25 percent - Back+3,2, Up+1, wait for the opponent to fall a … mk11 actually fucked up the combos and didn’t patch his spamming. In MK11 the importance of combos strings is all that matters between winning and loosing a match. Dead Man’s Hand – Back + Y, Up + A. Keep’em Honest – Foward + B, Y. Widow Maker:1, 2, 1. Packing Heat:2, 1, 1. In order to execute the abilities, you have to press the following button for each ability. Badlands:1, 1. If it helped you in some way you can leave a comment below. Suggestive comments are also welcome which we can share with the community! Abandoned:1, 1, Back 3. 14. 17. 1: Cattle Toss: D, B, F, 1: A … Jawing:Forward 1, 2, 2. Erron Black has 10 abilities for the player to execute. At this point, you'll finish the last attack or combo … Gain the ability to activate Tele-Slam in the air. 20. Keep in mind that this will work for Kung Lao as well. Erron Black is from Mortal Kombat X, a mysterious cowboy who uses his guns as no one can. Erron Black is a gunslinger of the Old West and is depicted wearing black clothes under a brown leather vest, gauntlets, and boots, with a poncho around his shoulders and a mask covering the lower half of his face. All Rights Reserved. Required fields are marked *. But the problem is for some reason it does not work like that. So the question is how can we do this coveted 21212 or YXYXY combo?? Erron Black gets owned! On The Shoot – X, Y, X, Y, X. ︎ Mortal Kombat 11 combo guide playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTq8z1A9gJgdfetXi5nHc4GELQaITNwbn Subscribe for more combos! You can even follow it up with a Locked and loaded special, when you do the 4th input of the On the Shoot Combo string. 19 percent - 1,1,2, Run Cancel, 2,1,1,2,2. Shang Tsung is dropping today for Mortal Kombat 11 players who own the Kombat Pack, ... Erron Black MK11-0.408. So if they can implement it, in a competitive scene, you can do it as well with some practice. But the coveted combo string for most players is Erron Black’s 21212 ( or for XBOX ONE YXYXY) combo in MK11, which is aslo one of the combo strings of Kung Lao. Mortal Kombat 11 Fatalities are brutal finishing move that can be executed at the end of a fight during the game. In Order to do this you can tilt the controller sideways a bit to hit the 1+2 with you thumb easily after the 2112. 16. ... Bought mk11 on xb1 3 days ago and just finished part 1 story mode! Erron Black is a rushdown character with solid offensive pressure and mix-ups. 4. We personally have tested hitting the keys as fast as possible with the thumb but it just wont work. I have been having trouble landing the type of combo strings that juggle opponents, the ones that destroy in online ranked doing big damage. By unconventional we mean instead of hitting 21212 you do a 2112, 1+2. Erron black combos. I’ve never had a problem getting a combo down in MK. ... Erron Black MK11-0.408. How to do Erron Black and Kung Lao’s 21212 string combo in MK11? in the tournament. Now you know all combo moves of Erron Black in Mortal Kombat 11 for PC, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. Submit a tip or combo. In MK11, if Kitana connects the attack as a Kounter or a Punish from the maximum distance or breaks armor with it, the attack is turned into a Krushing Blow, where Kitana's behind crushes the front part of the opponent's skull inwards, dealing increased damage. Kombos. He is more like a wanderer who does not has a home, his moves include a lot of guns usage plus he can also use certain potions like acid. Erron Black On The Shoot combo. The lock and load move is retarded now. In MK11 the importance of combos strings is all that matters between winning and loosing a match. Erron Black (MK11) is one of the fighters and story characters in Mortal Kombat 11. Mortal Kombat X introduced some interesting new characters to the Mortal Kombat mythos, with Erron Black definitely being one of the fan favorites. 19. GamerTweak is where passionate gamers like you will find everything they need to know about video games - new and old. 12. Momentarily take you hand off the analog stick and hit the 21212 or YXYXY in quick succession using both hands and get back to your analog stick again. Nailed:3, 2. Here is a Video Link which shows how to change the binds and how it impacts the 21212 or YXYXY greatly. We have found out some ways to do it, so read on…. Practice more efficiently using the Mortal Kombat 11 Online Move List, featuring moves, combos and frame data for every character. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Trailer Out, Optimized for Xbox…, You Can Now Play As Snoop Dogg In NHL 20 Starting Today, PlayStation Plus Offer Titan Fall 2 And Monster Energy…, Best Steam Adult Game List 2021 – Top NSFW 18+ PC Games, © 2018 - 2021 - Gamer Tweak. We eat, sleep, breathe gaming and we'll keep you updated with the latest right here! Deal In Lead:Back 3, 2, Up 1. Powerups. So the question is, So for the first tip what we found out by some research is that, you have to do it the unconventional way. Get the list of all basic attacks, moves and defensive attacks control for PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. So for the first tip what we found out by some research is that, you have to do it the unconventional way. Violent Ends – Y, Y, A. Now you know all combo moves of Erron Black in Mortal Kombat 11 for PC, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, How To Link Your Capcom ID To PS4, PS5 And PC For Resident…, Where To Find Eroded Husk In Monster Hunter Rise. I’ll be out there spamming boot drop and slide until they fix this shit. The second suggestive tip is not recommended unless you cant get the above Combo string down. Variation: Gunslinger 1. Join. Dry Gulch:Back 1, 2, Down 1. Fatality: Six-Shooter (Far), , , left right left right button 2 move for Erron Black in Mortal Kombat XL execution, strategy guide, tips and tricks. This page contains every Fatality combo for all fighters in the MK11 … We personally have tested hitting the keys as fast as possible with the thumb but it just wont work. This last and final tip is something we came up with, for the ease of pressing buttons as doing it with your thumb is impossible as of now. For Mortal Kombat 11 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "My issue with Erron Black in MK11". Learn all the Erron Black basic moves first which is very important in Mortal Kombat 11 matches, after this you can also perform Erron Black’s Combo … Chain it up with some cool EXE’s and more strings to go HAM on your opponents. Kombatants. In Order to do this you can tilt the controller sideways a bit to hit the, The second suggestive tip is not recommended unless you cant get the above Combo string down. Note: All Abilities control button changes when your character moves into a different position. You may think its easy to do since its just hitting alternate buttons in quick succession. 11. As tricky it may sound once you get the hang of it, you will become consistent with it, so keep practicing! But the problem is for some reason it does not work like that. Joker SSBU-0.265. This page contains Erron Black's Fatalities, moves list, Brutalities and other important kombos. For the life of me, I can’t get this one to work. There are several cool combo strings to try out, from a wide range of character and move lists. Most Erron Black players should be choosing between the Marksman variant or Outlaw variant depending on whether they want damage or zoning respectively. So what you would want to do is change your “1” or “X” with “LB” and that should be it! Put 'em Up:2, 1, 1, 2, 2. Deal in Lead – X, Y. The Krypt is a game mode of Mortal Kombat X where players can spend earned Koins to unlock Fatalities, Brutalities, new outfits, concept art, music and But the coveted combo string for most players is, You may think its easy to do since its just hitting alternate buttons in quick succession. NOTE: that this is just a suggestive tip and this may not be suitable for most of the payers, so the next tip we came up with should be the most ideal for most players, so read below.. 1.5k. Flush:Foward 1, 2. Well some people actually knew how to combo with erron Black. In MK11 the importance of combos strings is all that matters between winning and loosing a match. 6. If they have to jump over the spot where you have placed it, you can punish them. Popularity: ... His corner combos are also very strong as you can use the 'down back 2' in all kinds of massive damage dealing combos. In Mortal Kombat 11, a Fatality is an end-of-round move that can be performed when the opponent's health has reached 0. Wrangler:1, 1, 2. In this MK11 Erron Black Combos Guide, you will learn his combo moves and learn about controls to perform them on PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Above Snake:Forward 1, 3, 2. Chain it up with some cool EXE’s and more strings to go HAM on your opponents. New combo opportunities with Erron Black’s pistols. 9. This western styled gunslinger has returned yet again in Mortal Kombat 11, though it is only his younger version in story mode. So I've been playing mk11 for a while mostly erron black. Helpful/Unrated (0) Unhelpful (0) Submit a tip for Erron Black. 5. It seems no matter how fast I input the moves they don't string together before the … Bluff:Forward 1, 3. Gunfighter:Back 3, 2. || Erron’s Fatalities also show off his skills and resourcefulness, and you can find out more in our Mortal Kombat 11 Erron Black … Get acquainted with upcoming games while also receiving in-depth information about evergreen ones. Holsters for his sidearms are strapped to his thighs.In MK11, it appears his aged skin and scars across his body have been removed. 224k. How do I input the 21212 combo precisely ? At The Dooooor – Back + Y, Y, Y. The guide will give you info on Erron Black’s Basic Attacks and defensive moves. 13. Erron Black is a relatively new character to the Mortal Kombat series, first debuting in Mortal Kombat X, and this Texan is back for more gun-slinging action. Erron Black Mortal Kombat XL moves Overview. Get all Erron Black's combos in MK11, this combo guide will give you a list of all Erron Black's combo moves list and how to perform with control layout on PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. So what you would want to do is change your, Tweaking or Interchanging one small button means that now you can move you analog stick and use both your hands to do Erron black’s and kung lao’s 21212 easily, all at the same time. Borderlands 3 | How To Get or Farm Kickcharger, Borderlands 3 | How To Get Torrent Legendary SMG, Borderlands 3 | How To Farm or Get Disruptor, Borderlands 3 | How To Get Redeye Rocket Pod. Sample Combos. By unconventional we mean. Here is a. His Stetson hat barely covers his light brown hair, and various bandoliers are wrapped is his waist, upper arms, and hat. This will result in massive damage to your opponents. Select your prefered platform (PlayStation 4, X-Box One or Nintendo Switch) and create you own customized list, that you can save, print or view as is on any device. There are several cool combo strings to try out, from a wide range of character and move lists. Dirty Move:Back 1, 2. Your email address will not be published. 2. The goal of GT is to be the best source of easy-to-understand tips and tricks, reviews, original features, hidden cheats and gaming tweaks that will help players worldwide. If they charge in, you can throw them into the acid for damage that runs through the length of the recovery animation. You can also watch the video here: We hope that this Mk11 Erron Black and Kung Lao’s 21212 Combo String Guide will help you to finally do the coveted combo and inflict greater damage on your opponents. Peacemaker:Forward 2, 4. Ace High:Back 3, … 8. This page contains every Fatality combo for all fighters in the MK11 … Up Krossbow Blast – D-pad Left, D-pad Right, Square, D-pad Up. Mortal Kombat 11 Erron Black 21212 string combo guide . Firefly:Forward 2, 4, 2. 10. Created Apr 15, 2010. Goner:Back 3, 2, Down 1. For Mortal Kombat 11 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Erron Black's best variation moves? Cause to cancel the 21212 into locked and loaded the input needs to be precise without mashing but the method I follow to input 21212 is to slide my thumb across both buttons aggressively. 15. Keep in mind that this will work for Kung Lao as well. 1: Acid Pour: B, F, 1: A command grab that covers foe with acid. Have fun on PS4 douche bags. He has fast mid attacks for close-ranged combat, in addition to several mix-up options with his multiple overhead and low attacks. ". In this MK11 Erron Black Combos Guide, you will learn his combo moves and learn about controls to perform them on PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Boot Drop is a move that you should be using right now because it is a prime … Erron Black Abilities Guide in Mortal Kombat 11. IGN's Mortal Kombat 11 (MK11) cheats and secrets guide gives you the inside scoop into every cheat, hidden code, helpful glitch, exploit, and secret in Mortal Kombat 11. Hachishaku-sama: 8: 2/16 6:03PM: Mortal Kombat Movie Trailer - Thursday, 9AM (PST) STEROLIZER: 16: 2/17 3:50PM: Who thinks an Injustice 3 anouncement will come this year? Question. You're not logged in, you must Login to your account to post a comment. In this Erron Black basic moves guide, you will learn inputs and controls all common moves of Mortal Kombat 11. And fuck you WB. There are several cool combo strings to try out, from a wide range of character and move lists. Erron Black also has some of the best pokes in the game, allowing him to avoid many of his enemies’ attacks. Uses 1 bar of Defensive meter. The original Mortal Kombat Warehouse displays unique content extracted directly from the Mortal Kombat games: Sprites, Arenas, Animations, Backgrounds, Props, Bios, Endings, Screenshots and … ... Mortal Kombat is the iconic fighting game franchise created by NetherRealm Studios, a Warner Bro’s Games studio. Zaterrean Spit is an excellent special move as it allows you to dictate the positioning of your opponent through a threat of a tile asset Damage over Time (DoT) effect. How to do Erron Black and Kung Lao’s 21212 string combo in MK11? 3. Your email address will not be published. Tweaking or Interchanging one small button means that now you can move you analog stick and use both your hands to do Erron black’s and kung lao’s 21212 easily, all at the same time. High Noon:1, 2. 18. An Exclusive PixFuture Partner, Erron Black Combos Guide & List – Mortal Kombat 11 Moves Tutorial, Into the Badlands – Square, Square, Square, On The Shoot – Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle, At The Dooooor – Back + Square, Square, Square, Dead Man’s Hand – Back + Square, Up + Circle. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Momentarily take you hand off the analog stick and, This last and final tip is something we came up with, for the ease of pressing buttons as doing it with your thumb is impossible as of now. As strange and inefficient as it may sound, Many professional players actually use this technique and it works for them brilliantly. 7.
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