TRUMP: MORE INTEL TO DROP BEFORE NOV 3! Last year he even predicted Trump would win 30 states and Hillary Clinton would win 20, the results were Trump Won 30.5 and Hillary won 19.5….. Kevin McCullough has accurately predicted the winning election maps since 2006. If you only look at the selective polls listed in the Real Clear Politics average one might come to that conclusion (Just like they did in 2016). Does it seem to make an impact that President Trump oversaw the fastest job creation for Black Americans with the fastest growth in wages among the poorest Black Americans in the modern era? This election isn’t hard. If Trump gets anything above 11 percent he wins big. (Article republished from “A #Trumpslide if you will,” Kevin McCullough writes at Townhall. Democratâs consistently need 90 to 95 percent support of Black voters to win. If he takes 20 percent or more it starts to reshape states like Pennsylvania where he runs up the score in the west and enjoys enough Black support around Philadelphia so as to win the state convincingly. Is it important that President Trump received them? At Townhall, Kevin McCullough, who has a pretty good record as an election forecaster, argues that we should believe our lying eyes: To be exceedingly clear — I find no evidence of a Biden win outside of the media polls. A pundit who correctly predicted how each state would vote in the 2016 presidential election, with the exception of one district in Maine, believes Donald Trump will collect even more Electoral College votes in November than he did four years ago. Discussion about Kevin McCullough: I predicted Obama in 2006, then 2012, and I predicted within a half state the exact map of 2016. You’re going to want to check out Kevin McCullough’s Election Map prediction. Evidently it does because heâs currently enjoying (what I perceive to be understated) support anywhere from 18 to 25 percent of Black Americans. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. “Biden wins Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Illinois. A pundit who correctly predicted how each state would vote in the 2016 presidential election, with the exception of one district in Maine, believes Donald Trump will collect even more Electoral College votes in November than he did four years ago. Limbaugh pointed to Gallup polling showing Trump is regarded “as a strong and decisive leader,” which are “two pretty important big deals.”. Rush Limbaugh pointed out McCullough, who hosts a nationally … “A #Trumpslide if you will,” Kevin McCullough writes at Townhall. 2020 elections, elections, government, Joe Biden, Kevin McCullough, left, politics, President Trump, propaganda, Trump, voting. “Biden wins Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Illinois. But let me preface all of these by saying this. “But this election won’t be decided by the pundits, Never Trumpers, and swamp monsters,” he noted. Their respondents have predicted the winner of the presidential election in this aspect of the survey since 1996.”. He predicted in 2016 that Trump after would win 30 states and Hillary Clinton would pick up 20. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and more! At the time of this writing the RealClearPolitics average shows him behind his Democratic challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, by nearly 10 points. The modern era high for a GOP president is 11 percent. A pundit who correctly predicted how each state would vote in the 2016 presidential election, with the exception of one district in Maine, believes Donald Trump will collect even more Electoral College votes in November than he did four years ago. Use any of the maps to create and share your own 2016 forecast. Radio Host Kevin McCullough released his prediction for the 2020 election. He has chosen every election correctly since 2006. McCullough’s recently-released 2020 electoral map predicts a Republican tidal wave, with Trump not only winning the states he carried in 2016 – including Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Arizona – but also picking up Nevada, New Hampshire and Minnesota. He points out that Biden also is losing Hispanic voters, and Trump has spent his entire term keeping his promises. Tagged Under: Election interference? Facebook Twitter Telegram Email. You’re going to want to check out Kevin McCullough’s Election Map prediction. Most of the national polls portend defeat, big time, for Trump in November.”. An American Spectator report said: “Most of the national polls portend defeat for President Trump in November. He has chosen every election correctly since 2006. McCullough clearly has a different perspective than Gingrich on the 25 Amendment controversy: “If you believe the polls. Conservative commentator, Kevin McCullough discovered how Dominion distributed the votes and what may have caused votes for Trump to be flipped for Biden. Facebook and Twitter suppressing New York Post bombshell story of damaging Hunter Biden emails, Joe Biden claims it’s unconstitutional to follow the Constitution, and he’s hiding from voters how he’ll DESTROY it if elected, Analyst who nailed 2016: President is ‘going to absolutely crush the election’, AWKWARD: Viral mail-in voting ad from Seinfeld’s ‘Newman’ inadvertently demonstrates why it is bad, RNC chairwoman calls commission “corrupt” for canceling second debate to “shield” Biden, BEWARE voter fraud: Texas AG says 134 felony charges have been filed against Gregg County Commissioner and three associates, Nearly 50,000 Ohio voters received incorrect absentee ballots, 25 NIGHTMARE things that will happen if Joe Biden wins the election, Trump supporters, donât despair … Here’s how the fake news polls are skewing numbers so heavily in Bidenâs favor, Protect the Vote aims to save election from Democrat fraud, Postal carrier arrested for tampering with election, trashing “large quantity” of mail-in ballots, Texas mayoral candidate arrested, charged with 109 election fraud felonies in alleged absentee ballot scheme, Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren indicted for campaign finance fraud, Column: ENOUGH with fraudulent Biden ‘town halls’ on TV, RIGGED: More than 2,000 voters in Los Angeles receive “faulty” mail-in ballots that make it impossible to vote for Trump, DESTROYED: Tons of Trump mail-in ballot applications SHREDDED in back of tractor trailer headed for Pennsylvania, Criminal Colorado secretary of state urging non-citizens and dead people to register to vote so she can help steal the state for Democrats, FBI finds discarded absentee ballots with Trump votes in Pennsylvania, COVER-UP ALERT: Nets hide CIA notes exposing Hillary’s collusion plot, CONFIRMED: Biden wore a wire with an earpiece at the first debate, so Trump must ask at the beginning of the next, “Are you wired right now?”. Last year he even predicted Trump would win 30 states and Hillary Clinton would win 20, the results were Trump Won 30.5 and Hillary won 19.5. Get the world's best independent media newsletter delivered straight to your inbox. — Kevin McCullough (@KMCRadio) December 21, 2020 Biden supporters seem to be really losing their minds at how angry they get when you tell them that Biden “won” only 16% of the counties. I predicted within a half state the exact map of 2016. © 2018 SGT Report | All Rights Reserved |. He wins Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode … He wins Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, and – not, New Hampshire. I have been unable to find any evidence that he correctly predicted the "election map" in 2008 or 2012, although from my few minutes of research it seems that he almost completely nailed the 2016 map, and did predict that Obama would win in '08 and '12 (neither of which were shockers). “And everything else on this map is red.”, McCullough said nothing the Democrats have tried against Trump has worked, “Russia Hoax, Impeachment Farce, Lockdown Lies, Evaporative Economic Policies, Debate Blowups, and Covid Contraction.”, “They’ve even floated the 25th Amendment, which I only thought really bitter and nasty Never Trumpers would ever embrace.”, Trump will, he writes, “absolutely crush the election that day.”, “Now the ‘smart people’ will tell you that’s not possible, and that he lags Joe Biden in the polls by margins too big to overcome. You’re going to want to check out Kevin McCullough’s Election Map prediction. Biden wins Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Illinois. You’re going to want to check out Kevin McCullough’s Election Map prediction. SGT Report is the corporate propaganda antidote. December 31, 2016 The Binge Thinker 0 comments. He predicted a landslide electoral win for President Trump. According to those who work in the internal polling operations of BOTH campaigns, people are saying the identical things. Meanwhile, political analyst and talk-radio host Kevin McCullough is set to release his final Electoral College map Tuesday morning via Twitter. I predicted within a half state the exact map of 2016. Kevin McCullough on Election 2020 Rush Limbaugh ^ | October 12,2020 | Rush Limbaugh Posted on 10/12/2020 2:15:49 PM PDT by Hojczyk. McCullough forecasts 333 electoral votes for Trump and 208 for Joe Biden. The candidates already know that the president is winning by a mile. But he pointed out that, to the music of a Mariachi band at a recent campaign event, Biden was speaking to about 10 people. He bases his model on a number of factors, including the enthusiasm gap between supporters of both candidates, as well as the party affiliation of newly registered voters. Not New Hampshire. He has chosen every election correctly since 2006. When narrowed down to Black men heâs consistently in the low to mid-30s percentage wise. McCullough has had an outstanding record of predicting the look of the electoral college map, going back to 2006: The next map is the one that Surber prefers--his own: Read the entire blog. One possibility is that the conventional wisdom is wrong. I predicted Obama would beat Hillary and be President in 2009, in a publicly published column in the winter of 2006. Share; Tweet; Pin; Plus; LinkedIn; Reddit; StumbleUpon; Digg; Email; Print ; In the campaign of 2008 it was the battle cry of the new found optimism of the political cycle: “Yes We Can!” It was everywhere. … To be exceedingly clear – I find no evidence of a Biden win outside of the media polls.”, He notes that while Biden “has trouble getting more than a dozen to show up at a tour stop in Yuma,” Trump is drawing massive crowds, even while in the hospital.”. Kevin McCullough: If the 2020 election were held today President Donald Trump would win by a bigger margin than in 2016, carrying the most number of states since the Re-election of President Ronald Reagan. [Page 3] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. I predicted Obama would defeat Romney in 2012. Vermont,” Limbaugh said. McCullough’s predictive modeling of the Electoral map gives Trump an even bigger win with 330 points versus Biden’s 208. Letâs face it. McCullough forecasts 333 electoral votes for Trump and 208 for Joe Biden.
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