He sends the online players to steal from an unnamed group in the Dignity yacht, the Vagos, the Lost MC, the Ballas and the O'Neil Brothers. Also, he will not allow Jimmy to drink alcohol when hanging out with him. His relationship status on Lifeinvader also states 'Any hole's a goal'. He reduces Wade Hebert and Ron Jakowski to dependents and shows genuine interest and concern about Maude Eccles, Patricia Madrazo, Michael De Santa and his mother, and later Franklin Clinton and Lamar Davis. Trevor, after attempting to hold off the police, manages to escape through the snowy wilderness and believes that Bradley had been sent to a federal prison and Michael had died, with a funeral even taking place. Trevor is the least likely to change clothes automatically when switching characters, showing his little regard for hygiene or cleanliness. As Trevor flies back to San Andreas, he receives a phone call from Wei Cheng who threatens Trevor, claiming that he kidnapped Michael and that he will kill him if he does not surrender his business in Sandy Shores, mistaking Michael as Trevor's gay lover, due to the fact that they lived together in his trailer for a period of time while Madrazo was after them. Installation: In OpenIV go into Trevor manages to kill all the attackers, however this results in the Triads cancelling the potential deal with Trevor and choosing to do business with the rival O'Neil brothers gang, instead. In contrast with his heavily sociopathic behaviour, he has shown many times how needy he is for love and care. With his problems with Madrazo now taken care of, Trevor and Michael are once again able to safely enter Los Santos. Later on, he angrily smashes his head against a tree before crying uncontrollably. Trevor's Special skill lasts for 30 seconds when the Stat Bar for Special skill has been maxed out. Nationality Some characters also mention that he is an extremely untidy and messy person when it comes to clothes and hygiene. Trevor is shown to be disgusted by racism, misogyny, as well as self-righteous and hypocritical attitudes which he considers "fake". The selection of the protagonist's signature colors may also be a reflection of the character's personalities and/or their individual story arcs. 1.0. Around this point Trevor starts gaining customers such as Larry Tupper, Johnny Klebitz and members of The Lost Brotherhood, and members of the Varrios Los Aztecas. His father was a customer at a brothel that his mother had worked at in the 60s, and it is assumed his brother Ryan, came from the same situation. In early 2013 he begins to occasionally have sex with Ashley Butler, a Lost member and girlfriend of Johnny Klebitz, the former leader of the Lost Brotherhood. While having sex with Ashley, Trevor learns about the robbery of a jewelry store in Los Santos after a witness quotes a movie phrase that was a favourite of Michael Townley. which may prove he is still scared of clowns. It seems the altercation goes unexplained by Michael as Trevor doesn't state any reasoning behind it. Won't take an insult from anybody. In the European version of the game, when switching to Trevor he will sometimes be on top of a mountain wearing nothing but a dress. Trevor Philips He accompanies the pair on a minor drug deal at Grove Street set up by Lamar's "friend", Harold "Stretch" Joseph. Trevor is the first protagonist to willfully use chemical drugs in their respective game. Trevor hints on separate occasions that he is or was a serial killer. It is assumed he and Chef may have been cooking out of an RV or a smaller confined space before their business took off. He's strong enough to lift and throw people off ledges in several of his switch scenes. She will describe his penis as small, frayed with over use and special for him, making Trevor impressed that she guessed right. Trevor's associate got word from another man that he needed some hot cargo moved across the Canadian/American border. 1.0. Appearance(s) As the group drove to a location where a helicopter was due to wait for them, their driver was killed by the police and Michael was forced to take the wheel. He might also ask the clowns "Are there any more sex offenders out there!?" Then you get spun the other way. Trevor then continues to have an associate, who had formerly been hampering Trevor's gang, work against the Lost Brotherhood and others to re-establish some control of Blaine County. He also lacks his "CUT HERE" tattoo. Getting over the failed heist, Trevor continues to do jobs with Michael and Franklin, including robbing money from an armored car and helping to steal luxury vehicles for a billionaire named Devin Weston, the latter of which they are not paid for, greatly enraging them. It may have been this situation that leads to Trevor somewhat disliking him, as he states later in the game that he may have killed Brad himself at one point. Fuck you!" Cheng sends his son, Tao Cheng, to Blaine County along with a translator. Phone Number He later keeps Wade at the club, with a never ending string of lap dances, in an attempt to distract him after killing his cousin Floyd his fiancé Debra. However, a man of Michael Townley's age named "Michael De Santa" lives in Los Santos, has two children and is married to a woman named Amanda. Because of Michael's reluctance to talk about Brad and Trevor's suspicions about what actually happened in North Yankton and who was really buried in Michael's grave, Trevor flies back to North Yankton with Michael in pursuit. See more ideas about trevor philips, trevor, philips. Hijacking jet skis from a rapper's professional photo shoot, the trio escape via the river from the oncoming police. However, his texting in, While insulting pedestrians in the street, Trevor will sometimes state "Why hasn't someone sensible shot you yet?" He is voiced by Steven Ogg. When drunk with Franklin, Trevor talks about being lonely and asks Franklin to hold him. Michael insisted that they stick to the plan, and they began walking in search of the helicopter. Trevor's first job involved robbing a place that cashed checks, however, he was caught because the clerk turned out to be someone who knew him, resulting in him serving four months of a six-month sentence. While Trevor is shocked after hearing a familiar quote Michael said; he grabs a beer and walks out his trailer where he is confronted by Johnny for having sex with Ashley again. Game information An angry Trevor later kills all but three of the O'Neil brothers and destroys their farm. ThornhillMary-Ann Quinn, Black Hot Rod Blazer (gift)Red FaggioBlack FroggerBlack SpeedoMesa (stolen/rental)Sanchez (livery) (Destroyed)Player's choice. Wade, another friend, is equally scared of Trevor. This page was last modified on 12 May 2019, at 03:10. Trevor's death is ironic as he is killed in gasoline, a substance that he was heavily addicted too and most likely worsened his psychological problems. I said I'm lonely!". Trevor's childhood itself was an unhappy one. The two ended up gaining a crew, consisting of Lester Crest, a man named Moses and several other unnamed members, and the crew started pulling larger heists. Type Trevor's default outfit is a plain and dirty white V-neck, ripped up dirty blue jeans or sweat pants and a pair of brown boots. A few months prior to the events of Grand Theft Auto V, Ron contacts the Online Protagonist who has been ruining Trevor's businesses and other drug dealers, specifically after stealing an RV full of meth belonging to Trevor for Gerald. Lots of angst here, as it's Michael and Trevor. Unlike Michael and Franklin, at the social club overview page, Trevor's business card amusingly states ". Trevor recognizes his old partner's alias and decides to take a trip to Los Santos with Wade. The two leave without any further interaction with Trevor and later agree to work with the O'Neil Brothers. 2004 Trevor later helps the FIB and agents Norton, whom he recognises but can not place where he knows him from, and Steve Haines to torture Kerimov allowing Michael, with the information given by Kerimov relayed by Haines, to kill an Azerbaijani terrorist suspect. Mission 17 - Mr. Philips general information. After the job is done, Haines orders Trevor to kill Kerimov and dispose of his body before leaving. Michael; Hair; 4.83 3.085 54 Better M Face. It is at this point that Franklin can choose whether to kill Michael at Weston's request, kill Trevor at Haines' request, or spare them and team up with them both to kill all of their enemies. However, their relationship was particularly strained, due to Trevor's tendency to occasionally have sex with Johnny's girlfriend, Ashley Butler, much to Johnny's chagrin. The second vehicle enters, and an old man stumbles out, continuously yelling and waving his arms, pointing at Michael. Some time later, Trevor met Michael and bot… 3. He adds that, unlike the Civil Border Patrol; he will not give Trevor a single cent for helping him to stop the Civil Border Patrol. In the aftermath, as the team was pursued by law enforcement helicopters, he proved to be an able pilot under pressure. Ron, who is one of Trevor's friends and an unlikely one at that, is constantly terrified of him and frequently tries to appease Trevor whenever he can, especially if he is close to getting angry. Family That seemed like another side of the kind of GTA coin or the GTA world, but very rarely as the protagonist. After a stand-off at the grave, which Michael explains an agreement made between him and the FIB during the failed cash depot robbery nearly a decade prior, which was supposed to have Trevor killed instead of Brad, however, Brad walked in front of Trevor as he was supposed to be shot and took the bullet instead. Trevor meets a local man called Chef (possibly a nickname made by Trevor himself) who can cook methamphetamine, and puts him to the test by having Chef join him in robbing a Cash for Gold man. He showed certain interests in the "stag do running man" random encounter. Ron hastily corrects himself by asking about Trevor's business dealings in North Yankton "along the Canadian border", defusing a possible violent outburst from Trevor, thus showing his insecurity for being Canadian. and their meth business from Blaine County before they have a chance to exact revenge for Johnny's death. Trevor leaves but Michael is kidnapped by the Triads, who attempt to kidnap Trevor by killing Michael, believing them to be lovers, although Michael is later rescued by Franklin. Canadian Mrs. Philips (Mother)Unnamed fatherRyan Philips (Brother) Trevor states upon waking up from huffing gas that he actually hates it. Kind of fat, but strong underneath. Following the heist, Trevor receives a call from Elwood O'Neil, who threatens to kill Trevor for killing his brothers and destroying the O'Neil family ranch in Sandy Shores. According to himself, he was dead for five minutes after putting an axe into a power cable. After the botched robbery Trevor became the subject of a nationwide manhunt, traveling across America, committing crimes spanning over fifteen different states for the next eight years, and at some point before 2011 Trevor had ended up in a trailer in Sandy Shores, Blaine County in Southern San Andreas. After gloating and taunting Devin over his defeat and their victory against him, The three protagonists push Devin's car, with Devin locked inside the trunk, over the cliff's edge and into the sea, where the car promptly explodes, killing Devin. This was most likely done so that players could remove/replace the tattoo once Trevor discovered that Michael was still alive, and after Trevor found out about. While active, Trevor can take an excessive amount of damage without dying as well as a special melee attack that he can perform. They were all clad in tattoos and grungy clothing, but what was most noticeable was the face paint and the assorted Insane Clown Posse-themed accessories they wore. Despite disliking the word "motherfucker", he uses it on numerous occasions in GTA V. Trevor states in a conversation with Franklin, he isn't actually sure if his first father is his biological one. This implies that as a child Trevor was sexually assaulted by a clown when he was young thus causing his fear of clowns. While in the plane, the flare had still been burning in the mans head, and Trevor states the Beagle never smelt the same again. Also, in some screenshots, during the second Grand Theft Auto V trailer and wearing his default outfit, he is seen wearing a calculator watch on his left wrist. Trevor has been described as a difficult person to deal with: extreme, impetuous, vengeful, psychopathic, unhinged, unpredictable, untamed, infamous, homicidal, and prone to violent outbursts and destructive rampages. Later in the mission "Casino - Strong Arm Tactics", when driving Tao and his translator to the Pacific Bluffs Country Club to meet up with Agatha Baker, Tao says "I almost got killed at this country club once already. In the Merryweather Heist, he gets angry quickly when his score is compromised. Lester lures Haines' corrupt FIB allies and Weston's private Merryweather battalion to a foundry where the three protagonists plan to ambush and kill all of them, stripping both Haines and Weston of their brute force power. He is voiced by Steven Ogg. Where?!" Victims including hitchhikers and the homeless. Trevor stays at the lighthouse and waits for the contact to arrive. What about the opposite guy? Michael's dragged out on a rage-induced heist by none other than Trevor Phillips (as per usual). Daisy Bell - Murdered (implied only) in the quarry when she stopped at Sandy Shores to buy drugs with Wade and Kush-Chronic. The friends were taken to Davis Quartz Quarry and are killed by Trevor in an act to keep Wade with him, possibly seeing he was weak and controllable. This is a list of all crimes committed by Trevor in GTA Online and during the main storyline of GTA V, as well as crimes that the player may commit while playing as Trevor. Trevor, angry at not getting anything from the heist, is forced to ambush a Securicar carrying IAA bonds for the FIB and then begins to work with Devin Weston, stealing two sports cars with Michael and Franklin, and then helping Franklin to steal a Z-Type owned by Chad Mulligan. When saving the game as Trevor, the game skips ahead 12 hours. Trevor; Skin; Hår; 5.0 11313 124 Better T Face, beards & hairs. members, they will immediately turn hostile towards him. In the mission I Fought The Law, Trevor touches the private parts of one of the guys as he's dressed as a police man. Trevor, after killing more Lost Brotherhood gang members and destroying their camp, drives to Los Santos with Wade to an apartment that Wade's cousin Floyd lives in. Despite being scared of clowns, Trevor can get a large tattoo of a clown on his torso with some text reading "Sleep Tight!". In news reports: Merle Abrahams | Gene Admanson | Eric Ainsworth | Jose Arnandez | Daryl Bint | Betty Cummings | Sean Douglas | Richard Eggers | Leonard Etcher | Jeb Evans | Adam Feinstein | Trip Hammer | Gordon Henderson | Tyler Hughes | Jack Ingram | Lucinda Jacob | Tim Kenner | Brucie Kibbutz | Gary Lane | Frank Mathers | John Matros | Foster Matthews | Jude Melon | Lars Mitchell | Shanice Mulligan | Heather Polinsky | Ira Richards | Agent Rivera | Danny Rivero | Rob | Robert | Rocky Danger | Tim Sheperd | Jade Sparkle | Shadeen Swanson | Tommy Tamons | William Veranzic | Lee Whitless | Carl Wilkins | Delissa Wilkins | Timothy Wilkins He leaves his trailer and is confronted by Johnny about his sexual relationship with Ashley. Trevor is the only protagonist not to be involved in all of the. In order to do so, they survey the depository for any possible escape routes. What about the guy who just says âfuck offâ every moment, is relentless, doesn't want to stop taking drugs, doesn't want to stop partying, doesn't want to be told 'no' by anyone, and just completely revels in chaos? The Social Club GTAV website features highly-detailed and up-to-the-minute performance tracking to keep a record of your criminal exploits with rich personal stats for missions, heists, weapons, vehicles, mini-games, sports, finances, and achievements. This is in contrast to Michael and Franklin, when following them as controlling another protagonist, Michael or Franklin (depends on who is being followed) will punch whoever is being controlled.
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