I've tried getting into Blut aus Nord, but the discography is fucking massive, and I'm an impatient fuck. And he didn't lie, but still this time it's more of a reintroduction of a well-recognized sound, than bringing an absolutely new one. ONLY FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSE, IF YOU LIKE IT, BUY THE ALBUM! Hi Vindsval. Through its reach history BAN has dealt with atmospheric black metal, industrial and progressive black metal (majorly a mix of those), and other musical styles. "Hallucinogen" becomes more, than just an interesting work, because it is truly meditative and gorgeous. ONLY FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSE, IF YOU LIKE IT, BUY THE ALBUM!! I am a massive fan. Q: The Blut Aus Nord Facebook page links to a large amount of very varied music coined "Echoes”. There were examples of more viscous, enshrouding and mesmerizing sound. A peculiar thing however, it seems to me lately that he has been revisiting familiar grounds with a fresh pair of eyes (ears? They manage to do just that by bringing forth different types of dynamics and emotions and not recycling staff that are already used. Forum Index » Marketplace » Selling and Buying Board. Both being very different on an Artistic plan. Mastered at Upload Studio. Will eagerly await this one. Half the fun with a new BAN record is learning what styles he infused and where he treads new ground while revamping styles he already did. A better version would be "Blut aus dem Norden". Comes with a slipcase, 2-page insert and download card. There's no such thing on "Hallucinogen", as with distancing the vocals the music is aimed to focus on the beauty of the melodies, on the psychedelia. Delightfull discography, a band that worth to listen. It is a welcome return to the rich vein of true black metal they have been mining on and off for a couple of decades now. Slipcase Gatefold 2x12" LP Hallucinogen begins a new era for BLUT AUS NORD as they move skyward into freshly melodic territories of progressive clarity. It has already been proclaimed that Blut Aus Nord will most likely continue in a progressive melodic black metal vein and I suppose that Vindsval already knows how to go about it. Author Message Previous topic | Next topic; Blackend Metal newbie. "Hallucinogen" is holistic, it brings similar moods on every composition. Be in no doubt that this is a record firmly rooted in black metal tradition. Chorea Macchabeorum 3. Blut Aus Nord have always proven that don’t like or intend to become stagnate, but always want to enhance and develop their music approach. Jun 12, 2013 - Blut aus Nord - Avante Garde/Industrial/Black/Atospheric/Goth Metal band from France. Through its reach history BAN has dealt with atmospheric black metal, industrial and progressive black metal (majorly a mix of those), and other musical styles. Blut Aus Nord have opened a door with Hallucinogen and I reckon it will lead them down (or in this case up) a wondrous path. Am I to assume that these are some of your favorite musicians? By Dear Hollow on November 2, 2020 in Reviews, Black Metal, Post-Hardcore, 11 comments “Déluge is a French black metal/post-hardcore quintet, a demo and debut full-length Æther under their belt since their 2013 formation. Putting the vocals to the background makes a feel, as if "Hallucinogen" is an instrumental album. Hallucinogen is not a full-on psychedelic trip like the name would suggest, instead this album offers glimpses of plains outside of our mortal understanding via the medium of hypnotic riffing, glistening melodic leads and transcendental choral voices. At its core Hallucinogen is a seminal melodic black metal record a la Saturnian Poetry but composed with the mindset of the man that gave us the revered 777 trilogy a while back. Ex tenebrae lucis 10. Feld on drums and keyboards and featured Ogat on … Diskuze o kapelách, muzikantech, metalové subkultuře, akcích a další! Obwohl sich Vindsval, bekannterweise Kopf hinter der Band, eine menge Zeit gelassen hat, um die folgenden Fragen zu beantworten, stellt er sich als reflektierter und doch redseeliger Mensch heraus, […] Přijď si podiskutovat o metalové a rockové muzice na největší CZ/SK fórum svého druhu. The drums are pummeling with constant rolls of kick drums flowing through most of the songs. We are extremely proud to present "Codex Obscura Nomina", the highly anticipated split album between two of the best avant-garde extreme Metal bands of our time ! With one and a half year's delay - taken from Blut aus Nord's Facebook account: Interesting. We don’t need to belong to a specific category of people to exist. Blut aus Nord - 777 - The Desanctification - Encyclopaedia Metallum. Saved from metal-archives.com. Both being very different on an Artistic plan. Man, that album description was super pretentious. The circle is closed. But of course Vindsval is going to do his thing no matter what and so he does, distilling the cold tremolo picked dizzying riffs of Odinist into the melodic progressions of this record, resulting in some twisted moments that border between exaltation and psychosis. It is based on the same type of atmospheric black metal, a clean, melodic and meditative one. Indeed, the iconic creators of hallucinogenic universe(s), Blut Aus Nord, and the intouchable gods of Horror Death Metal Ævangelist, have joined sinister forces to create an incredible collection of horrendous noises. "Hallucinogen" is even more melodic, which is established by the respective approach of the lead guitars. 2017’s ‘Deus Salutis Meæ’ harked back to the industrial trappings of 'The Work Which Transforms God' and whilst enjoyable it lacked imagination and seemed a less dynamic record than other offerings. An interesting thing about "Hallucinogen" is the fact, that the vocals play a completely secondary role. I'm curious about what will justify the use of a different name. The upcoming split with Aevangelist should be sweet as well! The Blut Aus Nord discography spreads like a vast oak tree with different styles branching off from the 2nd wave black metal beginnings. It's not as if Vindsval hadn't already proven that he detests repeating himself after all, which is great if you're a listener of his work since you can never know what to expect. And us lucky listeners get front row seats to behold the riches borne of this effort and bask in their reflected glory. Revelatio 8. ἡσυχασμός 9. We are less than two months away from yet another melodic black metal album under the Forhist moniker (even more allusions to Saturnian Poetry), The Meditant being rumored to undertake the task of continuing the Memoria Vetusta series and of course Yerûšelem that has already given us a stellar industrial, coldwave album in the vein of Thematic Emanations of Archetypal Multiplicity. It is possible that the band actually intended for it to mean "Blood of the North" ("Sang du Nord" in French, "Blut des Nordens" in German). Metal is not a higher form of music. Ihr neuestes Album "MoRT" steht irgendwo zwischen Genie und Wahnsinn und spaltet dementsprechend die Gemüter wie fast keine andere Band! Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives Message board FAQ Search Register Login Blut aus Nord - 777 Sect(s) Forum Index » Music Talk » Metal Discussion. "Memoria Vetusta" albums didn't have this quality in such amounts. Might be one of the most important BM bands right now expanding the sound of the genre. Contemporary Art. And yet answering is not as a taxing task as you might imagine. I love all of Blut Aus Nord's stuff, but prefer their weirder stuff over their more straightforward black metal, BLUT AUS NORD - Spectral Subsonic Waves (The Sound Is An Organic Matter), Definitely looking forwards to new music, but why do bands in 2016 still feel the need to go for the 'My First Windows ClipArt' look on their album artwork ?! That is super cringey. The denouement. Majorly that is a choir-like type of clean vocals, which was common for "Memoria Vetusta", but there also are smaller amounts of screaming. Sometimes there were more electronica influences. ), producing albums that are more akin to the unmistakeable Blut Aus Nord sound while refining his craft obsessively. Its music is based on black metal, but it doesn't sound aggressive. While the split with AEVANGELIST is soon to hit the Earth, French creators of hallucinogenic sonic landscapes, BLUT AUS NORD, are working on two different albums scheduled for next year : "Memoria Vetusta - Empyreus" and "La Lumière Sous Le Monde". Forum Index » Music Talk » Metal Discussion, Users browsing this forum: LithoJazzoSphere and 24 guests, Super early, but I kinda hope it's another. Postmodern Art. Art. Guess this can serve to remind me I need to get going on finally listening to. It should also come as no surprise that this album is their most guitar-driven record since.. well, Saturnian Poetry. Much more conspicuous are the clean choral vocals and synth lines which are a neat complement to the music and add an ethereal edge to this already spacey mix. Vindsval, the vocalist and guitarist, made the following statement: Blut Aus Nord is an artistic concept. I like how he bends the strings (I'm no guitar player, but that's what it sounds like to me) as part of the riffs. Cool news. Vindsval seems to be splitting the musical paths he's interested in exploring into different projects. Author Message Previous topic | Next topic; Katharoch Mallcore Kid. Geschichte. 12" $20.99 . The clean vocals on "Memoria Vetusta" were creating an epic atmosphere. Hallucinogen is still a surprise for the listener, don't get me wrong here, but it achieves that through different means than what we have been used to. BaN is the primary vision of one man (Vindsval) and some of the albums have been solo efforts, however, I’ve always thought the albums where he brings other people into the mix have a bit more about them. Forum Index » Music Talk » Metal Discussion. I'm one of BAN's biggest fans so my opinion is a little biased lol but nevertheless I'm always open to bands with that similar atmosphere. When all is said and done BaN have produced an album that stands proudly alongside some of their career highpoints. The suggested thematics probably could make a lot of listeners wait for more delirious and weird stuff, but this album eventually brings the other type of psychedelia. (...it's a bit like a 25 year old standing outside his closet yelling "Fuck you Bogeyman! Going to shit myself in anticipation for the next. In the grand scheme I wouldn't be quick to dub Hallucinogen a psychedelic black metal record despite the fact that it is undeniably both psychedelic and black metal. As mentioned, Vindsval sure knows how to write good stuff. Deus Salutis Meae. Abisme 7. Or let's remember "Codex Obscura Nomina" split, where BAN's music was utterly delirious. The rhythm guitar and bass balance all of this out with solid black metal riffing that frequently bites through. The album possesses a charming melodicism. )", It's funny that in this thread, people are talking about how much they like/prefer the weird albums because when. Anyway it doesn't take much effort to figure out a programmed has been used on this one, as for almost ever BAN's album. Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives, https://golgothanremains.bandcamp.com/a ... o-the-void, https://www.facebook.com/debemurmorti/photos/a.169920163060312.48446.158207917564870/1114864365232549/?type=3, http://www.debemur-morti.com/en/blut-au ... ck-cd.html, https://uk.gofundme.com/f/save-wildlife-wood?qid=0bc2d68dcb10b31e5b0b9b604d4d109c, https://www.facebook.com/blutausnord.official/posts/1675331302730787, https://www.facebook.com/Vindsval.official/posts/1965681243695790. Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives Message board FAQ Search Register Login Need help finding a Large version of Blut Aus Nord's logo . The band even dispensed with the contemplative outros they so often use, with final track Cosma Procyiris lulling the listener with such a coda before kicking back into a stomping 3/4-time riff that rounds the album out on a propulsive high. Blut Aus Nord. For example, the "777" trilogy. Encyclopaedia Metallum - Blut aus Nord im a huge fan of the first three albums (their norse mythology type stuff) but i sorta los And Hallucinogen can be certainly considered the first installment of this new era for the group as it has it all: imaginative melodies, stringent songwriting ideas, bouncy drums (an audible bass for once!) 1994 wurde die Band in Blut aus Nord umbenannt, um eine Verwechslung mit der The-Black-Legions-Band Vlad Tepes auszuschließen.Im selben Jahr kam W.D.Feld als Schlagzeuger hinzu, dennoch ist auf den Veröffentlichungen stets ein Drumcomputer zu hören. Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2008 9:43 pm Posts: 212 Location: United States Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:35 pm . Author Message Previous topic | Next topic; LifeSpellAlpha Mallcore Kid. Blut Aus Nord was originally formed as Vlad (10) in France in 1993 as a solo project lead by Vindsval.After two demos, In The Mist in 1993 and Yggdrasil in 1994, the name was changed to Blut Aus Nord. Forum Index » Music Talk » Metal Discussion. and ample room for experimentation, albeit in future releases. Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives Message board FAQ Search Register Login Blut Aus Nord working on a new album. However, there are more of progressive metal influences. Die Band wurde 1993 unter dem Namen Vlad von Vindsval gegründet, er veröffentlichte die Demos In the Mist und Yggdrasil. No. They sound far from the background. I love The Mystical Beast, The Work Which... and the 777 trilogy. I would guess this is a way for Vindsval to work with different musicians without including them into the main band's lineup. Blut aus Nord discography (main) The Work Which Transforms God (2003) Odinist - The Destruction of Reason by Illumination (2007) > Blut aus Nord discography (all) Thematic Emanation of Archetypal Multiplicity (2005) Odinist - The Destruction of Reason by Illumination (2007) > The bluesy, hard rocking sensibilities of Nomos Nebuleam and Haallucinählia give the record a retro vibe (without allowing it to sound regressive) while the entire album is drenched in true Dionysian spirit as it is evident by the maddening guitar lines that intertwine with each other. This includes the Memoria Vetusta albums and this latest release, all of which sound much richer, with live drums bolstering the sound considerably. Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives Message board FAQ Search Register Login Search: Blut aus Nord Sect Shirt. Contemplative acoustic element breakup some of the tracks, allowing space for the compositions to breathe before forging onward again to the next part of the trip. However, there are noticeable differences from that kind of sound. Aug 11, 2012 - Blut Aus Nord - 777 - The Desanctification (2011) Explore. Apostasis 6. Read: The Mystical Hymns of the Sky: 81%: psychoticnicholai: June 21st, 2017: Read: Natural and fucking gorgeous. The calm after the storm (but, still, disquiet interrupts the serenity); when the floods have washed away the debris. Yea definitely not on the same level as Blut Aus Nord but interesting in their own right. 87%: ConorFynes: February 13th, 2017: Read: back up the fun bus just a bit Prior to the release of "Hallucinogen" the project's leader Vindsval announced, that there would be something new yet again. What can one say really? Here's me hoping that reason is a different sound, because Deus Salutis Meæ was very, very boring. Top Deus Salutis Meae by Blut Aus Nord, released 27 October 2017 1. δημιουργός 2. Wieso BLUT AUS NORD, gerade nach grenzdebilen Bastarden wie "MoRT", plötzlich wieder auf alten Pfaden wandern soll im Folgenden geklärt werden. The corresponding moods indeed can be noticed on "Hallucinogen" due to the fascinating lead guitars, but it's fair to say, that some of BAN's industrialized stuff was more convincing with the psychedelic touch. Impius 4. γνῶσις 5. Don't even care what style we get on this one. So, probably it's better to say, that on "Hallucinogen" Blut Aus Nord presents psychedelia from the other angle. Sometimes there was such stuff, that was difficult to be classified. Sometimes there was such stuff, that was difficult to be classified. ONLY FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSE, IF YOU LIKE IT, BUY THE ALBUM!! The star of this show is definitely the lead guitar work, with Vindsval filling track after track with beautiful melodies aimed straight at the heavens. Seit unserer letzten Konversation sind bereits ganze drei […] Recording information: Recorded and mixed at Earthsound Studio. You cannot post new topics in this forum You cannot reply to topics in this forum You cannot edit your posts in this forum You cannot delete your posts in this forum While Blut Aus Nord had already begun prototyping a heavy, post-apocalyptic, wall-of-sound variety of black metal in 2001 with the Mystical Beast of Rebellion, they decided to go all out and fully realize this sound with 2003's The Work Which Transforms God. Sometimes there were more electronica influences. Not much more, really. So it comes as a natural question: What is left for Blut Aus Nord when all these projects take off with a string of releases in the near future? First and foremost the Memoria Vetusta series spirit permeates this record from the first second all the way to the very end. It has other purpose though: to hypnotize. "Hallucinogen" is a quite hypnotizing piece of music, but not a frantic one. "Hallucinogen" is very similar to "Memoria Vetusta" trilogy. Blut aus Nord discography (main) Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age (1996) The Work Which Transforms God (2003) > Blut aus Nord discography (all) Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age (1996) The Work Which Transforms God (2003) > Déluge – Ægo Templo Review. Blut Aus Nord is a one of the most diverse projects related to black metal. Identifiers: Matrix / Runout: DADC AUSTRIA A0100178261-0101 14 A0 Mastering SID Code: IFPI L554 But do not let these progressive references fool you. So I guess you guys actually like the non-MV albums better, huh? Vindsval: Yes, it is a way to share with the people who come to this page, who are interested in the work of BLUT AUS NORD. Blut Aus Nord. I do dig "The work which transforms God". And who knows, maybe an opportunity to play live as well? I've been listening to Blut Aus Nord since Ultima Thulée was released back in 1995 and there was no W.D. I hope I'll able to listen Blut Aus Nord stuff again, cause I never get it. BLUT AUS NORD scheiden die Geister. Void gives me that "factory" feeling a little more than BAN, where BAN is better at emulating that chaotic apocalyptic feel. This should likely be closer to BAN's cold, mechanical side of things--I'm thinking something along the lines of, Hating ICP fans is a form of classist snobbery. Most likely will buy. who likes this band? Feld back then and he's not mentioned at all in the original CD version: there's only Vinsvald and another bass player. Blut Aus Nord is a one of the most diverse projects related to black metal. The thematics of the album is obviously linked with psychedelia. Pressed on neon violet / white merge heavy vinyl with laser engraved etching on side D. Hallucinogen by Blut Aus Nord Newest to Oldest . Black metal screams are absent for large parts and then buried in the mix when they do appear, almost like an extra rhythm element. BLUT AUS NORD (Black Metal Avant-Gardiste) annonce la réalisation de Memoria Vetusta III - Saturnian Poetry à venir chez Debemur Morti. "Exospheres of skewed glissando melodies incant magick atop hallucinogenic rolling beats"??? Both kick ass. The band was signed to Impure Creations Records and released the full-length album Ultima Thulée, which introduced long-time member W.D. Out of all the bands for Blut Aus Nord to do a split with, Ævangelist is one of the most stylistically compatible, so really eager to hear the results of this collaboration. The music of "Hallucinogen" is technical, riffs are a bit mechanized, guitar solos are colorful. While the split with AEVANGELIST is soon to hit the Earth, French creators of hallucinogenic sonic landscapes, BLUT AUS NORD, are working on two different albums scheduled for next year : "Memoria Vetusta - Empyerus" and "La Lumière Sous Le Monde". Best viewed without Internet Explorer, in 1280 x 960 resolution or higher. Blut Aus Nord's work has been described as the "sonic equivalent to Thorns injecting Streetcleaner-era Godflesh with an evil unpredictability". Nach 13 Jahren erschien nun Anfang des Jahres endlich der Nachfolger zu "Memoria Vetusta I", und dieser steht dem Vorgänger in keiner Hinsicht nach. . The likes of "Epitome II" or "Epitome XII" could prove it well. Fortunately BaN rarely stay on the same branch for long and this latest album marks a welcome return to the melodic black metal stylings of the Memoria Vetusta trilogy. (Helloween are horrible for this). Author Message Previous topic | Next topic; Thexhumed Metalhead. This makes music less disturbing. I guess somebody had to keep buying them, otherwise he wouldn't release them. Recording information: Recorded and mixed in 1995.
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