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Fact #9: A cavern just outside Harper's Ferry served as a hiding place for Confederate guerrilla raiders throughout the war. John Sedgwick He assigned Major General Philip Sheridan to lead his 31,000-man Army of the Shenandoah south out of Harpers Ferry, pushing the Confederate troops down out of the Valley. 1st Lieutenant to Major General Apparently Ohio had taken the lead in claiming the famous general as its own, and New York wanted to get in on the action. John S. Mosby He eventually became a key subordinate of Ulysses S. Grant. He was (briefly) the military ruler of Chicago The Union Army commanded by Major General Philip Sheridan defeated a Confederate force from the Army of Northern Virginia commanded by Major General George Pickett. Philip Sheridan's desk can still be found at North Bend, the Virginia home that served as his headquarters for a time during the Civil War. The Battle of Five Forks was fought on April 1, 1865, southwest of Petersburg, Virginia, around the road junction of Five Forks, Dinwiddie County, at the end of the Siege of Petersburg, near the conclusion of the American Civil War.. ... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year? John F. Reynolds ... said Ellen on Oct 7, 2016 at 5:48 PM | link. His height prompted Abraham Lincoln to tease him after one of Sheridan's successful campaigns during the Civil War: "General Sheridan, when this peculiar war began I thought a cavalryman should be at least six feet four inches high, but I have changed my mind. J.E.B. John Buford Joshua L. Chamberlain AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018. Fisher’s Hill, Cedar Creek, Five Forks, He was short Pressed into service. ", reported to have made the infamous statement "the only good Indians I ever saw were dead", "[F]or a lasting peace, let them kill, skin and sell until the buffaloes are exterminated. It's too bad most people in Albany have no idea who he was. Stephen Smith. The battle began when Union Major General Philip Sheridan's cavalry corps captured the crossroads known as Cold Harbor on May 31. And Thomas Buchanan Read wrote a poem about Sheridan -- "Sheridan's Ride." Stonewall Jackson The Transcontinental Railroad made Sheridan’s strategy of “total war” much more effective. The building is named in honor of General Philip Sheridan who was stationed at the Fort Hays military post in the 1800s. ", "If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent Texas and live in Hell. Sayler’s Creek, Appomattox Court House, Father:  John Sheridan (1801-75) Her maiden name was Mary Louise Sheridan. About that horse: He was stuffed and mounted after he died in 1878, and presented to Sheridan. He was three years old, was jet black with three white fetlocks, and stood 16 hands high. He was a key general for the Union Army Philip Henry Sheridan (1831-88) was an aggressive Union general during the American Civil War (1861-65). The previous day, Sheridan had threatened to run him through with a bayonet in reaction to a perceived insult on the parade ground about Sheridan being Irish & Catholic. He was transferred to posts in the Midwest and worked his way up the ranks, eventually becoming commander of a cavalry unit. In the mid-19th century, it was estimated that 30 milion to 60 million buffalo roamed the plains. Stuart Philip Sheridan was born on March 6, 1831 (age 56) in Albany, New York, United States. As Glynn said at the time: "State pride and local pride demand that this be done.". James Longstreet Browse through each Section of General Order No. Standing only 5'5, Sheridan earned the nickname "Little Phil." Available Formats. The Burning and Occupation of Major General Philip Sheridan – (September 19, 1864, to February 27, 1865) The Occupation of Major General Winfield Scott Hancock – February 27, 1865, to June 27, 1865 The Occupation of the First Military District of Major General John Schofield – … Mother: Mary Minah Sheridan (1801-88) Height: 5′ 5″ ** (It was called Fox Street at the time.) Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year. ... Federal forces under Major General Philip Sheridan move to flank Confederate forces under Robert E. Lee as the Appomattox Campaign begins. Another casualty of Sheridan's time overseeing the campaigns against Native Americans: bison. He oversaw brutal campaigns against Native Americans -- and bison I wonder if he claimed (or was told) he was born in Albany instead of in Ireland to avoid some of the discrimination that was common against Irish immigrants at that time. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); UNION Sheridan said he was born in Albany in 1831, the son of Irish immigrants, on the street that now bears his name. Your email address will not be published. In 1906, he made a sculpture with a group that went on to be accepted by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Your email address will not be published. Stones in the Road: Philip Sheridan at Chickamauga and Chattanooga → 11 Responses to Civil War Nurses Series: Interesting Facts about Northern Nurses. Well, like a lot of historical figures, he's considered a great hero -- and a villain -- depending on the context. ...has 27 comments, most recently from Ashley, ...has 3 comments, most recently from Diane (Agans) Boyle, ...has 2 comments, most recently from Chaz Boyark, ...has 13 comments, most recently from Katherine, All Over Albany is published by Uptown/Downtown Media, A photo portrait of Sheridan from the 1860s by Matthew Brady. Take it down. They had these if they were part of a victorious campaign. And on October 7, there was a parade for the unveiling. For more info, please read our affiliate disclosure. I was doing a bit of research and found that the General had two daughters named Mary and Louise. Occupation after Civil War: Still have something to say? Birth Name: Philip Henry Sheridan As one version of the story went, when Sheridan's parents showed up in Albany they had a two-week-old infant with them -- and that was Philip Sheridan. He died on August 5, 1888, Bristol County, Massachusetts, MA. Philip Henry Sheridan (March 6, 1831 – August 5, 1888) was a career United States Army officer and a Union general in the American Civil War. New York's governor, Martin Glynn, publicly started off the campaign, and called for the people of Albany to raise $10,000 for the monument. General Philip Sheridan only stood 5 feet 5 inches tall but became one of the great generals to emerge from the US Civil War. Volume 1. ... Trivia Fun Facts & Interesting Information. Nathaniel Lyon He demonstrated his … So, who was Sheridan? In November of 1864, in the midst of Gen. Philip Sheridan’s Shenandoah Valley campaign, Sheridan’s men became perplexed at Confederate partisan ranger Col. John Singleton Mosby’s ability to avoid detection and capture by disappearing from his pursuers. And it was in that role that he would start to gain fame in the army. The post from which Sheridan oversaw the forces in the Great Plains was Chicago (because it was a major railroad intersection). Abraham Lincoln Sheridan's first combat experience came in the 1850s when he fought against Indian tribes in the Pacific Northwest. In 1794, George Washington, then a wealthy property owner, visited Harpers Ferry. Good for you AOA. George du Maurier British illustrator and writer (d. 1896) 1849. A clip: The poem would make Sheridan -- and his horse -- famous. This horse was presented to General Philip Sheridan by the officers of the Second Michigan Cavalry in 1862. ... said John Femia on Jan 18, 2018 at 6:47 PM | link. Like Jackson before him, Sheridan’s aggressive and mobile campaign made him famous. General Philip Sheridan only stood 5 feet 5 inches tall but became one of the great generals to emerge from the US Civil War. Richard H. Anderson An idea ? A mountain peak there was named in his honor. ... She was assigned first to Colonel Thomas Hart Benton and then later to General Philip Sheridan with whom she would travel extensively. That evening Union Brig. When we started AOA a decade ago we had no idea what was going to happen. March 6 is the 65 th day of the year 2021. Stephen Smith. When we started AOA a decade ago we had no idea what was going to happen. This statue was then placed in the Sheridan Circle in Washington. ... Trivia Fun Facts & Interesting Information. It was a tactic that would later be made (in)famous during Sherman's March to the Sea. The horse is now in the collection of the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History. Thank you! Sheridan's post-Civil War career also included overseeing the army's campaign against various Native American tribes throughout the territories of the west. Interesting Facts & Myths About March 29. Excuses me. Margaret and A.R. Sheridan stood five feet-five inches and was nicknamed "Little Phil." Richard Taylor. He led troops to dynamite buildings in the path of the fire in order to block the fire's advance and ended up briefly being the ruler of the city when martial law was instituted following the fire. Edwin M. Stanton Amazon affiliate links: We may earn a small commission from purchases made from Amazon.com links at no cost to our visitors. The best thing to do is check the Pecos National Historical... What are the current coronavirus restrictions for visiting the park? (1853-1939), Mary Sheridan (1876-1959) Grant considered him his best subordinate commander. He demonstrated his … As a child I lived in Ireland, I remember going to his grand- nephew also called Phillip sheridan’s funeral. My only desire is to express the appreciation of all concerned for this beautiful memorial -- dedicated to the memory of Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, in the city of his birth.". March 29 is the 88 th day of the year 2021. And we're going to miss you all so much. Leonidas Polk He was from Albany -- unless he wasn't But the unveiling of the sculpture was a big event a century ago. It is an embarrassment to the state of New York. On the ground in the West, Gen. Philip Henry Sheridan, assuming Sherman’s command, took to his task much as he had done in the Shenandoah … His record as infantry division commander was fine except for Chickamauga, and even there the collapse of his command was not of his doing (he was in motion under Rosecrans’ orders when the breakthrough hit, and McCook ordered his lead brigade to charge into the attackers in poor … Philip H. Sheridan, in full Philip Henry Sheridan, (born March 6, 1831, Albany, N.Y., U.S.?—died Aug. 5, 1888, Nonquitt, Mass. It was formed in 1888 at Richmond. All the basics and some fun facts about County Cavan. was Commanding General James A. Garfield Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, ** Sheridan was nicknamed “Little Phil” because of his short stature and weight. He ended up being removed by President Andrew Johnson, who reportedly told Ulysses Grant that Sheridan's term had "been one of absolute tyranny. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. Philip H. Sheridan Jr. (1880-1918), * Sheridan claimed he was born in Albany, but he may have been born in His nose was grazed by a bullet in 1857. ; A. P. Hill Date of Death: August 5th, 1888 Despite Sheridan's claim of being an Albany native by birth, there's long been suspicion that he wasn't actually born here, but actually in Ireland (or, at least, on the way from Ireland). Hi there. David G. Farragut Patrick Cleburne The only equestrian Civil War statue in Ohio honors Gen. Philip Sheridan. Long Life Span. My grandfather is Philip Sheridan Turrell; he’s General Sheridan’s nephew. Braxton Bragg The question became of particular interest in 1884 when there was talk of the Republicans potentially nominating him for the presidency. William T. Sherman His horse was stuffed Robert E. Lee Maybe he got it because he was a War Hero? 1888 - Union Passenger Railway was the first successful electric street railway transit agency. The following year, General Philip Sheridan, a leading fighter in the Indian Wars, told the Texas Legislature that bison hunters were “destroying the Indian’s commissary,” and the people should let them “kill, skin, and sell until the buffaloes are exterminated.” ... 100 Interesting Facts About The World. Brother: John L. Sheridan (1837-98) In the fall of 1916 the monument -- designed by sculptor John Quincy Adams Ward, and finished by Daniel Chester French -- was ready to be installed. Interesting facts, links, and suggested books for each month of the Civil War. Place of Death: Nonquitt, MA General Sheridan is my Great-Great Uncle also. He was 11. Personal Memoirs of P.H. Irene Sheridan (twin, 1877-1964) John Bell Hood This horse was presented to General Philip Sheridan by the officers of the Second Michigan Cavalry in 1862. The family has always said he was born in Oldcastle, there is a marker ( well there was a marker) about 40 years ago. James B. McPherson But in this photo we can see that Major-general Sheridan wears a medal, and yet, Sheridan never received the Medal of Honor. But we'd like to stay... (more), Working on AOA over the past decade has been a life-changing experience for me and it's shaped the way I think about so many things.... (more), If winter ever gets its act together and drops more snow on us, there will be sidewalks to shovel. He had 4 children ... General Philip Sheridan’s winter campaign against the Native Indians during 1868-1869 was merciless, brutal and bloody. Sheridan's troops would also pursue Robert E. Lee leading up to the surrender at Appomattox. ... Philip Sheridan, American Civil War Union cavalry officer (d. 1888) 1834. And Sheridan employed the same brutal scorched-earth tactics he had used during the Civil War while showing little interest in protecting non-combatants who happened to get in the way. Morgans have a very long life span. Nationality: American During June 1 and 2, both sides dug in, creating a seven mile defensive line. Life path number 4 December 31, 1857 – King Kelly, American baseball player and manager (d. 1894). because he got promoted to a General? Occupation before Civil War: @stephenJPsmith. November 6, 2011, Birthday: March 6, 1831 This quiz will focus on his career with particular attention paid to the Civil War years. Sister: Rosa Sheridan (1829-31) As Stevens said that day: "I do not possess the eloquence to do so, nor is it my function to speak of the great military genius, the great services rendered to the nation by General Sheridan. 10 Facts: Cathay Williams, America’s First Black Female Soldier. Contact us. of U.S. Army 1883-1888, Corinth, Perryville, Stones River, It was during this time that Sheridan is reported to have made the infamous statement "the only good Indians I ever saw were dead" -- though Sheridan denied he said it. 100: Iron Brigader © 2021. George E. Pickett A big crowd -- described as "a mighty throng" -- turned out to see a series of officials and guests of honor make speeches before the statue was revealed. Powered by  - Designed with the Hueman theme. ... What is interesting about Sheridan is that during his Second Class Year at West Point he was suspended for one year due to fighting with a classmate, William R. Terrill. Brother: Michael Sheridan (1840-1918), Married:  Irene Rucker Sheridan 6/3/1875 / photo via Wikipedia. Winfield Scott Hancock Waynesboro was the site of the last major battle of the Civil War in central Virginia, the Battle of Waynesboro in 1865 between Generals Jubal Early and Philip Sheridan. Sheridan gladly agreed. After the Civil War, Sheridan was dispatched to oversee Reconstruction in Texas and Louisiana. ", mountain peak there was named in his honor, led troops to dynamite buildings in the path of the fire, "State pride and local pride demand that this be done.". All Rights Reserved. He was born in Oldcastle, co. West Meath Ireland. Ancestry: Irish ... [See June 1865] During this month Union forces led by General Philip Sheridan are cutting a path of destruction through the rich Shenandoah Valley, the "breadbasket of the Confederacy". Sheridan: The Life And Wars Of General Phil Sheridan, April 12, 1861: Fort Sumter is Fired Upon and the War Begins, Battle of Ball’s Bluff; First City Class Gunboats Launched: October 1861. wdonohue1 says: September 3, 2013 at 7:36 PM Thanks Virginia. I do believe we are related as well. George A. Custer Officer in Union Army, rising from Albany mayor John Stevens even declared a half-day holiday so people could attend the ceremony. Sister: Mary Sheridan Wilson (1834-68) 1. 10 facts about Philip Sheridan, whose statue has stood in front of the state Capitol for 100 years. Sheridan ended up being a key proponent of the protection of Yellowstone in the 1870s and 1880s. If the city could do that, he'd get the state legislature to put up $20,000. George G. Meade ", Sheridan apparently didn't leave there as a fan of Texas. George H. Thomas, CONFEDERACY And he there was during the "Great Chicago Fire" of 1871. In 1908, he won a competition and was allocated the task to build a statue of Civil War General Philip Sheridan. General Philip Sheridan’s winter campaign against the Native Indians during 1868-1869 was merciless, brutal and bloody. Store clerk, officer in U.S. Army He began his Civil War service as a staff officer, auditing financial records, but soon moved to a more active military role. General in U.S. Army; Approximately 109,000 Union soldiers faced off against about 59,000 Confederates. Today North Bend Plantation is a wonderful bed-and-breakfast (see http://www.northbendplantation.com). But Sheridan’s task was not only military; Grant also ordered him to burn crops and farmland as he went, in order to destroy Richmond’s food source. And it turned out better than we could have... (more) Let's stay in touch. This will be dwelt upon by the eminent speakers whom I shall have the honor to introduce. As he said of hunters brought in to take out the herds: "[F]or a lasting peace, let them kill, skin and sell until the buffaloes are exterminated.". According to the registry, the average is 20-30 … A few things I think … This was in accordance with the custom of university president, President Lewis, in naming buildings for military figures associated with western history. Sheridan, Philip, 1888. George B. McClellan I am French and I am very interested by the Civil War. or on board ship when the family emigrated from Ireland. We suspect if you stopped the many people passing by the statue each day in downtown Albany, few would be able to tell you much about Sheridan. He reportedly commented of the place: "If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent Texas and live in Hell.". Ambrose E. Burnside There are 277 days remaining until the end of this year. Required fields are marked *, The Gunboats USS Lexington and USS Tyler at the Battle of Shiloh, Battle of New Bern, North Carolina March 1862 Facts and Trivia, Brigadier General Truman Seymour’s Report on the Assault on Fort Wagner, July 18th, 1863, Fort Union on the Santa Fe Trail in New Mexico Also Had a Role in the Civil War, Visiting the Glorieta Pass Battlefield at Pecos National Historical Park, The Henry Hill Monument Honors Union Soldiers Who Fell at First Bull Run, Last Person to Receive a Civil War Pension Dies at 90. The following year, General Philip Sheridan, a leading fighter in the Indian Wars, told the Texas Legislature that bison hunters were “destroying the Indian’s commissary,” and the people should let them “kill, skin, and sell until the buffaloes are exterminated.” @stephenJPsmith. General United States Army. From late September to late October 1864, Sheridan’s forces won three major battles: the Third Battle of Winchester (September 19), the Battle of Fishers Hill (September 22), and the Battle of Cedar Creek (October 19). It’s true that Sheridan did not win a Medal of Honor, but I don’t know what medal he is wearing in that picture. Ulysses S. Grant Available Formats. General Phil Sheridan Short, irascible, and vainglorious, Philip Sheridan was not always known for his wisdom, but he could be relied upon for bravery and a good fight. Louise Sheridan (twin, 1877-1969) Philip H. Sheridan / photo, 10 facts about Philip Sheridan, whose statue has stood in front of the state Capitol for 100 years, Sheridan's parents showed up in Albany they had a two-week-old infant with them, stuffed and mounted after he died in 1878, in the collection of the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History, Sheridan's term had "been one of absolute tyranny. Sheridan. My grandmother who died at 78 in the 90’s used to tell us as kids how we were related to General Sheridan I’m pretty sure a Great something Grandfather. He was my Great Grand Uncle. Five feet four will do in a pinch. August 28, 1814 – Sheridan Le Fanu, Irish author (d. 1873). Sheridan started his military career in the Pacific Northwest, and wasn't a major figure in the Union army at the start of the Civil War. Interesting Philip Sheridan Facts: Sheridan was suspended from West Point for a year for fighting, which set his graduation back. Brother: Patrick H. Sheridan (1828-51) One hundred years ago today, on October 7, 1916, the statue that stands in front of the state Capitol was unveiled. It is most likely a campaign medal. Albany tightened its rules for shoveling snowy sidewalks last winter -- so how'd that work out? He's credited with being an opponent of corruption during that time, and stirred things up by dismissing the governor of Texas. For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. There are 300 days remaining until the end of this year. Sheridan died in 1888, and three decades later a movement started in New York to erect a statue honoring him. My master died there and when the war broke out and the United States soldiers came to Jefferson City they took me … Sheridan had plenty of minuses, but on balance still ranks in the upper echelon of Union commanders. The U.S. military, under Colonel George Custer not only killed warriors, but also women and children. This monument should be taken down because it is a symbol of racism, hate, genocide, and crimes against humanity against Native Americans. The Language of the Civil War: by John D. Wright. This quiz will focus on his career with particular attention paid to the Civil War years. ccffcw.clicforum.com/t1643-Sheridan-pose-avec-sa-medaille.htm. The youngest person to serve in the Civil War from Ohio was Joseph Fissell from Circleville. He demonstrated his capacity for command during assignments on … Maybe he got it At Grant's direction, Sheridan led a scorched-earth campaign against the Confederate army in the Shenandoah Valley in an attempt to wipe out the entire base of support for the opposing army. Do any other readers of this blog have any idea? He was also called “Fightin’ Phil” because of his battle exhortations: “Smash ’em up.” He even at one point directed a cavalry unit to take control of the land in order to protect it from development. ... said Stan on Oct 8, 2016 at 9:05 AM | link. Birthplace: Disputed * He was three years old, was jet black with three white fetlocks, and stood 16 hands high. Margaret, I do believe we’re related. County Cavan, Ireland; Somerset, Ohio (where he grew up); Boston, Mass. Sterling Price Thanks, Margaret. “While I was a small girl my master and family moved to Jefferson City. ", A photo portrait of Sheridan from the 1860s by Matthew Brady. Occupation during Civil War: In fact, Sheridan changed the name of his horse to "Winchester" because of the episode. All the basics and some fun facts about County Cavan. Philip Sheridan Philip Henry Sheridan (1831-88) was an aggressive Union general during the American Civil War (1861-65). His influence helped Yellowstone become a national park His career was noted for his rapid rise to major general and his close association with General-in-chief Ulysses S. Grant , who transferred Sheridan from command of an infantry division in the Western Theater to lead the Cavalry Corps of the Army of the Potomac in the … Philip Henry Sheridan (1831-88) was an aggressive Union general during the American Civil War (1861-65). Trending on ATI. Although shaken, Lee hoped to break through to Lynchburg the next day. I am offended that this statue representing a man who participated in the genocide of Southerners and Native Americans sits on public land. During the violent campaign their homes and horses were also destroyed. So, I would like to know, please, what is this medal. ), highly successful U.S. cavalry officer whose driving military leadership in the last year of the American Civil War was instrumental in defeating the Confederate Army. Philip Sheridan. Nathan Bedford Forrest He became famous, in part, because of a poem Overland Campaign, Third Winchester, His family would move to Ohio not long after that, and it was there that he'd grow up. He wasn't a fan of Texas Sheridan was a great commander, rising to command a Corps in the Army of the Potomac by 1865. Unanticipated was the arrival of Union cavalry coming from the south under Gen. Philip H. Sheridan ’s command. And it turned out better than we could have... (more), This all feels like the last day of camp or something. Comments have been closed for this item. Sheridan heard the artillery and raced to the battle, rallied his troops, and his forces won the day -- a victory that would lead to the collapse of the Confederate army in that area. Impressed by its location at the confluence of the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers and the natural beauty of the town Thomas Jefferson had proclaimed worth a voyage across the Atlantic for, Washington selected the town as the site for a new national armory. Birthday: March 6, 1831 Birth Name: Philip Henry Sheridan Birthplace: Disputed * Date of Death: August 5th, 1888 Cause: Heart attack Place of Death: Nonquitt, MA Height: 5′ 5″ ** Nationality: American Ancestry: Irish Occupation before Civil War: Store clerk, officer in U.S. Army Occupation during Civil War: Officer in Union Army, rising from 1st Lieutenant to Major General Occupation after Civil War: General in U.S. Army; was Commanding Gener… By 1796, the arsenal was established, and machines shops and rifle works factories brough… Joseph E. Johnston Interesting Facts & Myths About March 6. The monument honors Philip Sheridan, one of the most famous Union generals of the Civil War -- and an Albany native (maybe, probably). I foud a source saying that it’s the Sheridan’s cavalry corps badge. As part of the effort to undercut the various Native American tribes, Sheridan urged the widespread hunting of the animals. Jefferson Davis Gen. George Armstrong Custer successfully led some of the cavalry against the Confederate supply trains at the nearby Appomattox Station. Here are 10 facts about this fascinating character. The unveiling of his statue in Albany drew a huge crowd Life path number 5 March 6, 1831 – Philip Sheridan, Irish-American general (d. 1888). What is interesting about Sheridan is that during his Second Class Year at West Point he was suspended for one year due to fighting with a classmate, William R. Terrill. Union Colonel Phil Sheridan’s Valiant Horse A young war-horse helped Phil Sheridan win the day in the Shenandoah Valley and, made famous by a poem, helped Abraham Lincoln win re-election And shortly after that, Albany will... (more), Last week we were fortunate enough to spend a few minutes with Jack McEneny -- former state Assemblyman, unofficial Albany historian, and genuinely nice guy.... (more). Cause: Heart attack Edmund Kirby Smith During that campaign in the Shenandoah Valley in 1864, Sheridan's army was the subject of a surprise attack by Confederate forces -- while Sheridan was away from his troops. He is a celebrity war hero. The following fact sheet contains interesting facts, background history and information about the life of Santana and the events in history that led to his fame as a great Native American Indian leader. Sheridan got a letter of thanks from Lincoln. After his successful campaign in the Shenandoah Valley, Union General Philip H. Sheridan pursued the Confederate army of George E. Pickett to Five Forks, an important road just southwest of Petersburg that led to the South Side Railroad, a critical supply and retreat line for the South. It's just one of the many monuments that dot the city. ... said CMouse on Oct 7, 2016 at 6:26 PM | link. It wasn't until I stayed there that I learned about Sheridan's connection to Albany! Albert Sidney Johnston

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