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28 of 36 people found this review helpful. Other scenes were filmed in Scotland and Morocco. Starring Stellan Skarsgard and Simon Callow. While pursuing a band of thieves, Arn comes across the enemy of all Christendom, Saladin, and saves his life. When Arn leaves the monastery and returns to his family, he is soon pulled into the struggle between powerful families fighting for the crown of Västra Götaland. With a total budget of around US $30,000,000 for the whole production, it is the most expensive production in Scandinavian film history. The Knight Arn is sent on a last mission against Saladin. Arn – The Knight Templar (Swedish: Arn - Tempelriddaren) is an epic film based on Jan Guillou's trilogy about the fictional Swedish Knight Templar Arn Magnusson. The track was released as a single in 2007 and was later placed as a track on her 2009 album Me and Simon. An epic saga about war and intrigue, friendship and betrayal, and above all: love. He has to win this battle, before he can go home to Sweden, and finally marry his Cecilia and start a family. Instance of. after all this is the most expensive film production in Scandinavian history. In a land of brave knights, powerful queens and treacherous kings, Arn, a skilled swordsman, is sent off to war as a Knight Templar. The music for the movie was composed by Tuomas Kantelinen. The Sword of Arn, $1,085.00. Knights Templar today Earlier this year, before the Coronavirus lockdown confined us to our homes for a while, I spoke at an event in Manchester organised by the OSMTJ Grand Priory of England Wales. Arn: The Knight Templar is a series of books by Swedish author Jan Guillou, also known as The Crusades Trilogy, and a film (or two, in Scandinavia; it was condensed to one international release) telling the story of a young man who finds himself as one of The Knights Templar as penance after falling in love with and bedding Cecilia, and conceiving a child out of wedlock. Arn, the son of a high-ranking Swedish nobleman is educated in a monastery and sent to the Holy Land as a knight templar to do penance for a forbidden love. Arn, the son of a high-ranking Swedish nobleman is educated in a monastery and sent to the Holy Land as a knight templar to do penance for a forbidden love. Season 1. In a land of brave knights, powerful queens and treacherous kings, Arn (Joakim Nätterqvist), a skilled swordsman, is sent off to war as a Knight Templar as a penance for his sins. Separated from his one true love Cecilia (Sofia Helin) by a jealous n. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Arn the Knight Templar; Conan the Barbarian; The Discerner; ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS. Arn: The Knight Templar Most of the Swedish scenes were filmed in the province of Västergötland. He helps his friend Knut Eriksson to kill the old king Karl Sverkersson. With a total budget of around SEK 210 million (ca. so he is sent away to the crusades where he encounters Saladin, the oppositions leader. One day, while wandering the woods, he encounters three men trying to force a young girl into marriage. Cecilia gives birth to Arn's son but the son is taken away from her and she only hears of his survival, and name of Magnus, through another woman who is also named Cecilia, the future queen of Sweden, Cecilia Blanka. As the Roman empire crumbles, young Romulus Augustus flees the city and embarks on a perilous voyage to Britain to track down a legion of supporters. The film production was headed by Svensk Filmindustri in conjunction with Film i Väst, TV4 (Sweden), Danmarks Radio (Denmark), YLE (Finland), TV 2 (Norway) and Telepool (Germany). From Wings to Parasite, here's a look back at all of the Best Picture Oscar winners in the history of the ceremony. The movie ends with Arn gaining a letter discharging him from his service in the Holy Land from the Templar Grandmaster Arnold of Torroja and Cecilia giving praise to God on hearing news of Arn's survival. In a land of brave knights, powerful queens and treacherous kings, Arn, a skilled swordsman, is sent off to war as a Knight Templar. Arn Magnusson is a son of the powerful Folkung dynasty in the mid-12th century. 3D film, film. However, it criticised the story for not being very believable as the Knights Templar were religious fundamentalists not "tolerant and multicultural-friendly crusaders". Cecilia is imprisoned in a convent and Arn is sent away as a Knight Templar to the Holy Land, where war is raging between Christians and Muslims. Watch The Knight Templar - Arn Magnusson Part 1 - Ancient Mysteries on Dailymotion Cecilia is imprisoned in a convent and Arn is sent away as a Knight Templar to the Holy Land, where war is raging between Christians and Muslims. Arn – The Knight Templar. Arn and his fiancée Cecilia Algotsdotter are excommunicated for premarital relations and falsely accused of having relations with Cecilia's sister (in reality a plot to hurt Knut) and forced to undertake twenty years of penance, Cecilia in a convent and Arn as a Knight Templar in the Holy Land to fight against the Saracens. Wikipedia. since this film involved severing of limbs and cutting throats i am puzzled why this film got a pg rating when films like die hard get a 18 rating. Arn, the son of a high-ranking Swedish nobleman is educated in a monastery and sent to the Holy Land as a knight templar to do penance for a forbidden love. Directed by (1) Writing credits (2) Cast (43) Produced by (27) Music by (1) Cinematography by (1) Film Editing by (3) Casting By (2) Production Design by (1) Costume Design by (1) Makeup Department (23) Production Management (12) Laleh also recorded the theme song for the film, entitled "Snö,". Arn: The Knight Templar is a series of books by Swedish author Jan Guillou, also known as The Crusades Trilogy, and a film (or two, in Scandinavia; it was condensed to one international release) telling the story of a young man who finds himself as one of The Knights Templar as penance after falling in love with and bedding Cecilia, and conceiving a child out of wedlock. Directed by Peter Flinth. Arn - The Knight Templar. order form. Starring Stellan Skarsgård, Bill Skarsgård, Joel Kinnaman and Simon Callow, this blood-thirsty war actioner is full of astonishing battle scenes, separated love and a test of true faith. Arn: The Knight Templar A Knight in the Holy Land. Guilbert replies that Arn is not meant to be a monk but is destined to be a soldier of God. Arn: The Knight Templar is a film directed by Peter Flinth with Joakim Nätterqvist, Sofia Helin, Stellan Skarsgard, Milind Soman, Simon Callow .... Year: 2007. Arn The Knight Templar. There she finds herself looked down-upon by her oldest sister; and she has to ... See full summary ». The Ulvbane, $1,287.00. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Arn The Knight Templar was a surprise hit as a historical movie – based in medieval Sweden and telling the story of a noble youth who becomes a Templar to atone for a … The film was released to cinemas in Sweden on 17 December 2007[1] and the sequel, Arn – The Kingdom at Road's End (Arn – Riket vid vägens slut), was released August 22, 2008, but both films were combined into a single cut for the English release on DVD in 2010. It's all in all underwhelming. Action Adventure Drama. cant wait to see the sequel. Check out our editors' picks for the movies and shows we're excited about this month, like Mortal Kombat, "Them," and Stowaway. Arn - Tempelriddaren Arn - Temppelin ritari / Arn: The Knight Templar / Arn - Temppeliritari / Arn - Tempelridderen / Rycerz Templariuszy . (402) 2007 16+. Templariusze. In a world ruled by brutal warlords, lived a … 2007 adventure action movie set during the crusades directed by Peter Flinth. costume drama. He is instructed in both the arts of war and scholarship and upon reaching majority decides to leave the monastery to rejoin his family and the world. A woman on a romantic sailing holiday with her boyfriend rescues a refugee woman who makes her confront her past. The film takes place in the mid-12th century during the time of the Crusades, where Arn (Joakim Nätterqvist), a young monk raised in a convent since childhood, learns the ways of battle from a fellow practitioner who used to be a Knight Templar. A Woman in the Frozen North. it’s all so essentially romantic that Sir Walter Scott didn’t have to dip his pen in too much purple to be able to write Ivanhoe. Arn: The Knight Templar (2007) Full Cast & Crew. Arn: The Knight Templar deftly moves back and forth between Arn and his lover, Cecilia (played by Sofia Helin, “The Bridge”),and the horrible circumstances (due to Cecilia’s vindictive sister) that force them to be apart.It’s a tasteful love story that doesn’t go heavy on the cornball factor. I notice that film is compared to Arn: Knight Templar by many reviewers and have to say that this is more even handed concerning religion, which marred Ridley Scott's otherwise impressive epic. The scenes in the Holy Land use English (although historically it would have been Medieval Latin and Old French) and Arabic, including quotations from the Qur'an. Based on the firt part of Jan Guillou's well-known trilogy, Arn - The Knight Templar takes place in Sweden and the Middle East, and evokes a rich tapesty of gallant knights, powerful queens and treacherous kings. With Joakim Nätterqvist, Sofia Helin, Stellan Skarsgård, Michael Nyqvist. Mia, who's living in Stockholm, comes home to her small childhood town to celebrate her father's birthday. Data Premiery: 2009-12-25 (Polska), 2007-12-17 (Świat) Reżyseria: Peter Flinth A templar coming from the past leads his nephew in the present. eventually finding his true love but this love is forbidden since he has "sinned with the flesh" as those crazy Christians put it. Arn is an alright story. Arn – The Knight Templar (Swedish: Arn - Tempelriddaren) is an epic film based on Jan Guillou's trilogy about the fictional Swedish Knight Templar Arn Magnusson. It takes more than half to movie to get to the point he's a knight. He grows up to become an educated young man and a skilled swordsman. Original title: Arn - Tempelriddaren (Arn: The Knight Templar). Separated from his one true love, Arn must fight the forces of a cruel and jealous world to survive. SVT originally was one of the biggest sponsors of the project, but they pulled out and their role as a major sponsor was taken over by TV4. In the photo below – I’m on the left, in case you didn’t know, and the Grand Prior, Mark Borrington, is next to me in the middle. . Arn, the son of a high-ranking Swedish nobleman is educated in a monastery and sent to the Holy Land as a knight templar to do penance for a forbidden love. Was this review helpful to you? The film Warrior's End is a story of a young prince who has to come to terms with his destiny and grow up quickly in the face of war. The film grossed $22.5 million according to BoxOfficeMojo. Set during the time of the first outbreak of bubonic plague in England, a young monk is given the task of learning the truth about reports of people being brought back to life in a small village. And I mention “Ivanhoe” because “Arn: The Knight Templar” has more in common with the 1952 film adaptation than it does anything more contemporary. The film was released to cinemas in Sweden on 17 December 2007 and the sequel, Arn – The Kingdom at Road's End(Arn – Riket vid vägens slut), was released August 22, 2008, but both films were combined into a single cut for the English release on DVD in 2010. Starring Stellan Skarsgard and Simon Callow. A War that Kept Them Apart. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. Po latach wraca w rodzinne strony. Albion Polearms; The Royal Armouries I:33; All The Sword of Arn The Ulvbane The Arn Dagger. While on a forced tour of the northwest border of his ... See full summary ». Arn has to endure so much before he can get the love of his life Cecilie, who has been put away in a monastery. It's decently acted but not wonderfully, same can be said of the shooting. Most of the actors in the film speak Swedish, while others speak Latin, English, and French. Arn is also discovered to be ambidextrous. "Snö" peaked at #14 on the Swedish Singles Chart. Miłość i krew (2007) Arn: Tempelriddaren - Wskutek intrygi młody rycerz zostaje rozdzielony z ukochaną i wysłany na wojnę do Ziemi Świętej. Synopsis: Arn, the son of a high-ranking Swedish nobleman is educated in a monastery and sent to the Holy Land as a knight templar to do penance for a forbidden love. Arn, the son of a Swedish nobleman is trained at a monastery and sent to the Holy Land as a knight templar to complete penance for a taboo romance. The Arn Dagger, $550.00-----Order by Email, call our tollfree line at 1-888-806-4356, or fill out our. essentially it is about Arn and his life from childhood to adult. Gatunek: Kostiumowy, Melodramat, Przygodowy. One might have an interesting philosophical debate on whether Arn the Knight Templar counts as a television series, even if that is what it has become. He grows up to become an educated young man and a skilled swordsman. Saladin thanks Arn by warning him away from Jerusalem because he is leading a vast army towards the city. i expected purely a crusades film. Produkcja: Dania, Finlandia, Niemcy, Norwegia, Szwecja, Wielka Brytania. View production, box office, & company info. the answer is purely because the financial backers of the film had pull with the censorship board. He grows up in a monastery belonging to the Cistercians and is trained there in archery, swordsmanship and horsemanship by a former Knight Templar, the brother Guilbert. Use the HTML below. There's a lot of cheesy romance, more than an engaging story of a knight templar. In Roman-ruled Britain, a young Roman soldier endeavors to honor his father's memory by finding his lost legion's golden emblem. Based on Swedish author Jan Guillou's trilogy of books, Arn: The Knight Templar tells a story of diligence, composure, and love in the face of tumultuous circumstances -- a pretty familiar topic for historical epics, fictionalized or not. When the girl begs Arn for help, two of the men attack him and he kills them in self-defense. Upload media. Arn: The Knight Templar. but it is much more. (814) IMDb 6.6 2 h 13 min 2010 X-Ray. He meets Cecilia, the love of his life, but a cruel and jealous world forces them apart. With Joakim Nätterqvist, Sofia Helin, Stellan Skarsgård, Morgan Alling. As Saladin marches upon Jerusalem, Arn is given the order to intercept the Saracens before they reach the city, and he and his men successfully ambush Saladin's army in a mountain pass (the ambush taking the place of the historical Battle of Montgisard figuring in the novel). Search for "Arn: The Knight Templar" on, Title: The original movie follows the first two volumes of Guillou's trilogy. Genre. Arn, the son of a high-ranking Swedish nobleman is educated in a monastery and sent to the Holy Land as a knight templar to do penance for a forbidden love. IMDb R. Tomatoes. A splinter group of Roman soldiers fight for their lives behind enemy lines after their legion is devastated in a guerrilla attack. Knights, ladies, castles, codes of honor, jousts . Arn, the son of a high-ranking Swedish nobleman is educated in a monastery and sent to the Holy Land as a knight templar … You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Impressive film. . The Guardian credited the film with an exciting plot and convincing acting, and locations that "you don't get bored [of] for a second". An "international" version has been created which incorporates this film and its sequel Arn – The Kingdom at Road's End into a single cut with a duration of approximately 130 minutes. Arn has to endure so much before he can get the love of his life Cecilie, who has been put away in a monastery. He meets Cecilia, the love of his life, but a cruel and jealous world forces them apart. Arn grows up in a monastery were his natural talent for swordsmanship is discovered and nurtured by a former crusader and Knight Templar. [2],–_The_Knight_Templar&oldid=1008881342, Articles containing Swedish-language text, Album articles lacking alt text for covers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 25 February 2021, at 15:23. Released: 2007-12-25 Genre: Action , Adventure , Drama , Romance and they come to respect one another as men of honor and wisdom. While the film is mostly in Swedish and most of the production was made in Sweden, the film is a joint production between Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Germany. Although the monks tell Arn he did nothing wrong, they question Guilbert training him in being a warrior. This is a great film with a good script, strong performances, a fine supporting cast and some great action. (2007). In thirteenth-century England, a Knights Templar and a few of the Barons men fight to defend Rochester Castle against the tyrannical King John. This leads to war between the two factions. US $30 million) for both films, it is the most expensive production in Swedish cinema. Separated from his one true love, Arn must fight the forces of a cruel and jealous world to survive. While the film is mostly in Swedish and most of the production was made in Sweden, the film i… 139 min 6.3 2007 Denmark Overview. But the peace back home is threatened by the Danes.

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