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Your story with your Sarah grabbed me immediately and hasn’t let go. Wow.. what a year it’s been.. you have created some incredible material in the most difficult of circumstances.. Kudos to you and love to your family Tim x. A scene from the film Upright, which was co-written by Tim Minchin. Unless you have blue sharpie blood). Endless points of appreciation. Cause a story told must never be left unfinished!!! If you click “Agree and Continue” below, you acknowledge that your cookie choices in those tools will be respected and that you otherwise agree to the use of cookies on NPR’s sites. The age old ‘negatives’ which apparently creatives need…. I can also see though that through adversity you and your wonderful family have grasped a rare opportunity to work together and create this amazing video of a smashing song.. You are drip feeding us your album.. it’s frustrating the fucking hell out of me but I’m loving it too. Airport Piano is a banger of a song most bodily effecting with earphones and often my eyes closed expressly to be inside the music. The closeness with your family reminds me of my own. Here’s an infrequent blog. With Tim Minchin, Milly Alcock, Heather Mitchell, Ella Scott Lynch. Roll over Elton, I wanna make you my bitch. And…I’m so very very sorry that your mum is sick. Tim, love the arty music and the reason and purpose, just brilliant. love reading your contributions to this blog. Thank you. Can we expect a film about trucking the Piano to Sydney? I just wanted to add my voice to theirs. Big love to you and your family xx, Thank you so much for sharing this saga with us. I am new to your amazing works and watched one of your concerts today. Tim Minchin Airport Piano Lyrics: I wrote this song on an airport piano I was the guy disturbing your journey from security To gate twenty-three A Maybe you not Search songs, albums or artists Toggle navigation Masterpiece doesn’t even begin to describe it, and it’s so well complemented by the creative music video – so this was a really interesting read! I also often quote my mentor/director/friend Matthew Warchus (who was perhaps quoting someone else) who told me, back in Stratford-Upon-Avon in 2010 when I was anxious about whether Matilda was ready to open, that “any piece of art is just an artifact of the work you did in the time you had”. Firstly- fucking awesome song. Wish we could do something in return – other than enable your affirmation addiction! But I’ll tell you more about that in a month! SKU 121276. But that’s exactly what they did. Thank you, Tim, for making such a difference, using your superpowers to invert perpetual frowns and unfurrow brows. You seem to have a really warm relationship with your children, your fkn awesome dude. Updated May 2020 Tim Minchin is an Australian composer/lyricist, musician, comedian, actor, writer, producer and director. Guy had the idea that we should do some sort of piano-painting art project, then sell it for charity, and the music vid would kinda document that process. Your flights gotta go when your flights gotta go. This project is amazing on so many levels and the final piece is stunning. I will tell you more when I’ve found out more ways you can watch it.) Here you’re able to bare so much of yourself, the track be complex yet simple and your innards be all over it (metaphorically obvs.. 23 07 2018 - Media release Tim Minchin to star in new series Upright. Sending love and light to you and your family, esp your Mum. Thirdly, what a year. why are you shipping the piano to Sydney? I’ve had the absolute pleasure of experiencing the ‘the awesome’ Murray, in Kenya as he did filming for my school and orphanage, showing compassion for those whose lives differ from ours .. just brilliant! “Airport Piano” is available for purchase and stream on all platforms now. A couple of months ago, our gorgeous mum, who is only 71 and very healthy, and who loves her family with a sort of nuclear fury and is widely and furiously loved in return, was diagnosed with a particularly nasty blood cancer. Can’t wait for the album release! The vortex Thank you for sharing your journey, your thoughts, your fears and your talent with us. Freaky days of uncertainty. The observation I’ve always loved your music, but this song in particular blew me away. The build Will I be able to get it here in the states? I know I shouldn’t be greedy because it’s less than a year since I saw you in Manchester but if you should happen to feel the urge to tour again…, I could gush and blah blah all day about how much you’ve helped me this month (I now realise why calling myself an atheist never felt like enough – I’m a humanist, yay!) Stay Calm, Keep Creating. You now have a huge fan in Portland OR. Uncovering each layer you create brings something new. I’ve even managed to stream The Secret River (not easy to find in the UK). I’m so sorry to hear about your Mum and that you have to go back to Sydney today. It’s on my bucket list…. Then a plug for “Upright” showed up on FB, I made the connection, listened to probably all of your published work, and we watched “Upright” as a family (except for one episode ;). Seems like it could make a good, if unoriginal, story? What a skilled family you are. Wishing you and your family strength and peace as you move through this tough time. I constantly question my own art (music) and have put off actually putting pen to paper. An incredible piece of insightful observation….a fantastic video…..and a crackin’ tune to boot. Nothing is superfluous. Thank you. Nice one, too, and I couldn’t resist plucking out a horrible rendition of Morning Has Broken. SIMON: Tim Minchin stars in and is part of the creative team of "Upright," now on Sundance Now. Thank you Tim. 4 talking about this. Foxtel, Sky UK, Screen Australia and Lingo Pictures today announced production of a landmark new series Upright, starring musician, comedian, actor and writer Tim Minchin.. Sending mucn love x. It’s not curable, so trialing many different treatments which is taking its toll. Love your work, but this is my favorite thing so far. Could it be that this lovely idea has been looping around in your brilliant noodle for 15 years (or, more likely, longer)? Which, typical of this shit year, is also the day I have to get on a plane and fly away from my folks. It’s called Firestarter and it premiers next month, and will be playing at festivals all around the country. What a fantastic song and such a creative video, born out of ‘circumstances’. I feel it- I’m 24 and have a golfball tumour growing in my fibula- I’ve been waiting about a month now to find out if its malignant and or benign. I love all that you do and the reasons that you do it. Aside from the laughs and making me think deep over the years, your songs have REALLY helped me grieve, first for my Marc back in 2014 (I’d more recently listened to a since vanished naughty recording on YouTube video of Absence of You when it was “one of those days” on repeat for hours, better out than in I figure.) Some for quenching a thirst and some to remain where they lay. I tend to say it about artists, but I guess it works for humans in general. Years ago I was wandering around the bottom bowels of a train station in Indianapolis, IN and came across an upright. I knew you were having a tough go of it and was very sorry to read about your mother. Only time in my life I’ve wished for 50k, but hopefully someone will come along and give you twice that much to own this wonderfully consecrated piece of art. Humans rock. I’m so glad you managed to get into Perth and spend time with your family and especially your Mum, keep safe and healthy back in Sydney bc the world needs creative, smart souls like you – even if it’s all “meaningless” in the end. Can’t wait to hear your album in its entirety. His reasoning for combining the disciplines of music and comedy was revealed in one interview when he said: "I'm a good musician for a comedian and I'm a good comedian for a musician but if I had to do any of them in isolation I dunno." I am so sorry for you guys and sending you love. Looking forward to the new album! Tim Minchin has released a new music video for his song Airport Piano. Love, wishes and that funny scrunched up feeling I don’t have a word for projecting half way across the world to you x. Created by Leon Ford, Kate Mulvany, Chris Taylor. And yeah, so there's a real sense of, oh, God, I've got to shoulder that, as well, now. Always the teasing… At least now I can do it with a truly funky earworm and some new onesie dance moves :) Stay well and I hope your mom beats this, again, so sorry you all are going through this, 2020, the year of the shit pile. He attended Christ Church Grammar School, The University of Western Australia (Bachelor of Arts) and The WA Academy of Performing Arts (Advanced Diploma of Contemporary Music). The first thing that hits me reading your blog post is that old phrase of how “life imitates art” … my goodness, you must have been freaked out in more ways than one by the parallels of your own life and that of Lucky in your masterpiece Upright. Loved your video. This time, it was a massive production at an amazing Perth venue with a cast of 18 and a crew of 45. Tim Minchin’s “Airport Piano” is out now, with its official video premiering on YouTube at 5:30pm AEST. The humour I’m sorry to hear about your Mum. Love, xxx Carollyne. Am writing it by way of diarizing this weird little moment in time, and because I know a lot of you followed the progress of this project on socials. Darn! Love hearing how your family is close and supporting to each other! I enjoy everything you put out, I find encouragement from your energy. Will send the link to my parents so my mum can show my dad. You got me on this. Meanwhile, I put out the call for a free (or very cheap) piano, but as I did so, I realized that I wanted it to be a pretty good instrument. "My family spent a couple of weeks in quarantine and the house we were staying in … It’s told through the comedy and tragedy of his forthcoming album Apart Together . In all honesty I came here in search of a possible story about you being trapped in a airport for hours writing a song and now I’ve gotten distracted and developed a deep interest in your family… So that’s creepy… I’ma go back to looking for funny songs now. Really. And then to turn all of that into this amazing video. She’s actually stabilized and is doing great at the moment, but when she was diagnosed, shit went very bad very quickly, and my two sisters and I (the Sydney-based siblings) and our families scrambled to apply for travel exemptions so we could fly home to Perth to see her. I’m probably not wording all of that right but yes, the way to live life is definitely to adapt to whatever the world throws at you and put a part of whatever you are feeling into what you ultimately and defiantly spit back out! Learn how your comment data is processed. In a dramatic twist of fate, his path collides with teenage runaway Meg, who has some secrets of her own. I totally second everything LollyPollyish said. Thanks for sharing this Tim! Please write a book! So grateful to have “discovered” you this year. ‘Airport Piano’, the 4th single from Tim’s forthcoming studio album Apart Together is out now.. Tim: “Airport Piano is almost definitely the funkiest tribute to midlife crises and the emptiness of acquisition ever recorded in the antipodes.It walks the line between extremely cool and extremely uncool with barely a teeter.” Ostensibly, Minchin is in Perth to film a music video for ‘Airport Piano’, the most recent single from ‘Apart Together’, in which he trashes the titular instrument with a sharpie. Rachel Jacobson on 27th of September 2020, Kerry (@bintkeziah) on 25th of September 2020. Two misfits, thrown together by chance in the middle of the Australian desert, forge bonds in a quest to transport a precious piano from one side of the country to the other. I’ve been slowly working on a bucket list, at the top is getting a travel van, so I can get to remote towns and introduce art to anyone who is interested, hands on of course i.e. I wrote some songs when 16, that left my parents a little unimpressed. WA comedian, writer and acting extraordinaire Tim Minchin is in need of a piano — pronto. Then just in early July I lost my Mum *fk cancer, and everything in Upright felt even more real, and Carry You will be the timestamp whenever I hear it from now on. I think that’s what makes it absolutely, genuinely amazing, quirky, humourous and yet so sad. and adding even more layers to an already fantastic video. I thought I might get a whiteboard marker and write on it during the show. It was upbeat with just the right amount of silliness and I really needed that. Legends. Really sorry to read of your mum’s diagnosis. This video is fun silly and just goes to show that with the right people, no set of adverse circumstances is enough to keep you from making something awesome. Thanks Tim. Tim Minchin sure has skills with the piano...All rights to Tim MinchinWatch the best moments from musical-based comedians. I hope to hear the same for your mum ❤️, I’ve been waiting for this all week after reading your updates, and it definitely didn’t disappoint. The hidden layers unfold with each watch / listen. Massive respect to Nel and Guy. Dang, keep it up, and the amazing attitude. Hi all. It was so new, it came in a box. (Digression: the feature doc that she and Wayne Blair have made about Bangarra Dance Theatre is absolutely spectacular and heart-breaking and beautiful. Sorry, there’s no edit button for my previous message, about the CD being available in the US, I just pre-ordered the album from this site, so no worries then! Upright is … We had begun to plan the shoot in a studio, with proper crew and lights and all the stuff. Your quote about a final product being an artifact of the art you’ve done resonates with me as an artist and I’m going to remember that. Your work continues to surprise & delight and I look forward to many more sublimely satisfying hours of listening. Brilliant – thank you. Love the way your mind works and the creative energy used to express it. Which brings me to the video for “Airport Piano”, the 4th single from my album, being released today! Thinking of you today, as you head back to Sydney xx. Tim Minchin has released a new single, ‘Airport Piano’, the fourth cut from his forthcoming studio album, ‘Apart Together’.. Secondly, thanks for the quotable content, ‘the work that you did in the time that you had… with the collaborators you were allowed to have contact with’ provides the perfect perspective for this year’s creative journey for my family. I’m glad you got to document this bit of your life in Perth with your family on Airport Piano. This song is pure gold, Tim. Download Tim Minchin When I Grow Up (From 'Matilda The Musical') sheet music and printable PDF music notes. Love the new video. Hello Dear Man. Stumbling upon your work has been a silver lining of quarantine for me (and my family!). Airport piano was such a great comedic with newer vibes song! Esp at a time you no doubt have moments where you need to be carried too.

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