Again, as a hundred other people have said in these comments: See Deadpool 2 instead. Any words on screen could have easily been blurred out. Yea At my shop, parents get scared to show their kids Deadpool comics. 2 years ago. How dirty they were able to be was pretty impressive. They would have to seriously lean into it, but if they played with a lot of the barriers and restrictions (For example, Deadpool going to swear and then remembering that he can't, or having a black bar beep like in Scott Pilgrim) they could make it really funny. ‘Once Upon a Deadpool’ was not perfect by any means, but it was way better than it should of been and it has me more excited for the future of Marvel and Deadpool now. I figured it was some kind of licensing dispute for the Celine Dion song, but then they played the song in full during the credits, so I have no idea what they were thinking with that one. Inhaltsangabe: Weihnachtsversion von „Deadpool 2“. If anything the movies are conservative in comparison. I want over the top movies. Eine kuriose Idee, die offenbar geklaut wurde - oder war das doch nur ein irrer Zufall? report. When I heard Deadpool 2 would have a PG-13 version, I was intrigued but scared. But I think it would have to be designed for that from the beginning for it to work. The only bleeps I recall hearing outside of Colossus saying "Fuck" at the end were during the Fred Savage parts. hide. Sorry for my writing style and thanks for reading! The problem is they couldn’t reshoot the stuff and they didn’t plan the fight scenes around a PG-13. Honestly. Honey Deadpool is probably one of the queerest characters in all of Marvel. Once Upon a Deadpool is the answer to the wishes of angry studio executives and parents of pre-teen children. good bye rated R Deadpool.....this was a test for Disney. One thing in particular that I was shocked to see right off the bat was that they cut out the 007 style intro from Deadpool 2. The latest version of Deadpool 2 has arrived on Blu-ray, DVD, and digital--the third cut we've seen of the movie yet. Once Upon a Deadpool marks the third version of Deadpool 2 that will be available for audiences, including the previously released theatrical version … A PG-13 Deadpool could honestly work _so_ well. One thing in particular that I was shocked to see right off the bat was that they cut out the 007 style intro from Deadpool 2. It was still a good film that was funny but it wasn’t “my” Deadpool and that's ok. 99% Upvoted. Should OF? Sort by. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. written by Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick, Ryan Reynolds, based on the comics by Rob Liefeld, Fabian Nicieza, Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson / Deadpool / Baby Legs, Julian Dennison as Russell Collins / Firefist, Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead, James McAvoy as Charles Xavier / Professor X, Evan Peters as Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver, Hugh Jackman as James Howlett / Logan / Wolverine. They also removed jokes that were totally ok like the mcrib joke and the prison wallet sound fx. They also played it VERY safe. They removed my favorite actions scenes, they removed the blood, they omitted the Logan joke and the cocaine joke (which they totally could of pushed for). November 2018, 11:28 Uhr Autor: Woon-Mo Sung. Es war einmal ein Deadpool ein Film von David Leitch mit Ryan Reynolds, Fred Savage. Deadpool in the Comics is WAAAAY worse. I hadn’t seen DEADPOOL 2 since the first week of its’ release last May. . ‘Once Upon a Deadpool’ was not perfect by any means, but it was way better than it should of been and it has me more excited for the future of Marvel and Deadpool now. I went back to watch the intro again and there really didn't seem to be anything overly bloody or violent in it. It wasn't a test. And it still hits all the funny parts as the R rated one. The problem with that is they wear off after and lose their impact after over-use. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Click here to see rankings for 2018 films, Click here to see rankings for every poll done. Once Upon a Deadpool is about whether an R-rated and a PG-13 Deadpool can coexist on the global theatrical stage. There's still plenty of scenes where I laughed a lot so that was a positive. It also wouldn’t be a disjointed film since they could film around the restrictions. Co-Starring with Spidey, sure make it PG-13. Demnächst kommen Kinogänger in den USA in den Genuss einer neuen, jugendfreien Version von "Deadpool 2" mit "Once upon a Deadpool". It’s not unusual for studios to occasionally rerelease big movies, particularly around the holidays or at other key moments where there’s the potential to reach new audiences or ask old ones to come out to revisit a movie they enjoyed the first time around. Yup. The Fred savage stuff is great but doesn't have enough of it. I think it just goes to show how far you can go with restrictions. You can remember it by should have sounds like should of, but it just isn't right.Have a nice day! Szene aus "Deadpool" Verleih. I think they would have much more blood and violence than ‘Once Upon a Deadpool’ offered. Any words on screen could have easily been blurred out. In fact, the jokes would have to rely on clever writing instead of the shock-value the movies seem to rely on. A subreddit for all things Deadpool! My mom was in Alaska when this came out originally and we went because it was an opportunity to experience the film in a theater together. It doesn't even make sense. The reason why Deadpool 2 is my favorite is because it was the most comic-accurate Deadpool in terms of Wade Wilson being human. But according to the BBFC website, Once Upon a Deadpool is… also rated 15 If you've seen the film, please rate it at this poll. [Spoilers] 38 comments. Like a lot more than they showed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, deadpool goes to north korea with captain america and wolverine. Deadpool), brings together a team of fellow mutant rogues to protect a young boy with supernatural … They seriously dropped the ball with the beginning of the movie. The beginning was rough yeah but I felt like the comedy was better because they couldn't depend on the shock value of hard expletives or dick jokes. All the jokes and crude humor is very creative and makes DP very silly and even more likeable, because the other heroes see him as a whack job rather than just edgy. I already mentioned being an idiot in the post and said i made an error in the title. I don't want Disney/Marvel getting the idea of a PG-13 Deadpool future, unless they are bringing him into that universe for a little role, but his movies need to be R rated. Well sort of. One thing “Once Upon a Deadpool” will forever make you remember is a certain comic book trope known as “fridging.” This refers to a female character, a girlfriend or spouse, getting killed off as a plot device to forward the main character’s actions and evolution. It also made the flaws of Deadpool 2 more evident. 3 Deadpool movies? Personally, I was extremely underwhelmed with the film. PG-13 movies can have blood. did it get PC exactly? The major beats of the story do not change, but the humor is greatly altered. It also made the flaws of Deadpool 2 more evident. This just came out in cinemas where I live and the Stan Lee tribute wasn't in the film at all? With Deadpool and Deadpool 2 being such impressive hits, most expected the newest Christmas version, Once Upon a Deadpool, to not be the best of the bunch. This also made me so happy, since it means that Deadpool isn’t about a rating, but it's the character and the jokes. Let's look at the bad of it first though. Although it has all of the Deadpool stuff intact without the language and all the blood, it's still the same. The second one just felt like more of the same. I have to reiterate to them that it’s not at bad (violent, profane) as the movies are. Once Upon A Deadpool is the combination of footage from original DP2, from the home video’s Super Duper Cut, and things you’d expect from a cable (ha!) Kommentieren . With Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Julian Dennison. I tried to find showtimes for this, and all I found was showtimes for Deadpool 2. Because the DP comics I’ve read have been very censored. Deadpool 2 is, even for those viewers (including this one) who don’t much like it, an improvement over its predecessor. EDIT: Sorry for the messed up grammar in the title. Deadpool 2 earned a 15 rating: stronger than the PG-13 equivalent 12A, but below the U.K’S most mature classification, 18. Well after watching ‘Once Upon a Deadpool’ (twice) I am really surprised with how much of the movie still worked. Veröffentlicht am: 23. In an attempt to milk this franchise dry before the Great Mouse takes control of everything, Deadpool must kidnap Fred Savage in order to give him a PG-13 cut of Deadpool 2 that maybe will prove how lovable and family friendly the Merc with the Mouth could be. Adds to the 4th wall breaking. I want his standalone to be R, but not only for the sake of shock value. Someone pointed that out on my other post which is why I added the edit. Like the one where Fred savage would f*** whatshisface. I just thought this version reminded me more of the of deadpool comics and wondered if others felt the same way. The other reason is that Deadpool 1 seemed like it was strictly for shock value while making deadpool more like the internets version of Deadpool. There is now a (somewhat) age-appropriate version of Deadpool 2 being released in theaters. The beginning was so choppy. This is the flaw I never noticed with Deadpool 2. It’s an amazingly awful, stupendously terrible theatrical experience that only Deadpool could pull off. Sharing from my experience of seeing it, I saw it as worthwhile. I do think the standalone would be better R, just for the sake of the action really. The film wasn’t as fresh in my mind, and the Savage critique of the film made it even better. jumping in two weeks later to remind you that this is still the dumbest thing you've said. It was a sweet tribute to Stan the man. best. But the very last end credit scenes are those of Stan Lee and it's all of his Deadpool takes and some interview footage that is touching. So, no, I would argue that this specific version of Deadpool 2 … New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Once Upon a Deadpool follows the same basic structure of Deadpool 2 and combines footage from the theatrical cut, as well as from the Super Duper Cut released on Blu-ray. I liked the added bits with Fred Savage, but that's about it. I went in expecting relax-o-vision style and came out, the heck, this was just deadpool 2 with added scenes? Some of the redone jokes were actually better in some cases too (though that is subjective) Overall it just felt more like Deadpool from the actual comics. share. If they toned down the violence, i think they did it pretty well, i did not noticed that. I know that I'm in the minority here, but I liked Once upon a DP better then DP2. Then there's Once Upon A Deadpool, a PG-13 edit of the film released theatrically during Christmas 2018. Not the same naturally. But what are the differences and is Once Upon a Deadpool … But I still need to watch the super duper cut. What scene was it after? Directed by David Leitch. Just finished watching it and honestly there's a ton of changes (some small, some not) throughout the whole thing. Once Upon a Deadpool wird aus Material von Deadpool 2 zusammengeschnitten, jedoch mit weit weniger Gewaltszenen und abgeschwächter Sprache. ONCE UPON A DEADPOOL is worth seeing, depending on when you last saw the original cut of DEADPOOL 2. Check out the official trailer for Once Upon A Deadpool starring Ryan Reynolds, Fred Savage, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Julian Dennison, Zazie Beetz, T.J. Miller, Brianna Hildebrand and Jack Kesy!Release Date: December 12, 2018Deadpool 2 is a 2018 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Deadpool, distributed by 20th Century Fox. Overall, I'd probably give this one a pass, watch the actual Deadpool 2 instead. They cut out a lot of extreme violence and swearing, which is to be expected, but it seems like they cut out entire giant chunks of the movie instead of throwing a few bleeps in and otherwise keeping the scenes. Deadpool acted and talked more like Deadpool from the comics. The rating wasn’t the main issue, it was the fact they had to work with pre-shot footage. level 1. Negatives were that the editing was pretty bad and it didn't leave as satisfied as Deadpool 2. Is this movie still available to watch anywhere? The lion’s share of Once Upon Deadpool is footage from Deadpool 2 that has been edited to meet PG-13 thresholds of violence and language.There’s also new footage in the form of a framing sequence that was conceived by Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds and writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. If you haven't seen the film but would like to see the result of the poll click here. At first glance, Once Upon a Deadpool, which comes out on Dec. 12, appears to be a toned down version of Deadpool 2 — and that's mostly what it is. Max Thoman, Freshman The movie franchise Deadpool has gained a lot of popularity due to it's funny and sometimes vulgar humor. That is why I did a little 'edit:' at the bottom of the post. The film omits most of Wade Wilson and Cable’s raunchily crude comments, and edits out every instance of the f-word. Then again Austin Powers is PG-13 and they are just as dirty (a bit more i think actually). Fred Savage insertions) are so we can skip to them if we've already seen Deadpool 2? This thread is archived . save. Opinions differ though. There are times where I laughed even though it wasn’t funny or well written, but because he dropped some f-bombs. I don’t expect them to make a character identical to the comics, since characters change and evolve with time. Once Upon a Deadpool is a PG-13 edit of #Deadpool2 with new sequences added featuring Fred Savage, a la The Princess Bride. Instead of this being the same movie with censoring and some added scenes, this is just a considerably shittier version of Deadpool 2. Once Upon a Deadpool – Marketing Recap Recapping Fox’s quick marketing campaign for ONCE UPON A DEADPOOL. The other point was to mention how different Deadpool varies from medium to medium and also different audiences. It'd be easier to just watch the movie. broadcast edition. He was more meta and his jokes weren’t reliant on swearing to be funny. Never have I seen Yogurt’s words realized with more brazen chutzpah than in Once Upon A Deadpool, a huckster’s gambit one can’t help but respect.
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