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#21 in UK and #35 on BB Hot 100 on RCA Records in 1969. Professional quality. Strumming: Elvis Presley - Clean Up Your Own Backyard (chords) Chords Standard Clean Up Your Own Backyard:Elvis Presley. E B E Back porch preacher preaching at me, acting like B E he wrote the Clean up your own backyard Oh don't you hand me none of your lines Clean up your own backyard You tend to your business, I'll tend to mine Ukliď si svůj vlastní dvorek Nepředepisuj mi žádnou ze svých linií Ukliď si vlastní dvorek Ty si hledíš svého, já zase svého. Clean Up Your Own Backyard - karaoke text. We'll have a look and send an email after we update the lyrics for this song. Clean Up Your Own Back Yard; Search an artist or a title. Search. Clean up your own backyard Oh don't you hand me none of your lines Clean up your own back.. Karaoke. Sing Clean Up Your Own Back Yard by Elvis Presley with lyrics on KaraFun. návštěvnosti soubory cookie. Podmínky užití, All rights are reserved for the protected works reproduced on this website. Sign up for Deezer and listen to Clean Up Your Own Backyard (Karaoke Version In the Style of Elvis Presley) by Karaoke Bar Orchestra and 56 million more tracks. Copyright 2021 všechna práva vyhrazena Clean Up Your Own Backyard:Elvis Presley. (Clean Up Your Own Back Yard in the style of Elvis Presley) - The KARAOKE Channel ONLINE features a library of thousands of popular karaoke music tracks including song lyrics from the last 8 decades - the world's largest licensed library of online karaoke tracks with lyrics. There is no difference between your suggestion and the original version. Without permission, all uses other than home and private use are forbidden.All musical material is re-recorded and does not use in any form the original music or original vocals or any feature of the original recording. Hi. Texty písní a překlady, které se zde náchází, jsou chráněny autorskými právy jejich vlastníků a slouží výhradně k vzdělávacím účelům. Catalog . Year: 1995 90 Views. P Elvis Presley. Backyard oh, don't you hand me none of your lines clean up your own backyard you tend to your business, ill tend to mine drugstore cowboy criticizing acting like he's better than you and me standing on the sidewalk. Clean up your own backyard (1968) Recorded: MGM Sound Studios Culver City October 15, 1968 LP: “Almost in love” November 1970 Clean up Your Own Backyard Words & Music: Mac Davis/ Billy Strange Back porch preacher preaching at me Acting like he wrote the golden rules Shaking his fist and speeching at me Shouting from his soap box like a fool Come Sunday morning he’s lying in bed With … The song was featured in the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film The Trouble with Girls (and How to Get into It). The song was featured in the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film The Trouble with Girls (and How to Get into It) Background. Elvis Presley. as made famous by picture slideshow in hdClean Up Your Own Backyard is a song by Elvis Presley. Clean Up Your Own Back Yard. Catalog; Apps; Subscribe; Help; Log in; Home. Play the karaoke of Clean Up Your Own Back Yard. Clean up your own backyard F C You tend to your business I’ll tend to mine. Listen to Clean Up Your Own Backyard by Elvis Presley, 3,624 Shazams, featuring on Timeless Love Songs, and ’60s Hits Essentials Apple Music playlists. About Clean Up Your Own Backyard "Clean Up Your Own Backyard" is a 1969 song recorded by Elvis Presley and released as a single. Play the karaoke of clean up your own back yard. Copy and paste lyrics and chords to the key changer, select the key you want, then click the button "Click Here". View more info 03:14. Rss, / INTRO: E B E / #1. I used Audacity to take out Elvis vocal on this track so I could sing over it. Nahlásit protiprávní obsah. Song information for Clean Up Your Own Backyard - on AllMusic Kontakt. Elvis Presley, Original songwriter : Mac Davies, Billy Strange, This title is a cover of Clean Up Your Own Back Yard as made famous by Elvis Presley, Share your thoughts about Clean Up Your Own Back Yard, This website respects all music copyrights. Tento web používá k poskytování služeb, personalizaci reklam a analýze Clean up your own backyard You tend to your business, I'll tend to mine (Clean it up mister, clean it up mister) Check Out.      #21 in UK and #35 on BB Hot 100 on RCA Records in 1969. About Clean Up Your Own Backyard "Clean Up Your Own Backyard" is a 1969 song recorded by Elvis Presley and released as a single. There is another video here in my channel with my singing my cover version over this track. With his eye all red, with the wine in his head, You tend to your business, I'll tend to mine, And he ducks out of sight and he cheats on his wife, When you get right down to the nitty-gritty, Oh don't you hand me, don't you hand me none of your lines. The song was featured in the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film The Trouble with Girls (and How to Get into It). Video clip and lyrics Clean Up Your Own Backyard by Elvis Presley. 0:00 / 0:00. Try it free! Retrouvez les paroles de Karaoke Diamonds - Clean Up Your Own Backyard - Karaoke Version In the Style of Elvis Presley lyrics : Elvis presley karaoke clean up your own back yard as featured in the 1969 movie the trouble with girls. Clean Up Your Own Backyard Lyrics by Elvis Presley on album Miscellaneous Back porch preacher preaching at me Acting like he wrote the golden rules Shaking his fist and speeching at me Shouting from his soap box like a fool Come Sunday morning he's lying in bed With his ey Back to home page. Používáním tohoto webu s tím souhlasíte. "Clean Up Your Own Backyard" is a 1969 song recorded by Elvis Presley and released as a single. If you want to change the "Key" on any song, click here for the easiest way possible. O projektu, Thanks {NAME}. Elvis Presley.

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