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This has led some people to compare him to Steve Irwin. In Sea Monsters, he travels back in … He is also known for his unorthodox, spontaneous, and daring style of presenting wildlife documentaries as well as for including factual knowledge in the proceedings. Prehistoric Planet (2002), a revised version of the Walking With Dinosaurs and Walking With Beasts documentaries, aimed at a younger audience and narrated by Ben Stiller. This was the first in the Walking with... series to feature a visible presenter (in this case, Nigel Marven). 0 reviews Sea Monsters is the book version of the latest offering from the BBC TV "Walking With" series, except that this one is really "Diving with Sea Monsters". There is a suspension bridge across it; Bob crosses this to feed the Nile Crocodiles in the lake. So for millions one of their most fond childhood memory is watching the glorious Nigel Marven as the most powerful zoologist on telly (besides David Attenborough of course). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Little wonder then, why Tim Haines and Jasper James would want him to take this role - for example, when watching Velociraptors at the kill of a Protoceratops, he even says in the episode, that it is like Tiger kills he has witnessed in the wild closeby. Nigel Marven did feature in the actual Walking with Dinosaurs series, and the making of it. He was specifically chosen by Tim Haines and Jasper James for this series of specials, because of his real life experience in working as a Zoologist - Nigel is something of a legend amongst Zoologists and film presentors; as he has swum without a cage with 18 foot Great White Sharks with a prod pole as defence, he has tracked Lions and Tigers at their extremely hazardous kills, he had handled and once or twice been poisoned by some of the most deadly snakes in the world, he had swum with Whale Sharks and he had done countless other things such as wrestling alligators and dealing with Green Anacondas, and seems to have visited almost everywhere on Earth. He was also the presenter of Chased by Dinosaurs and Sea Monsters. 14 talking about this. Walking with Dinosaurs Zoologist Nigel Marvin travels back in time to visit deadly creatures of the prehistoric oceans, including sea scorpions, giant sharks and Lipleurodon. Stereo, 16:9, region 0 PAL, running time 57 mins approx. Nigel Alan Marven is a British wildlife TV presenter, naturalist, conservationist, author, and television producer. Nigel Marven is a British wildlife presenter, television producer, author, and Zoologist (being particularly interested in Herpetology and Ornithology). Finally in Prehistoric Park, he tries to bring extinct animals back to the present, giving them a second chance at life. Nigel Marven was a time-traveling wildlife presenter, zoologist and crew member of The Ancient Mariner. Sea Monsters - A Walking with Dinosaurs Trilogy (HD Quality) [Ep. Watch [HD] Chased by Dinosaurs: Nigel Marven Interview (2002) - Walking With Dinosaurs on Dailymotion Following in the footsteps of The Giant Claw (2002) and Land of Giants (2003), special episodes of the nature documentary series Walking with Dinosaurs, Sea Monsters stars British wildlife presenter Nigel M… Walking with Dinosaurs [edit | edit source] Nigel Marven did feature in the actual Walking with Dinosaurs series, and the making of it. Toothless99/Did you feel sorry for Big Al? Plenty of fans have wondered if he survived that Giganotosaurus, and I am in that crowd too. This also featured Nigel Marven, and was bundled with the previous Marven specials for a 2004 DVD under the title Chased By Dinosaurs. main animals Therizinosaurus ("scythe lizard")-a large herbivore with huge claws So, we all know Nigel Marven? Nigel ran the Take a journey back hundreds of millions of years to a time when monsters roame the primordial seas and forests with Walking With Monsters, discover how dinosaurs moved and looked with Walking with Dinosaurs, follow the life and death struggle of one dinosaur who really existed in Allosaurus, and go back in time with zoologist-adventurer Nigel Marven to be Chased By Dinosaurs! It was also the only programme in the franchise to be … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In this, he and his entire film crew are eaten alive by a gigantic Giganotosaurus that bursts through an anomaly. Report. The DVD contains the two series (Chased by Dinosaurs/Sea Monsters ). In Cretaceous Texas, Nigel … Styracosaurus Rider/Interesting new Plateosaurus fact, Styracosaurus Rider/A possible thought-provoking question that's been bugging me for a while, Sea Monsters: A Walking with Dinosaurs Trilogy, Rating: PG.Land of Giants & The Giant ClawTwo action-packed journeys with the adventuring zoologist, Nigel Marven, who travels back through time to discover some of the weirdest land animals ever to have lived.In Land of Giants , Nigel travels back 100 million years to witness the biggest land predator bringing down the biggest land prey. Dinosaurs, Beasts and Monsters form an overarching series within the franchise dubbed the Trilogy of Life.In addition to the main series, three special episodes have been produced; The Ballad of Big Al (2000), The Giant Claw (2002) and Land of Giants (2003). Dive into the most dangerous seas of all time with underwater expert Nigel Marven as he meets the monstrous dinosaurs that once dominated the depths. He is best known as presenter of the BBC miniseries Chased by Dinosaurs, its sequel, Sea Monsters, as well as the ITV miniseries Prehistoric Park. Sea Monsters (full title Sea Monsters: A Walking with Dinosaurs Trilogy), marketed as Chased by Sea Monsters in the United States, is a 2003 three-part nature documentary television miniseries created by Impossible Pictures and produced by the BBC Natural History Unit, the Discovery Channel and ProSieben. 2003 7+ 1 Season Family Watch Together TV. Nigel Marven's adventure with dinosaurs of the deep prehistoric seas begins 230 million years ago, where he wrestles with the reptilian Nothosaurus, and meets a biological enigma. Nigel Marven was a time-traveling wildlife presenter, zoologist and crew member of The Ancient Mariner. Walking With Wikis is a FANDOM TV Community. Nigel Marven has appeared in two Walking with Dinosaurs specials - Sea Monsters: A Walking with Dinosaurs Trilogy and Chased By Dinosaurs, and he is also in another Impossible Pictures production : Prehistoric Park. A Walking With Dinosaurs Special Join adventurer and zoologist Nigel Marven as he travels back in time to experience a dinosaur safari. Walking with Dinosaurs: Sea Monsters. They where both sold in a single DVD called "Sur la Terre des Dinosaures : Les inedits", which mean "Walking with Dinosaurs : Specials". 3:40. 1 In Walking with Dinosaurs 2 In Primeval 2.1 Series 3, Episode 4 3 Errors 4 Gallery In the special `Land of Giants,` Giganotosaurus trashed Nigel Marven's tent. 9 years ago | 63K views. Giganotosaurus was a carcharodontosaurid theropod dinosaur from Late Cretaceous Patagonia. Walking with Dinosaurs Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. These were not made up for the purposes of the programmes, he was actually speaking from experience, so even though the Dinosaurs were not really there, he could convince you that they were due to his reliving of experiences within his career as a real life adventurer, explorer and Zoologist.

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