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Hugh D. Segal We’re committed to keeping our Clients’ personal data safe and secure. It is perhaps somewhat reassuring that, from a purely legal perspective, your fundamental fiduciary duties as directors remain largely unchanged. The Governance, Investment & Conduct Review Committee is responsible for developing effective corporate governance guidelines and processes including policies and processes to sustain ethical behaviour, and developing processes to assess the effectiveness of the Board and its committees. 6. For matters relating to Investor Relations, James M. Peck. The Board is responsible for supervising the management of the business and affairs of Sun Life. Sign in to your account or explore what we offer in your region. Principal occupation: Non-Executive Group Chairman of the Board of Directors of Malaysia Airlines and Malaysia Aviation Group Business experience: Mr. Zulkiflee served as President and Group CEO of Petronas, the national oil and gas company of Malaysia from April 2015 to June 2020. 9. The Risk Committee is responsible for assisting the Board with oversight of the management of current and emerging risks enterprise-wide. James M. Peck. Our performance highlights and strategic focus. The Directors of an organization play the vital role of governing on behalf of the shareholders or members of that entity. To devote sufficient time to the duties of a Director. © Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. 3. Hugh D. Segal. This microsite is to provide a one-stop knowledge centre to promote and s Stephanie L. Coyles To actively seek adequate knowledge about the business of the organization. Its headquarters are located at Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur.The police force is led by an Inspector-General of Police (IGP) who, as of 4 May 2019, is Abdul Hamid Bador. However, there are many more laws and legal requirements (over 700) which Directors are personally liable for. Bursa Sustain is an initiative by Bursa Malaysia with the aim to build a quality and sustainable capital market and to be a leading corporate governance and sustainability hub. Outside these legal arrangements (see the legal requirements here), having behavior standards for your Directors is another good governance practice and it can help set high expectations from board induction onwards. A broad term to refer to the head honcho who ensures everything that under the remit of the musical director (above) runs smoothly. The Board’s key duties and responsibilities can be found in the  Charter of the Board of Directors and the principal duties and responsibilities and key attributes of each Director can be found in the  Position Description for the Directors and in the  Management Information Circular. Sara Grootwassink Lewis (Chair) Corporate Director, Hugh D. Segal, OC, OONT, CD These standards should be publicly acknowledged by the Board to the organization’s constituents and all staff should be provided with copies of these standards for their own reference. Here, the guideline is already expressed as applying to the board of directors, the members, any person who receives the … The Audit Committee is responsible for assisting the Board in overseeing the integrity of financial statements and related information provided to shareholders and others, compliance with financial regulatory requirements, adequacy and effectiveness of the internal controls implemented and maintained by management, and assessing the qualifications, independence and performance of the external auditor. Position Description for Committee Chairs, Sun Life's governing statute, the Insurance Companies Act (Canada), Guidelines for Effective Corporate Governance in Federally Regulated Financial Institutions, issued by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canadian Securities Administrators' Corporate Governance Guidelines, Toronto Stock Exchange Corporate Governance Rules, New York Stock Exchange Corporate Governance Rules. Committee Chairs, in consultation with the Chair of the Board, may engage independent advisors at the expense of Sun Life. For more information about our directors please see the profiles included in our  William D. Anderson, FCPA, FCA In many cases, type 2 diabetes can be prevented. Ashok K. Gupta To contact the Board of Directors, send an email to Glynn Position Description for the Chair of the Board. 7. Various legislation outlines some of the legal duties each Director is to uphold during their tenure. If you are passionate on a career development in a plantations setting, please see listing of current vacancies as per below. Charter of the Management Resources Committee, Barbara G. Stymiest (Chair) These are not legal requirements but offer the foundations for a well governing Board managed by responsible individuals, based on well recognized legal principles. Martin J.G. The mission of the Board of Directors is to be a strategic asset of the organization measured by the effective execution of its overall stewardship role and the contribution the Directors make – individually and collectively – to the long-term success of the enterprise. This has a trickle down effect which impacts organizational culture and morale. All rights reserved. Use the following as a sample of personal Director standards with which to inform and assess each Director on the Board. Education in Malaysia is overseen by the Ministry of Education (Kementerian Pendidikan).Although education is the responsibility of the Federal Government, each state and federal territory has an Education Department to co-ordinate educational matters in its territory. 1. Scott F. Powers 8. The main legislation governing education is the Education Act 1996.. Each Chair generally holds the position for 5 years. It has always been Bursa Malaysia's priority to demonstrate the highest standards of integrity to our shareholders and the investment community. Below are our current directors. However, there are exceptions to this principle with respect to tax law. Sara Grootwassink Lewis 2. The legally-based director duties are designed to promote good governance and ensure that each director act in the interests of the company's stakeholders. Beyond its legal obligations, the board is responsible for setting the tone for ethical and responsible decision-making throughout the organization. Leave your thoughts in the comments below. The Board of Directors serves both Sun Life Financial Inc. and Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. The Chair of a Board Committee is responsible for providing leadership to enhance effective and independent functioning of the Committee in order that the Committee may fulfil its duties and responsibilities as outlined in its Committee Charter.

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