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the ghost of frankenstein

Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Firearms 6. that abducts young metahumans, Tim Drake starts to actively recruiting those targets to form an alliance able to put up a resistance. [55] Tim then discovers from Black that Despero, held inside a super-prison in Metropolis, has information able to exonerate Kon from all accusations[56]: this is revealed to be a trap, as Black was trying to end the Titans once and for all. [99] Thanks to the help of Earth 3's own Stephanie Brown, who is the Batwoman of this dimension and acts still as a hero, the team comes back on Earth. Gymnastics 9. Tim Drake is running from everything he used to have and has started anew. Featuring weekly comic release discussions, creator AMAs, a friendly and helpful userbase, and much more! Using his computer to release all of the cells, Tim ran to find this Batman, before they were attacked by Doomsday and Tim learned that the Batman he just saved was the him of a possible future. [85], After Batgirl debunked Tim's Gotham Knight initiative, saying Batman accepted to do it only to keep an eye on Batwoman[86], Tim and Bruce argue about it, with Bruce confirming the words of Barbara and saying to Tim the program will be no more. How does he stack up against other geniuses in the DC Universe like Lex Luthor, Mr. Investigation: Tim Drake is often cited as the most analytic of Batman's proteges, as his detective skills are on par with Batman himself. Tim, even if against his moral code, is relieved that the Joker is finally dead but he is soon refuted, as the target was revealed to be a mannequin full of Joker Gas: both him and Red Hood fall to the ground, senseless. As he was going to die in extraordinary pain, Bruce decided to self-destruct everything connected to the Batman, as the cowl should not be eternal, only to let Kate do her duty. 10. Tim Drake Character » Tim Drake appears in 2703 issues . Post-Flashpoint they've sort of tried to compensate by making him the "tech Robin" which I'm not a fan of but is put to good use in Tynion's Detective Comics run. May the prayers of Our Lady, who was "younger than sin", be with this new generation of Catholics contending for the Faith--and with Mr. Drake and his fine work." VZa. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. My own writing. Mister Miracle is lauded as the world's greatest escape artist, with twin qualities … [3] There, Superboy spots that the director of the site is Dr. Stick Fighting. Judas Mansilla Beas. Before the fight begins though, his future-self activates a mysterious, secret program Bruce was developing: Brother Eye. Tim Drake is a teen vigilante who, for a time, acted as the third Robin after the death of Jason Todd. Tim Drake Writing Credits (in alphabetical order) Tim Drake Cast (in credits order) Tim Drake ... Movies that won't damage your IQ a list of 256 titles created 24 Jan 2011 See all related lists » Share this page: Clear your history. In the end, Cassandra is brought to Olympic justice and Wonder Girl and Diana, which is revealed to be Cassie's aunt as well, start to bond. As Batwing and Bruce work on eliminating Brother Eye for good, Tim decides to find answers on his future together with Stephanie, leaving the city with the promise that one day he will come back. Peak Human Condition Tactical Analysis Throwing Weaponry. The team ends up in Oregon, passing though a portal, inside a S.T.A.R. Tim, desperate for rescue used the computers within the prison to send out a transmission to Batman which was soon answered by a Batman who claimed to also be held within the prison. MISTER MIRACLE. Ulysses then proposes to Tim to give him access to Brother Eye before time, to make him able to bring peace to Gotham City before that moment happens. Stated by Ra's Al Ghul, He's not a Super Genius Like Lex Luthor or Mr Terrific But he's Still agenius in, if Lex Luthor intellect is 100/100 then Tims inttelct would be 70/100, Honestly, When it comes to applied intelligence (E.G Detective skills and Tactical ability) Tim is (Was?) It’s difficult to become a truly capable leader when one … [18]As they faced Diesel once again, Cassie gets to face her former love alone while Tim and Kon-El deal with an army of "blood warriors" Diesel created. Tim is dating Spoiler (Stephanie Brown). During his time with this new team, Tim participated in a battle against the Colony during which he was seemingly killed. 346 Appearances of Timothy Drake (Prime Earth), 174 Images featuring Timothy Drake (Prime Earth), 18 Quotations by or about Timothy Drake (Prime Earth), Character Gallery: Timothy Drake (Prime Earth), [77], As Red Robin recovers, he goes to the Belfry to set up a protection plan for Batwoman, the target of his future version, who seems to have started whatever turned Tim into Batman two decades later. [84], Soon realizing this was the event his future self was referring to, Tim saw the Belfry destroyed, his team falling apart and betrayed and his girlfriend leaving him, afraid he's going right down the path that will make him the nightmare future-self he hates. Well it's a mixed bag. 3K likes. Tim Drake (also known as Tim Wayne) is a crimefighter that works with Batman. Enraged, Tim finds himself thinking about the proposal of joining his former enemy and rival, ex-Colony genius Ulysses Armstrong, who in someway stole data from Tim's future persona[87], Ulysses shows to Tim a specific fragment of the data he found, about Batwoman terminating Batman after a direct order of the President of the United States, all due to the fact that Bruce reactivated Brother Eye. Some years later, he saw footage of Batman and Robin apprehending the Penguin and he noticed Robin's acrobatics, which reminded him of Dick Grayson. [13] Meeting with another abducted team, the Legion, the Titans ally themselves with them to fight the Culling and avoid killing any other metahuman. After the two shut down Cluemaster, Tim abandoned the Drake identity and costume, returning to being Red Robin once more. [36] Finding out a link between the nanobot's design and former mentor of Batman Sergei Alexandrov, Tim heads to Tokyo looking to find the Russian inventor. to test, as Superboy does not deliver the Titans to the organization. About; History; Powers; Equipment; Movies; Gallery; Battles; Comments; Red Robin's powers and abilities Abilities Acrobatics Computer Hacking Computer Operation Firearms Gadgetry Genius Level Intellect Gymnastics Investigation Expert Martial Artist. [40] Tim later confronts Jason Todd about a personal attack to Alfred from their mysterious enemy, with both deciding to put away their trust issues with Bruce to help him in every way possible, as the whole problem became too personal. After breaking into an apartment, Cassie is discovered to be the daughter of Lennox, now dead, and niece of Cassandra, a demigoddess from Olympus. Tim … Press J to jump to the feed. Timothy Drake was the only son of Jack and Janet Drake and he was raised in a wealthy household. Bruce then agreed to train him as the new Robin. Public. But by night it gets more interesting However, after a highest gone interesting everything changes. Willingham's Robin run was also a huge step down and the art was a mess.

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