Use one comma before to indicate the beginning of the pause and one at the end to indicate the end of the pause. That comma is optional. Use a comma to separate each element in an address. Improve this answer. Some common subordinating conjunctions are: after, as, before, once, since, until, and while. A comma is usually not necessary after “but” except when “but “is immediately followed by an interrupter, which is a word or phrase that interrupts a sentence to show emotion, tone, or emphasis. 111 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges. 7. Example: When I was younger, I had a cat named Whiskers the Magical Cat. A comma splice is the use of a comma … Get a clear picture of when to use commas by exploring their usage through examples. But the arachnid looked more like a misshapen black blob. " Incorrect: But, I’m taking the red-eye. This is more of a coincidence in word order rather than a function of the word itself. Good question considering the fact that many of us have been taught that it's wrong to start a sentence with a conjunction. If you have a full clause after 'but', including a subject, then use the comma. Comma after but. Use commas to separate words and word groups in a simple series of three or more items. The use or omission of the comma is well established, and writers need only to apply the rules. Correct: But, because of my precarious financial condition, I’m taking the red-eye. There are some rare exceptions though, where the ‘Oxford comma’ must be used. Some include a comma after the greeting word (Hi, Bob), while others skip it (Hi Bob). You can use “rather” after a comma if you’re using it as a parenthetical interrupter. If you have, it’s possible that your commas will nestle up against the word but. Note that the clauses are separated with a comma when the dependent clause comes first. Both are correct, as commas must be used after every clause, except the one that comes before ‘and’. Please notify the people in charge of security, operations, IT, legal affairs, internal and external communications, employee recruitment and retention, research and development, and marketing and advertising. Ask Question Asked 7 years ago. This would generally be incorrect unless there was some extra phrase or information being added straight after it, using commas. I got it wrong. John was exhausted after the race. Example: My estate goes to my husband, son, daughter-in-law, and nephew. But if there were no parenthetical information, there'd be no comma. I suspect the comma is optional; it is not strictly necessary since there is only one subject in the clause, but without the comma I find the sentence harder to parse and somewhat less clear. The comma should be placed after the first clause and before the coordinating conjunction. Then it would look like this: " We baked a cake in the shape of a spider for the Halloween party. So what are the rules for this erratic mark? For example: Shakespeare, a great dramatist, wrote a great many plays; and he wrote a number of sonnets too. RE: Create CSV but add a comma after last column jby1 (Programmer) 2 Feb 05 07:55 A crude solution to your problem, which I am sure someone will better, is that you could have an extra column in your table, at the end, which has an empty string in it for each row. The practice for "but" is similar. No parenthetical information; no comma. There are lots of ways you can use "but" and "and." It isn't that he lied exactly, but he did tend to exaggerate. An interrupter can be taken out of a sentence and the sentence will still retain its original meaning. If you pay close attention to written greetings, you'll notice a difference in how people punctuate them. The Quick Answer When a conjunction (words like "and," "but," and "or") is used to merge two independent clauses into one sentence, it is possible to use a semicolon before the conjunction to outrank any commas in the clauses. Do not use a comma after an initial “and” or “but” unless it is the first of a pair of commas that set off a parenthetical phrase. Note nevertheless how little is lost by dropping the rather altogether. However, when I output the words I can't seem to get a comma after each output. An interrupter is a little word or phrase that you insert into a sentence to create emphasis, tone, or emotion. An adverbial or participial phrase at the beginning of a sentence is usually followed by a comma, especially if a slight pause is intended. There should be a comma after "from time to time": "¢ From time to time, parents and school administration may hear students complain about receiving unfair practices from the teachers. After the race, John was exhausted. But if the phrase is longer than four words, use a comma. The comma works for me. More commonly, you will use it after a period or semicolon at the beginning of a sentence, followed by a comma, as a conjunctive adverb to contrast something from the previous sentence. I can tell you the secret, but, of course, I will have to kill you. You don’t have to include the comma with short prepositional phrases (three words or fewer). Always use a comma before and after an interrupter. Follow answered Sep 9 '15 at 15:59. pedanticbastard pedanticbastard. When an introductory prepositional phrase is very short (less than four words), the comma is usually optional. Because it comes right after but, the comma is… right after but. I have a program in java that when you enter a sentence and the program tells you how many palindrome words there are and outputs the words. No comma needed. This means use a comma after a participial phrase, an absolute phrase, an infinitive phrase, and a prepositional phrase. Rule 1. Some Common Errors to Avoid. Numbers. However, it’s normally not necessary to use a comma if the independent clause comes first: Please call me if you can’t make it. For an introductory phrase or word, you would only include a comma after but … It can be used to evoke emotion, set the tone or pace of a sentence, or emphasize important thoughts or information. Sometimes it depends on the greeting word (Hi Kate but Hello, Kate), the register (Hello honey but Hello, Dr Smith), or things like mood and whim. There is some leeway with prepositional phrases. Comma Splices. A missed comma after a subordinate clause is one of the most common mistakes that we see. Brisco_4. For example, take this sentence: Do not use commas to set off essential elements of the sentence, such as clauses beginning with that (relative clauses). Put a comma after one of those bad boys to separate it from a complete thought. There are several uses of the comma that can best be described as conventional or mechanical. But if there’s any chance of confusion, use a comma. – phoog Jun 2 '15 at 9:15 haroon rashidPlease explain the use or omission of commas in each sentence.Oh, I see what you're getting at. Seeing as the human race invented the language, you think we would agree. You actually wrote “so that” in your sentence but even if you had just written “so”, you would not need a comma because the “so” could be replaced by “so that.” I also believe that you do not need the comma after the initial phrase. He went by DC for Danger Cat though. (*) However, I have seen many informal salutations that use a period at the end: “Rather” is a super word. Using a colon (instead of a comma) after such an informal salutation would not be an error, but it would be unusual. P.S. You're going to have to be more specific. Comma rules can be confusing. 0 1. It’s difficult to break old habits, but this one is … Re: Comma after "but" Use a comma before a coordinating conjuction joining independent clauses. Insert a comma after each item but not the last item. Share. Lv 6. Using a comma before 'because' helps reduce confusion. It turns out there is a pretty simple rule: If a subordinate clause comes before the clause it is attached to then it should be followed by a comma. His mother won't be there, but his father might. So how do you punctuate a subordinate clause? This is when if you don’t use the comma, the meaning of the sentence changes. Some say it is no longer to be used, but some say it is. After that, think about whether you’ve included an interrupter, an introductory phrase, or an introductory word. We rarely place a comma after but. It wasn't the red one but [no subject in here] the blue one. The comma after and is a very hot question. Look at these two examples: A band played in the park for 8 hours on Tuesday 4th July. (A comma after "Yesterday" would look a bit unwieldy, so it's okay to omit it.) 1 decade ago. When to Use Commas After Introductory Prepositional Phrases. Adding a comma after "development" eliminates potential ambiguity about the number and descriptions of the last entities mentioned. The last sentence needs the comma after the "and" to set off the phrase "according to Susan." A comma should only be used after but when an interr u pter follows it. Consider the below examples of sentences containing properly placed and omitted commas: Short prepositional phrase: Don't Use a Comma for an Adverbial at the Back of a Sentence When your adverbial is at the back, the tendency is to omit the comma. [Although readers might pause after the word "oneself," there is no reason to put a comma there.] Active 7 years ago. The only exception is when we place an interrupter. That clauses after nouns are always essential. An interrupter is a literary device that’s intended to enhance style. It might help to imagine a clunky pair of commas before and after the rather. 2. When a coordinating conjunction connects two or more word groups that could stand alone as separate sentences, a comma must precede it . Typographical Reasons: Between a city and a state [Hartford, Connecticut], a date and the year [June 15, 1997], a name and a title when the title comes after the name [Bob Downey, Professor of English], in long numbers [5,456,783 and $14,682], etc. Viewed 2k times 2. The Chicago Manual of Style* states: "Introductory phrase with comma. If attribution comes after the quote, put the comma inside the quotation marks: "I saw a duck," said the runner.
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