Home » Blog » List of Special days in Jan 2021. 01 Fri. International Public Domain Day. Calendar with All Celebrations for 2021 January. The important holidays, national days, and international days observed every day of January 2021 are listed above. Every day in January is attached to some special celebrations, holidays, festivals, and special observations. Apart from this, it also has some special days. Special Days In January 2021 in India is out in this article and Phew! 01 Fri. New Year's Day. From holidays like New Year's Day to National Cheese Lovers Day and National Pie Day, there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy some warmth and cheer. National Day of Mourning. Keep on visiting us to know the Important Days in January. The Garnet stone symbolizes constancy. One is the start of the year, which is very special. Here are 31 reasons to celebrate during the month of January. List of Special days in Jan 2021. On January 15, Field Marshal Kodandera M. Cariappa’s took over as the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army from the last British Commander-in-Chief of India and thus began being celebrated as the Indian Army Day. Includes 2021 Observances, Fun Facts & Religious Holidays: Christian, Catholic, Jewish & Muslim. As the days get shorter and the temperature gets colder, we could all use a few extra reasons to celebrate in January. Author Nat Days Posted on January 8, 2021 March 20, 2021 Categories JANUARY Leave a comment on List of National Days for Week 5 of 2021 List of National Days for Week 4 of 2021 Here are dramatic days to celebrate during the week of January 24th through January 30th for the year 2021. This is because of two reasons. January, the very first month of the year, marks some pretty significant days worth remembering. Decorate your space with year-specific party items (think hats, funny glasses, and more), and encourage attendees to set serious and silly resolutions. The list below contains over 130 different special days to celebrate in January. 25 Thu. 01 Fri. Emancipation Proclamation. January 2021 is only 14 days away and the month is going to be filled with many festive days as well as holidays that can be observed and enjoyed with one’s friends and families. The other one is where people make resolutions only this month. January. The month of January is special in itself because it is the first month of the new year. 2021 Holidays + Fun, Weird and Special Days. 01 Fri. National Hangover Day. Marketing your business on social media just got a lot easier with this complete list of more than 3,000 holidays, observances, and special dates for 2020 and 2021. Holiday Hashtags for Your Social Media When using holiday hashtags in your social media campaign, it is important to make sure you are using holidays that relate to your brand and your overall marketing plan . Post author: admin; Post published: January 4, 2021; Post category: Business; Post comments: 71 Comments; List of important national and international days in January 2021. The month “January” is very special and famous among people across the globe. January 2021 Calendar with Holidays in printable format - United States. The first month of every year in the month of January. January 2021 is due to begin. 02 Sat. New Year’s Day – Your office may be closed on January 1st, so schedule this event for the next business day. According to a report in Drik Panchang, here is a list of all the festivals in January 2021 as well as Special days in January 2021. National Science Fiction Day ... International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Are you a small business owner or marketer looking for holidays or special dates to celebrate on social media? 25 Thu. Major Events and Dates in January 2021.
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