More extensive usage appears inevitable with computers for process control of complete plants that include a spray drying stage. EMASS Players; Last season everyone needed their own bat due to Covid restrictions. This document defines technical area jargon, references and distills supporting process documents, provides many step-by-step procedures, makes recommendations for navigating the RMF guidance Factors affecting bulk density of powder. The bulk flow measurement system LB 472 is used for the precise determination of flowrate in the bulk solid industry and can be performed on all kinds of conveyors. If you do not click on anything or type anything for 30 minutes, your session is terminated and you will have to log into eMASS again in order to continue your work. The purpose of eMASS is to help the DoD to maintain IA situational awareness, manage risk, and comply with the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA 2002) and the Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA 2014). There is limited ability for one database to “reach across” to another (e.g., to implement control inheritance). 1. eMASS is a service-oriented computer application that supports Information Assurance (IA) program management and automates the Risk Management Framework (RMF). Handling and processing powders and bulk solids is an important element of many manufacturing processes. It is essential for the entire process that the chocolate does not cool down and remains liquid during screening. Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) is the Department of Defense’s (DoD) recommended tool for information system Assessment and Authorization (A&A). 5. New players may borrow someone else’s bat (with their expressed permission) but should plan on getting their own bats soonest. The most effective way of accomplishing these goals is to understand what is occurring within a process so that it can be optimized. When the length of … The DIN-Rail transmitter allows for easy integration into an existing control system. Our eMASS Simulator software allow offers: RMF Project Assessments - Our software evaluates each project to let you know the likelihood of it passing an audit Automated Risk Assessments - Conduct all necessary required assessments and audits as if the SCA-V team was performing an audit. Each DoD component has its own process for access approval. Mass flow is measured and sent to an automation system, which can then speed up or slow down the conveyor to control the amount of material being delivered to a downstream process, such as ore into a crusher at a mine or wood chips into a digester at a paper mill. eMASS is designed to work in concert with the RMF Knowledge Service (CAC or ECA required), and empowers the DoD IA workforce in support of the DoD 8500-series Information Assurance policy framework and implementation guidance. DSS is projected to transition to eMASS in May 2019. eMASS is a web-based Government off-the-shelf (GOTS) solution that will replace OBMS. Bulk Density – “ Mass of powder which occupies fixed volume” (mass per unit volume) it is also termed as packing density or apperent density, unit= gm/ml This is how eMASS came to life. The history of eMASS can be traced back to a project called Digital DITSCAP at the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) in the early 2000’s. The Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service, or eMASS, is a web-based Government off-the-shelf (GOTS) solution that automates a broad range of services for comprehensive, fully-integrated cybersecurity management, including controls scorecard measurement, dashboard reporting, and the generation of Risk … Local and Remote Process Control of Cuttings Handling Cuttings Re-Injection (CRI) system operates in a continuous process with the following automatic modes: — Automatic adding of seawater — Automatic adding of polymer — Automatic level control in coarse tank — Automatic transfer from fines tank — Automatic shaker control The Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) is a DoD system that serves as an information repository and workflow manager for the Risk Management Framework (RMF) process. eMASS is a service-oriented computer application that supports Information Assurance (IA) program management and automates the Risk Management Framework (RMF). If you’re not yet using eMASS to support your RMF activities, here are 10 things you probably need to know. The noncontact nonintrusive radiometric measurement is characterized by excellent accuracy and reliability. NIST CSRC Risk Management Framework Overview (publicly accessible). (Note: at least one of the eMASS “instances” had less restrictive permissions in which all users had read access to all systems; to the best of our knowledge, that is no longer the case.). However, the process for reviewing each system became long and time consuming in terms of monitoring it and developing a report on the various points the process required. In addition, up to 24 different product parameters can be recorded to accommodate product or process changes. If you are interested in learning more about our RMF for DoD IT training course, please click here. Bulk storage and automatic conveying of raw materials in your plant reduces labor requirements. The Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service, or eMASS, is a web-based Government off-the-shelf (GOTS) solution that automates a broad range of services for comprehensive, fully integrated cybersecurity management, including controls scorecard measurement, dashboard reporting, and the generation of Risk Management Framework (RMF) package reports. The major advantage of our systems is that the measurement performance remains stable even after years of operation with a repeatability of ±1 %, meaning there is no need to recalibrate with time. and improves overall operating efficiency. The bulk bag manufacturing process consists of a series of steps that apply regardless of the design or customer specifications. Thomas Lamotte has 10 years of experience in process design and operation including more than six in dry-mixing and bulk solids handling. This guide helps you find dry material handling equipment, specifically used for processing and measuring bulk solids. This document has been reviewed and approved as the official AO RMF Process for the IDM AO A constant temperature of approx. 2. eMASS also enforces an “inactivity timeout” for logged-in users. Speed control is a promising method of reducing the power consumption of belt conveyors. If you have an eMASS account, you should periodically receive e-mail messages from DISA informing you of planned outages, system upgrades, etc. In control applications, the amount of material fed to a downstream process is regulated. eMASS is a database and workflow tool that has been used with DIACAP for many years. eMASS Automates the Process. Bulk (Mass) Polymerization Disadvantages: • R t decreases at high conversion due to the Trommsdorf effect, making the reaction hard to control. Discover the difference a custom solution for industrial process monitoring can make. If you have an account on more than one eMASS “instance” (e.g., Army and Air Force), you will need to log in at least once every 35 days on each instance. Ideally, that means measuring the input and output of each minor process in order to understand, for instance, the optimal setting for each piece of machinery, the best ratio for mixing ingredients, the best way of maximizing output while minimizing cost. conveying systems for in-plant distribution and resin drying systems. During this step, it is guaranteed that no foreign particles or impurities will remain in chocolate mass. eMASS automates the A&A process, manages workflow among user roles, and generates a variety of reports based on user needs. Process tank level . This is improving productivity, permitting particulate recovery and extending the life of aging pollution control equipment while supporting compliance with federal, state and local requirements. ... Click to edit Master title styleThe Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) is supporting DoD’s RMF Transformation 15 . In many applications only general inventory information or process control is required. 10. eMASS is not a single, integrated system. It is also available for use with the Risk Management Framework. This eMASS tool provides a central location for managing all documentation, controls, and the like for working through the RMF process. If the bulk product is assembled into different presentations or packs, the production batch size should be defined by the bulk before any division. Processing is a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts. g. Army adopted Enterprise Mission Assurance Support System (eMASS) as the tool to automate the RMF process. Top Ten—Things You Should Know about eMASS. Since 2001, Processing has promoted software literacy within the visual arts and visual literacy within technology. material handling systems from railcar unloading and bulk storage to vacuum and pressure. eMASS is owned by the U.S. Department of Defense (i.e., the software is not proprietary). Actions Login to NISP-eMASS: 7. Lamotte may be reached at The unexpected risks limit the applicability of speed control. Currently a process engineer at Nestle Research Singapore, he holds two master’s degrees in process engineering from ENSIC Nancy and IFP School, France. In those cases, the DoD customer needs to provide some sort of “remote access” solution (e.g., VPN, Citrix, VDI) that enables off-site contractors to get “virtual” NIPRNET access. Categorization and Security Control Selection Process (Steps 1 and 2 of the Risk Management Framework) 12 . eMass RMF Process with OpenRMF Automation Categorize System Select the Control Families Implement the Controls Assess the Controls Authorize the System Continuously Monitor Controls Document the Results Checklists Compliance Report eMASS eMASS Done by IT Team Import Multiple Checklists Compliance Generation Report Generation Done by Validator and IT Team Calibration software is provided. However, inappropriate transient operations might cause risks like material spillage away from the belt conveyor. DIACAP makes a lot of sense in terms of its goals for monitoring and improving information system security. NOTE: Do not access eMASS during any announced outage period; you may be able to successfully log in, but information you enter may not be saved! Cybersecurity Framework – Is it relevant to Federal/DoD organizations. There are actually separate eMASS “instances” (i.e., databases) for each DoD component (e.g., Army, Navy, Air Force, DISA, NGB, DHRA, DAU, etc.). Automated … Operating/Storage Humidity: Max. This season state guidance has allowed us some flexibility, but the expectation is that everyone will strive to have their own bat. If you’re already using eMASS, please read on; you’ll probably learn a few new things! • Viscosity increases as conversion increases, making heat removal and processing more difficult. These are typically applications in process industries where material in storage vessels is transferred on a regular basis (daily, weekly, or as needed) from one part of a facility to another, or as a batch process to create a final product. In order to standardize how EI&E-owned and -operated FRCS information is entered into eMASS, the DoD CS Working Group (WG) is working to incorporate new data fields and OT capabilities into eMASS. PROBLEM. System Information Step 2. Our bulk process equipment includes conveyor belt scales, weighbelt feeders, tramp metal detectors, coal and mineral sampling systems, cross belt samplers, level indicators, conveyor safety switches, and other specialty process control instruments. Access to eMASS requires a DoD Common Access Card (CAC) – no exceptions! eMASS provides an integrated suite of authorization capabilities and prevents cyber attacks by establishing strict process control mechanisms for obtaining authorization to operate decisions. I-Assure has worked with eMASS since its inception and currently supports over 150 packages in eMASS. In general, an eMASS user can only “see” systems in which he/ she has been assigned a role. If you already use eMASS to help document security control implementation you should continue to do so. critical quality attributes ( CQAs) of the finished product in accordance with the guideline on process validation (ref. Authorization Information Step 3. "DISA Ramps Up Cloud Computing Platform," Washington Technology, 10/5/2009, Federal Information Security Management Act, Federal Information Security Modernization Act, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration, RMF Knowledge Service (CAC or ECA required),,,,, DoD IA Policy Chart - Build and Operate a Trusted DoDIN,, United States Department of Defense information technology, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 27 February 2021, at 16:47. The intent is to eliminate redundancy and unnecessary testing for streamlining all aspects of cyber security management. This guide is not intendedto be a training manual for RMF or eMASS/EITDR, but rather a process document for the AO and AO staff to complete the RMF. These articles provide essential, up-to-date information on the subject our community has inquired about most. The radiometric bulk flow measurement from Berthold is used to measure flow rates and throughput on all kinds of conveying systems. 4). Intuitive operation The bulk flow measurement system DuoSeries LB 472 provides a local display of measurement values as well as on-site operation via the integrated touch panel. Training for Government and Contractors. The pro… DoD Instruction 8510.01, DoD Risk Management Framework (RMF) for DoD Information Technology, 03/12/2014. As the DoD's recommended tool for information system Assessment and Authorization (A&A), eMASS automates the A&A process, manages workflow among user roles, and generates a variety of reports based on user needs (including all reports required by RMF and FISMA). eMASS is a web-based Government off-the-shelf (GOTS) solution that automates a broad range of services for comprehensive, fully-integrated cybersecurity management, including controls scorecard measurement, dashboard reporting, and the generation of Risk Management Framework (RMF) for Department of Defense (DOD) Information Technology (IT) and DOD Information Assurance … Whether bags need to be made square, tall, overbuilt or cost effective, each bag must undergo cyclic testing for SWL and safety factor compliance. By Kathryn M. Farrish, CISSP eMASS, short for Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service, is a comprehensive tool provided by DoD for managing the RMF life cycle. DISA provides a short online eMASS training course that is required in order to obtain an account, as well as limited classroom training. Among its well-known features and capabilities are generating security control baselines, managing RMF workflow, maintaining a repository of documentation artifacts, accepting system owner provided “self assessment” of … We have built software similar to the Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) software that supports Information Assurance (IA) program management and automates the DoD Risk Management Framework (RMF) process. Capabilities eMASS Training eMASS (844) 347-2457 Options 1, 5, 3 • Automated generation of required DIACAP and RMF reports. eMASS automates the A&A process, manages workflow among user roles, and generates a … eMASS is owned by the U.S. Department of Defense(i.e., the software is not proprietary). Clarence Kreiser and Jim Miller design cyclones, classifiers and other process equipment for Van Tongeren, in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. 6. 95 %RH (non-condensing) Contact: 1 NO or 1 NC Options Switching Difference (humidity): 40 %RH (±3 % Tolerance) at +25 °C (+77 °F), 90 %RH This can be problematic for contractors who typically work off-site. eMASS establishes strict process control mechanisms for obtaining authorization to connect to the DoD's Global Information Grid (GIG) networks, which helps to reduce the risk of cyber attacks and to accomplish the goals of RMF. Our article on eMASS provides insight into how this automated tool streamlines the DIACAP process and how its capabilities align with DoD’s IA priorities. The program is sponsored by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration (ASD (NII)) and is managed by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Program Executive Office for Mission Assurance and NetOps (PEO-MA).[2]. – eMASS Overview • Summary and Questions Part 1 Part 2 Part 3. Belt conveyors play an important role in the dry bulk material handling process. process maps, documents, and so forth, to support and aid in the execution of RMF. Most eMASS databases are accessible from NIPRNET only (not internet). In most cases, a DD 2875 form is required, along with evidence of completion of DISA eMASS training (see below). eMASS eMASS empowers the cybersecurity workforce through its control-requirements wizard, intuitive user interface, linear workflows, integrated computer-based training capability, and autogeneration of all security-compliance package reports so that more time can be spent on securing the network than on interpreting the policy. In addition to the eMASS account itself, users must be assigned to specific “roles” within the various “systems” that give them permission to read and/or write information in the record. I.T. • R p and ν increase as conversion increases, broadening the molecular weight distribution. The DIACAP was released as policy on 18 July Directive-Type Memorandum Interim C&A Guidance DIACAP FAQ. (eMASS). security process for FRCSs in the Army by using the RMF approach to at-tain and maintain an Authority to Operate (ATO), which is required by DoDI 8510.01. Even within DoD components that are “standardized” on eMASS, there may be individual commands or programs that are not participating. The Bulk Bag Manufacturing Process Step by Step. A complete QuantiMass PRO system consists of the DIN-Rail transmitter and the mass flow measurement sensor. Roles Step 4. Review and Submit Reference the DISA eMASS User Guide (New System Registration Section). 4. 9.A few DoD components are not currently using eMASS because they have “standardized” on a different tool for RMF support. This online mass spectrometer & process gas analyzer is engineered to meet a number of challenging process applications in the petrochemical, iron and steel, and biotechnology industries. Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) is the Department of Defense’s (DoD) recommended tool for information system Assessment and Authorization (A&A). By Lon J. Berman, CISSP. Please read these carefully. The functional capabilities of eMASS have evolved in response to requirements from DoD leadership and operational user feedback. By Lon J. Berman, CISSP of BAI Information Security. Bulk flow measurement for precise mass flow determination of solid matter. Equipment Guide – Find bulk handling equipment and process components. Commercial training providers offer various in-depth online and classroom training programs. Valuable diagnostic functions and self-monitoring ensure increased reliability and availability of the measurement. The Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service, or eMASS, is a web-based Government off-the-shelf (GOTS) solution that automates a broad range of services for comprehensive, fully integrated cybersecurity management, including controls scorecard measurement, dashboard reporting, and the generation of Risk Management Framework (RMF) package reports. A few of the eMASS databases (e.g., Navy, DHRA) are directly accessible to off-site contractors from internet. We hope they provide the information you have been seeking. 40°C must be granted during production to ensure the gloss and high quality of the end product. 3. eMASS now requires all users to log in at least once every 35 days; accounts left “dormant” for more than 35 days are automatically deactivated. [3], eMASS also provides C&A capabilities in the DoD’s cloud computing environment, the Rapid Access Computing Environment (RACE). Highly reliable and easy-to-own, the Prima PRO online mass spectrometer delivers faster, more complete, lab quality online gas composition analysis. According to DISA government officials, offering eMASS as a cloud service will help to significantly reduce the time required to certify and accredit DoD information systems.[4]. Use this step-by-step guidance document to understand eMASS. Process Control offers a complete line of. ©2003 - 2021 IT Dojo, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Slide 4a - … Both Assess and Authorize (AA) and Assess and Evaluate (AE) FRCS will be entered into eMASS. Overview The New System Registration process consists of four major steps in eMASS as follows: Step 1. The Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) is a service-oriented computer application that supports Information Assurance (IA) program management and automates the Risk Management Framework (RMF) process. 8. [1] The purpose of eMASS is to help the DoD to maintain IA situational awareness, manage risk, and comply with the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA 2002) and the Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA 2014). Our DSS RMF Toolkit will easily transition current RMF processes and documentation into eMASS.
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