how Steve reacts when he meets his new baby niece Sharon!) It is relatively easy for a billionaire to say they support higher taxes. And the last clue we have is that future 2023 Nebula (2014 Nebula was killed) and 2014 Gamora were together at some point, but only Nebula returned to the Guardians. Half of the population will have mourned and … No, not that finger — just an index finger to note that this was the one chance in 14 million for victory that he had foreseen in Avengers: Infinity War. Endgame uses a theory of time travel that’s pretty different from that of most other movies, which posit that changing the past also changes the future. Avengers: Endgame Summary : The grave course of events set in motion by Thanos that wiped out half the universe and fractured the Avengers ranks compels the … By Cooper Hood Published May 03, 2019. the Falcon. In fact, Silvestri has previously explained what the brass (predominantly heard in the cue) means and sounds to him as it … Maybe the company could do a sort of reverse-Leftovers TV show for the new Disney+ streaming service. Avengers: Endgame screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely talk about questions raised by the ending to Captain America's story. Endgame says that if you change the past, you create a new parallel universe that branches off from the moment you changed said past — but when you travel into the future, you return to your original future, not the new one created by the changes you made in the past. We're likely to see the first after effects in Spider-Man: Far From Home as Peter deals with the loss of his mentor, Tony Stark. And look, sure, if that’s how Far From Home wants to play it, we’ll go with it. Sadly, it was too much for his human body to bear. Rogers goes back and returns all the stones, a trip that should only take seconds. But as he was there at the end to make sure that … Well, the first thing is that every character has a heck of a lot to deal with. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. 3. Not to mention Black Widow, who has a solo film in development even though she's dead. Avengers: Endgame Plot Holes Explained. But wait a second: How does the above explanation square with everything else in this movie and the broader MCU? It's almost like they have some sort of plan! Though imagine if MJ had survived, and her would-be romance with Peter was complicated even further by her now being five years older than him! Likewise, Hawkeye has his family back, which is likely to be explored in the upcoming Hawkeye TV series streaming via Disney+. Okay, yeah, it is, but if you think about Endgame’s use of time travel for a couple of seconds, the ending starts to sour just a little bit. But only the dead who were killed by Thanos's snap — he also tried to bring back Black Widow, but for some reason, it didn't work. Giving up seafood isn’t the best way to save the oceans. How does this affect people? but that was the easy part. Easily one of the biggest and best moments in Avengers: Endgame is when Thanos, right on the verge of killing Thor, is smacked in the back of the head by Captain America wielding Mjolnir. WARNING: Major spoilers for Avengers: Endgame. But this opens up more questions, like: What happened to the Steve Rogers who exists in the past timeline? Avengers 4: Endgame trailer has arrived Marvel's plans for its films are structured in phases, with each one ending with an Avengers crossover movie. Only mostly, though. Instead, he returns to the 1940s so he can finally have that dance he promised Peggy Carter in Captain America: The First Avenger. While Endgame is not as pacy as its prequel, it wraps the story up pretty well without plot-holes. Avengers: Endgame: The Endings Explained. (Most time travel theorists suggest that if you changed the past, you would be doomed to also hang out in the new parallel reality you created.) The studio’s MO, very quietly, is that if something is good for a standalone movie but contradicts something in a different movie, it will just embrace the contradiction. It's rare to meet someone who hasn't seen at least one installment from the Marvel Cinematic … But even by these standards, the fact that the events of Endgame mean that the MCU technically now takes place in the year 2023 creates a bunch of logistical headaches for Spider-Man: Far From Home, which comes out in July and is not quite an MCU film (as it’s produced by Sony and not Marvel Studios), but also not not an MCU film (as Spider-Man and his friend Ned pop up in Infinity War and Endgame). Since Vox started in 2014, we’ve held tight to our mission: to make the most important issues clear and comprehensible, and empower you to shape the world in which you live. This also means that Endgame glosses over what amounts to two apocalypses. You should also try not to think about this. A Thanos from 2014 traveled forward to 2023, with the help of 2014 Nebula (who took the place of 2023 Nebula), then blew up Avengers HQ. But plenty of people will have remarried or entered into new serious relationships. There’s a slight possibility that Gamora was killed during Iron Man’s snap. Avengers Endgame end credit scene, explained. Unclear, but here’s a thought: At the end of Endgame, Tony snaps his own glove bearing the Infinity Stones to decimate Thanos and his forces (and, sadly, himself). After the arrival of the undead heroes, the next several minutes were a gratifying blur of action and emotional reunions. The new and improved Professor Hulk (who, as in the comics, combined the might of the Hulk with the intellect of Bruce Banner) used the gauntlet to bring back the dead. At the end of Endgame, Steve Rogers is tasked with returning each of the Infinity Stones to their respective timelines. Did our favorite heroes get the conclusions to their stories that they deserved? And it mostly worked. After returning from their various missions to different past moments in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Avengers grouped back up with the six Infinity Stones in tow, ready to snap all the dead folks from Avengers: Infinity War back into existence. We haven’t seen him before in … If you still don’t quite understand Endgame’s use of time travel, or if you want to know who that kid was in the movie’s saddest scene, or if you’re simply wondering what Marvel’s plans are for the future, you’ve come to the right place. If so, how did he get back to his original timeline? But the team spearheading the expedition — Hulk, Sam Wilson a.k.a. the little kid Tony bonds with in that movie, which is unquestionably the best of the Iron Man movies, and if anybody who works for Vox tries to tell you otherwise, they are a Skrull — and not one of the misunderstood ones from the Captain Marvel movie; one of the evil ones from the Secret Wars comics crossover event. This means that, from an outside perspective, half the population disappeared for five years, then everything returned to normal... sort of. Inverse - At the end of Avengers: Endgame, Steve Rogers travels back in time to return each of the Infinity Stones to the exact moment they were taken by the … Or, put another way, for Steve to stay in our reality without causing a parallel universe split, he has to have always been here twice without anybody finding out. Also, did Steve Rogers just give back the Soul Stone to Red Skull, and does that mean Black Widow is coming back? That could have been fun! — isn't likely to just hand the throne back over. He retains the strength of the monster, but the brain of Bruce. Help us celebrate our mission to empower people through understanding, by making a $7 contribution today. SPOILERS: Avengers Endgame is the end of the first age of the MCU and here is everything that happened explained They’ll have coped with the grief over losing a child or a parent. After a couple of attempts, Bucky points out that there’s an old man sitting on a bench nearby, and he turns out to be Steve Rogers (Chris Evans as you’ve never seen him before: in old man makeup!). By now, if you’re a Marvel fan, or even just Marvel-curious, you’ve seen the big conclusion to the studio’s first 11 years of films. And thanks to the intervention of Doctor Strange, Wong, and a bunch of other nice wizard people, all our favorite dead heroes were able to walk through giant mystic portals and arrive in the nick of time. Yes, the dude Steve meets at the support group, who hasn’t quite moved on, is going to be thrilled to have his guy back. If you really try. First let’s hit the broadest bullet points of the ending: There are several more big moments after that — seriously, the biggest complaint about this movie might end up being how long it takes to wrap up its business — and we eventually learn that Captain America has effectively left the franchise (by heading into the past to live a long, happy life with his love Peggy Carter). Obviously, it’s possible, but it’s going to rankle just a bit. But it does dig into some of the personal traumas Thanos caused, like when director Joe Russo cameos as a man Steve Rogers meets in a support group, who’s just getting back into the dating scene after his former partner was dusted. He died a hero. And we also have some idea what Thor's new adventures with the Guardians might look like, as their scene showed Peter Quill trying to find the location of Gamora. The shot of a teenager brooding toward the back of Tony’s funeral gathering — he’s standing by Maria Hill, and you see him for a couple of seconds before the camera pans over to Carol Danvers — feels like it might be a setup for some new teen superhero to join the MCU, or maybe a surprise reveal about Tony’s secret son. The second apocalypse is when everybody comes back five years later. From disturbing the gut microbiome to lingering in the brain, there are many ways the coronavirus might cause lasting symptoms. And that means that for awhile, there were two Nebulas running around. With Tony dead and Steve living the geriatric life, it seemed like we might see the end of the Big Three. Tony Stark’s death, then, isn’t just a way to conclude his story — it’s also a fitting exit for Downey, at least contractually. It doesn’t need one. The “five years later” time jump is another five years after 2018, when the majority of the film is set, and the film explicitly says that 2014 was “nine years ago.” The Avengers, having traveled through time to collect all six Infinity Stones from before Thanos destroyed them, made a special glove containing all six stones and put it on Hulk. Did he spawn a new timeline? And remember, this is evil Loki from before he spent the last several films bonding with Thor, so who knows what shenanigans he'll get up to with an Infinity Stone in his mitts. For devoted fans of the MCU, there’s so much to love in Avengers: Endgame. Warning: risk of head explosion. Tap to unmute. And we know that Peter Quill, a.k.a. By Mason Downey on April 27, 2019 at 3:06PM PDT. → is here. or the invasion of New York? Which is a real concern, considering they already created at least two alternate timelines: a nice one where Thanos and all his armies no longer exist as of 2014, and a not-so-nice one where the evil Loki from 2012 suddenly is free again and in possession of the Tesseract. But if literally any of Peter’s friends fell into the 50 percent of people who weren’t dusted by Thanos, then they would be five years older than their peers and, as such, in college or even working at their first job. How to listen to all of Vox’s Earth Month podcasts, If you get an insurance bill for your Covid-19 vaccine, it’s a mistake, Like it or not, you should probably start paying attention to bitcoin. So Tony manipulated it somehow to switch gauntlets during the fight, leaving Thanos wearing a regular old armored glove and Tony wearing the Infinity Gauntlet. Not our normal version of Gamora, mind you, who is still dead after being killed by Thanos in Infinity War, but rather the Gamora from 2014, who came through the time portal along with evil Nebula. Avengers: Endgame begins in 2018, the aftermath of Thanos' snap, then jumps forward five years to 2023. We learned in Guardians of the Galaxy that mortals cannot contain the power of the Infinity Stones, and even the Hulk and Thanos himself had suffered serious injury using it. Rogers informs his closest confidant Sam that he decided to have a life, which Tony Stark always poked at him about, insinuating that he went back in time and lived his life with Peggy Carter instead of coming back to the present.
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